The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, October 01, 1936, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    T H U R S D A Y , O C TO B E R l , JBJfl
and State
Relief Trucks Transport Voters
A s s o c i e r o n s ^"olVaborate
in investigation
Activities o f the Government in
the Banking Field Are
R eviewed and Position of
Banks A nalyzed
NEW YORK Detailed bank re
searches, covering all phases of prac­
tical operating and economic facts
and conditions related to banking are
being made bv the American Bankers
Association The resulting material ts
being placed at the disposal of I]
state banking associations, which in
many instances are extending the re­
searches of the national association in
their own states These activities are
said to be a part of the general pro
gram of banking development which
is being carried on by the organized
banking business.
Among the most extensive re­
searches being conducted by the
American Bankers Association is
that of its Committee on Banking
Studies, which is making a detailed
survey of Federal Government lend­
ing agencies and policies The basic
material, which is kept up to date by
continuing studies, show» where the
Government agencies get the money
they lend, what liability the Govern­
ment assumes, what subsidy it ex­
tends, what return it gets, for what
and to whom the money goes and on
what terms it is loaned
The Government In Bankln;
"It is not the intention of the com­
mittee to express its viewpoint about
any agency," says the foreword to this
material “ Its intention is only tr de­
termine the facts. These facts prop­
erly assembled and presented should
help banks to meet Government com
petition if and where it exists The
committee believes the Government
entered the lending field at a critical
period in order to aid banks and
financial institutions If the time has
come for the Government to with­
draw, it is the duty of bankers to
demonstrate their readiness to take
care of all sound credit needs "
It adds that the banks must be
equipped with full factual materia)
as to the Government’s emergency
lending activities and practices, and
that fuii cooperation ha.« been given
the committee by Government agen­
cies in obtaining facts Binders af the
material gathered have been placed
by the committee in the hands of
state associations.
Investigation of Postal Savings
The Committee on Banking Studies
has also made a survey of the Postal
Savings System throughout the
United States to ascertain to what ex­
tent it is competing with chartered
banks. Questionnaires were sent to
banks in all places where Postal Sav­
ings depositories are operated and
their answers will be analyzed as a
basis for the committee’s findings.
The Bank Management Commis­
sion of the American Bankers Asso­
ciation has made a nation-wide sur­
vey covering the movement among
banks to increase their earning abili­
ties “ through fair and legitimate rates
for services they render their deposi­
tors." It has developed a plan of ac­
count analysis as a basis of fair
"All business in order to justify its
existence is founded on the economic
principle that a reasonable return
should be expected from services
rendered.” the commission says
Personal Income Loans
The Bank Management Commis­
sion has also formulated methods for
installing and operating persona) in­
come loan departments in banks
"This plan contemplates making
loans primarily to individuals and
small business concerns, based upon
the character and assur-jo incomes of
the borrowers, as distinguished from
the usual basis for ’commercial
loans,' ” the commission says.
It points out that a large part of
the population is not now making use
of available bank credit and that “to
these people the personal loan de­
partment extends a valuable service
which at the same time is profitable
to the bank " It adds that it is “the
duty of the banks to educate the pub­
lic to come to the bank for all finan­
cial services Small borrowers should
be informed that the .«.cal bank i?
willing to care for their demands "
Other Researches
Other researches are Demg made by
the Economic Policy Commission of
the association dealing with shrink­
ages in liquid commercial I nans
caused by economic changes in the
nation’s business methods while the
National Bank Division has made
studies of the lending and Investment
powers of this class of bar.k, the pres­
ent status of the real estate invest­
ment field end of detailed data by
sutes on earnings and expenses
The Savings Division ras gathered
the facU showing savings in banks of
all types, the number of saving* de­
positors, the per capiU savings for
the country as a »"hole and the effects
of current economic and social
changes upon the savings habits of
the American people
The association's State Bank Divi­
sion has issued the most ■ event figures
available as to the detailed condi­
tions of sUte banks, showing steady
improvement m the position of the
sute banks, with marked expansion
in their aggregate resource», while
the Trust Division has compiled a
guide to fees with a recommended
cast accounting system.
1 he “no politics in relief' claim would seem to be questioned, at least.
_ by this view of a Federal Emergency Relief administration truck with
one of many loads of voters it carried to the registration booths in
Keno, \ev. Federal gasoline was used to transport the workers, many
of them employed on WPA projects.
would have 40,000 farms by 1940,
as compared with 33,000 ill 1935.
This he said, will mean smaller
farm units and a tendency toward
more poultry production as a means
George T. Frey, chairman of the \ot Intensifying agriculture. Other
Jackson County Chapter of the Am­ speakers discussed the effect ot this
erican Red Cross this week received prospective movement as regards
the following teyegram from A. I,. increased egg production and pos­
Schafer, manager of the Pacific sible increase in poultry meat pro­
coast area:
New officers elected were Lloyd
Smyth, Canby. president; P. A. Gent
Chairman Jackson County Chapter
Eugene, vice-president; F. L. Knowl-
American Red Cross
ton, O. S .C. re-elected secretary-
Medford, Oregon
treasarer; Horace Peterson. Junc­
Bandon Oregon entirely destroyed tion City, and V. A. Parker, Blachlv,
Coqullle and Marshfield threatened. I directors.
Six hundred homes burned families (
wandering on beaches and highways
some evacuated to Coquille. Red j
Cross caring for emergency needs, |
trained personenl on grounds. E stl-!
mated cost one hundred thousand
dollars. Suggest your chapter accept |
Wets and drys who thought that
contributions hoping you may raise i
repeal of the Eighteenth Amend­
approximately $50. National Head­
ment would eliminate the liquor
quarters starting campaign with
question from the realm of politics
contribution $25,000.
and public discussion seem doomed
to disappointment.
Anyone caring to make donations to J Although the Republican and De­
assist in this work may leave their mocratlc candldate9 for Pre,ident
money in any of the banks in Med- j a r e g t r a n g e l y q u i e t o n tha ,ggue a,
ford or Ashland or the bank at | ,eaBt a dozen stateg are now
Eagle Point, or make payment direct throeB of bltter wet and dry cam.
to the local Red Cross office in the pa|gng
Court House, Medford.
• Maine will be a patchwork quilt of
When donations are made, the do-1 wet and dry territory as a result of
nora should be sure and leave their the recent local option election, and
name and address as the local office “ as Maine goes, so goes the nation'
will want to mail their receipt.
Drys in Maine are claiming a greai
victory in the large number of townf
which voted dry.
Simple Economics
Liquor’ forces have been steadily
“ The fundamental principles of
government finance are exactly the losing ground in Ohio, where more
same common-sense principles that than one-half of the townships have
we follow in the handling of our own already voted dry under a local op
family finances. So long as our tion law. More than a hundred addi­
government follows these principles
tional townships and municipalities
our people will prosper. But if our
government disregards these prin­ will ballot on the question November
ciples, it squanders our resources I.
For the seventh time in four years
and destroys the public credit.” —
wets in North Dakota are seeking a
Alf M. Landon.
vote on the liquor question in Nov­
ember. Drys won a similar election
in that state by a majority of 27.495
Red Cross Issues
Plea for Funds to
Aid Bandon Sufferers
Liquor Question
Returns as Major
Election Issue
Poultry Council to
Back State Industry
Local Happenings
Mrs. Eddy Is still working at the
Leever Hardware store and will have
charge until Mr. Smiths return.
Mr. and Mrs. Mose of Medford
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth have pur-,
Mr Dale Smith, new proprietor or moved to Central Point laat week.
.chased the John Rosa ranch. T h e y 'the LeeTer Hardware made a short!
are now living out by Loflands.
Mr 8H(> Mr* Whiteside visited
i businasa
business trio
trip here,
here, returninr
returning to
to Dal-
las where hia wife is in the hospital. Mrs. Whiteside's mother, Mrs. Peart
Mrs. Sandvig. a newcomer in the
He will look after business affairs
valley, was a caller at this office I
Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandvig hav> lh,,re and also move a load of equip-
The Qirl Scouts held their first
bought the Harry Chase ranch.
ment here before he expects to re- meeting of the eaason last Thursday
Mrs. Evelyn Skyrman is expected to
i turn to stay.
Mr. atul Mrs Harold Kingsley ]
be scout mistress. Miss Alice Ander-
are leaving for Klamath Falls tills
Arthur Limbeck has returned son. Lieutenant, aud Misa Iris Hill,
week. Mr. Kingsley expects to work home from the Navy with an Hon- Publicity Chairman.
in the potato harvest.
, orable Discharge. He is very much
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Walton ot
. disappointed at having to leave the
Medford enjoyed dinner at the Joe
Harold Hugger and Ralph Den-iNavy on account of his eyesight.
Cox home Monday evening.
man of Medford motored to the Ore- I
------- ---
gon Caves and Crescent City one day
Mrs. Paul Hess. Carmen Wood­
Wade Humphrey was just one
last week.
ford and Melba Deffin of Loyalton,
Calif., visited Mrs. Hess's sister-in- half hour covering the trail from
Postmaster PanKey received a law. Mrs. Mervyn Gleason last week. Crater Lake to the rim Sunday.
card from Mr V. A. Davis stating During their stay they motored to There are 21 turns on this trail.
that he was feeling fine and improv­ the Cave, aud Crater Lake. They re­
ing all the time.
Mr. George Hitzler la having hia
turned home by Klamath Falls and
roof re-shtngled with new extra
Mr. aud Mrs. R. C. Humphrey
width cedar shingles. These shingles
made a trip to Crater Lake Sunday
Mrs. Flaharty returned lust Satur­ are made the right width to cover
and returned by the way of Klamath
day from a ten days visit with her the old shingles. Mr. HHzler’s son
FaFlls. They were accompanied by-
parents and friends in Asotin, Wash­ brought them from Seattle.
Wade and Hellen, their daughter
ington. Upon returning she found
and son, and also Vernice, their
her sister, Mrs. D. Wright from Ca­
granddaughter. They report a nice
mas, Washington, here visiting.
trip but seen three had forest fires.
Mrs. Wright did not know of the ab­
of Mrs. Flaharty when she
A little son weighing six pounds.
13 3/4 ounces was born to Mr. anil amt lir “ * isl'
Classes Starting In
Mrs. Truman Brenner at the Com­
munity Hospital Tuesday morning at |
four o'clock. Shirley Brenner Is
staying with her grandmother. Mrs.
Limbeck, during her mother’s ab-|
Prepare for the coming of
sence. She is quite disappointed that
she didn’t get a baby sister.
Complete New Line of
last June.
California, which has been termed
41916 E. Main
by its own church leaders as "the |
All new material
Phone 84
blackest moral spot" and “ the
for Sept. Classes
wettest state in the nation” , will
have two liquor control measures on
the ballot November 3,«one which |
would declare beer non-intoxicating
and the other which would set up
S. & H. Green g
the machinery for local option.
Discount Stamps g
New Hampshire voters will ballot
on all Cash
on two questions in November, un­
der a mandatory clause in the state
liquor law. The election will deter­
mine whether towns which now per­
mit beer and state liquor stores
shall have that privilege for two
more years, and whether towns with­
out beer licenses and state stores
shall have an opportunity to change
to the wet side.
More than 50 precincts in Chicago
will ballot on local option in Novem­
$2.9« to $9.9.1
«11.19, SI »8 to $2.91
A special purchase allows us Suede, Kid & Patent Leathers.
Green, Brown & Black.
to save you One Fourth on
Naturopathic and Chiropractic
Low, medium or high heels
every yard.
Acute and Chronic Diseases
Main Floor
Main Floor
Electrotherapy Herbology, Proc­
tology X-Ray
"hone 170 Medford 128 E. Main
Enroll Now
Prince Auto Electric
Medford School
of Beauty Culture
Go hand in hand at the
M. M. Dept. Store j
Dr. A. R. Hedges
Watch and Clock
Graves Jewelry Shop
402 E. Main St.
Where your dollars do double duty.
10c yard
$1.49 to $1.98
10c pr.
98c to $1.19
A State Poultry council will be or­
ganized in Oregon under the spon- '
sorship of the Oregon PoultrymenV j
Association as a means of coordina­
$1.70 to $2.OH
ting the efforts and pooling the in-,
fluence of more than a dozen differ-1
ent poultry and allied organizations
,* .............................................................................................................. :
in the state, it was decided at th*‘ j
twelfth annual Poultrymen’s con­
vention just held at Oregon State
At the Office of
This convention, attended by mon j
than 200 growers, turned into an en-|
202 Liberty Building, Medford. Oregon
thusiastic meeting in which it was
Call on Pec-Trens. Warren Patterson, and our fieldman, Mr. C. A. _
Barnes. They will be giad to help you with your land problem.
decided to take the lead in a vigor­
ous policy of bringing the impor­
tance of the industry before the peo­
ple of the state and nation. Past ef­
Low Interest Rate
Convenient Terms
forts to gain needed legislation or
other action in behalf of the indus­
try have been too often nullified by
inability of those interested to speak
with a united voie», according to i
Ambrose Brownell Mllwankie, chair­
man of the special committee ap­
pointed a year ago to formulate a
plan for a state-wide council.
The council as planned will be
made up of delegate representatives
from all the different organizations
interested, and It will operate some­
what along the lines of the now well-
established dairy councils.
the projects mentioned for its im­
mediate attention were revision of
the state egg law, obtaining ade­
quate appropriations for poultry di­
sease investigations, including tur­
key diseases; uniform labelling law
for vitamin bearing oils, considera­
tion of tariff policies, promoting
state cooperation in Import«!»! expo­
sitions and a number of other lessor
The convention beard the predic­
tion from A S Burrler. head of the
farm management department at O S •
* O , that tit« Wiliam«"»« vsllev £_______________
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+ • « m « « + •
a « • * w * » « «~ v «
Jackson County Farms
Stock Ranches
Diversified Farms ¡
October 5 & 6.
National Farm Loan Secretary Treasurer
Does Your
The Federal Land Bank o f Spokane ■
Roof Look
Medford Domestic Laundry ;
Better check up and be ready for the
rainy season.
We have a large stock of the best
Garment Cleaning
(The everlasting kind)
Competitive Prices
Quality Work
Phone 166
30 N. Riverside
Porter Lumber C o .!
South Fir St.
Phone 124