CENTRAL P o l XT AMERICAN PAUK POUR THURSDAY, OCT O B Kl I 1, 1U3U < ANTRAL POIX T, OREGON lent to regulate and tax all carriers dike— to subsidize none and penal- Legal Notices Farmer» Attention ze noue. Regulation should be such Second Hand Rebuilt .hat the railroads can more quickly FARM IMPLEMENTS NOTICE meet changing conditions. The lines At Bargain Price* , In the County Court of the State fa ll and see us nt Ke-Mtabllahod, September 13. 1921 must be freed of the fear of injudi­ Ity HOIIKICIA W ERT7. 0f Oregon for Jackson County- 30 U. Grape St. Medford Student Body Tickets are on salcj In the Matter of the Estate o f J. Devoted to the beet interests of cious and unnecessary class legisla­ Central Point and vicinity. t o r such as "full crews” and now. Any one who buys one is per-1 Frank Gregory, deceased, Kn Ur ¿ i an second c’ ag* matter at ‘ train limit” l i n mitted to enter basketball games 1 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tt.ed her Final Ac­ the post office, Central1’ Point, Ore­ Government acquisition of the free and is also entitled to the count and Report in the above en­ gon. under the Act of March 8, 18 7!) rails would add billions to tbe pub- school paper. titled matter, and the above entitlea The first meeting of The Girls' Court has fixed October 23rd, 193b, .ic debt, and impose a terrific drain SUBSCRIPTION RATES Glee Club was held Monday after at 10 o'clock A. M., in the County Sia Months ....................... $1.00 in the taxpayers. A fair deal for the school when all those wishing to I Court Room, in the Court House iu Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, One Year ................................. $1.60 allroads now will prevent that and Am erica’s Leading mable them to further improve the enter “ tried out.” t as the time and piaoe tor hearing ob- Payable In advance The party, Friday night, with thcjjggtjQ ^ t0 8al(j y lnaj Account ana rigbest standard of railroad service Advertising rates on application Washers & Ironers n the world under our American Freshmen as honor guests was a big : for the settlement thereof. Office— Second 8treet, off Main LETT1E L. GREGORY, lystem of private enterprise, instead ! success. The girls wore boys' clotb- Administratrix ARTHUR HOWARD POWELL >t switching to European theories o f : In* »'1th no make-up and the boys There is a size ABC Washer ot 19 No. Bartlett oclallzation of Industry (wore girls' clothing with make-up Editor and Proprietor Ironer to fit every purse and pur­ NOTICE Medford, Oregon Many thought the change would pose. Each model beautifully de- Registration for the November make some very attractive boys and election close« Oct. 3rd. It you have Phone 61 slgned . . . equipped with many THE ANSWER IS INEVITABLE moved to auother precinct since exclusive and worth while safety The fact that 2and 2 make 4 is so girls. Everyone reported a good your lust reg.stration or have tailed time. and convenience features . . . all lelf evident that no one argues A ll Lines of to vote for the last two years you New students In school this week bnllt up to the exacting ABC spe­ i should re-register, otherwise it is ibout it. Beauty Culture cifications of precision In manu­ At the present time the Federal are: George Curtwright, Jim Lees uot necessary. G. R. CARTER, facture . . . all built to give years Government has a debt of about $35- and Billy Bowman. If the Senior County Clerk. of lasting, trouble-free service . . . JOO.OOO.OOO and an annual Income class with an attendance of twenty, each model an out-standing value >f about $4,000,000,000. Annual In- doesn't be careful it will still be a In its price field. SUMMONS erest charges amount to nearly $1- "real” class. Leatha, Edith and Gladys Vincent IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ( 00 , 0 00 , 0 0 0 , figured at 2 per cent. J. R. BIERMA THE STATE OF OREGON FOR The Government’s total debt Is, hiked to Gold Ray Dam Sunday JACKSON COUNTY. Clarabelle Brood motored to Kla SAFETY'S SILVER AXNIVERHAR roughly, eight times its annual In WALTER E. MESSECAR, Plain­ math Falls Saturday afternoon. Sun­ The Twenty-fifth Congress an come. S. Grape day morning she went on to Tule tiff, Medford Put an individual on the same ba­ vs Exposition of the National Safet Lake where she attended a wedding. INEZ MESSECAR, Defendant. ils: Suppose he earned $3.600 a year STATIONERY SUPPLIES Council at Atlantic City, New Jersey Ruth Morava shopped In Medford TO: INEZ MESSECAR, the above .nd borrowed $30.000. At 2 per cent named defendant: Saturday afternoon. starting October 5, marks the firs nterest, he would pay $600 a year Sales ------- Rentals — Repairs IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Norma Holland saw the movie Dr. B. C. Wilson quartercentury of the organized arrylng charge. The average person OF OREGON, you are hereby noti­ "The Great Ziegfield” Sunday and 116 N. Central Phone 282 movement in America. The story o taming $3,600 a year is certainly in PhysicL in and Surgrou fied and required to appear in the reported that it was well worth see­ above entitled court and cause and 210 Medford Bldg. accident prevention during thost 10 position to repay a $30,000 debt, ing. Me« (ford, Ore, answer or otherwise plead to plain­ years is a story of remarkable pro particularly if he has to keep bor- Wanda Conrad attended a “ taffy tiffs complaint within four (4) Central Point 'owlug to meet new obligations. gress on the one hand and of alarm­ pull" at the home of Millie McCord weeks from the date of the first pub­ STONE'S DRUG STORE It is said our country is wealthy ing new developments on the other. lication of this summons upon you, Sunday afternoon. which is the 1st day of October, Since 1926 alone, the frequency enough to take care of double its E X P E R T 1936, and If you fail to appear and rate for industrial accidents (disab­ Federal debt. It probably is at pre­ WATCH and JEWELRY answer within the time required, for D ad’s & M om ’s ling injuries per million man-hours sent but the politiclaus’ and the peo­ DANCE WITH DYNGE want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ Repairing of exposure has decreased 61 per ple have learned to spend public ply to the court for the relief pray­ At th» L U N C H At Depression Prices cent and the severity rate (days lost money faster than they earn It. ed for In his complaint, to-wit: 16 S. Central Medford The same good food— For a decree of the court nullify­ What will cause them to see that per million man-hours worked) has Oriental Gardens 25c a meal C. Earl Bradfish ing and setting aside the marriage $2 of public expenditures for $1 of decreased 13 per cent. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT heretofore on June 25th, 1936 had 417 E. Main Medford But as industrial management has rtceipt8, leaves a $1 deficit just as between plaintiff and defendant in Two Orchestras progressed toward control of the ha­ surely as 2 and 2 make 4? Jackson County, Oregon. Old Time and Modern A spendthrift individual or a zards of industrial operation, the This summons Is served upon you ONE ADMISSION by publication once a week for four Visit hazards of the automobile have de­ spendthrift government are beaded When in Medford (4) consecutive weeks in the Cen­ Medford, Oregon veloped to shift attention to a new for the same goal, the only differ­ Harden’s Drapery tral Point American, a newspaper of Eat at kind of accident— that on the street ence being that the government can general circulation, published in Shop and highway. Here, however, the mortgage every citizen's property lackson County, Oregon, by order of H. D. Norton, Judge of the above problem is a completely public one. and earnings and hang on longer WEEKS & ORR Bldg. Medford Shangle Studios entitled court, which order was While enforcement agencies can be than the Individual who cun mort­ made on the 25th day of September extremely effective, they cannot ap­ gage only his own property. y i* ” Lunch 1936. Expert Photogrupby proximate the disciplinary measures Dinners GUS NEWBURY Fine Portraits a Specialty SAVING LIVES AND DOLLARS possible to execute cotnrol In Indus­ Attorney for Plaintiff Fick Hardware Co. Medford National Bank Building During Fire Prevention Week, try. That is why traffic control de­ Freshly Frozen Ice Cream • >Iedford Bldg. Crosley Radios & Refrigerators, Medford, Oregon pends so much on each motorist and which Is to be observed from Octo­ Spartan Raldos & Refrigerators, 119 E. Main Phone 993 43— Oct. 1-8-15-22 ber 4 to 10 this year, every effort Speed Queen & May Tag pedestrian. WASHING MACHINES The principles discovered by the will be made to instruct tbe public Sales & Service Phone 300 Industrial safety movement are in tbe elimination of fire hazards. 131 W. Main St. Medford equally applicable to the traffic safe­ Newspapers and periodicals will pub­ Elva Livingston ty movement. Traffic accidents are licize the Week. Insurance organiza­ Lough Reasonable Dependable not really "accidents.” Their causes tions will give every effort to mak­ SLIP COVERS FOR OVER­ Ekerson ing the Week a success. Fire preven­ are ascertainable and removable. BODY & FENDER REPAIRING & GLASS STUFFED FURNITURE 230 North Bartlett Medford, Oregon Albert W. Whitney, Associate tion organizations will send speak­ P A IN T & RO OF Designing, Drapery Making General Manager of the Natioanl ers about the country. Fire marshals 1' . ■ .'.»I.U J L J .— Phone 1648\_______ 220 S. Grape Store Bureau of Casualty and Surety Un­ and fire departments will cooper­ derwriters, says: "Industry went in­ ate. Time Payment* for Remodeling But all of this work, no matter to making itself safe somewhat re­ Hafe Insurance at a Saving A ROOF IX)R EVERY HOME luctantly, recognizing the necessity how aggressive and well planned, A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE on the one hand and yet feeling cer­ will fall unless the public does Its Oregon Mutual Fire Fire-Retardant Roofs bring tain that this would mean a loss in part to cooperate and save itself Lower Insurance Rates W H A T ’S TH E M ATTER W ITH Insurance Co. efficiency— that the wearing of gog­ from fires. Phone 24.'i 38 S. Bartlett (Incorporate«!) Fire prevention, like accident pre­ gles, for Instance and the guarding TAKING YOUR OWN PICTURE Trade Here and Win Votes of machinery would slow down pro­ vention, Is largely an individual I.ELAM) CLARK. Ag«-ni ONCE IN A W H ILE ? duction. Exactly the opposite effect matter. It is impossible to do away 18 North Bartlett Ht. Medford, Ore. Phone 148U has been produced. The safety move­ with the multiple hazards found in ment, Instead of decreasing produc­ the average home unless tho owner See us for Fire Insurance Top Notch Eats. tion, has increased it; in fact, prob­ takes an Interest, and It Is impossible on Hay & Grain ably no other single element Is more to eliminate Industrial fire hazards G. J. Morris. Prop. to be credited with the Increased ef­ uuless factory managements help to ficiency of modern industry than the the extent of inspecting their factor­ Food Served at OFFICIAL W1CO AND safety movement." ies and enlisting the interest and aid Fl.SF.MANN MAGNETO This points to the exciting possi­ of workmen. Reasonable Prices Sales and Service. bilities In traffic control. There Is During the Week, every person in every reason to believe that safer this country should give an hour or at OFFICIAL MAGNETO traffic will mean more efficient traf­ two to learning the simple lessons REPAIIt SKIH It K Reasonable Prices fic— relieving congestion and saving that. If remembered and followed, Genuine New Factory Parts the economic cost of destruction and will prevent most fires. It will soct 14 South Central Medford delay. nothing— and It may pay tremendous D A W S O N ’S dividends in life and property. Some 44 N. Front St. Phone 263 WHY FORCE GOVERNMENT OWN- of the worst fires start from hazard* Medford, Oregon I I I P OF RAILROADS? that could be corrected In five min­ Dr. I. H. Gove It is safe to say that the American utes. people do not want Federal owner­ Every town government should DKYfIMTRV R EN D ER ’S C O FFEE ship and operation of the railroad carefully Inspect its public buildings 410 Medford Bldg. Industry. Yet It Is possible that such especially schools, during the Week Medford, Oregon It’s New— How to prove, when there it no witness, that you were telling the truth. ownership of our principal medium Cases have been found where new You snapshoot yourself end the fish with a eelf-tlmer right on the spot. — in taste of transport— with all the Ineffici­ and expensive school buildings pre­ — in flavor ency. waste of tax money and demor­ sented a large number of grave hax- OW often have you opened your mechanism of this gadget may In­ — in quality — in economy snapshot album to view, once set to “go off” after a time Intel val alization that would result— will b-- arrds. Fire In a school is the most ' ....... ♦ more, treasured pictures you have whereupon It presses the button and ♦ forced on the country, In spite of horrible of all— as a long list of jTROWBRIDGE: Render Tea & taken of groups of friends or of the releases the shutter. Meantime, you puhllc disapproval. disasters that snuffed out thousand* family, and closed It with a feeling have taken your place in the picture Cabinet Work* The reason for that anomaly is of young lives witnesses Coffee Co. ot regret that you did not appear In and are looking your prettiest await­ : simple, and has been pointed out by Remember the date— October 4 to 24 N. Bartlett MudfOr