The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, October 01, 1936, Image 1

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By an Innocent Bystander
S atu rd ay is th e last day to regis­
ter for the November 3 election. Get
• • •
T he people of the Rogue River
valley have been wondering whether
the sm oke screen which for the past
few da>'9 has been almost obscuring
the sun, is from the big fires over
on th e coast or was caused by the
r ip -ro a rin ’ campaign just getting
hot. In eith er case, it’s darned disa­
• • •
TO HOLD FIRST Brings Total To
11 A t Bandon
The first meeting of the Local Pa-
retn Teacher's Assosciation for t h i
year will be held F riday night, Oc­
tober 2, at 7:30 at the High School
This meeting will be in the form
of a reception for the teachers with
the Boy Scouts ap honor guests. Mr.
Beesley, Scout Executive of C rater
Lake Area of the Boy Scouts, will he
the speaker of the evening.
All Parenta and Friends of the or-
ganization a re Invited to come out
and get acquainted.
At first blush, blame for the nu
m erous fires now blackeniug our
forests tell upon the hunters then
loose in the woods. But we cannot
believe they set all those fires. There
m ight have been a few came from
th a t source, but it is our belief there
Banner Y ear Is
will be found some other reason. We
have heard th a t some of them can be
P redicted for ’37
blam ed on a too-early burning of
By Miss C arlton
slashings u nder orders from some
fire warden, who ordered the fir-jr
Advancements in public healtn
s ta rte d a short time after the recen
work, indicative of the ‘‘banner year'
predicted for Jackson county in 1936
• • •
37 by Miss Mildred Carlton, presi­
W hoever or whatever may be t"
dent of the Jackson County Pub'ic
blame, we hope the true reason will
Health association, were revealed
soon come to light. In the mean
'esterday at the first fall meeting of
tim e, all h u n te rs are barred from the
the association held at the county
woods, saw mills are sh u t down,
courthouse, in reports from health
logging has stopped and many in
Tfficer, nurses and com munity c h a ir­
d u strie s are suffering.
• • •
Introduced by an inspiring mess­
But one thing comes into th e pic age from Miss Carlton, whose ill­
tu r e like a cool breeze on a hot day ness necessitated her prolonged ab­
W ithin a very few hours a f te r it be sence from the association, reports
cam e certain th a t Bandon was revealed: Jackson county will have
doomed, the American Red Croat a sanitary inspector, assuming duty
sp ran g into action, Just as they have October 1, a fourth nurse on the
always done when a m ajor ca ta stro ­ nublic health staff, beginning J a n ­
phe strikes our people. One hear uary 1, and extensive program s in
m any and b itter things anent that Health work in all corners of th e
wonderful organization when the a n ­ county.
n u al drive for funds come« along
E nthusiastic reports revealing a m ­
iBut let some real emergency arise bitious programs, outlined for the
and we have come to know that with new year, were made by the follow-
o u t any fuss or feathers the Red 'ng com munity chairm eu; Miss Hel-
Cross will soon, as do the \ S . Ma­ n Bullitt, Medford;
Mrs. Elwood
rines “ have the situation well in Hedberg, A shland; Mrs. K. H. W il­
h an d .”
cox, Phoenix;
Mrs. Lively, Gold
• • ■
Hill; Mrs. John H am aker, Ja ck so n ­
And so today we are hoping each ville; Mrs. Charles Taylor, Central
one of o u r readers who possibly ca>- Point;
will send in all he can spare to heir Prospect; Mrs. Glen Spurlin, Sams
these poor homeless people who arc Valley. Mrs. F. Corning Kenly r e ­
ta k in g their loss so bravely. Remem­ ported progress of the dental clinic.
ber, pennies make dollars and if you
T he meeting was called to order
can only spare a few cents, it all wil' by Mrs. J .H. F u lle r of Ashland,
help. Let's not let it be said that viee-preisdent of the association,
Oregonians a re not ready to help a and Mrs. R ,E. Green presided as
neighbor in trouble.
program chairman.
• • •
G reetings from each
A nother thing which struck us with a promise of united w ork to
was th e rapidity and smoothness carry out the health program , a n t i ­
w ith which the National Guard cipated by her, in the inspiring mes­
sw ung into action. And the CCC al­ sage sent the association, were ex­
so. W hen the word flashed over the tended Miss Carlton with an expres­
wires t h a t people were being b u rn ­ sion of sincere regret at h er prolong­
ed to death, th a t hnndreds were ed absence from her organization.
homeless and hungry, the arm y men Her message was read by Mrs. I. E.
in charge of this area at once s t a r t ­ Schuler, Mrs. J. C. S. Wells, r e p re ­
ed a caravan of huge trucks to the senting Mrs. Lewis Uurlch, presided
scene of trouble with all m anner of as secretary of the meeting.
supplies. And the movement was
T he program was followed by a
like mo9t military movements, quie* social hour, d uring which tea was
efficient and exceedingly prompt.
served by the Phoenix committee.
• • •
Bandon-by-the-Sea is no mora.
Fire of unknow n or;giu roared down
on the town S aturday night and wip­
ed out the entire city of 1500 people.
Only a few cha rre d walls and piles
of ashes rem ain of the eutire city,
with th e exception of two or th ree
buildings on the outskirts. The 125.-
000 city dock wa8 burned and ail
,h e home® along the bluff overlook-
ing the beach.
The flames, swept by a strong e a s te r ­
ly wind, swept th ro u g h the city os
rapidly th a t fire fighters were pow­
erless. Citizens rushed out of th e ir
homes and down to the beach for
protection from th e awful holeeaust.
F irs t reports were th a t at least nine
people lost th e ir lives in the flames.
L ater the bodies of a women and a
child were discovered in the yard of
a ruined house. So far the bodies
have not been identified.
Although fire raged at various
points through a 100.000-acre sec­
tor. Bandon was th e only com munity
to suffer fatalities.
By the size of the bones, the two
new victims were judged to be a wo­
man and child. They lay near the
Bob Randall home, but ail mem bers
of the Randall family have been ac­
counted for.
The cheerful word th a t the e m er­
gency was near Its end came from
Brigadier-General T hom as E. Rilea.
placed In chareg of the fire zones by
Governor Charles H. Martin.
‘‘I consider the dan g e r which
th rea ten e d Marshfield, North Bend,
Coquille and Myrtle Point definitely
passed,” the general said af te r a
survey of conditions late this a f te r ­
He sta te d th a t relief m easures
w ere progressing orderly an d there
was «o actual suffering. He said ru­
mors of lawlessness and looting in
Bandon, resort city burned out Sat­
urday and Sunday w ere false.
At Baodon sightseers were tu rned
back a t Bullards F e r ry an d officers
continued to block unauthorized per­
sons from entering the stricken area
at all points.
E arly estim ates of property dam ­
age rem ained unchanged. Bandon
alone counted dam age of $1,500,000.
The losses for the entire southw est­
ern region was tentatively plated In
the vicinity of $3,000,000.
Keith Young, district fire warden,
estim ated th a t 15,000 to 20,000
acres were burning in Coos and C ur­
ry counties. About 600 acres, he de­
clared. was virgin tim ber.
F e a r of destruction by fire at Ya-
chats on the central coast section
north ot here was eliminated when
word came th a t early reports of a
rapidly spreading fire were false.
For a tim e it was believed Yachats
was in direct path of a fire about
half a mile from the town. The fire
was u nder control and not as serious
as first stated.
F orestry officials said Clark and
Klickitat counties In southw estern
W ashington were fighting fires, but
that the menace was reduced by the
absence of wind. N orthern Califor­
nia too, breathed easier.
More rum ors of
were bro u g h t to police at Coquille.
The M ark Shelley ranch east of
Coquille was leveled and a boy is
held in th e county ja il on suspicion
of incendiarism. Two of his com pan­
ions were detained as witnesses.
While th e re is no c e rtainty th a t
the fire was set. Captain Lee Brown
of the sta te police said he had been
told a person was seen running from
the building shortly af te r It leaped
into flames.
Fires still burned
th ro u g h the
territory. One, a serioua one, contin-
used in the Two-Mile district. The
Ring-creek blaze was nearly out, and
two other fires on the Marhsfteld-
Coquille highway were declared not
W e ath er was a m a jo r factor in
halting the destruction. Fogs, re­
ported as far inland as the W illa m ­
ette valley, covered m any sections
of the coast country. T he te m p e r a ­
tu re dropped encouragingly.
Red Cross w orkers at Coquille
said an epidemic of colds had broken
out am ong refugees taken to Coquil­
le for shelter.
Scores of residents driven out of
Bandon were retu rn in g to th e ir pro­
perty. One of the th ree mills u n d a m ­
aged said It planned to resnm e oper­
ations tomorrow.
V isitors T ell o f
Horrors o f Fire
The Central Point H ealth Unit
will hold their annual rum m age sale
in the building nevt to the Central
Point Beauty Shop October 9 and 10.
Anyone having articles to donate
call 158 or 12-X-3 a n d articles will
be called for. Clothing, f u rn itu re and
various articles of any kind will 'be
gladly accepted. Don't forget the
d i t e Friday, October 9 and S aturday
October 10.
Mr. an d Mrs. H a r ry Nicholsen and
Mr. and Mrs. W B. Clark, of Med­
ford m otored to Gold Beach last Sat­
urday. They were ju st in tim e for
the big fire. They re p o rt th a t the
smoke was so bad t h a t the tears ran
from th e ir eyes.
They w ere forced to come home by
Reedsport an d North Bend. At Band­
on they had to cross by ferry as the
| bridge could not be used.
They reported Bandon started to
j burn at 9:15. All th e men In th<*
shows were called out and at 10:30
women and children. By 12:15 the
town was a bed of red hot coals and
sm oking ashes.
Mrs. Nicholsen says th a t she bad
never seen Marshfield look as dry ss
It does now. Even th e ferns are all
brown and dry.
I The
T kn party expected
to returv home
Sunday but were unable to on ac­
count of th® fire. They returned
home Tuesday.
CCC Equipm ent
Rushed to H ouse
Fire Sufferers
Twelve hundred complete beds
and equipm ent and all avallab'e
tents, stores and o th e r supplies wen-
loaded on National G uard trucks
Monday aud rushed to Bandon for
use of the suffering and homeless
residents of the fire-destroyed area.
The tru c k train re tu rn e d Tuesday
for an o th e r load and were loaded
out about 6 o’clock th a t afternoon.
The trucks spent Monday nig h t at
Coquille and the drivers report the
smoke as being very dense aloug the
entire coast highway.
T he entire facilities of the CCC,
National G uard and F orest Service
have been requisitioned through o r ­
ders ot Major General George S. Sl-
monds, com m anding the ninth corps
area and Brigadier General Thomas
E. Riela, placed in charge of th e tire
zones by Governor Charles H. M ar­
County Clerk George C a rte r a n ­
nounces th a t he will keep his office
open until 8 p. m. from now until
Saturday night for the purpose of re­
gistering voters who a re unable to
come In during regula r office hours.
It Is believed th e re are m any eli­
gible voters in the county who have
failed to register for th e reason th e ir
work prevents th e ir going to the
clerk's oflfce during th e day time,
and Mr. C a rte r has consented to hold
the office open evenings for th e ir
Anyone living in Central P o in t or
vicinity may register before S a tu r ­
day night, October 3, a t S tone’s
Drug store.
Mr«. R ichardson to
H ead T each er Group B laze D estroys
Jackson County P rim a ry Teachers'
Jan tzer S aw m ill
council held Its first meeting of the
In C ascad e G orge
year at the courthouse S aturday. Of­
ficers elected for the coming year
F ire of undeterm ined origin S un­
were President Mrs. Mae B. R ichard­
afternoon completely destroyed
son, of the Central P oint schools;
vice-president, Miss J u n e Rudd, of the George J a n tz e r sawmill a t Cas­
the How ard school; se creta ry-trea­ cade Gorge, in th e Prospect district,
surer, Miss Marie Prescott, of the with an estim ated loss of between
$25,000 and $30,000. Nearby lum ber
Phoenix schools.
Plans for the coming year were piles, a planing mill, tool sheds and
oth e r outbuildings were saved. The
discussed and It was decided to
loss was not covered by insurance.
make an intense study of children's
J a n tz e r was today a t a complete
to exnlsln th e origin of the
The following com m ittee was se­
blaxe. T h ere had been no fire in th e
lected to outline the work of the
council for the coming year: Mrs. mill boilers since W ednesday when
was tem porarily
Mae Richardson, Mrs. Una Inch, Miss cuttin g
Helen Kinsey, Miss Eunice H ager, i
Miss M arjorie Gregory, Miss W ilm a
Connor and Miss Frances Fitzgerald. side of th e building. T he sawmill
Next meeting will be held S a tu r ­ crew of 11 men and F ire W a rd en
Bruce Grieve of Prospect prevented
day, October 2 4 and all primary
the flames from spreading b u t were
teachers are urged to keep th a t tim e
helpless In any attem p t to extinguish
in mind.
the fire in th e main building.
The little mill was b u ilt th r e e
R ichardson M aking
years ago and had been cuttin g
about 25,000 feet of lum ber a day
S low R ecovery
sum m er. J a n tz e r said today the
From Car A ccid en t all
mill would probably he rebuilt.
Mr. Sanford J. Richardson Is not
recovering very fast from Injuries
received In a motorcycle and car
collision last week. Dr. Wilson a t ­
tended him and an X-ray was taken
by Dr. Moffett. No bones were b ro k ­
en but ligaments were torn and pos­
sibly cartlleges torn also in his
Mr. W ithrow was driving a can
o u r from K am burgs, west of town,
and in tu rn in g drove over onto the
w rong side of the road. Mr. R ichard­
son did not see him In tim e to swing
out far enough to miss him. The r u n ­
ning board was torn off the car and
dam age of gbout $20 was done to
the motorcycle.
Mrs. Richardson is carrying the
paper route d u rin g his convalesonce.
So w hat?—
Born to Mr. and Mrs. B urton
L. C. Grimes instructing Bert and
Broomfield at South Gate, Calif., a
B ut to get back to the political
Jim on how to repair the city w ater
baby boy. Mrs. Broomfield will b<-
Interesting Program
campaign said to be raging. Mr. j
rem em bered as Marjorie Conger.
Roosevelt has emerged from hie
A half dozen boys ganging up on
For Y ear A rranged
She attende d the Central Point high
shell and is calling all the gods to
th e editor a f te r a promise th e o th e r
school several years ago.
By Local P .T .A .
w itness t h a t he is a spotless angel
day th a t he would help d o nate for
s tr a ig h t from Heaven, and should be
a good cause.
A rth u r F arnell has been visoting
An interesting program has been
given an o th er and better chance. On
H a rry Hansen, quite disgusted at
and left for his home In having the h u n te rs railed home on
the o th e r hand, Mr. Landon says his
Southern California on the 29th.
opponent is no such darned thing. P.T.A. and it is hoped th a t everyone
account of the fire, stating th a t no
"Y ou pays your money anil takes
h u n te r ever set a fire.
All girls who would be Interested
first meeting to be held F riday eve-
Mr. F red Wiley trying to stom p
yo u r choice.”
in learning more abo u t the Girl
on a big wood ra t th a t ra n between
Scout Organization o r wish to be­
This Unit is endeavoring to carry
H. L. Mencken, writing In The
his feet an d into th e feed «tore.
come a scout are invited to attend
W ade H um phrey brought in a big
American Mercury put* the whole
the next meeting which will be held
parents and teachers. They ne"d
piece of pumice stone which is on
thing very plainly
after school at the school houae next
display in T he American window If
"T h e reported benefits of the New your help.
J. C. Lush of Eagle Point pur-j Thursday.
any newcomer wishes to lift it they
Deal are all imaginary. It has not
chased a new tra c to r a t th e Alexand- \
a re welcome to come In and try.
solved a single one of the problems work the organization is doing and
er Im plem ent Company recently.
A good one on Lu Lull.. It took
WTiose little pet sna ke got loose
th a t bewilder and bedevil hum an so- hear the fine speakers who are giv­
him all day Sunday to put In a few
riety everywhere The so-called u n ­ ing th e ir tim e for thp work
and wandered all around Central
blasts, as he ate too much dynam ite
derprivileged. far from being lifted now.
Point Wednesday.
O h-m i-gosh!
and it ju st did n 't set good.
o u r of th e ir wallow, have simply
Riley Myers seen banding o u t To­
A small girl living beyond Gold | Bob Moore helped Ellis Clark to kay grapes from the bark of hi« bug­
been converted into mendicants and year and may be paid to Mrs Henry
Hill had been our am ong the hired |
gy to some school children.
serfs F ree competition ha* been Meyers or to Mrs Wilma Gresham
reshingle his house th is week.
— —— — — —— — —
help and picked up quite a num ber I
One party putting up a big holler
curbed and monopoly has been fos­
tered. T he bank* have been harassed for quackery pure and undiluted . . f of sw ear words of which her m other j
Mr. C. M. Johnson and aon A rt h u r on the publicity he was getting out
" I believe It will be a good idea ’o had labored in vain to break her of ; are w orking in the P otato Harvest of the So W hat. Medford folks a*
in petty ways, but the hanking sys­
tem rem ains ao clumsy and Irration­ try the Hon. Mr. Landon of Kansas using. After the last outbreak h“r in K lam ath Falls. Mr. Johnson is well as home folks told him about it.
Two young G rants Pa»« boy« who
al th a t an other smash Is almost In­ He would cut a poor figure in opera m other told her to pack up h er suit ru n n in g the grader and A rth u r is
went to K lam ath Falla to pick pota­
evitable, and w hen It comes, it will but he looks to me to he a pretty case and leave aa she w ouldn't have! picking up potatoes
toes and found it to early »topped
be worse than the last one. The sav­ good hand with a shovel. He proh- little girla around who talked like
ings of millions of Industrious and ably knows a great deal less th a n th- that She insisted on It so the little
Dale Johnson who joined the CCC on th e ir way home (twelve o'clock
useful people have been depleted Hon. Mr. Roosevelt, but much more girl packed her suitcase and sat camp In the sum m er an d was sent to T uesday nig h t) at E P. Stone'« and
with no benefit to anyone save p ara­ of w hat he knows is true. And w hen down on th e front atep looking verv Diamond L ake was promoted to the asked for som ething hot. Before
site« in and out of office. The civil he promises to do this or th a t, lav-j forlorn.
h e a d q u a r te r detachment in Medford leaving they decided to get a milk
service has been wrecked to make a ing his hand on his heart and rolling ! A neighbor lady came up the path shortly afterward*
H erbert Crowder, "Do >ou u nder­
national T am m any, devoted only to his eyes tow ard the T hrone of God. aud inquired If h e r m other was a*
pillage Every real scientific effor' there Is at least a reasonable proba- horn*. T ha little girl answered—
Have ptetnres of all th e children. stand that kind of Ungnage?" Mr.
to get at th e springs of th e com- hillty th a t be wlU make an bonaat “ How in th a b ------- do I know, 1 F our for a dime 204 Ea«t Main St. Stmmonda, “ No. If I did 1 might
l-trv k r sn r tfWrY eff ”
**<!"*! gT-tef» b -e tseee sbse'V r'ed offOr* to k ee p b ’ f " 'Oe-f "
r t i r r « - .-
C. E. R a lly R ally T o B e
H eld at Jack son ville
A C rater Lake Union C. E. Rally
is to be held at Jackson. October 2.
All Christian E ndeavor's a re u r g ­
ed to be present for a pot luck sup­
per at 6:30 p. m.
Business session will follow. The
high-light of this m eeting will be de­
ciding the place and plans for our
Union Convention, Nov. 27-29 Inclu­
T he meeting will be open for Invi­
tation a t y our church and town.
Mrs. N ettie W ellm an's fa th e r a r ­
rived back afte r spending th e su m ­
m er in Idaho visiting his b ro th e r
whom he h a d n 't seen for over 15
üUjp (Ehurrljps
Rev. Robert Charte« l/ewta. P astor
Phone »1.
Bible School— A. W. Ayers, 8up-
rlnte ndent, 9:3 0 A. M.
Morning W orship— 11:00 A. M.
Y.P.8.C.E.— (tw o g ro u p s). 0:30
p. m.
Evening Servies— 7:30 p. m.
W om en’« Bible study classee Toes-
day afternoon from 2 to 3 o’clock 'u
charge of Mr«. H. A. Davisson. From
3 to 4 o'clock in cha rge of Mrs. R.
C. Lewi».
er. 2:30 p. m. Tuesday.
The F ish erm a n 's Club. W ednes­
day 6:00 p. m
The Fam ily G athering, Wednes­
8:0 0 p. m.
Choir Practice— T hursday. 7:1C
p m
C lif to n A. P tittltp " . M in is te r
Bible School 10:00 A. M. Roland
Hover, Supt. Aim 150 on time.
Communion and Preaching, 11:00
A M Solo by Mrs Phillips.
Senior E ndeavor 6:30 P. M.
Evangelistic Service 7 :3 0 p. r.i.
Subject "W h at Mary Say« an d W hat
God Says on Salvation.”
P rayer and Bible Study Wed. 7:3 d
p m Devotional Leader, J. 11. Me
Dowel. Mr.s Edw ard Jonn« will re­
view th e Book of Ecclesiastic
Please rem e m b er October 4 is
Promotion Sunday and o q r atm I*
1B1 la Bible SMiddl