reason or another, hi» majority 1» bill to government— and then bud- wiped out or ho near the vanishing ness pasties it on to the people by point that hi» carrying Oregon 1» a adding to the coat of every commod- matter o f doubt j ity and service it sells. Bud ne*< Impartial observers are of th e j couldn’t do otherwise if It wanted Re-established. September 13, 1928 opinion that Mr. Roosevelt ha» lost to. It can’t raise money out of thin I>evoted to the bent Interests of not leas than 15 percent of hi» 1932 air, or pull greenbacks out of a ma- Central i’ olat and vicinity adhereuts. This is a matter that cau 1 gician’s hat. Every cost of operation Eutered as ttwrond clan« matter st be checked by anyone asking tb“ — whether it be rent, supplies, wages the post office, Central Point, Ore- first 100 men and women who voted j or taxes— must come out of the (fon. under the Aet ot March 8, 1879. for Mr. Koosevelt. if they intend ; pockets of people who buy Its pro- giving him their ballot In November ducts. When you buy a loaf of srBrtCllII’TlON RATES Si* Month» ... ......... *100 Such tests will vary with each 100 'bread or an automobile, go to a people, but the average of Roosevelt movie or pay your rent, drink a One Year desertions exceeds 15. glass of beer or ride on a street car. Payable in advance In calculating defections from the | part of the money you spend goes ti Advert (»in* rate« ou application Office—-Second Street, off Main New Ileal, It should be remembered reimburse the enterprise involved that some replacements will come for the taxes it has paid government ARTHUR EDW ARD POWELL from the crop of first voters, but on your account. And the higher Editor and Proprietor these recruits cannot offset more [ taxes soar, the more you must pay. than a small percentage of the You can’t beat the bill you "ow e" losses. the government. Having assembled the evidence de­ So if you’ve fallen for the ancient ducted by the "sampling" process, fallacy to the effect that "The rich the republican leaders are satisfied pay all the taxes, and the poor get that Oregon is on longer a solid all the benefits of government free," Koosevelt state—It has never gone think again! democratic for president but twice In its history— and is now actually in the doubtful column. Encouraged Cartoonist “ Ding” by the situation revealed, republi­ Exposes New Deal cans are preparing to redouble their I,.WIRIN' GAINING efforts In the remaining weeks of fly John W. Kelly WASHINGTON, D. C.— How poli­ the campaign. In partial confirma­ By systematic "sampling" of pub­ tion of the hopes of republicans, dc- tics caused a collapse of a water lic opinion over a period of months, mocrats on the Inside of their party I conservation program in the drought republicans are confident that Ore­ organization admit there has been » ’’ rea of North Dakota was exposed gon can be placed in the Landoti col­ slip away from Mr. Roosevelt and to by Jay N. (Ding) Darling, famed umn In November. such a degree that they do not ex­ cartoonist while broadcasting in the Following facts have been devel­ pect to sweep the state by any such William Hard radio hour. oped by the series of repeated tests large majority as was given the New- Mr. Darling served as chief of of sentiment; President Roosevelt's Deal In 1932. Practical men in the the bureau of hlollgieal survey In popularity is on the decline; the ad­ democratic high command are not the Department of Agriculture. He ministration has lost so many form­ deluding themselves; they recognize resigned when New Deal policies in­ er supporters that a repetition of that the result In Oregon looks like terfered with conservation. the landslide of 1932 Is out of the a horse race. "The bureau of biological survey question; there has been a steady made a careful study of the water resources of North Dakota and map­ and substantial increase in .entl- |*AII> ON ACCOUNT ment for Governor Landon, this sen­ ped out a program of Impounded timent coming from voters who were "A housewife attempting to mak*' water reservoirs which would have In the Koosevelt camp. , both ends meet from her husband safeguarded the state through dry Other facts revealed in the sur- $20-a-week pay check must disburse years. Furthermore there was a job veys included evidence that republi- out of that $20 one fourth o f i* in this program for every unem­ cans who stood by their ticket f o u r ' f ° r ,aXf*H • • • direct and indirect • ployed able-bodied man In North seen and u nseen," says a recent years ago huve no intention of de­ serting their party this year, where­ survey. Bebe & W alt's This will probably come as a as many republicans and conserva­ tive democrats who voted for Mr. shock to persons in the small-ln- Lunch Roosevelt in 1932 will not do so u come bracket— many of whom arc Quick Service for Packers laboring under the delusion that second time. 101 East 8th St. It was a protest vote which en- they are entirely tax-free, because Across from Lewis Super Service they pay nothing 1 1 1 direct taxes—but abled Mr. Roosevelt to carry Oregon by 77,852 majority; iu the current the figures are Irrefutable. Am eri­ campaign the protest vote, whatever can corporatio ns pay taxes o f more Its strength, will go to Governor than *2,000,000,000 a year, in a«lays_^he supporters have deserted him for one THE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 (K V T KAL p o l .N T AMERICAN C U T R A L POLNT, OREGON PAUK TWO CENTRAL P O IN T A M E R IC A N EDITORIALS Mattresses Renovated and New Ones Made to Order FLO W ER S M A T T R E S S & U P H O LST E R ­ ING SHOP 404 KART MAIN ST. whose knowledge of fish was gained in the city read eatate business and in Washington politics. The Senator — Mr. Clarence Dill— of the State of Washington— promptly retired from public life to look after his private business as soon as the New Deal had appropriated sixty-one million dollars for the Grand Coulee Dam iu his state; but he left behind him bis secretary, Mr. Frank Bell, who be­ came Chief Fish Commissioner. "True conservationists protested; but the dam was called conservation and once more it was proved that conservation is a grand alibi for any­ one who wants to get away with murder." Dakota if the work had been carried out. "Instead the New Deal adminis^ tration Ignored the planning of it* own bureau and handetj over all re­ lief money for North Dakota to political administrators The result was, that all the money was spent and nothing was accomplished. We did succeed in getting a few dollars and constructed a few ponds, which have been the sources of the only available water for cattle during the drought." Mr. Darling further remarked that the big Grand Coulee Dam now being built by the New Deal in the state of Washington on the Colum­ bia River would brim? most of the salmon fishing in that river to an abrupt end and would destroy for­ ever "the major part of a ten-mil­ lion dollar annual food supply." Asked why the United States Government Bureau of fisheries did not prevent this destruction, Mr Darling replied: "All opposition from the Bureau of Fisheries was stopped by getting rid of the expert Chief of that Bu­ reau and by putting into his place a United States Senator's secretary Am erica’s Leading Washers & Ironers There is a size ABC Washer ot Irouer to fit every purse and pur­ pose. Each model beautifully de­ signed . . . equipped with many exclusive and worth w-hile safety and convenience features . . . alt built up to the* exacting ABC spe­ cifications of precision in manu­ facture . . . all built to give years of lasting, trouble-free service . . . each model an out-standing value in Its price field. Art's Auto Shop GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Valves, Berrings, Kings, Brakes Battery & Eletrical Work Have Free Check-Up of your car. 202 N. Riverside Tel. 1200 W. H. Klatt S. Grape DANCE WITH DYNGE At the PhysicLin and Surgeon 210 Medford Bldg. Met 'ford. Ore. Central Point STONE'S DRUG STORE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Two Orchestras Old Time and Modern ONE ADMISSION Medford, Oregon Seat Cover* FOR ALL CARS — A F. F. BURK Phoue 448 Medford Rent A First Class, Late Model T Y P E W R IT E R Visit Harden’s Drapery Shop A >; WEEKS & ORR Bldg. Medford ij! Fick Hardware Co. J no . Riverside * Underwood Elliott Fisher Company S» Lunch Dinners Time Payments for Remodeling A ROOF FOR EVERY HOME A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE Fire-Retardant Roofs bring Lower Insurance Rates Phone 34« «8 S. Bartlett Trade Here and Win Vote» "Where Youth and Opportunity Meet" Freshly Frozen Ice Cream 119 E. Main Phone 998 Elva Livingston Lough Fall term opens Monday, Sept. 21 SLIP COVERS FOR OVER­ STUFFED FURNITURE Designing, Drapery Making Thone 1648x 220 S. Grape Top Notch Eats. G. J. Morris, Prop. Food Served at Safe Insurance at a Saving R easonable Reasonable Prices Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at MEDFORD Reasonable Priceg Studios 14 South Central (Incorporated) Medford LELAND CLARK, Agent IB North Bartlett St. Medford, Ore. Phone 1406 Expert Photography See us for Fire Insurance Fine Portrahs a Specialty Dr. I. H. Gove Medford Bldg. on Hay & Grain DENTISTRY 1 1 » Medford Rl<1g OFFICIAL WICO AND FISKMANN MAGNETO Stiles and Service. Medford, Oregon It's the Truth! • ■ ‘ * ■ ■ Achievements of alert young people who belong to 4-11 Clubs in the Pacific Northwest will he in the spotlight at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition In Portland. Octo­ ber 3-10. * ! OtOISI NATIONAL UNI lü L J » * . Wwtflt kv l*S f r é t a i wfir of rnf tocsin” In urM c. C Eugene Thorndike. Manager; A R. Pnchner, Assistant Manager; Oris Crawford. AssiMant Manager 25 WoT Sfili •*!* ' R EN D ER ’S COFFEE It’s New— — in taste — in flavor — In quality — In economy years AiATuRAtiy ?5T tc C a ; echaajícs mu (Hew A nsw er Next W e e k ) specialised Render Tea & Coffee Co. Save Money by taking your m m Watch and Clock Repairing ■ to a machinery, with skilled mechanics and »an- m Itarv handling, assures you o f a cleaner, sweeter, safer bundle J when you send the wash to OUR D A M P W A S H SER VIC E • Í Graves Jewelry Shop Nsw located at 402 E. Main SL New and Used Watches for Sale Satisfaction Guaranteed the economical lanndrx serviré | ¡ H. C. HIGH ■ ■ ■ Successor to V O L N E Y D IX O N J W>»t»Tn Distributor For ■ Page Fence Each additional pound 4r Kverx piece »wee* and clean read, to Iron ■ Medford Domestic Laundry • * » NORTH RI Y EHM IDE AVE. PHONE ItMt "CERTIFIED SANITATION— O l ARD YOUR HEALTH" 34 X. Bartlett Medford Next door to IVcrless Market Dr. C. W . Lemery (Successor to Dr. J. J. Emmen» I 304 Medford Bldg. I factice limited to eye, rar, aoae. and throat and fitting of glasee« Tel. 567 Re*. 1013 ■ 52c for a 12-ib. bundle ANSWER— The peanut I» a fruit L m U M M u IMUHlfi II i Phone 47 438 W. nth tit. Medford. Oregon Modern, OF P O R T L A N D __________ E stablished In 1908 D A W S O N ’S 44 N. Front St. Phone 263 Medford, Oregon M i Established In your community And remember, please this bank is always ready to co­ operate in the liettefment of farm production. ★ MEDFORD BRANCH * T h e FIRST NATIONAL BANK Everything in Cabinet Work P E R L ’ S Funeral Home A» In former years, the West’s largest livestock and land products show will give a prominent place to the exhibits and activities of hoys and girls. It recognise» the wholesome In­ fluence exerted by the 4-H Clubs of the nation in promoting better livestock, better farming methods, and youthful hnblis of Industry and thrift There will be much to see and learn at the exposition, us well as plenty of clean. Interesting entertainment. A fast-mov­ ing. thrilling Rodeo and Horse Show will be one of the high­ lights to delight yougsters as well as grown-ups. Give your children this worthw hile experience if yon can. Take the w hole I,mill) to this greatest evetn of Its kind OFFICIAL MAGNETO REPAIR SERVICE Genuine New Factory Parts >;TRO W E R S C H ! 2 : Cabinet Works Exposition Features Boys’ 8* Girls’ Work | J # j»j !•; Medfordi; When in Medford Ekerson P A IN T & R O O F Store Medford RODY & FENDER REPAIRING & GLASS Medford, Oregon Second Hand Rebuilt FARM niPLEMRNYN At- Bargain Price» Call and see us at :»» H. Grape St. Medford Class for Adults Mondays and Thursdays. From 8 to 10. Eat at edford b u s in e s s c o l l e g e L rum tss V/oimscs M oocR« Shangle . I Croaley Radios & Refrigerators, Spartan Raldos * Refrigerators, Speed Queen & May Tag WASHING MACHINES Sales & Service Phone 300 131 W. Main St. Medford 220 North Bartlett Farmers Attention . Swimming Pool Nat Building STUDENT RATES Auto Painting 8 Merrick’s 314 K. Main 230 W. 6th. Medford Dr. B. C. Wilson Oriental Gardens SHULTZ BROS. •ndahie ABC ■ A n yth ing in line o f A ll Natural M ethod« fen cin g 124 N Riverside Phons 2«S Medford. Oregon Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic and Phj«iotherapy Oregon Licenar 2*1 California License «029 Special Attention to Blood Pree- *UPr. Stomach ami Howcl». < rni>u!tation and Examination FREE rtw»ne 9A5 In Medford Since 1930 »I