CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN V O M MK VIH ( K N T R A L POIN T. O REG O N, T H l RNOAY, . U ü l s î -JT. 1 *»:<» FUNERAL OF MAYOR IS ATTENDED BY M u s in g s ^ by an Innocent Bystander The K i n g i» dead! King! L oti « live the Pear Pickers on Strike for Increase In Price Per Box M MltKIt Ut In com plian ce with the provisions o f the city charter, the council met -------------------- | Monday evening with Acting Mayor _. .. i i , . 1 Floyd Ross in the chair, and unanl- Heports up to noon today indicate rate to 5c. The strikers claim they . .. ’ . i . . . .. . inously appointed Councilman Floyd that a general strike am ong the pear, cannot make a lfvtng wage at the 4c , . ... . . Ross mayor to fill the unexpired reported I rate on account o f the pears being so l . pickers is likely. It waa 1 .. . .. .... i term o f W. ( . la»ever, deceased. I* ,. early this m ornin g that pickers were scattered on the trees, necessitating ' , . .. Hatfield was elected to fill the re- striking in different orchards o f the much movin g of ladders. su it in g1 vacancy on the council. Both A report at 2 :3 0 this afternoon valley, but the reports were denied appointm ents run till November, at by the managers o f several parking stated the S.O.S. plant was closed it which t,ime a new m ayor and city houses in Medford. Again at noon a noon for lack o f fruit. Only a few council will be elected. The terms of pickers had been at w ork for that report was current that a strike had all present city officers will expire been called at noon. Again this was concern this forenoon. At the Cle­ this year and a full ticket must be ment orchard the pickin g had st op­ denied by the packing houses. elected. How ever, It is certain that a large ped at noon. Other or chards ahd on ­ So far there has been little talk number of pickers have struck. The ly a few pickers at work Just how I as to w ho will run for the different is cannot be object of the strike is to raise the general the strike | o ffic es this fall. W e have heard ru- price per box from the present 4c learned at press time. , mors that Andre Chomel will prob­ ably enter the race for mayor, and | he may have a lilt of opposition. Guy j Tex states he pxpects to have opposi- Ition for tile recorder's office. We j hear there will be several ladies out The city council recently made John Anderson spent a few adys for som e of the places. Nothing de­ in this vicinity tjiis week. He came arrangements to act as agent for the finite can be learned as to who will sale of a hand grenade type o f fire dow'u from his new home near Salem Tuesday evening o f last week and I extinguisher. The grenades are made run for councllmeu. This week we stood beside the grave o f ou r honored Mayor. For m a ny a weary year •’C o n " Leever ha* guid ed the destinies o f our town. A strong character, he impressed his will upon all with whom he came iu contact and his name will go down in history as one o f the leaders in every im provement the town has had. • • * The funeral of William Constant Leever, for many years one of the leading basine*« men of Central Point and mayor o f the city since 1920. was held Sunday afternoon at Perl's Funeral Hom e in Medford and was largely attended. The servire was under charge o f the Christian Science Church, of which Mr. L eev­ Ilut today he Is no longer with us er had long been a member. and his mantle has fallen upon Followin g the religious service, y oun ger shou lders. W e feel sure the body was taken charge of by the that our new mayor will take up the Central Point Lodge No. 135, A. F. burden with courage and full deter­ & A. M . whih attended the funeral mination to carry on in a worthy iu a body. Active pallbearers, chosen manner. W e hereby pledge ourselves from members of the lodge were: J. to do all we can to help. O. Isaacson, E. C. Faber, W. H. Nor- • • • cross, Theodore Glass. Ed Vincent.! This week we sneaked o f f for a and L. Hatfield. Honorary pallbear­ day and wandered up and down our ers consisted o f the follow in g m em ­ old haunts in Medford trying to get bers o f the city council: Floyd Boss, a line on the political situation. Hut acting mayor; Fred Hesselgrave, Ir- we did n't learn much. T h e local c am ­ sel D. Lewis. Ellis Clark. A. O Myers paign hasn't started yet. W e did and Water Superintendent James hear that Bro. Hamilton has got Cummings, who acted in place of was much surprised to learn o f the cold feet and decided not to try for Councilman Andre Chomel. who was deat*h o f tw o o f his friends here. legislative honors this fall. He says ill at his home. Hurry Merriman and W. C. Leever. lie's too darned poor to travel with The service at the grave was read Mr. Anderson attended both funerals that gan g! in a most Impressive manner by Post while here. * * * ' Master H. T. Pankey, who spoke Mr. Anderson told a reporter for T o o bad, Moore. Hut we had learn- \ feelingly of the long and faithful the American that the wheat c ro p ed long ago that the legislature was | service rendered to the lodge and on his old farm north o f town was no place for a poor, but hones', community by the deceased. The en- very good this year and that his pear young man. Better stick to your own tire cerem ony put on by the local I crop was also lo okin g very good. He trade, anyway. It's lots m ore fun to lodge was very impressive. j stated he had never been a believer sit on the fence and watch the game. About 40 cars followed the , in sm udgin g and that, while he had We stay-at-h omes can hop all over hearse from Medford to the cem e­ had light crops som e years, he had the players and they have no com e­ tery, beisdes a number from here never had an entire failure in the 19 back. who went direct to the cemetery. years his pear trees had been in The city council, at a special nteet- bearing He claims it looks like a And Mr. Stephenson has our sym- j lug held Monday night, passed the lot o f waste energy and money to pathies. He has tackled a man-slxed follow in g resolution by an iinani- him to try to fight Nature Job and will know he's been places tnous vote: Mr. Anderson Is at present e m ­ before the fight Is over. W h ile this R K S O L IT IO N OK RESPECT ployed as manager o f a farm be­ cam paig n is rather slow in starting. City Hall. Central Point. Oregon longing lo State Treasurer R u fu s August 24, 1936 we have a hunch it is g oing to get Holman near Salem lively after while. W H E R E A S . It has pleased Al- onr mighty God to remove from Ser- Indications are that there is goin g ’ midst and to claim to Higher to be a strong fight made over some ' vice our esteemed and honorable o f the measures to be voted on this William Constant Leever. who for fall. Already we hear rum ors o f war many years has been a leader in the Rev. Charles I. Spellman, a Chris- ov er the Grange power bill and the affair s o f our City and State, main ­ , tian Jew, o f Los Angeles, sp oke to dental advertising bill. Also the tax taining under all circumstances and limitation bill is « s in g to draw a lot trials, a character untarnished and a ! a fair sized audience at the Feder- o f fire. reputation ab ove reproach, th erefore 1 ated church last night. Rev.. Spell- RE SO LVE D . That The C om m on man 18 making « tour of the Coast lust one candidate am ong the lo­ Council of The City o f Central Point ' n , *le interest of Jewish evangelistic respect f o r | w,,,k- He '** * this m ornin g for cal tr ib e is so far show in g any signs records It’s profound and it's River and poin ts north. While o f life. Our lady candidate for the \Mllllam Constant Leever legislature is busy as a cat on a tin >ense o f the great loss we have sus- " » R i n g for the stage Mr. Spellman *iad ° " i y on e criticism to of- r o o f trying to get enough names on tallied in his passing that we gladly I 88**' her petition to place her name on the bear testimony to his many v ir t u e s : ^‘ r rpKardin g this city, and that was self | *kiat no one provided a com forta b le ballot. W e rather hope she makes it, and to his loyal devotion and because then we can fight her in the sacrifice for the welfare o f all whom I l'lace to 8“ down whilfi waiting for staKcs - qpen. If she would only forget L. A. he served, and be it further RE SO LVE D . That the Offtci il The American lias been urging H. and all his w orks we wouldn't be this be arronged In some man- surprised If she would make a fair Body o f The City of Central P o i n t to m iddlin' solon at that. They call extend to his widow and mem bers o f I ner R,r 8 *one time and are told thnt her crazy, but then what legislator his family our earnest sympathy and a shelter will be built in the new that we Join with them in mournin g city park back o f the city hall as isn’ t? the loss not only o f the head o f our soon as possible. This will be a wel­ By the way, are you begin ning to Official Body, but of a loyal friend com e convenience to the many peo­ ple who travel by stage. w onder what has becom e o f your and citizen, and be it fu rther * John Anderson City Installs New Visits in City Fire Extinguishers Rev. C. I. Spellman Speaks in City RE SO LVE D . That this resolution su m m er's wages these mornings? Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T hrockm orten Seems like it was just yesterday we be em bodied in the minutes o f this were able to let up on carryin g wood [ meeting, and that a copy, properly 1 o f Eagle Point accompanied Mr. and ( i f a n y ) and hugging the stove j signed by all those who served un- ' ! rs E E. Scott to the the State and Beats all how cold it ran be in t h e ' d e r our beloved Mayor, be p r e s e n t e d , Government Fish Hatchery at Butte Falls Sunday. They report a very early m ornin g and still get so darn­ to his family. beautiful picnic grounds, open to the F L O Y D ROSS Signed ed hot by noon. • EE Acting Mayor | public with no charges. Just think, kids, only EIG HTEEN m ore days before school starts. Isn't life Just grand? But it's a long t i m e | between rains in this country in j sum m er Seems like it was som etim e in the dim dark past when we used to lie aw ake and listen to the patter o f the rain on the roof. But if ou rj guess is right, we'll be plenty sick o f hearing it before it gets through : on ce it does start. We know one young lady in this town who is all swelled up these days Last Sunday afternoon she was w alkin g down the path from the Dia­ mon d Lake resort to the lake from when she met another lady whose face seemed strangely familiar Chancin g to turn her head Just be­ fore they met. she bumped square into the lady and forced her o f f the walk. T o her h orror she discovered the lady to be no less than the form - er First Lady o f the la nd. Mrs Herb­ ert H oover, who w a s very graciou« ov er the mishap. But the y ou n g lady say* she will a l w a y s have somethin g to brag o f — sb«> on ce had the experi­ en ce o f knockin g an ex-pre«ident • • tfe o f f the w alk ! GUY TEX Recorder HESSELGRAVE Councilman I D LEW IS Councilm an ELLIS C L A R K Councilman A N D R E CH O M EL Councilm an A O. MYERS Councilman | E D W A R D JONES Treasurer B E R T H B D G PB TH Marshal JAMES CUM.MINGS Water Supt The G A R and W R C. holding their annual encampm ent Ashland Friday Many o f the W R C ladies from here plan to attend Mr. and Mrs J C W ood plan to a' tend. Mr. Happy Devine and Noble R o b ­ ertson. prosperous look in g young men. were visiting here this morning They are interested in a mine ct Stormv Gulch shove Gold Hill W e want l o o f f e r ou r c o n g r a t u l a - 1C. Leever. T h e writer has heard that tions to Postmaster Tom Pankey on service read a g ood many times •» hi* presentation of the Masonic past years, but never with the fe«l- wank- service at tho funeral uf w tur and .'howr by o f thin glass and are about the size of a large pear. They are mounted | In a nickle plated hanger to be screwed to the wall and are easily ( lifted out for instant use. They are | fillew with Red Com et fluid and are Advising caution on the part of very ornamental. voters in acting upon any proposal Red Comet Fluid is the purest that might endanger present busi­ Carbon Tel ra-Chloride known and is ness recovery by taking millions of recom mended by Fire Chiefs and dollars from the taxrolls and would Fire Protection experts as one of the provide for the issuance o f millions most effectiv e fire extinguishing o f dollars in bonds that the general I i K ill ITftltOWKKM Prayer and Bible Study W ed 7: 3u HANK P M. Zadle Smith, Devotional l e a d ­ (M e m b e r F e d e ra l lhfeM .ii er snd Mrs .lame» W o o d * will re­ I n s u r a n c e ( o r |K > n it lo S ) view the Kook o f Esther Subscription Coupon T h i* l i«* u « mh | if»» ¿ n nt»«*n <»n h \i*w l o (I m * Central Point American P r o v i d e d It i* v en t In by S e p t. 2 0 , lih tti m i !»*« ri|H b»«i