CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN Musings«^ by an Innocent Bystander _ ______ „ --------------------------?.mimmmn«D»...J Today we art* call* d upon to re­ port the passing o f one o f the city's most prominent and colo rful figures. In the death o f W. C. ( “ Con” ) Leev- er the city has lost her most promin ­ ent citizen. It falls to the lot o f few men to serve their communities year after year as an elected officer for more Shan thirty years. “ C on ” as he was affectionately known far and wide was a faithful servant of this city from the days of a country vill­ age. Under his guidane all the ma­ jo r im provements the city enjoys, paving, water system, sewer system, etc. have been Installed. And today as we mourn his passing, we feel re­ newed ourage to do well our part, even as he did. mV C E N T R A L POIN T, O R E G O N . T H U R SD A Y . A I’OCMT 'Jo. | 9 » i head o f ou r nation. Such a man is congenitally unable to ” aeo'' the av­ erage person, even as you and I. Such a man is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. • • • In Alt. I-union we have a man who has fought his way front child­ hood. W hile not born in a log cabin, he did com e from a family in what might he classed as the "g reat mid­ dle class” . All that he has he has won by the sweat of his brow And while it is true he made his money in oil. it was not as a protege« o f the Kockefellers or Sinclairs, but as an Independent. fighting for every point gained. « • • • NUM BER 15 MAYOR DIES AT HOSPITAL W. C. Leever, , Syndiate. This houd was paid tw o I years ago and the money used to re­ tire a number o f outstandin g bonds. Mr. L tev er was always interested | In ev erythin g pertaining to civic w el­ fare and was an active director in the local bank He was a prominent j member o f the Masonic lodge, Hillah | Tem ple and o f the Christian Science Church. William Constant Leever was married July 13. 1887, to Miss Isa- [ bell Armstrong. T o this union were I born five children o f whom tw > W ayne H o f Seattle and Earl C. of Ashland live to mourn their father's death Besides hi« wife and tw o sous, three brothers and siy sisters remain to mourn his passing. They are Mr. Carl Leever, 1 49 7 Union St., Sen Fran cisco; Mr. T om Leever, Dixon, Calif., Mr. Ed Leever, Fort Klamath O reg on; Mrs. Lucinda Guy, 2677 S. W. Ravensvlew Drive, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, 217 Elm St.. Modesto, Calif.; Mrs. Vinnle Hathaway. Visalia. Calif.; Mrs. Ida Bollinger, Rt. 2 Santa Cruz, Calif.; Mrs. Ada Damon, John Day, Oregon and Mrs. Nellie Magee, Klamatn Falls, Oregon. T w o grandchildren also survive, William and Richard Constant Leev­ er, sons of Mr and Mrs Earl C. Leever. Funeral services will lie conducted at 2 o ’clock p. m. Sunday from the Perl Funeral H om e in Medford, un­ der the auspices of the Christian Science church o f which the deceas­ ed was a member. Services at the grave will be in charge o f the Ma­ sonic lodge. Interment will be in the Central Point cemetery. Passes Last Night After Long Illness j And Mr. Landon has a very cleat- idea o f what he believes America should be. He wants no hint o f dic ­ Today the flag at the city hall ! ware store in the buildiug recently tatorship. nor regimentation. To hint B. P. Thelsa & Co. hangs at half-mast in h on or o f th " ; occupied by the way is clear. He stands squarely 1 A Ivon t thirty years ago lie built the passing of the man w ho has stood f t for the kind of Americanism the building now occupied bv the Leev­ Founders o f the nation endeavored the helm o f affair s In this city fo L ’cn voi er Hardware store and went into to teach and which principles have nearly thirty years. When ea rth’s last picture is painted. business for himself. Here he con- William Constant Leever. a ffec­ carried the country through all the his And the tubes are all twisted and tionately known as “ C o n ” to a host : tinned in active business until yea rs. | recent illness com pell ed his absence dried. • * • o f friends th roughout the entir*' I from the store. W h en the oldest c olor has faded To our mind, the "N ew D eal” state o f Oregon, passed away at th” And the youngest critic has died. The earliest records extant at the smells too strongly o f Old W orld Community hospital in Medford at We shall rest, and faith we shall ! city hall show that the name o f W. 7 o 'lock last night. He had been ill despotism. And the leaders in it have need it, shown entirely too much contempt for several months from a c o m p lica ­ IC. Leever was am ong those of the Lie dow n for an eon or two. the “ Tow n for those things which have stood tion of diseases and the end was not early day members o f Till the Master of all g ood workm en. Board o f Trustees” o f the Tow n o f the test of time and which have unexpected. Shall call us to w ork anew. Mr. Leever was born April 4, 1S5S Central Point, before the in corpora­ made our country great among the on a donation land claim about tw o tion of the city. He was elected pres­ nations o f the earth. And only the Master shall praise us 9 9 9 miles west o f this city. Part o f this ident o f the hoard o f trustees on And on ly the Master shall blame claim Is now known as the McCaskey March 19, 1907. After serving one Haven't heard much lately about And no on e shall w ork for money, Mrs. Pom eroy's candidacy for the place His father. William T. Ijeev-p year he was succeeded as president And no on e shall work for fame. F. H. in 1853, settling of the hoard of trustees by legislature. She must he finding out came to Oregon Hut each for the jo y o f the working. that it isn’ t so easy to get people to n e a r 'S e lo in Linn county. He cam e Hopkins, who served uutil March And each on his separate star— sign petitions for independent c a n d ’ - to southern Oregon in 1855 and be­ 3 1909 at which time Mr. t I^eever Shall paint the thing as he sees it dateg as it used to be. And then her cam e identified with the educational again took offic e, this time as May­ F o r the God o f Thin gs as They Are platform o f getting a legislative in­ interests of the valley. During the or of the in corporated city. • • • During his term o f offic e as Mayor vestigation of Banks' trial sounds Civil war he served with the Union W e were lookin g back through silly to a lot o f us. Pray tell, w h i t army. He married Miss Elizabeth M much in the way o f civic im prove­ the files o f The American recently has the legislature to do with in­ Constant, daughter o f Isaac Constant ments was undertaken. Pavement and got quite a kick out of reading vestigating crim in al trials .’ one of the first settlers o f the R ogu e was laid in the business district, a over what we said in the last ca m ­ * * * River valley. Mr. Constant was a city-wide sewer system was built, paign four years ago. How we e v r A murderer Is caught red-handed. prominent figure o f the early days. and the present city well and water scared up en ough nerve to take tie Crazy or not. he admits firing the He was a friend o f the Indians and tower was constructed. In fact Mr. stand we did is a mystery. during I