TH11WOAT. Al'GIHT I». l»3ti CENTRAI. POINT AMERICAN CENTRAL POINT. OREGON PAUK FOUR I 1 . omml'sary department prepare and [ ern Oregon Experiment Station | rerve about 5,000,00» meals annual- lTse three pounds of powdered ar- ! ly in company dining cars and res- senate of lead to 100 gallons of w-i- ! taurants. ! ter. Oil should not be used this lat<> Also that the mail room of the S. j in the season. P. general office building at San A moderate second brood flight is Francisco handles 100.400 pieces of continuing and it is expected that mall dally, equivalent to the volume ¡egg laying will continue for some ;n h ivy of 75.000. The telegraph do-j time. It these late hatching worms liariment handles normally I I. iiihi . arc to be controlled, this spray ir * . t : and 15.ut>0 telephone cal!» eaaential and should be thoroughly thi' Tin- building houses nearly applied This cover should protect 3.000 people. ! the fruit until picking time. In normal Gnie* the company em- —--------------------------- P<>ys men and women with zn annual payroll of $165.000,000. lore tbsn 931,000.000 is spent an­ nual. y for materials and supplies and nearly $14,000,000 in taes. CORVALLIS. Aug. 12 - A state­ One o f t h e world's largest trans­ portation systems, its lines extend wide convention of turkey growers, from < ouit to coast and from Port­ the firs* to be held In Oregon, will land t o Guadalajara, Mexico, em­ convene here August 25. Orgon State college poultry offi­ bracing approximately 16.000 ntll-s of rail lines and 5,940 miles of wa­ cials have cooperated In arranging s ter lines. program of an educational nature. In the 32 years since the com­ Many turkey breeders and growets pany’s employe pension system was requested the meeting to discus» established in 1903, Southern Pad- their problems. tic has paid out in pension to 5,214 employes a total of $22.650,000, Stop Racing ’Round Kitchen! Local Happenings l>.< r foi 25c Mr. and Mr». Dan Drlstoll of E«- Packer's Gloves gene are expected gue»t* at the Bert Marine». Iledgpeth home tomorrow. — Mr». Otto Rohnert and Delnr. . ml Marjorie lonea »pen! Wydn<- Mr», Guy Teg and Mr. and .Mrs. dav afternoon In Ashland. William Askwlth o f Prospect arrived at the Tet home yesterdav afternoon .Mrs. Edward Inn ». Mr». \. i to help Mr. Tea celebrate hia birth­ day. They enjoyed dinner In .Medford j Powell. Mi»» Marjorie lone» and and afterwards attended the »how M'sa Dorothy Powell motored |o Ashlan.l last week and made ar- at the Craterlan. .v.tgcm-nt* for an apartment for the Turkey Growers of State to Convene Miss Mildred HHkey arrived Sun- girl* whl c they attend Normal th day from San Francisco for a vialt) winter, at the Hllkey borne. She expect» t o 1 The first local watermelons, mis •.! return Saturday evening. by Mr Whetstone wo re on »ale ’ Will he open Sunday foren oon » Faber's this week. Marine1*. Stop in at Shult» Mro». Auto Paint Shop some day and see them bring FREE DEVELOPING 7 hour »ervlce Velo* Print» and when you buy • back to life a car that has been in roll of film» at Ander'* Studio a beauty-destroying wreck. you receive a large 4x6 enlarge­ peat« Granulated soap. Large pkg ment FREE. 2 ite. at Marine'*. Recent guests at the Marie l.ange Mr. and Hr«. Lang»lon and chil­ home were Mr. and Mr*. Will Blah- dren are »pending a week at home op of Medford, Mr. and Mr». John l>ay and Mr*. MacKinnon. Mr. and and while here Billy will celebrate Mr». Emil Lange of Medford were hi» birthday Friday afternoon. dinner gue*ta Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Southwell and daugh­ ter Elizabeth have returned from They have twin calves at the IIII- California to work In the fruit. They key barn. Jack and Jill— as much arrived in time to visit in Grants alike as two peas In a pod. Pass before the fruit work started. The Bible class of the Federated Guy and Wade Humphries fished church are meeting thi» afternoon at on Rogue River Sunday, returning the Sam Anderson home. home with two big salmon. Mr. and Mr*. Lyndon Harris and Verne Shungle was notified of his daughters Marilyn and Dorothy are election 1o the council of the Photo­ visiting at the home of Mrs. Harris graphers Association of America re­ aunt, Mrs. H. P. Jewett and alao at cently. He will represent the portrait her brothers home, Mr. M. A. Me Coy in Medford. Mr. and -Mrs. Harris division lor Oregon. Notification was are returning from a trip to San received from Charles Abel, execu­ Francisco to their home in Portland. tive manager of 4he association. Mr. Shangle was asked to assist in pre- Mrs Kingery and children and parutions for the association's ron- **--*-' ------ Aug- held in < liicago, Mrs. Haiei Chitwood ............. visited - at their ventlon to - be ■ parents, Mr. and Mr». J. D. Culbcr- ust 25. »onx home Wednesday afternoon. Leaving by train yesterday was spent | Mrs. Elmer Kyle anti small son, wiki Ben Murry of Dunsmulr Tuesday here and enjoyed dinner plan a visit with relatives an 1 friends In Lewistown and Kalispel, with Roy Jones. Mont. They will be gone aboht three Potatoes, 100 lbs. $1.49 at Ma weeks. fine’s. Concord Grapes for jelly, Leave The Carnation club held a tea orders at Faber1». towel shower in honor of Mrs. Mo George Hlton, it y marshal of Coy's birthday at the Hes»le Fern- Jacksonvlle, has recovered front the land home Iasi Thursday. Refresh­ ments of sppe pie and Ice cream effects of a blow on the head, alleg­ were served. All report a fine time. edly administered by Albert Cowan, during a Saturday night altercation, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbertson of in the pioneer town. Hilton resumed Urownsbnro returned home from vl- his official duties this week. Cowan dtlng Mr. Culbertson's sister and charged with u»»ault with a danger­ liushand, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf and his ous weapon, awaits action of the irothcr and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lor- next grand Jury. •n Culbertson at Newport Saturday. W. A. Johnstone the new barber, Turing their absence Mr. Culbert- has shown his faith in the City of io n 's father and mother, Mr. and Central Point by buying a house and Mrs J D. Culbertson looked after heir place and spent much time lot. here. They also visited their daugli- Mrs. Arietta Lillian Tyrrell pass-1 *-rs, Mrs. Kingerv snd Mrs. Chlt- ed away this morning at ten o’clock »ood. Funeral services will be held Satur­ Home grown vegetables at Faber's. day at Conger’s. Obituary printed next week will waste your energy racing W HY around the kitchen between cabinet, sink, gas range and re- friic rator? Settle down to work at your ease' Experts in. kitchen planning suggest a work table with d.awers and cupboards at either side of an open center which ac­ commodate« a high stool with a comfortable back, here food may be prepared for cooking within unit's reach of your modern gas range :ind refrigerator The third cover spray for control of second brood codling moth worms on apples should be completed on August 20, according to C. B. Cordy assistant county agent and L. G. Gentner, entomologist of the South- TUBES CHECKED FREE When brought to th© shop at the Telephone Office Packers! Get your Lunch Meats Pickles and Cheese Here and be sure of Satisfaction Sandy Richardson Also Central Point Steaks Oldest Business On Earth Central Point Wood Yard if offering for $4.45 per load Phone 8 8 3 R easonable P rices Prom pt Service Central Point Meat Market I. D. LEWIS, Prop. ETHEL’S BEAUTY Prince Auto Wrecker SALON Will he open until 6:30 Saturday evenings during Fruit Season. Al­ so Late appointment» will be tak­ en care of anytime during the week. Central Point \ Expansion j Sale j Begins Saturday! Marking the opening of ■ C L A S S IF IE D Boiling Meat BLOCKS Faber's Evans ’ Roasts Planer The first merchant on earth was a grocer— m ,and it doesn’t take a fortune teller to say ? Y that a grocer will be the last one too. Stores I come up and stores shut down-but eating £ goes on forever. Let our store supply you with good things to eat I. G. A. SERVICE C A R O P I ’ TIIANKH Phone 21 Art’s Auto Snop 17 40 N. Riverside Successor to VALLEY* A CTO WRECKER NEW & USED Tires Tubes Batteries Generator A Starter Exchange Owned and operated by PAUL PRINCE, who has been in busi­ ness in Medford since 1926. G E N E R A L AI TO REP A I R I N G Valves. Herrings. Rings. Brakes Battery & Eletrical Work Have Free Check-l'p of your car. 202 N. Riverside Tel. 1200 COLLINS DAIRY Grade A raw and Pasteurized Milk & Cream BERT PECK Automobile Repair And Service FABER HI*IIJ4I.VO "Cleanliness'1 our Motto Open for Inspection at all times Joe Collins, Prop. our new Downstairs Store SHELLED CORN Featuring low priced quality shoes for men, women and children. FOR TURKEY FEED See us for special prices in wholesale lots. W. E. Alexander OPENING SPECIALS Children’s Shoes Boy’s Shoes Men’s Work Shoes Men’s Dress Oxfords Ladies' Shoes School Oxfords A. R. OWINGS Central Point S .75 to $1.95 1.95 to 2.95 1.95 to 2.95 2.95 to 3.95 .95 to 3.45 1.95 to 3.45 H o w Dr Y I AMf Take Care Of Your Battery Or It Will Surely Fail You See our Sixth 5 f. Window Don't let your battery sing How Dry I Am.“ because this 1« one of the surest ways to ruin a perfectly good battery Drive in for periodic battery inspection it’s free. The life and satisfactory op­ eration of your battery depends to a Urge extent, upon an adequate supply of pure water and clean connections. Long trip* evaporat- the water In your battery faster than you realize, and to insure sat­ isfactory battery performance drive in and let ns check your bat­ tery for yon every two week« Evans * Home of Buster Brown Shoes SERVICE STATION Sixth and Central H h oleaale «a d Retati Oil, 10c qt. For Apples Urged Booklet Reveals Many Facts About Southern Pacific Home grown cantaloupe* and wh We wish to oxpres* our sincere tanks to neighbors and friends for termelons at Faber'». leir help and sympathy during our •cent bereavement at the loss of itr darling little Avis. Also for the euutiful floral offering. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Brood and family Klamath Fall», Aug. 13.— Plan» Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ilrood are being drawn and bid» will be Itev. and Mrs. W. J. Douglas called for at once for the construc­ Mr and Mr*. J. K. Janie* tion of a combination »ale» and Jud­ ging ring at the Klamath County Fair Ground* in Klamath Fall». The I »ale* ring will be used for the first I F o r .v p time at the Third Annual Southern . Oregon Ram Sale which will be held UNCH OF KEYS. Owner may have In that city on Tuesday, September! » hi » ' by calling at Humphrey’» 1st. It wll be used later for the Kla- j Meat Market math County 4-H Clubs and Smith-1 Hughes projects In their annual Ju­ IY»H ¡U1 1 nior Fair. itit \ i . k ( i t ; 11: v n r f - , : ..r The third annual sale promises t*| old heifer—-a 4-wheeled trailer outshine the two previous sales in I with double wagon box. T hitch that a keen rivalry has developed and fair rubber tires. Ed Davis on among the breeders of the west iu < .i |> Miller's place. 2t their efforts to consign ram* that )K SALK - Pureblood Plymouth will bring the highest price. Thi* rl- i Rock cockerels J. G. Taylor. vslry ha* resulted In very careful »election of ram* consigned and the Route 2 Box 405 Central Point purchaser* at this «ale will be as­ 000 worth of equipment with sured of only top-notch breeding | »lock goes at half price Restaur stock, carefully selected, and should ant. Confectionery, AW . Beers have no hestitancy In bidding on the Selling on account of poor health lot» offered The new facilities be­ Call at Damon Cafe. Central Point ing constructed by the Klamath Co. j Fair Beard will materially «peed up EANIKfi a DB.YIOTIIING Com the sale and Colonel A. W Thomp­ pound Excellent for cleaning ov­ son of Lincoln, Nebraska, will pre­ erstaffed furniture and rug*. Call side as auctioneer In his usual cap-1 at this office able manner. | Mohawk & Richfield GAS Third Cover Spray On Monday evening, August 31. the third annual livestock banquet | will be held In the Willard Hotel at ] 7 p. m, County Agent C. A. Hender­ son of Klamath County will preside' as Toastmaster, and problems af- Facts rivaling those revealed by feting the livestock Industry will b e ' Ripley in his “ Relieve It or Not” discussed. Short addresses will be series are contained in a booklet, given by prominent men on the Pa -\ “ Facts About Southern Pacific Com­ cific Coast and the banquet will pany'1. which has Just been publish­ serve as a means for the sheepmen j ed by the company. attending the sale to become better For example, the booklet dis­ acquainted with each other. closes that the 1250 employes of the be Stock Sales Ring Being Built At Klamath Fair It is neither difficult nor expen­ sive to change the location of per­ manent kitchen equipment in order to make room for a convenient work table In a position of good llgbt And It serves a multiple pur­ pose. for here you may plan menus, keep household accounts, make telephone calls, and it comes in handy near the gas range when some member of the family wishes a cup of coffee before breakfast is MfWl._____________________ Contrai Point ! • i s s a s s e . Associated Service Station L. C.G rim es