The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, July 30, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Roper Greeted at Exposition
Mr. and Mm. G llberm an of S a n , Mr*. Sarah Vincent e n te rta in e d ;
Francisco who were »topping a t tho the Royal neighbor* at the Vincent
Hotel V alandra w ere badly brulaed | hom e July 21. A Jolly tim e wa* re-
when th eir car turned over 3 or 4 1 porte,| and lovely refreshm ent* were
lime* on a graveled road near here served. Tie ie *t m eeting will be a:
last Monday. They were able to the country hom e of Mrs. Mae R ich­
continue on to P ortland.
Maude Boswell and daugh­
Mr. Tom llodgaon waa In town ter Mrs.
left for !>'* Angeles
W ednesday to *ee a doctor. He bad a Monday and expect
to be hack S u n -:
ugly gash on the forehead from day.
cran king a tracto r, hut had to go
back to work the name day.
Mr. Verne Pendleton and Mr. au J j
left Saturday evening
Mr. and Mra. F lah arty and son*. for a McBride
trip over the McKenxIe Pass ,
N orm an and Dorcy m otored to Cra to
Lake; then on to Bend and
ter L ake Sunday and retu rn ed via back C lear
by C rater Lake. They enjoyed 1
Diamond Lake.
»upper at Union Creek Sunday eve­
ning before returning on home.
Mr*. B ertha B ardw ell of M edford
and her rou*!n Mrs. Irene B aker of T he Shorty T errill house is look-
Lo* Angele* called on Mr. L. H at­ log fine In it* new coat of ivory
field Tuesday. They were form er paint with a tan trim .
neighbor* In N orth D akota. Mr*. Ba­
ker, then a »mall child, used to visit
Mr. and Mr». Carl Leever of San
at the H atfield homo and spend th-- F rancisco visited over the weekend
night th ere m any tim es.
w ith his brother W. C. L eever and
wife. They went on to Kugene and
Mr. T. A. M arine left for Canada will return home by the coast route.
T uesday to look a fte r hi* property
F ire was accidently started In the
and grain crop« there.
A rnold Bohnert and T heodore Olass
Mr. H arry Chaae has »old bis farm grain field* hut by hard and fast
to a W ashington p arty who h a re re- work the fire wa* estinguiahed with
turend to th e ir hom e to look after only about $20 w orth of dam age.
SECKLI \K 4 KOPEK 41 h AIR. -Secretary ot Commerce Daniel L. Roper
the.'r property before retu rn in g he*e,
to m ake th eir home.
Mr. and Mr*. F ran k M arshall of is shown above 'eft as he arrived in Dallas Saturday for the opening of the
the Meadow» wa* In C entral Point is shown above left, as he arrived in Dallas for the opening of the >25,-
000,000 Texas Centennial Exposition He is being greeted by Governor Jam es
ledam i Wood* and K enneth Pow ­ W ednesday.
V. Allred with whom he participated in the opening ceremonies.
ell attended a picnic In M arahfield
Mr. and Mrs. George M arine ac-
H erb ert C row der was looking af­
com pan led by Mr. M arine's parents
th e Ow ings Service S tatio n while
Rev. and Mr*. Lewis enjoyed din- m otored to Diam ond L ake retu rn in g
Victor Jerom e B eaulieu, a form er Mrs. Owings, Mrs. L aC asse and D or­
ner Monday at the H. W. Davisson by C rater Lake last Sunday. They
resident of C entral P oint passed othy visited Mr. Jack LaC asse at his
home a t Table Rock.
enjoyed dinner at Union Creek.
aw ay S atu rd ay m orning in G rants m ine near Gold H ill T uesday and
Mr. and Mr*. Mills received a let- Mr. Fitzgerald of Upper Sam s Val­ Pass a t th e age of 63 years. H e is W edensday.
ter from th eir son A rkell at San Die- ley report* th a t this I* th e third survived by one brother, Tbom us F rances F ab er, E dna Shaver, B ar­
go saying he may be hom e n e x t, tim e in 59 year* th a t he has had a B eaulieu of Eagle Point.
bara K ohler and M argaret Dow
month for a 10 duy furlough. L ast I com plete peach failure. T here Just F u n eral services w ere held from spent several days at th e F ab er ca­
month A rkell had hi* tonsil* out and isn't any local peaches so anyone the C atholic church In G rants Pass, bin at L ake of W oods recently.
this m onth ho I* sick w ith pneum o- i w ishing to can peaches m ust be sure tih s m orning at 10:30 a. m. H ull
| and not w ait to late to order them and Hull funeral hom e is in charge Jim C um m ings has lost a shoe be­
of arrang em en ts. In term en t w ill be tw een his house and th e city hall. If
Mr. and Mr*. J. H. T e rritt rece lv -1 The C entral Point S outhern P aci­ m ade In the G ranite HHI cem etery. found please leave at this office.
cd word from th eir d aughters, Mrs. fic Depot is having th e shingles re­
McKrlane and Mrs. Fay who visited moved getting ready for a new roof EN TERTA IN S W ITH IIIKTHDAV
Not how cheap, hut how good—
In Portland a week th a t they ex­
grow n vegetables at F ab er's.
pected to be In Spokane Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Freem an w ishes to Miss D orothy Pow ell en tertain ed
They will visit Yellow stone N ational thunk the fire departm en t for th e ir w ith a birthday party In honor of Miss A rlene Hay retu rn ed hom e
Park and will stop a t Mr*. Fays efficient and quick response to his
from the G irl Scout Cam p Sunday.
home In W hitm an, N orth D akota. call for help when th e grass fir.» A lbnrta T errell'» 9th b irth d ay last
Mr. and Mrs. W oods who purchas­
Mr*. McKrlane after a sh o rt visit th reaten ed his home. It m ight have T uesday afternoon at her home.
A fter various gam es had been en­ ed the Grim house have both been
will continue on to her hom e in been a very serious fire except for joyed
A lb urta opened th e lovely not very well lately hut are feeling
M inneapolis.
th e ir prom pt action.
gifts she received front her little b etter at this tim e.
Mr. I.u Spencer and m other, Mrs. Mr. O. I*. T ucker'a b rother and fa- friends.
D ainty refresh m ents consisting of
Born lo Mr. and Mrs. R. E. B lan­
Obor ado wick and d au g h ter and h u » -[ln|lv nf San K ran, iH1.0 arP th „ v>|. a birthday
cake and jello w ere serv­ kenburg of Gold H ill a boy weighing
hand, Mr. and Mr*, Dillon have ley and will m ake th e ir hom e in
ed to th e happy group at the close of six pound*, at th e P tirtickcr M ater-
moved into a house near W agner | G rant* Pa»*.
the afterno on.
nijy hom e. July 24.
and expect to m ake th e r hom e here. |
Those present were C h arlotte
Mrs. Oberadowlck Is a sister of Mr*. Mr. end Mrs. H arry Young and
Milton. Mr. Spencer will drive the fam ily are moving to M edford on R ichardson; Phyllis F u rry ; Meryl- .Mr and Mrs. Fred K arra of San
lenc G ebhxrd; A lburta T errell; Miss Francisco arrived last F riday for a
wood truck for Mr. Milton.
South O akdale som etim e next week M arjorie G regory, second grade w eek's visit w ith th e ir parents, Mr.
teacher here; and th e hostess. Miss and Mrs. Edw ard K arra. Mr. and
Th<- Boy Scout* w ith the exception D orothy Powell.
Mrs. Ralph W hite, son Edsel, and
of Neal Slone and D elbert Ayers, a»-
g h ter A udrey, and Mr. and Mrs.
slstant Scout M aster, returned hom e Hom e grow n tom atoes at F aber's. H arry
W hite and sons, C harles and
Sunday. Neal and D elbert will re tu rn
T uesday afternoon a t
Mrs. Fox reporied the death of Mr. th e F arra spent
BUNCH OF KEYS. O w ner may have thl* com ing Sunday.
enjoyed dinner.
Pow ers al the clinic in P ortlan d last They planned and
*atne hy calllug at H um phrey's O rder your canning peaches ut week.
Mrs. Pow ers and fam ily moved : again today at th e R alph
Meat M arket.
W hite
M arine's. D on't w ait to late for can­ to A shland very recently. The Amer-> hom e in R ogue River.
ning peaches as th e re are no local lean Joins th e ir friends in expressing
sym pathy.
G erald M orris is w orking in the
FOR SALE— B etter Used F u rn itu re.
G rocery store.
Brass ndlrons. W alnut Bedroom
Mr. and Mrs. W ard B arnett of De­
Mr, and Mr*. P earl Bonney left
Set. Coll Spring. Oil S to re. C hests W ednesday for Tillam ook and Port- tro it and son and d an g ter. W ard. Jr.
F rank H am m ond's sister.
Desk*. Jars 106 South G rape, j |Hn«l w here they will visit friends. and B arbara and father, Mr. Zangcr L au Mrs
M. D u d ley passed aw ay at
of B atllecreek arrived M onday for a a hospital in M edford Sunday m orn- i
retu rn in g hom e Sunday.
tw o weeks visit at the Ted H ill hom e Ing. F uneral services w ere held Tu-
Mr. Roy Jones visited the L eonard Mr W ard Is Mr. HUI's favorite cou­ esday at the C onger F u n eral p a r-'
pound. Excellent for cleaning ov-
garden* W ednesday night sin and Mrs W ard and Mrs. Hill lors.
erstuffed fu rn itu re and rugs. Call
and report them to be very h e au tlfu ’ have been close friends since they
at this office
were sixteen years old.
Mr. and Mrs. McCoy retu rn e d from I
Vivian Jones, Kveral Dean a n u '
th e ir w edding trip today and enjoy-1
A couple of dogs nearly killed an ed dinner with th e b ride's fath er. Mr!
R ussell A yers visited G eraldine
Central Point Wood Yard
goat belonging to Arnold G eogre W allace.
Jones at D unsm ulr Saturday and
B ohnert last T uesady T he goat may
If offering
die. This will m ake about six goats
F rances F ab er and E dna Shaver
Mr an d Mrs. A m anda G ardner th at Mr. B ohnert has had killed dur- took the advance sw im m ing lessons i
and son from V allejo, C alif enjoyed Ing the last year by dogs.
w ith the Red C ross Class at th e Nat
d inn er and a sh o rt visit w ith Mr.
. in M edford.
L ittle Donny F aber of M edford
G ardner'» cousin. Mrs. L. Damon.
i « a s helping his g ran d fath er In the
M arine s G rocery will open Sun-
Miss Lotu* H esselgravc retu rn ed ! —------------------
s,o rr W ednesday.
day m ornings from now on.
pitone nag
R easonable Price*
ey D ressier* In Los Angeles recent­
Prompt Service
Victor J. Beaulieu
$4.45 per load
W hen brought to th s shop
at th s
Telephone Offic.
Sandy Richardson
C entral Point
Petrol S l Richfield
Whi>K**l* and R etail
Oil, 10c qt.
T i l l IU U .W , J IL A ' SO, l»;R¡
'Ir uni Mr*. K. B. Stunley uf Mil-'
w sukee a re guests at the E R Gle-i-1
son home. Mr. anil Mr*. Gleason an d
guests m otored to C rater L ake Tue*- '
day. Mr. Stanley i* In the grocery
hiisines* now and wa* a form er prln- 1
clpal of th e high school here.
Phillip* and R horer are »hipping
in »been from R o»ehnrg and o th e r I
outside district*, shearing them a ll
the depot stockyard* and then put-1
ting them out on pastu re before Bell­
ing them . They have shipped *heep j
here for 5 o r 6 year».
C entral f e in t
Longfellow said:
‘A ll things must change to something n ew ~ * >
to something strange
Try our MODERN grocery service
and home grown
Charles L. Owen
Enlists in Army
T he high school class at the
C h ristian C hurch tau g h t hy Mrs. Lo­
is Young will go out on th e Apple-
gate a fte r church Sunday to enjoy
C harles L. Owen, son of Mr. and sw im m ing, a picnic supper, and a
Mrs. C. Owen, route I. M edford O re­ V esper service in th e evening All
gon was enlisted in th e U. S. Arm y, are welcome.
July 17th Owen Is stationed at F o rt
Scott, C alifornia which is w ithin the
city lim its of San Francisco, reports
S e rg e in t C harley It. Hill. V. S. A r­
my R ecruiting O fficer, stationed at
the city hall In M edford.
S ergent Hill says he has a few va­
cancies in the M edical C orps. V an­
couver B arracks, for High school
g radu ates and for the th and 10th
field artillery at Fort Lewis, W ash­
Alway» t ’o m r to us for
Miss A nnette H eckm an left th e
first of the week for P o rtlan d w here
she will visit her sister, Miss Chris-
line Sw igart and will sail on th e 20
of A ugust for the H aw aiian Island.
Miss H eckm an has tau g h t nine years
in public kindergarden w ith an av
erage of 150 pupils. She will now
have a p rivate kind ergarden w ith
about lo pupils and m uch b etter
|iay. Dr. Heekm ati and d a u g h te r had
m any fine fishing trip s d u rin g her
| visit in the valley.
Cold Meats
O f Ali Kinds
Mr. and Mrs. F red H ale and little
d au g h ter, B arbara Gale retu rn e d »o
th e ir hom e in K lam ath F alls S un­
G race C orkery is leaving tom o r­
row w ith her fath er for a visit in
P o rtlan d. On th eir re tu rn she will go
to K lam ath Falls to live w ith h er
Pickles and
As W ell a*
Fresh Meats
W hat m ight have proved a seri­
ous fire occurred on the G eorge R ein
ker place this afternoon. S ta te fire
patrol was there in double quick
tim e and Sanford R ichardson took
out the city truck. No serious dam ­
age w as done alth ough a n u m ber of
acres was b u rn t over.
Central Point
Meat Market
Mr. an d Mrs. C arey and son have
moved into the yellow house o n t In
the F ab er neighborhood.
Ethel’s C entral
W here all B eauty Needs can be
tak en care of
I. D. LEWIS, Prop.
W ill tak e care of late ap p o in t­
m ents any tim e
Beauty Salon
Phone 21
Prince 1740 Auto
W recker
N. R iverside
Successor to
G en erato r
S ta rte r E xchange
Owned and operated by PAUL
PR IN C E, who has been in busi­
ness In M edford since 1926.
Get vour B eauty W ork done be­
fore packing starts.
See us and m ake arran g em en ts
Dr. C. W. Lemery
(Successor to Dr. J. J . E nunens)
204 M edford Rldg.
I ractlce lim ited to eye, ea r, no»e,
and th ro at an d fittin g of glasses,
Tel. 567
Res. 101»
Your Signature
anil P ersonal S ecurity
E nable you to get cash quickly
45 S. C entral
M edford
G rade A raw and P asteurized
Milk & C ream
"C leanliness" our M otto
Open for Inspection at all tim es
Automobile Repair
And Service
Joe Collins, Prop.
W . E. A le x a n d e r
Central Point
BUY. . .
Firestone Tires
Associated Service Station
L. C.Grimes