CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUM E VIII | Sauntering-- This week we shall take up our jou rn ey ir om the May cities to the olil home stale. Starting from San Leandro early Sunday morning we found no trouble whatever in driving right through the heart o f the down town district o f Oakland. Only a few early birds like ourselves (or per­ haps people on their way to bed) were on the streets and even part of the traffic lights were off. So we steered safely through the maze of big buildings and easily dodged the street ears. • • • C E N T R A I. 1*01 NT, OREG O N, 1111 ESD I Y. .11 I.Y :«*, l(*;Mt AVIS P'ES Local Girl Killed FROM INJURIES When Auto Hits Bike at Crossing Avis Kngery Hrood. aged 13, daughter o f Mr. anti Mrs. G. F. Brood, residents o f Central Point for the past six months, passed away at dodgin g this car crossed to the west he saw no ' S t o p " o r " S l o w " signs a Medford hospital Monday evening Again grim tragedy hac visile.I nor any side of the highway and was unable Indicating an intersection, from a hemorrhage resulting from our fair city. Avis Brood, 13. was "City Lim it" sign. All these signs injuries received when an au tom o­ struck by a car driven by Zadoc J lo miss striking the girl. Other witnesses deny that there are in plain sight along the highway. bile collided with her bicycle at the Riggs of Hillsb oro, at the intersec­ was any other ear present and that Just south o f the Nip and Sip ser­ tion of Pine street and the Pacific Hefo.re leaving town we called on highway intersection in this city. Riggs, in his endeavor to stop caus­ vice station is a sign reading " E n ­ Avis was horn in White River, highway, while riding a bicycle, and old Medford neighbors now residing ed his ear to skid to the west side of tering Central Poin t” and about a in the big eity. W e found them-still I*.. July 5, 1923. She attended the fatally injured, dying shortly after the highway and so hit the girl, who block south of the Pine street Inter­ Central Point schools last year. being taken to the hospital hy Perl's in bed and they almost had a fit section is a yellow sign "C ros s probably never knew what hit her. She leaves to mourn her depart­ ambulance. when they saw who had wakened So far, no trace o f any other car R oa d." From the time the Riggs car ure, her parents; six sisters, Mrs. W. The accident occurred about 5: 3 them. Funny, isn't It. how one has a passed the "C ros s R o a d " sign there has been found and was warm spot in one's heart for those J. Douglas, Wasco, Ore., Mrs. J. E. o ’clock Monday afternoon was a clear view of the intersection, A coron er's Inquest was held Tu­ people. with whom we associate daily and James, Eugene, Oregon, Ruby. Clar- witnessed by several local esday afternoon. Much conflicting according to witnesses. abelle, Ivls, and Arlene Brood of According to stories told by several whom we run across in strange The coron er's Jury brought iu a Point; three brothers. Raym ond. eye-witnesses the girl stopped at the evidence was given. Many ey e-wit­ lands. There is nothing finer on this "u n av oidab le accident, nesses testified the Riggs car was verdict o f Arlie and Ronald, all at home. Associated Service station for a earth than friendships and most of Funeral services were conducted drink of water. On leaving she rode traveling at a "h ig h rate of sp eed" with both parlies to blam e." So fan us can boast of all too few has intersection. A no charge o f recklesa driving from the Federated church in this to the edge o f the highway and s t o p ­ when passing the • • • Riggs has was riding with been brought, and Mr. city this morning at 1 0 :0 0 o'clo c k . ped and looked before goin g on to hitch-hiker who W e finally tore ourselves away Riggs at the time o f the accident, been allowed to go on home to Hills­ and drove on to the San Rafael fer­ Rev Robert Charles Lewis, o f f ic ia t­ the pavement. The Riggs car was it declared he had been watching tho boro. District Attorney George Cod­ ing The church was beautifully d e­ that time som e distance away and ry. Mad a good view of San Quentin speedometer and that Riggs did not ding states, however, he expects to corated. the altar being a mass of the girl rode on. trom the boat and again registered a exceed 40 miles per hour at any time place tho case before the next grand flowers. Rev. Lewis spoke in a very Testimony is conflicting as to Just silent hope to stay out o f there. Ot Jury. after leaving Medford. impressive manner of the life of the what happened then. Som e say a landing, we joined a monstrous fun­ Feeling Is strong In Central Point Marks on the pavement where the little girl In church and Sunday small coupe either drove out front eral procession (or so it seemed) Riggs should at least he tires of the Riggs car slid, measured that School work. the service station or from being consisting o f a few million cars, all brought to account tor failing to ob- 122'-i feet and it is believed this In­ Miss Iris Hill sang "P r e c io u s parked nearby and the girl appar­ hound out of town to spend Sunday. than aerve cross road signs and not hav­ Jewels " and Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs ently swerved out across the yellow dicates a much greater speed And It took a long time to get them ing his car under proper control 10 miles per hour. Grimes sang "S a fe In the Arms of line to escape It. The Riggs ear lit scattered out. After the accident Riggs declared when entering an Intersection. Jesus” . Classmates and friends • • • among the children who had known Our way took us through what we and loved the little girl in sch ool; had always heard described as the and church, under the direction t f greatest egg producin g section in (An Editorial) Mrs. E. C. Faber, marched up to th< ; Again the Great God Speed has claimed anoth er victim. this the country. Hut you c o n ’t prove it casket and each placed a bouquet of time an Innocent child Just because the driver of the death ear felt by us, for we passed clear through Teach me that 60 minutes tnakej gladioli on it. Kenneth Wyatt, a v ic ­ that the laws of Nature and of man did not apply to him ; that all the place and N E V E R SA W A the talk o f careful driving meant some other fellow, lltlle Avis Brood tim of infantile paralysis, was carri-! an hour, 16 ounce* one pound and . SINGLE C H IC K E N ! They must keep today lies dead and her family sits in mourning ed by Mr. Hill that he might place: 100 centB a dollar. them down cellar or somewhere. It is a strange thing how the worship of Speed has conic like a Help me to live so that I can be his flowers with those o f his fellows 1 • • • festering sore upon our land For years ear makers have vied with Pallbearers consisted of AlaiJ dow n at night with a clean cot.-] each other to produce more and more speed. But In spile o f their best As we got farther north the coun­ under my efforts, the old laws of centrifugal f o r ce ; o f momentum and friction Jewett. Richard Jewett, Hill Grimes science, without a gun try began to take on more o f the ap­ remain supreme. Merle O'C onnor. Marion O ’Connor; pillow, and unhaunted hy the faces, pearance of our own Southern Ore­ Of the recent tragedy, many conflicting stories are told. Some of those to whom I have brought and Chester Kam burg say the child had no business on the wrong side o f the road. Others gon, minus the pears, Gone were the pain. »1 Little Avis had a very sweet dis that she apparently became com used at another ear and so got In hare hills There was more green i Grant that I may earn my meal the way o f the ear which caused her death The passenger in the position and was greatly beloved by! vendnre and more farms that looked] and that In death ear testified tliHt it was traveling at less than 40 miles per all w ho knew her. She will be g reat-j ticket on the square, natural. hour when thp driver first set hts brake*. Iv missed in school and church and earning it I tnay not stick the gaff^ * • • But the silent testimony o f H ip marks of those sliding tires rali- in where It does not belong. the sympathy o f the entire c om m u n i­ IIot he explained away. Every experienced driver in town agrees that Late in the afternoon we came i n - ! Deafen me to the jin g le of taint-, ty goes out to the bereaved family. had the ear been traveling at the legal rates o f speed allowed between to the first grove of redwoods. And] "C ross R o a d " signs. It could have been brought to a stop In far less The finieral was in charge of ed money and the rustle o f unholy j they looked just like those we ha 1 1 Ilian waa the case. The necessary momentum requited to slide that Perl's Funeral Home and interment skirls. seen so many times near C'rescnt j ear 122 feet eaniiot he obtained at any proper speed. Blind me to the faults o f the oth-| was In the Central Point Cemetery. The sentiment o f the city ha* been aroused and the demand la City. Then we struck a little town in j er fellow but reveal to me my own. heard on every hand that SOMETHING he done to stop the speeding the timber. This town had one prin-j Keep me young en ough to laugh o f cars through our city But there the question arises, "J ust whose cipal occupation which was very ap­ with mv children. business is it to take the necessary s t e p s ? " And how can It he done? parent. That was the renting of au­ We urge the city eounetl to look carefully Into the matter at And when com es the smell o f flow ­ once. If the power to govern the traffic along the highway through to cabins. Nearly every house in the] ers, the tread o f soft steps and the town has passed to the state highway commission, the council ran at place had one or two in the hack crunchin g of wheels out in front, least tiring the matter strongly before that body. No expense should yard. There we holed up for the and the he spared; no effort sltgnted to bring an end to this aw ful condition Louise Marie Settlemire passed make the cerem ony short night. which threatens the live* of our citizens, both old and young. away at her home early Friday epitaph simple.— " H e r e Ilea a man." Meanwhile, the heartfelt sympathy of the entire com m unity goes — Syracuse (N. Y . ) Post-Standard out to the bereaved family In their hour of B orrow . I,et us hope that ext morning In the wee sm s'] morning from an acute heart attack. this little child shnll not have died In vain but that through her rs, we ate a hurried breakfast I Aged 61 years, 8 months, 16 days. Bill Snyder is now at Camp Gas- dpath shall com e a saner, safer time for the rest o f us. She was born at Summerville, Ore­ got going so as to pass through gon, November 8, 1875, and a resi­ quet and well pleased with his work big trees when the air was fresh dent o f Jackson county for the past cool and our own ja ded nerves 17 years. She was united in marriage he same condition. That was September 3, 19(15. at Portland. Ore. lv the best part o f our whole One daughter was born to this union She leaves her husband R oy A. Set- one point we left the highway tlemlre and daughter Miss Ronnie Belle Settlemire, h 11 of Central Point * short distance to see what Is She was a woman o f fine character, to be the tallest tree in the nd will he mourned by a host of j d. And we were not disappoint- 'r.’ends beside* her family. Funeral rhe darned thing had .lack's i S alk skinned a mile. 361 feet services were held at the Perl Fu­ p. m 270 to the first limb! Some neral H ome Sunday at 1 : 0 0 Rev. Lewis of Central Point o ffic ia ­ ting Interment In the Central Poll l cemetery. rrivtng at Eureka we ran Into al e fog which stuck to us clear ‘ o j Pomona Grange is having a picnic cent City. We haven’ t the fain' at the Savage Camp this rom in g dea what Humbolt Ray look - nor how much beauty we pass- Sunday. All grange members are in­ We had a hunch several times! vited Bring well filled lunch baskets C offee and iced tea will lie furnish­ Ol I Father Pacific was near at ed. Water sports under the supervi­ I. hut had no visual proof sion o f Arnold Rohnert will be en- • • • ■ Crescent City we tried to find foyed. Charles Elmore will have charge o f oth er activities o f the day. ach where we could rest awhile, ha.l quite a hunt and when we WARNI NG ly did find oen it » > « like a Notice is hereby given that the o r ­ h on some lake. Apparently ered. by a big breakwater, there dinance regarding the proper use of bieyelea on the streets o f Central no surf and no fun So after aj minute* we skipped out forj Point will be rigidly en forced in the future. No riding on sidewalks, rid­ e- • • • I ing dou ble, weaving from one side of the street to the other, o r riding at , dint o f hard driving we man- night without proper lights, will tie to hold our own up the Sm ith' break ­ r At least we didn't let the, allowed. Any person caught ing any o f these rules will be arrest­ ed thing get away from ns andi o f f when we crossed the boun- and entered the homeland once main* o f ou r most pleasant experi-j >. Oregon may have Ita fault«, epee* And our heart i* full o f g r a t - . re­ good enough for ns Rnt we'll Itnde f o r the many courtesies to hand the palm to our neigh-<| ceived California Is a g ood big sister , on the ?~utb for ?imsfr exTcHtr*' snd hera'j a t o a .l to her Our Latest Tragedy NI MltKK 4 # CLAUDE H I E , 67, DIES AT HOSPITAL, FUNERAL FRIDAY Claude White, uged 67, died at the Community hoapital in Medford Wednesday evening from c om p lica ­ tions follow in g a recent operation. He was well known and liked in this city, where he had made his hom e for a number o f years. Mr White was born in Nebraska, Nov 15, 186 and died July 29, 1936. He moved from Nebraska to Eagle Point, Ore., in 1884 and has made his home in recent years with Miss Mary Mee. One brother, J. 11. White, lives on Ross Lane and other relatives in tho Sacram ento valley iu California. Some of these are expected to arrive in time for the funeral. Funral services will be conducted at the Conger Funeral Parlora to ­ m orrow (F r id a y ) afternoon at 2 :3 0 . Services will be conducted by Rev. Ik E. Millard So w h a t? -- If anyone wants any carpentor work done get in touch with Arlene Hays. She has been having ex peri­ ence along that line In the Girl Scout Camp. Thero Is a another Bobby T u ck er at Lake of the W ood s w ho Is not the Central Point llohhy Turker. Little Ellen Howard after having a fine hair cut at the Gleason shop was not iHtlsfieil and returned home, found i pair o f scissors and finished the job. Why was Jim Cummin gs wearing tennis ahoes Tuesday m o r n in g ? Gerald Morria w orkin g very in­ du striously this morning cuttiug «rasa and pulling weeds on th e park­ ing trip by .Marine's Grocery. (Eljurrbra T H E F E D E R A T E D CH U RCH Rev. Robert ( liarlea l / 'w l « , Pastor Phone B l. Bible School— A. W . Ayers, Sup- rlntendent, 9 :3 0 A. M. Morning Worship— 1 1 :0 0 A. M. Y .P .8.C.E.— ( t w o g r o u p s ) . 6 :3 0 p. m. Evening Servies— 7 : 3 0 p. m. W o m e n 's Bible study classes Tu es­ day afternoon from 2 to 3 o ’c lock 'n charge o f Mrs. H. A. Davisson. From 3 to 4 o 'clo c k In cha rg e o f Mrs. R. C. Lewis. er. 2 : 3 0 p. m. Tuesday. The F isherm a n ’s Club, W edn es­ day 6 :0 0 p. m. The Kamlly Gathering, W edn es­ day 8 :0 0 p m. Choir Practice— Thursday. 7:3C P m CH R ISTIA N CH U RCH Clifton A. Phillips, Minister Bible School 1 0 :0 0 A. M. Roland Hover. Supt. Com munion and Preaching 1 1 :0 0 A M Special Music. Mrs. C A Kide Hnd Mr s Carl Hover Senior Endea vor 7 : 3 0 P. M. Lead­ er Vlveen Ross. Evangelistic Service 8 : 0 0 P. M. S u b je c t " T h e Most Negected Privil­ ege In T h e W o r ld " . Mr M rp o w r lt will sing. Prayer and Bible Study Service Wednesday 7 :4 5 P. M. Devotional Le.ider. Mr* Izetta Kide. Mrs. Ja rm s W o o d will review 2 Kings Junior Endea vor Friday 2 : 3 0 P. M Mrs. Kide. director. W e Beseech You Mark W ell! Do not forget! Rich or Poor, High or Low , Skilled or Unskilled, ( Especially the L a t t e r !) Our Immortal Constitution Is the Foundation A n ) the Keystone And the Safeguard Of our Liberties. Revere It, Adore It. Preserve It. F t R M K IM * F R U I T G R O W E R S BANK Member federal Deposit Iiu. Cofp.