The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, July 23, 1936, Image 1

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V O M MK V i l i
A* promised, w f hereby continue]
our tale of the wandering scribe and,
mmpanv. After spending several!
days visiting the relatives at Arling
Ion. we once more mounted oorj
faithful steed and took to the high-]
road once more. This time we set
our course Southwest by South and
so over to San Juan Capistrano,
where we entered with reverence the
old Mission. We had read much ot
the history of the work of those old
Franciscan padres and their work
among the Indians. It was a greatl
privilege to visit this old Mission,
which was established the same year
our Declaration of ludependenc-'
was signed. 1778.
* • *
One of the most attractive homes
and gardens in Central Point is that
M .H11EK 41
Guy Tex Receive*
Prize Picture of
Home and Garden
Landon Studies Farm Problem
Clt> Recorder Guy Tex is proudly
showing the beautiful framed und
tinted picture of his home which
was awarded to him for winning
first prize for the most beautiful
yard in the CouUMt Iasi spring. The
picture was made by Shaugle and
represents the hest in
the photo­
graphic art. The tinting is very real­
istic, being copied exactly from the
original colors of the house Itself.
Even the flowers about the yard are
properly colored.
At tlie time the contest this year
was being arranged, Mr. A. H. Ban-
well. manager of the Jackson County
Chamber of Commerce offered a
prize on behalf of the Chamber of a
trained photograph ot the prize-
winning yard and home. Mr. Tex
Just received the picture thlH week
Mr Tex has spent a great deal of
time and hard work on his yard
sinee purchasing the place threo
years ago. As one walks about the
beautiful lawn and examines the
rock garden, lily pool and the seem­
ingly endless array of beauty one re­
alizes how worthwhile such efforts
are. And we are told Mr. Tex has
plans for a lot more improvements
in the near future.
Tlie loth Annual Young People's
Bible Conference wuh held in the
Federated church in Central Point,
starting Wednesday, July
15 a n l
ending Sunday July 1». The confer­
ence was in charge of Rev. I). D.
Randall, dean, and Mia» Ruby Web­
ster, Registrar and Treasurer.
The opening session of the Con­
ference waa held Wednesday evening
at 8 o’clock In charge of the Dean,
Rev. D. D. Randall.
The Speaker* of the conference
and the subjects on which they
spoke are as follows;
"Pra yer” Rev.
" W h y I Do Not Believe in Evolu­
tion" Rev. Clifton L. Phillips; “ Jo-
seph. in Type" Mrs. Robert Charles
Lewis; "Book of Coiossiana" Rev. I..
W Lamkin; “ Personal Evangelism"
itev. Robert Charles Lewis; "Anti-
Evolution" Rev. John R. Turnbull;
The Authority of the Word of God"
Rev. Wolford A.
‘ Church
Bible School" Mr. Arthur W. Ayers.
Supt.; "Holy Spirit" Mrs. W. H. Da­
There were sixty registrations and
there were others both young and
old who availed themselves of these
We know that those atteuding re­
ceived a great spiritual uplift and
blessing from the Conference
The Young people were our guests
and were entertained in the homes
of the church people of Central
We wish to thank those who en­
tertained tlie young people in their
homes through the conference. Mrs.
Wilcox who played the piano and
helped in many ways. Mr. Davisson
and Mr. Richmond who prepared the
church for the occasion. Mrs. Ayers.
Mrs. Passman and Mrs. L. C. Grimes
who had charge of Ihe week day
Those who prepared the
meals on Sunday and anyone else
who helped to make a success of the
Conference in a material way.
M. L. H.
W. K. Alexander, one block east
of the old highway on Oak street.
Many hours of patient labor h a v e
gone into the making of this beao-
tiful place.
To begin with, the pure white
house has a very home-like appear-!
ante in its setting of fruit and shudej
trees. The perfectly kept lawn adds
not a little to its attractiveness. Hut
While not affiliated in any w iv the crowning glory of the place Is I
TOPEKA, KAS.—Vacation ia over for Gov. Alf M. Landon, who
with their church, still one cannot! the garden. Mere one can see what 1
hat settled down to a neavy routine of duties handling the affairs of his
see the work they did and read of. care In the planting, cultivating, and
office and preparing his major campaign addresses. He is shown hers
(heir useful lives without
wishing! watering can do. Everywhere on»
with George N. Peek with whom he discussed agricultural policies Mr.
we had more men of today willing looks one finds marvelous growth of
Peek, former AAA administrator for the New Deal, says "Agriculture
has definitely lott ground under the New Deal."
lo sacrifice self Interest for the good many things.
Next to the from fence one sees]
of the race.
¡several rows of magnificent gladioli!
Responsibility for
Defective Flue Is
Stopping for the night a few miles in all their glory. Then comes corn,
beyond the old mission with a
Cause of Fire at
Auto Smash Not
younger sister of our better half, we large they seemed ready to hurst.
ate our supper on the beach. This
Edward Davis Home
Yet Established
was our second view of the mighty high as a man's head and loaded
Pacific and it looked Just the same with fruit. Then beans and peppers,
Bert M. McCabe
The question hs to who was to
at this place as it did when we first melons and in fact we can*t remem­
The ( ’apt. Miller
house caught
Is Seriously Hurt
saw it 33 years ago on our way to ber them all. Two of the tomato fire from a defective flue Tuesday blame for the accident at the high­
Alaska. Didn't seem to have aged a plants we recall having seen In the and while the blaze waa put out be­ way intersection when a Flymoutli
In Auto Smash
house last spring and over a foot
fore the house was destroyed much sedan, driven by Mrs. Cline, former­
high then.
• • •
ly of this city, was hit last week by
Mr. Bert M McCabe who suffer­
damage was done.
One of the most noticeable things'
Next morning we said goodbye to
Mr. H i i d Mrs. Edward Davis and a Consolidated truck as It turned to­ ed many injuries in an automobile
in sight was a small patch of sweet j
‘ ‘Sunny Southern California”
daughter Lorine of Medford had Just' ward the business district, has net accident out by the Irsel
corn. 4 roows of 18 hill each, front 1
home Tuesday aflernoon was taken
pointPd'''Hetsy, 8 '' nose toward horn*-
moved into this house and got nice­ been established.
which they hav given away a lot of I
ly settled. Mrs. Davis was baking | Mrs. Cline Is positive she signaled to the Community Hospital hy Dr.
and God's Country. Our "furtherest
corn, besides canning to date 33 1
South'' was within just a few miles
bread and had lain down to rest In properly for the right-hand turn and Wilson, where his arm was put in a
pints and having all they wanted to,
xnd othpr wounds dressed.
of San Diego. Entering Dong Beach
the living room, smelling smoke she that the truck, which was also trav­ east
eat And there is plenty more in
made as comfortable as posd-
thought someone was burning grass.
from the south we managed to ste‘>r
A few minutes later she looked and and struck it on the front end and ble he was brought to hia home out
clear of the down-town district ami
A rather unusual sight was a]
got over onto the beach. Prom there
found the flames creeping through pushed it almosf across the street, neir the old Ford machine property,
large pumpkin vine which we were
Mr. McCabe and Folyd Lefler
we drove right alongside the ocean
every crack in the kitchen celling. breaking a front wheel.
told was a volunteer plant, the seed
Mrs. Cline la endeavoring to so- were driving to work in a Chevrolet
Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Lorine
for miles, past the noted California
being in some fertilizer put on one
beaches— Redondo, Manhattan New­
wish to thank the fire department cure a settlement with the truck I when struck hy a Caswell Coffee de-
spot. We noted several pumpkins
for their quick work and all the company, but so far the matter has, liwery truck driven by Chet Purker
port and others. The day being Fri­
that would measure over a foot in
day we didn»t see many bathers—
many friends who helped carry out not been adjusted. Many confllcin« ] The car was badly wrecked
,\lr McCabe was knocked uncoil-
the houvehold furniture. Everything stories are told regarding the aeci-
either sun or watt»
■Hack of the house a large grape
and will he unable to work all
was saved.
lunch just north of Santa Monica,
arbor was creaking under its load of
¡summer and is in very bad shape.
The house will he repaired imme­
where the ladies took a few dips in
grapes. And just ns a warning to
diately and the Davis's will move Mclntire Receives
the surf.
hungry kids we suw that this arbor
• * •
bark In.
Bite on Ankle Prof. Zobel Wins
had a very efficient guard. This was
Oh. >es, we drove through miles none other than a Yellow
Honors at O. S. C.
and miles of oil derricks near Long nest under the eaves of an adjacent Scotts Enjoying
Mr. Mclnire was bit on the ankle
Beach and saw several way out in woodshed and that neat was a mon-
July 22.— Honors Gleason Barber
Summer V acation' 1 while
h y *o m *
three week* « •
the oc»an. Looks like
they could ter— th° largest we ever saw. And it
on a farm the other side of for high achievement In the school
Shop Leased to
have found plenty of terra firma to was occupied, too.
Grants Pass and ia still unable to he of education went this week to 19
Mr. K. E. Scott is enjoying his on his feet or work.
dig a well on without going out to
summer session students at Oregon
Son and Partner
Mr and Mrs. Landnn. who have
vacation which started this week by
Dr. Roney of Medford treated him State college with their Initiation In­
had the care of the Alexander gar-
doing as the spirit moves him. Whe­ and thought it must have been a
Clarence Bates of Medford aud
to Kappa Delta Pi, national honor
den this year, have another fine gar-
ther it he Just laying at home or by black widow spider but others think
Mervyn Gleason have leased the
After lunch we drove inland o v»T jdt,n Ht the)r home. Here they also
a river hank, lake or the ocean or It might have been a rattlesnake.
Among them were Herbert Ewi-n Gleason Barber Shop and are remod­
tlie Sunset Boulevard, winding our|have a tine patch of sweet corn— In
reading, fishing or sleeping
Mr. Mclntire stated that he has and Clarion Richter, Portland;
J. eling the same, putting In a new win­
way through the Beverly Hills dls-. row„ nf 1 7 hills each— and have sold
Mrs. Scott Is having two vacations
....... In many painful accidents both Alfred (o x . Monmouth; J.
Walter dow an l adding a Fitch’s shaving
trlct an I Into the outskirts of H o llx-ijg worth of corn so far. Last winter
this summer having spent two weeks in mines and otherwise hut this L ; Krlcson, Cascade Ia>cka; Harry Har*
cream dispenser.
wood. Those movie folks sure have] y|r„ |,andn nhronght a single large
with her daughter and also enjoying the most painful of all
vie, Lakevtew; K. n. Hudson. Salem,
»pent some money up there.
Hut i ,>otflto from Washington. This pnts-
Mr. Bates has been in business
Mr. Scott's vacation. Mrs. Scott
—-----------------------C. Loren Mort, Independence; Franlfc
then the majority of the beautiful ' to weighed 2 ' j pounds and had sev-
most of his life with hia brothers I*
stayed with her daughter. Miss Mil­
lflings we saw in the whole country pn eyes. Sh »1 cut It Into seven pieces
Woodmen Meet
Oliver, Eugene; Dan W Poling a barber shop In Medford. Mr. aiea-
dred Berger in San Diego the first
were man-made. Darned little hon-j.,nrt planted one piece to
son has been harboring for the past
At Glass Home “ J
Alha',y; “Hy Z°' sixteen years.
In ! When the potatoes were dug the part of her visit and attended the
est-to-goodness natural scenery
Exposition. She reports the lighting
the whole district.
Prof. Zobel In well known here
other day they had an apple box full
They will continue to give the
at the fair was most beautififl and in
After the regular meeting of the
having been high school coach here same efficient and courteous service
Two of these potatoes weighed 2 V«
every hue Imaginable. They return­ Woodmen they Journeyed to the
for several years ago.
Not wishing to subject the female pounds.
as has been their policy in the past.
ed to Miss Berger’s apartment in Los Theodore Glass home and enjoyed r
Mr. and Mrs. Landon. who are
members of the party to the dangers
Angeles and visited many friends. weiner roast, buns and coffee.
of Movieand, we just sneaked by the keeping house for Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Esther Stokes, who visited he'-»-
The following members were pre­ J. E. Vincent Elected
edge and climbed a canyon to get on-|are to be congratulated upon the re-
last summer, entertained Mrs. Scott sent; Mr. and Mrs. Gehhard and two|
State Rural Carriers
to the Ventura Boulevard. Then b«»-| suits of their work in this garden,
at her mother’s home with a Sunday children, Mr. and Mrs. Young and
gan the ‘ 'Bean” country. About the They have demonstrated very efflct-
dinner party. Mrs Scott
returned daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Truman]
At a lecent letter carrier stale
principal crop for a hundred miles' ently what can be done in this town
home about July 8 .
Brenner and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. convention at Eugene. J. E. Vincent
is beans. On level lands— on hilltops in the way of gardening and flower
John Brenner, Mr. and Mrs McCon- was elected president and E F. Davis R« t . Robert Charles Lewis, Pastor
and even on fields up edge-wavs— growing
ochie and daughter Joan. Mr. and of Pendleton waa elcted vice presi­
Phone 51.
Mrs. Lees Enjoys
all we could see was beans— and yet
v :.:*
Mrs. Fred Hesselgrave, Mr. and Mrs dent. The convention next year wlli
Bible School— A. W. Ayera, Sup-
more beans. We didn't ask, but sup-;,,r they ever caught a clam deponent
Visit from B rother GeorRi! Marrh Mrg oatenblne, Mrs. be held In Pendleton.
rlntendent, 9:30 A. M.
posed they were chill heans for the||iayet), n„j
Floyd Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr and Mrg. Stanley Robbing of
Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell from Iowa
benefit of the few million Mex who
• • •
Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Beebe, Mr. Talent in their car and Mr and Mrs.
Y.P.8.C.E.— (tw o groups).
infest the land.
leaving Pismo Beach we saw no arrived here Monday. July 13 for a and Mrs. Axel Benson and the host
Vincent and Hobhy in the Vincent p. m.
* * *
more of the Pacific until we gllmp-
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore car traveled together after the con­
Evening 8ervles— 7:30 p. m.
Santa Barbara well
merits ber'sed it through a fog at Eureka, two Jack Lees and family They traveled Glass.
vention. They went on to Astoria.
Women’s Bible study classes Tues­
reputation as a beautiful city. We] days later tip through a long valley,
They had such a Jolly time that it They drove to the Bonneville dam day afternoon from 2 to 3 o ’clock *u
would have liked to have been able, past ranches and villages we found through Banff, Lake Louise. Vlctorl- was voted to continue this practice and saw all the new bridges, and
charge of Mrs. H. A. Davisson. From
to spend more time there. But as we little lo write a hook about. Such
and thev will meet a' the John Bren­ tried deep a» a fishing They also vl - 1 3 lo 4 o’clock In charge of Mrs. R
Just had to pn«h on to get hack on ¡country may appeal to some folks points, down through Seattle, Port­ ner home after the next meeting.
sitrvi ail acenic points on Ihe coast C. Lewis.
• the job we left that place for some but not us. But w e managed to keep land and ,ihen to Central Point.
route. At North Bend they visited er.
2:30 p. m. Tuesday.
They vinited two days here.
future visit. Driving on up the sea-j awake until we reached San Jose,
John Eddy I« working in the Med­ Mr. Vincents sister.
The Fisherman's Club, Wednes­
-hnre we stopped for the night about where we finally managed to get or- and Mrs. I .eex took them to Crater ford Hotel
They reporl no ear trouble of any day 6:00 p. m
Diamond and Squaw laike*.
25 miles to the north. And we on 'he right road for Oakland
kind an I traveled 980 miles.
The Family Gathering,
They left Thursday morning tra­
to register a howl at the alleged ^
. . .
day. 8:00 p. m.
rnnrtesv of some auto cabin owners
And of course we had lo have our
Choir Practice— Thursday. 7:3C
For the past five years this pa­
How they do lie when asked If there second flat tire abont here, and to lo tijeir home. They have been gone
P m
per has gone under the name of
are any other camps further on had that blasted job of unloading hy about 18 days and report very hot
In fact, ever
Even if their own cabins are full up. the roadside again But that proved weather every place they have been
since the present management
l 'll Ills I IAN CHURCH
Mr Beil has charge of the Round
they will gravely inform the weary in be the last time and we made it
took charge In November. 1931.
Don I atterson saying "It'a hotter
Clifton A. Phillip«. Minister
traveler, “ there's no more for miles” ( home from there with no further
and for some time before
than the dfcekns all over, f know b<-
Bible School 10:1)0 A. M. Roland
And when we beat abont and finally trouble
Bn: recently we were notified ] c a u s e Verne told me so. ' It is a Hover, Supt.
find on >. we may almost be certain
* * *
Just a Dog Story
hy the Poatoffire Department that i good thing he had some one to tell
Communion and Preaching 11:00
If we had Jnst gone on a bit we
Coming up alongside the Bay w»
the entry for second class mailing
him or he might have worn an over- A. M. Subject "Peter'a Place in th-
would have found a much better on* , entered our destination. San Leac-
You often read In newspapers of
privilege waa under the name of I coat.
Early Church". Solo by Miss Joyce
• • •
dm and made our way to the daugh- Mr Stork visiting women in ears
"Central Point American" and we
Next morning we struck Inlsnd ter's home readily enough And was enroute to Hospitals but they have
would either have to carry that
Rev. Philips has taken the end oft
Senior Endeavor. 7:00 P M. Za-
and bade good-bye to the sea for Mahy Nancy clad to get out of that nothing on Harvey Cearley's dog
name throughout
ihe paper cr ■ his big toe. How? We dared to print dle Smith, leader. J. Ed Vincent, di­
several boors But before noon w - darned hot old car and see her dad Greta.
pay 1 fee of 3 1 0 to have the entry {this for he can’t kick.
onre more came out on the beach at again? It's your guess
When Mr Cearley and wife were
Evangelistic Service 8:00 P. M.
Pismo Beach. This would be a para-
• • •
home Sunrfav evening
H) for the present at least, this
Harry Shaw was seen playing the Subjeet "Abraham". Patty
di*e for a clam lover. Hit the beach
But our spare Is used up and v c j from visiting relatives in their track
paper will he published under its
nickel machine at Damon's.
| will give a Piano Solo.
at low tide and found everybody and still have over 400 m ile* of beautt- they found to their amazement Mr.
old name:
Junior Endeavor Friday 2:30 P
their relations industriously shoring fnl country to cross to get home, ro Stork had visited their d o ; Greta
All the new* that Mr Smith at M. Mra. Izetta Eide, director.
iong-tlned forks in and out of the must let the rest go for now We'll leaving her several fine puppies In
'he Finlay I » r r>. hal -VS 1 ’ THre-
t h » p r m rc|»rn
Prgvwr t*4 P’t ’.s 3to’d/ V.V I u. : •
th« back r f the tru'k
ju-.d th~n 2 fit*” water's f.fffc Wtieth- 1 1?3 jociu’ >'3u
•4 Hot" n « « t
w hat?—
day1 T «9 P M