♦ The American i ' J I "T ^ T T T — Rs-establlshed, September IS. 1928. Devoted to tb e beet interests of 'entrai Point and vicinity. Kntered at second claat matter at t< "» e t offic e, r e n t r a i Point, Ora­ ron, uuder tb e Act o f March 8, 1879. "* ___ SUBSCRIPTIO N R A TE S : Sis Months ................................ 11.00 One Year ................................... $1.50 Payable in advance, ¿ d r e r tls ln g rates on application. O ffice— Second Street, o f f Main. forces of ditcurd operate. But no one bother» to consult the steel w orker» who, over a period of years, have enlisted ¡n only small numbers in the A. F. o f L. and who vote strongly for their own individ­ ual organisations. The organize.'» ignore the fact that the hourly pay and number o f employees in the ,«•«. ■ i rteel Industry «re «bove 1929 levels And on one consults the public which has a great stake in seeing the steel mills continue to operate and which wants recovery more than continued agitation Legal Notices ARTHUR EDW ARD POWELL Editor and Proprietor EDITORIALS TH K ll.IS IS O F A F R E E SO CIETY ( Except fr o m Rem arks of W aller Llppmann at University of Roches* ter) The deepent issue o f our time is whether the civilized peopls can maintain and develop a free society or whether they are to fall back into the ancient order o f things when the whole o f m en ’s exsltence, their con ­ sciences. their scieuce, their arts, their labor, and their Integrity as individuals, were at the disposition o f the rulers of the state. The world is faced with a stupendous reaction, and what makes that reaction pecu­ liarly dangerous is that those who are leading this reaction are for the most part convin ced that they are the leaders o f progress. Not to be lleve that governm ent must regulate all human affairs is currently re­ garded us stupidly reactionary by those w ho imagine themselves the pioneers o f a new world . . . But governm ents are com posed o! men, not supermen, not geniuses mere men. im perfectly educated, not wholly disinterested, with very 11ml ted wisdom. Such men can operate only a governm ent of limited p ow ­ ers, and on greater delusion has ever cast its spell upon tbe human im ag­ ination than that a group o f mortal men cun plan the future o f a society Hud direct the affairs o f a whole cl vllizatlon . . . The men w ho said that this must be a governm ent of limb ted powers were men who under stood mankind. Not only must a governm ent limit its functions if It’s to he successfully operuted, but it must Jealously guard the Independence of the peo­ ple, their courts, their churches, their press, their universities, and their property. It must guard them against dependence upon the govern ment and subjection to it and against private privilege, private .m on op oy and private lawlessness. It to ok centuries to achieve the sepsration of Church and State, the separation o f the press and the slate the separation o f learning front the state, the separation o f the judiciary from the executive. And In this sep­ arateness the modern progress of mankind has taken place. Let ns. therefore, he on guard against a re­ action, masquerading as enlighten ­ ment and progress, which would am alg amate them all again and un­ do the hard-won achievements of the em ancipators o f mankind. W H A T IN A H E A D ? The Communists in America end­ ed their convention recently, o f f e r ­ ing their cooperation fomenting dis­ cord am on g workers o f the nation's great steel mills. John L. Lewis, head o f the Mine W o r k e r s ’ Union, has thrown hundreds o f " a g e n t s ” In­ to the steel region s with instructions according to the United Press, " t o let nothing stop y o n .’ ’ The union leaders will ’ ’ invest” millions o f dol­ lars taken from oth er workers to bring the steel employees Into the dues-paying ranks o f the union. Sec­ retary Frances Perkins naively im­ plies that there will be no trouble If everyone stands aside and lets the SUMMONS IN T H E CIR CUIT CO UR T OK T H E S T A T E OF OR BOON, KOR JA CKSON COUNTY. Iva A b ercrom bie, Pla in tiff vs W al­ ter Ab ercrom bie, also, k n ow n as W il­ lie Ab ercrom bie, Defendant. To W alter Ab ercrom bie, also, known as Willie Ab ercrom bie, the ab ove named Defendant: IN TH K NAME OF T H E STATE OF O R E G O N : you are hereby re­ quired to appear and answ er the com pla in t filed against you in the above entitled Court within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons upon you, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, the plain­ tiff will apply to the Court f o r the relief prayed for in her said c o m ­ plaint, nam ely: For an absolute di­ vorce from the defendant herein. This Summ ons is served upon you by order o f the Hon. Earl B. Day, ju dg e o f the County Court o f Jack- son County, Oregon, made and enter­ ed July 1st, 1938. Date o f the First publication being July 9, 1936. W. O. Trill Attorney for Plaintiff. Post O ffice Address Suite 12 Palm Bldg. Medford, Oregon. OF OREG O N: You are required to ¡ t h e r e o f the plaintiff will apply to appear and answer the com pla in t the ab ove entitled court for the re- flled against you in the ab ove en- f lie! dem anded in said compla in t, titled court and cause on o r before succinctly stated as follow s : F or a decree annulling and set­ four weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this Summ ous and if I ting aside the bonds o f matr im ony you fail to ap pear and anwser aald h eretofore and now existing between compla in t, for want th ereof the plaintiff and defendant and that tbe plaintiff will apply to said Court for plaintiff herein be decreed to be the the relief dem anded in the compla in t ! sole ow ner o f the follow in g describ­ to-w lt : f o r a decree of d iv orce and ed real property situated in Dougla s dissolving the bonds o f m atrim on y; County, State o f Oregon, lo -w it: That certain forty »e re tract of now existing between pla in tiff and land situated in the west half of defendant and tor change of Plain-1 Section 22, T ow nship 27, south, t i f f ’s name to Mary E. Fox Range 4 west o f the W illam ette This SUMMONS is served upon Meridian, less one acre used lor you by publication pursuant to order j school purposes, as described in o f Judge H. D. Norton, made Ju n e! Certificate o f Title No. 5305, 29th, 1936. Date o f first publication i which is entered o f record in July 2nd. 1936 Volum e 8 at page 487, Tran s­ M. O. W ILKINS. fer o f Title register f o r Dpuglas Attorney for Plain tiff County, Oregoi 208 West Maint St. Medford, Oregon j This sum m ons is served upon you 32. July 2, 9, 16, 23 hy publication under and pursuant to an order o f the Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge o f said court made SUMMONS F O R PUBLICATION IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E and entered on June 19th, 1936. The date o f the first pu o. cation S T A T E OF ORkXrON FOR JA C K - ol this summons is June 25, 1936. SON COUNTY F J. N E W M A N R IC H A R D K LE M M , Plaintift, Attorney for plaintiff. vs. Palm Building A N A B K L L. K LEM M , Defendant. M edford Oregou TO A N A B E L L. K LEM M , the ab ove 52— June 25, July 2. 9, 16, 23. named defen dan t: IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E ) OF O REG O N : Y’ ou are hereby r e -, No. 019131 quired to appear and answ er the NOTH’« F O B PUBLIC ATION compla in t filed against you In the NOTICE is hereby given that Jo- above entitled court and cause on or 1 seph C. Ylayham, of Eagle Point, before four weeks from the date o f Oregou, who, on April 30th 1931, the first publication of this sum- made Homestead entry, Serial, No. inons, and if you fail to ap pear and ¡0 1 9 4 3 1 , for NW>4 N W 1 4, Section answer said compla in t, for want 33, Tow nship 35 S.. R a ng e 1 E., W illa m ette Meridian, has filed no­ tice o f intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. R Carter, Clerk o f County Court, at .Medford. Oregon, on the 5th day o f August, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: Joe W orth in gton, of Rt. 3. Box 57 Eagle Point, Ore.; E. F. Ferg. o f Rt. ) 3 Box 57, Eagle Point, Ore.; K. It.. Bilterling, o f Eagle Point, Ore ; John A. Mayham, of Eagle Point. Oregon. GEORGE FIN L E Y Regis ter 24 — June 25, July 2, 9, 16, 23 No. 01 9 7 8 3 NOTICE F O R PUBLICATION NOTICE is hereby given that Jesse F. Myers, of General Delivery. Med­ ford, Oregon, who, on August 29th, 1931, made Hom estead entry. Serial No. 019785, for Lot 9, Section 15, Top Notch Eats. G. J. Morris. Prop. Food Served at Reasonable Prices * 23 N. First Street SIMS BROS. Medford 14 South Central BODY * 220 North Bartlett F E N D E R R E P A IR I N G M edford & 1155 N. Central M edford, Oregon Steel & Iron Castings Bronze and Aluminum Forgin g and W eld ing Boiler W ork Bldg. Medford, Oregon New and Used Furniture R anges— $9.00 and up and Sim­ mon bods and springs. New and Used Davenports and Chairs. Stu­ dio Couches. Guarantee the health D R O P IN AND G ET OUR P R IC E 3 >f Holbrook & Andrews keeping In old Fire Hall Bldg, on 6th St. Phone 547 W e Buy, Sell & Trade your Ice box filled with pure ice. Ice delivered daily MOQOOOCKMJOQOQOQOOOQOOOODDO W IT H DYNGK At the •TROWBRIDGEî Cabinet Works MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO. Oriental Gardens South Fir Street Phone 2Gl NIGHT Everyth in g in Cabinet W o r k T w o Orchestras Old Tim e and Modern O N « ADMISSION M edford, Oregon It*»the Truth! ! : “ The Milky Way years Phone 47 428 W . 6th 84. Medford. Oregon Watch and Clock Repairing to Oregon Successor to VOLNEY DIXON “ Hi. Night Out” Wed. Nile i* « n e h Vite W c h it h D is tr ib u to r F o r T h n r v . KVt. Page Fence MALA and LOTUS From " E s k i m o ’’ fante In ‘Last of the Pagans' Ynyihiag in line o f fern lug ■ ■ B J H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Riverside r h o n e 263 M edford. Oregon located at Ve« and Used Watches for Sale 402 E. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ( In c o r p o r a te d ) L E L A N D C L A R K , Agen t 19 North Bartlett St. M edford. Ore. P h one 1 4 9 « See us for Fire Insurance on H ay & Grain O F F IC IA L YVICO AND E IS EM AN N M AG NETO Sides mid Service. O F F I C I A L M AGNETO RE P A IR SERVICE Genuin e New Factory Parts DAWSON’S — In taste — in f la v o r — in quality — in econ om y Render Tea & Coffee Co. 24 X. Bartlett M edford Next d o o r to Peerless Market P O W E R SEAL V O I R M OTO R AS A D V E R T I S E D OVER K N X Main St. Motor Tune-up. Auto Repairing Art’s Auto Shop Tel. l ] g g 132 N. Riverside A F E W VALUES: vi. •. u wearing » >>ur fingers to the bona and rain in g your hands with the drudgery o f the family w a s h i n g ' Let us take the whole jo b out of your h om e with DAM P W A S H - e c o n o m ica l, convenient. safe Tires, S2.75 New Batteries, $2.95 Model A generator exchange $2.50 OUR DAMP WASH SERVICE I ho lann try M*r%-irr Operated hy P A U L PRINCE, who ha* specialised in starter and generator work sines 1926 52c for a 13-!b. bundle Each ad ditional pou n d 4c Every piece svreet and i lean— ready to Iron * : .til NORTH RIVF.RM1DK A V E . “ C E R T IF IE D S A N IT A T IO N — O T A R I ) HEALTH ” DENTIST Opponile Po«« O ffice Ja cksonville. Orr. All Natural Method* ■ 32 : i DAILY’S Auto Painting Chir opractic and Physiotherapy Oregon License 264 California License 34129 M edford’» Oldest and Special Attention R|ood p re*. *urr. Stomach and Bowel*. * on*ult*tion and Exam ination FREE Phone 06 5 In M edford Since 102U FINEST PH O N E ItMt ■ YOUR DR. S. C. P E T E R S Dr. H. P. Coleman i K On the contrary the applii it g warmth t* the pr oper treatment More.ivei . r ubbi ng o f the r ;>.« rt «hotild !>• avoided m i ■ Medford Domestic Laundry ■ ■ 124 N a Saving Prince Auto Electric • Edward Everett Horton Insurance at 202 N. Riverside p II. C. HIGH Now Satisfaction Guaranteed | Wed. Only Safe RENDER’S COFFEE It’s New— 25 Real Estate Insurance Trade Her«' and \\ In Vote* SLIP C O VE RS F O R O V E R ­ S T U F F E D F U R N IT U R E Designing, Drapery M akin g P h one 1648x 220 S. Grape PERL’S Funeral Home Save Money by taking your 4» Elva Livingston Lough Established in 1908 Phone 15 I 38 8. R a iilrtt E a gle Point 44 N. F ron t St. Phone 263 M edford, Oregon Established |n your rommnnity FLAHARTY REALTY CO. Phone 21:1 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. H A R O L D LI.YOI> on the D EN TIS TRY through, by DANCE 419 M ed ford dependable for cold and food pro­ y ourself and fam ily Phone 998 Palace Lunch Dr. I. H. Gove ter, free from chemical odors and Try an A d in The American A HOOF FO R E V E R Y HOME \ PYIN T FO R E V E R Y PU R POSE Episode 4 " T a r a a n " Freshly Frozen Ice Cream Every Saturday Night 23 S. Riverside, Medford frozen artificially front pure wa­ tection. Lunch Dinuers Q U A L IT Y FOOD T iin e P a y m e n ts fu r B e m u d d in g ‘‘The Throwback” Ve A Clean Place T o Eat Ekerson PAINT & ROOF Store BUCK JONES In Eat at Spring F lo o r Repairing Milling Machinery Construction Machinery Log gin g Equipment Mining Equipment and 1 OASIS Phone 40 Pure ice through Medford!*! M edford Bldg. GLASS Medford, Oregon Graves Jewelry Shop tint. Only Nat Building ■-*- j :,;No. ***------ Riverside ¡ Fine Portraits a Specialty M e d f o r d I r o n &. S teel W o r k s Vs M edford, Swimming Pool Expert Photography Reasonable De|H'itdable Charles H. Carson, Defendant To Charles II. Carson. Defendant. IN THK NAME OF TH E STATE 15 N. Kir : •K ft ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . * ¡•i Class for Adults Mondays and >: ¡J; Thursdays. jjj From 8 to 10. 119 E. Main SH ULTZ BROS. Auto Painting SI >1 NIONS FO R PUBLICATION Office M. O. W ilkins IN CIR CUIT COURT OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Mary Carson, Plaintiff «V E R Y SATURDAY Merrick’s Shangle Studios N O TH ’« TO C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court o f Jackson County, Oregon, Adm in istrator o f the estate o f Hat­ tie B. Hatfield, deceased, and have qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti­ fied to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, to me at the o f f ic e o f Harry C. Skyrman, At- Medford Center Building, in Med- torney for said estate, at R oom 409 ford, Oregon, within six months from the date o f this Notice. Dated and first published July 9, 1936. L. H A T F IE L D , Administrator. 17— July 9, 16, 23, 30. DANCE I W h e n in M edford Reasonable Prices Second Hand Rebuilt IMENI F A R M IM PLEM ENTS A t Bargain Prices Call and see us at 3 9 S. Grape St. M edford Chosen by the Medford News' Contest Manager because o ; f their sturdy construction . Equipped with with Evenrude Motors. See them at ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ at Farmers Attention WORLD BICYCLES T ow nship 36 S., Range 2 W ., W il­ lamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to m ak e final th ree year P r oof, to establish claim to the land a b ov e described, befor e V ictor A. Tengw ald, U. S. Com m ission er, at M edford, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1936. Claim ant names as witnesses: Roy Nichols, o f Central Point. O reg on; Floyd Baine, o f Care Modoc Orchards. Central Point, Oregon Charles Jantzer, o f Central Point, O reg on; Elmer Childers, of M edford Oregon G E O R G E F IN L E Y Register ¡ 2 4 — Ju n e 25, July 2, 9, 16, 23 Now (a th e time to S IM O N IE« So Bartlett Medford 4