T H l'h s n A Y , J l'L Y » , 111*4 The AMERICA!«. CENTRAL POETT, OREOOS PAGE FOLK LO CALS Mian Evelyn Hlckena of Oakland. Calif, la «pending part of her vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Simmon». Sira. Alfred Middleton left for her home in Graeagle, Calif., Sunday morning. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Martin who visited Mrs. Martin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glover of Phoenix. Mr. Paul Scherer left for hi* home In San Francisco on Tuesday evening after spending several days in the valley on business. Mrs. J. E. Weaver who is confined to the Community Hospital Is report­ ed as improving. The Oolden Link Class of the Christain Church hold their regluar party at the home of Mrs. Harry Young, Sr. on Friday afternoon cf this week. Mr. and Mrs.D. C. Hawley and family moved into the Cooksey house recently vacated by the Robert Humphrey family. FOR SALE— Fryers. Marie Lang. Phone 3U7 Mr. and Mrs. C. Jensen of Salinas, California, visited at Wm. Hilkeys the 4th. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wag­ ner of Benicia, California, also visit­ ed Hilkeys. Carnation Club held their regular meeting today, because of the bad weather the picnic that was planned to be at the home of Martha Smith's home in Eagle Point. We had our picnic at Mary Langstrom's home instead. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelly and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chatworth Eide spent th week end of the Fourth above Butte Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgson and Betty were among the many to spend the holidays at Lake O' Woods. Grace Corkey went to Klamath Falls to visit her father over the holiday and he brought her back Tuesday. Mr*. A. J Milton, who has beer the ground three or four rods apart. Mr*. Fred Whitney j spending a few in Klamath Falls, re- Once cattle have been trained by con­ j turned the first of the week accom­ tact with the slightly charged wire. Die* July 8th. panied by her daughter and son- in­ | they will leave it entirely alone. It Byron Stoddard Is fire warden at law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale, and I has been found advantageous to Lake O’ the Woods daughter. Barbara, who will remain j string up a wire in the barnyard Wm. Thomas made a hurried trip Mrs. Fred Whltuey passed away during the vacation period of Mr. where the cattle will learn about ft at her home on the Old Stage Road to Brookings Friday and brought Hale. j before they are placed in the field 1 Wednesday morning July 8 after a home his daughters who had been | where it Is in regular use. visiting their grandmother for sever­ The Tuesday Bible Study class, It is important, says Branton, >o serious Illness of several years dura­ Mrs. Whitney was 80 years of al days. under the direction of Mrs Harry obtain equipment that is approved tion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page had i s Davisson and Mrs. Robert C. Lewis, by the state electrical inspector and I age. house guests during the holidays Funeral services will be held at their daughters. Mrs. Stanley Hor­ held the closing session June 20. then install it strictly according to Cookies and lemonade were served. the directions of the manufacturer. i the house on Saturday at 10 A. M. ton and Mrs. Harry Gidding of San Lessons will he resumed in the au­ It is not practical to try to connect Interment will take place in the Francisco. electricity to ordinary fencing nor to ! Central Point cemetery. tumn. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Conley have connect aay fence wire to an electric purchased a new Ford car. Mrs. L. H. Smith, who has been circuit without specific equipment The Townsend club's Fourth of ill for the past two weeks, is reco­ designed for that purpose. July picnic was not so well attended Credit Where vering. The single barbed wire ordinarily as was expected but a very pleasant used for electric fencing is strung on Credit is Due time was enjoyed by those who came. Unexpected guests of Rev. and insulators. Wood posts will not The mainmouth cake sold for $15 to Mrs. Lewis last week was Mr. and conduct the current from the wire RAYMOND PITCAIRN one of Butte Falls' oldest pioneers. Mrs. Ernest Gregg and son, Leslie, when dry but during rainy weather I \atioruil Chairman Mrs. Geppert. The dance was quite Sentinel* of the Republic .. who were on their way to Portland. they are likely to destroy its effect­ well attended and the. music was Who is doing the real work that leads iveness. The operating cost of an America toward Recovery? good. electric fence Is only a few cents a 1 Electric Fencing Sam Moorehouse and family en­ During recent weeks we’ve heard month when properly installed and, many answers to that question. Head­ joyed a trip to Crescent City during Found Economical because of its rather temporary con-1 lines have bristled with claims and tructlon, may be moved from place | counter-claims . . . with reports of the holidays E C. Albern and wife went *o speeches that give the credit to politi­ Use of electricity holds considera­ to place. cal officeholders . . . with statements Crescent City Saturday to get their ble possibility in reducing fencing In tests conducted at the Oregon that would award the honor to the costs on the farm, believes Ivan experiment station, electric fen ce! prophets of strange and unproved eco­ children, who had been visiting rela­ tives there for the past weeks. Branton, assistant agricultural- en was found entirely practical for nomic theories. Mrs. Sam Morehouse recently re­ But amid the thunders of oratory gineer at Oregon State college, who dairy cows even when a smooth wire ceived word that her son, Raymond, has investigated various kinds of was used, but a smooth wire win [ the true claimant is ignored. He is the man who, while politicians is in the navy is stationed at Pana­ electric fencing. When properly in­ not effective for pigs unless it han- clamored and theorists argued, con­ stalled, Branton says, electric fenc­ pens to touch the animal's nose or tinued quietly, faithfully, effectively to ma. He is on the U. S. S. Pennslvania. Miss Beulah Heryford and Orbra ing is entirely safe for stock as well ear. Branton believes that one do the day's work; to support himself, Abbott of Butte Falls were married as human beings and lends itself heavily barbed wire, well insulated, his family—and America. He is the man — whether farmer or at the court house in Medford Fri­ particularly to pasture rotation use. would have been effective with hogs, hired help, merchant or clerk, executive day morning at 10:30 o’clock. Judge The advantage of electric fencing sheep or goats which have consider­ or mechanic — under whose hand and is that only on wire 1 b needed and able natural protection from the j care the fields maintained their yield, Day of Jackson county performed the products of farm and factory kept the ceremony. posts may be morely stakes driven in electric current. moving, the wheels of industry con­ The bride is a daughter of Mr. tinued to revolve. and Mrs. Harry Heryford of the log­ He is the man who earned and paid the taxes—direct or Indirect—that kept ging woods near Butte Falls. Both have grown up in the Butte this country a going concern and met the payrolls of the political Job-holder* Falls commumity and are graduates who would take the credit unto them­ of the local high school. selves. They have gone on a wedding trip He isn’t one man. He represents mil­ lions of self-reliant citizens who main­ to points of interest on the Oregon tain and support and operate the coast and on their return will be Subscribe to homes and the farms and the work­ at home In Butte Falls. shops of America. Miss Wlllanna Brainard and He is the type that built America in The American the past, that is upholding America in Ralph Smith were married In Med­ the present, that will make America ford at the Jackson county court more glorious in the future. house at ten o’clock Friday morning. Individually, he is the real American Judge Day of Jackson county per­ Collectively, he is the Real America. formed the ceremony. Mrs. Teen Let the political and economic sooth­ sayers continue their claims and their Henshaw and Edwin Williamson were witnesses. promises. The bride la a popular young But, meanwhile, let's give credit where credit is due. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brainard of Butte Falls and * Utm- ber of last springs high schoo’ graduation class. Mr. Smith came from low* tw# years ago with the CCC but is no* employed by the Medford Corpor*. tlon. The young couple will make their home In Butte Falls. .They have the best wishes of their many friend» Miss Opal Wooley and Donard o! Butte Falls were married Wed! nesday July I at Medford. Jud*, Day performed the cereraory. The bride is the elder daugther of Mrs. Sam Morehouse and a popu. lar member of the youngpr social set of Butte Falls. The bridegroom is a senior foreman of the South Fork CCC Camp. After a wedding trip to Lake O' The Woods the young couple will be at h one in Butte Falls. Marion Caster To Have Army Duty SAN FRANCISCO, July 7__ s*v- en officers reserve corps lieutnanti have been ordered effective July 9 , to a year's active duty with the regular army, the ninth corps ares announced. The list included: Marion Bertram, Caster, field artil- lry. Central Point, Oregon. C O LLIN S DAIRY Grade A raw and Pasteurized Milk & Cream “ Cleanliness’’ our Motto Open for Inspection at all times Joe Collins, Prop Lunch Meats of Your Signature Mrs. and Mrs. John Anderson and daughter, Miss Edith, of Salem spent the holiday week end at the Ander­ son farm and called upon friends, returning to their home Monday. Edith spent Saturday with Dorothy Smith, both going to Ashland. ami Personal Security iblc you to get cash quickly Sec W. K. THOMAS . Central Meilfonl By E. F. (W oodie) W oodm an Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of San Francisco, who are spending a few weeks In the valley, are occupying one of the cottages at Hotel Val- andra. STACKS BERT PECK EA C H Automobile Repair 3 2 FT. And Service HIGH F A B E R U U IF .D IN G Miss Arlene Hay left June 30 for Camp Clenox near Florence. She will be art director of the Girl Scouts and juvenile unit head She expects to be gone for a month. The camp is said to be one of the best Girl Scout camps on the coast. Ethel’s Beauty Salon Two $3 Permanents for $5.00 Both appointments must be made at the same time. s a .n o W A N TED PERM AN EN TS Phone 21 * 1 .5 0 Central Point Central Point Meat Market I. D. L E W IS , Prop. CHERRIES OR BERRIES for Sub­ scription to The American. Ouftwti TO R K EN T CONVEYANCE or THE AGE IS THE "A£ROHYDRQCHAFT "PORTLAND« .ia T "H .W O M n'LU E D D By Olrl'B Bicycle. 10c an hour or 60c a day. Any day but Saturday or Sunday. Phone 601 or inquire at this office. V«*.,, iiA-tnivvi VKTOR W STRODE THE ENGINE POwttf ED WITH MOtJitOAS, MAKES 4 0 MILES AN HOUR IN T H E PICTURE PORTLANDS MAYOR. JQSt PH K CARSON. IS A T TH E - v m e £ l . th e s t r a n g e - m er cy B o a t " is e q u i p p e d t o r f i r s t F O R M ALE CLEANING A DEMOTHING Com pound. Excellent for cleaning ov erstuffed furniture end rugs. Cal at this office. AID LIKE UN AMBULANCE— ^ J <| ] S o H E iP A lE / FRICTION S T R IP S FOR 2 S O O PACKETS OF MATCHES» • Now, while you ran get them, $4.50 Per load Central Point Weed Yard rhone . 1 » i;«M*oiuiblr P rie »« l*mmpt Serrftv TU B E S C H E C K E D FREE When brought to the «hop •t the Telephone O f f i c e Sandy Richardson Central Point ENOUGH TO LIGHT SEVERAL HUMORED THOUSAND CIGAR- . —^ f T T E S .A f f HADE FROM THE O M ABRASIVE COLLECTED 8V THE MOTOR OIL OF A CAR IN TRAVELING 1,000 MILES. through t h is o i l , travel ­ ing this d ist a n c e ,is draw n UPWARDS OF 12.000 CUBIC FEET OF OUST AND ABRASIVE-LADEN a ir . .. air enough to fill a n a v e r a g e ii-R oom m o u s e , so ^ V S e .F mallock , CWICFAUTONOTN ENwiVLtu o f r e r com RRM ybroouc - ino m o bilo il . HE assigns this C O L­ L E C T IO N of HARO PARTICLES IN OIL AS A REASON WHY SO M A MV MOTOR­ ISTS train c # anitcases every I O O P M I L E S . __________________ ________ T j I S H r t A B A B Y - . A C H IL D AN A P E D W OnAN ~ -ROLLED ------- - J INTOONf SO HELP M E. YOU C A N 'T T E I L TH E 6 i F F E R E n c £ , WHEN ANN TO B IN T A L E N T - EO ACTRESS OF “ MOBIL C ^ £ Z 'S E" GETS “ PORE- TME MIKE. H E R VAST A U D IE N C E O F TH E A I R HEARS HER AS A A- YEAR 2^‘\ * * ytA ,^-OiD,C>RAN 8 4 YEAR-O LD . WITH EQUAL FACILITY SHE PORTRAYS CHARACTERS OF AWY A 6 E . TMATS WHY THIS YOUNCx AND B E A U TIFU L G IR L »» BARELY 21» • WAS RECENT­ LY SIGNED ON A 5 YEAR. W ARNER BROS C O N TR A C T. T M t AS i O O F T CAM T M A F W O « A R A C E W ITM O C JT A N V FAVO LIN E I « T H F T A N K Power to Pass And stay ahead That added snap and power to stay in the lead comes only from a motor that is in perfect condition. Our Ser­ vice men are trained in factory pre­ cision methods and will “ tune” your motor so that it will give you that snappy p,ck up. They will also re­ store smooth performance to your motor. This will save you many dol­ lars ,n gasoline and repair bills. « n e w Lease Un Life For Your Motor Associated Service Station L. C.Grimes ( , THE 6ASOLINE IN TU E r D CARBURETOR WAS S U F F IC IE N T • / TO W O PEL. THE C A R T O WITM- W IN IOO F E E T O F THE FINISH LIN E AMD THE « O M E N TUFO ACCUM ■ . ' . ULATED BROUGHT THE C A R H O M E THE WINNER , SO QUOIT M B A R R E T T , AN N PRESTON AN D HENRY A R I E T T A . U N IV E R S A L P L A Y E R S A R E S E E N T E S T I N G IT O U T PUK. MIL EAôÊ J U S T TO M A K E S U R E - . Petrol & Richfield G A S W hole«, 1«, , n<| K et,|| A . R. O W IN G S SER VICE S TA TIO N Central Point