TH ITW D A T. JULY », 1934 NWVt. Section plaintiff herein be decreed to be the 33. Township 35 S., Range 1 E , sole owner of the following describ­ Willamette Meridian, haa filed no­ ed real property situated in Douglas tice of intention to make final three year Proof, to eatabllah claim to the County, State of Oregon, to-wit: land above described, before O. R. That certain forty acre tract of Carter. Clerk of County Court, at land situated in the west half of Medford, Oregon, on the 5th day of Section 22, Township 27. south. August, 1936. Range 1 west of the Willamette Claimant names as witnesses: Meridian, lees one acre used for Joe Worthington, of Rt. 3. Box 57 school purposes, as described in Eagle Point. Ore.; E. E. Eerg. of Rt. Certificate of Title No. 5305, 3, Box 57, Eagle Point. Ore.; R. R. which is entered of record in Bilterling, of Eagle Point, Ore ; Volume 8 at page 487, Trans­ John A Mayham, of Eagle Point, fer of Title register for Douglas Oregon. County, Oregon. GEORGE FINLEY This summons is served upon you Register by publication under and pursuant to an order of the Honorable H. D. 24— June 25, July 2, 9. 16, 23 Norton, Judge of said court made and entered on June 19th, 1936. No. 919783 The date of the first publication NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION cf this summons is June 25. 1936. NOTICE is hereby given that Jesse F. J. NEWMAN F. Myers, of General Delivery. Med­ Attorney for plaintiff. ford, Oregon, who, on August 29th, Palm Building 1931, made Homestead entry, Serial Medford Oregon No. 019785, for Lot 9. Section 15, 52— June 25. July 2, 9, 16, 23. Here la undeniable evidence of the methods which the New Deal is THE 8LTKKMB COURT using to coerce relief I enta and WPA workers. Reproduced from the No. 019431 The people who first settled in Philadelphia Inquirer of March 28. 1936, is this facsimile of a letter pur NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION New and Used this country were fleeing from the portedly signed by Charles McDonald, Democratic leader of the 14th NOTICE is hereby given that Jo- i rule of European kings. They had Furniture seph C. Mayham, of Eagle Point, ! v ard, Philadelphia, instructing dive on committeemen to via t all relief enough of central governments who Oregon, who. on April 30th, 1931. recipients and WPA v.hrldera nnd threaten them with dismissal If they Ranges— $9.00 and up and Sim­ controlled their every act, ordered don’t regist*r Democratic. mon beds and springs. New and their life, Interfered with their free­ Used Davenports and Chairs. Stu­ dom to worship, and exacted taxes in dio Couches. any amounts. This SUMMONS is served upon, DROP IN AND GET OUR PRICE3 Dr. I. H. Gove When the great patriots and scho­ ! you by publication pursuant to order I Legal Notices of Judge H D. Norton, made June Holbrook & Andrews lars who wrote the Constitution be­ DENTISTRY 29th, 1936. Date of first pubiicatlou j In old Fire Hall Bldg, on 6th St. gan work they were determined on SIMMONS July 2nd. 1936. 4IO Medford Bid«. Phone 547 one thing: before everything els-i M. O. WILKINS. | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF We Buy, Sell & Trade Medford. Oregon they would write into It such safe­ Attorney for Plaintiff | THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR guards which would prevent a cen­ 208 West Maint St. JACKSON COUNTY Medford, Oregon tralized tyranny under a king or any Iva Abercrombie, Plaintiff vs Wal­ 32. July 2. 9, 16. 23 ite other name gaining control in Ame­ ter Abercrombie, also, known as Wil­ rica. At no time could the power of SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION lie Abercrombie, Defendant. the states be over-ridden and one IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE To Walter Abercrombie, also STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- great government order the lives of Bure ice through and through, known as Willie Abercrombie, the SON COUNTY free citizens. frozen artificially from pure wa­ RICHARD KLEALM, Plaintiff, above named Defendant: Thus the new government was vs ter, free from chemical odors and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE divided Into three parts— the Con­ ANABEL L. KLK.MM, Defendant. ! OF OREGON: you are hereby re- dependable for cold and food pro­ TO ANABEL L. KLEMA1, the above gress, the Presidnt, and the Courts | qulred to appear and answer the named defendant: — with each actlug as a brake upon tection. Guarantee the health of complaint filed against you in the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the other. yourself and family by keeping OF OREGON; You are hereby re­ above entitled Court within four The Supreme Court safeguards! your Ice box filled with pure Ice. I week« from the date of the quired to appear and answer the the individual from tyranny; It pre- complaint filed against you in the 1 first publication of this Summons above entitled court and cause on or esrves his rights. If there were no , upon you, and if you fail so to appear before four weeks from the date of Supreme Court, there would be no Ice delivered daily j and answer said complaint, the plaln- the first publication of this sum­ machinery for protecting the indivi­ | tiff will apply to the Court for the mons, and if you fail to appear and dual In this country from the ten­ answer said complaint, for want dency of government to be op­ I relief prayed for in her said com- thereof the plaintiff will apply to I plaint, namely: For an absolute di­ the above entitled court for the re­ M EDFO RD ICE & S T O R A G E CO. pressive. lief demanded In said complaint, vorce from the defendant herein. The function of the Court is not This Summons is served upon you succinctly stated as follows: Phone 264 South Fir Street to bend the popular will, but to sec For a decree annulling and set­ by order of the Hon. Earl B. Day, ting that the rules of the game, as laid aside the bonds of matrimony judge of the County Court of Jack- down In the Constitution, are fol­ son County, Oregon, made and enter lowed. When the Constitution is deserted, th rights of the Individual ed July 1st, 1936. Date of the First publication being disappear. The Supreme Court ex­ July 9. 1936. ists so that that does not happen. W. G. Trill Politicians are often vexed at the Attorney for Plaintiff limitations of the Supreme Court. Post Office Address- Men who are impatient to carry Suite 12 Palm Uldg. through quickly some vast change Medford, Oregon. attack the Supreme Court. Careless officials who rater to organized mi­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS norities. attack the Supreme Court. Ye», It’» a fact— Notice Is hereby given that Hut in our long history of 150 have been appointed by the County years, It has played this wonderful Court of Jackson County, Oregon. The New Servi-Cycle role of protecting the Individual and Administrator of the estate of Hal- tie B. Hatfield, deceased, and have his liberties. As long as the Court qualified All persons having claims For delivering packages and messages— going to work— making functions, no tyrant, no opreseor. no against said estate are hereby noti­ fied to present them, with proper dictator can rule In the United collections— going to school, sports, etc. Safe as a bicycle. vouchers, and duly verified, to me at States. (he office of Harry C. Skyrman, At- C. A . T H A T C H E R Medford Center Building, in Med- torney for said estate, at Room 409 630 N. Central, Medford Phone 553a Cherry Crop It ford. Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. Dated Damaged by Rain and first published July 9, 1936. L. HATFIELD. Administrator. * Fifty per cent of the remaining 17— July 9. 16, 23, 30. ♦; >; >; ;<♦; >; ;«r. » ; >; >; cherry crop of the Rogue River val­ _ ___ ___ _ _ ;«r ley, reduced heavily by frosts last SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION ; ; T R o W B R I D G E l April, has been damaged by the Office M. O. Wilkins IN CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON rains that fell over the week-end. according to County Hotlculturlst FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Mary Carson, Plaintiff C. U. Cordy. vs In an inapection of cherry orchards Established in 1908 Charles H. Carson. Defendant. To Charles H. Carson. Defendant. !... yesterday, Cordy said he found con­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE create jobs for 4,337 Oregon worker» siderable “ split" nnioug cherries JF OREGON: Y'ou are required to that had ripened, but green cherries, appear and answer the complaint and those in process of ripening lied against you in the above en- P E R L ’ S Vegetable* and fruit» taken fixmi tin cans in n«>ai were unhurt. itled court and cause on or before Funeral Home ami distant kitchens occasion the continued pros­ County Agent Robert G. Fowler four weeks from the date of the first Established In your community perity of Oregon's fad growing industry. Every publication of this Summons and if reported hay had been damaged to 35 years rou fail to appear and anwser said i-mplicd can represents a vacancy on some grocei’s some extent by the rain, aud was complaint, for want thereof the Phone 47 488 W. «th 84. shelf, M potential market for a full ran of Oregon Medford. Oregon being further damaged by the con­ plaintiff will apply to said Court for fruits or vegetables a few cent* more toward tin- tinued cool weather and dump condi­ the relief demanded in the complaint to-wit: for a decree of divorce and ¡S3. IIMl,non annual payroll in this state for proce*- tions. Sunshine would be a boon. dissolving the bonds of matrimony >ing, canning ami preserving fruits nn First Nali«»n- al Bank of Portland has taken an active part in tin- financing nnd promotion of this Steadily in- < reasing Oregon imlnstry. Today Oregon's pioneer hank, both in l>>rtland ami through branches in the state’s running centers, continue« to take an active part in th«- huihling of this business which giv«-» nock to Ihonsamls of men nnd w«»m«n. Figures supplied by Portland C of C Page Fence »NN HARDING A a jib is g “ Lady Consents” In lin e 124 N Kivtrsidt llerbeet Marshall of fe n c in g Phon# I f I Medford, Oregon i Graves Jewelry Shop Now located at 402 E. Main St. New and Used Watches for Sale ■Satisfaction Guaranteed M EDFORD BRANCH The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland , w w m m • m • m w B w w * m ^ u o • 9 9 • 9 9 w w 9 w w w w w w 9 T l Wi , ♦: :«i >' : ♦ > : » » >: j >: > ; » • ♦ • * Merrick’s ♦ Swimming Pool :Ji >! I Class for Adults Mondays and Thursdays. From 8 to 10. Nat Building wNo. Riverside Medford When in Medford Eat at & Lunch V e Dinners Freshly Frozen Ice Cream 119 E. Main Phone 998 DANCE on the O A S IS Spring Floor Every Saturday Night Eagle Point Elva Livingston Lough SLIP COVERS FOR OVER­ STUFFED FURNITURE Designing, Drapery Making Phone 1648x 220 S. Grape Safe Insurance at a Having Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Incorporated) LELAND CLARK, Agent 19 North Bartlett Bt. Medford, Ore. Phone 1490 See us for Fire Insurance on Hay & Grain OFFICIAL WICO AND KISEMAXN MAGNETO Bab's and Service. OFFICIAL MAGNETO REPAIR SERVICE Genuine New Factory Parts D A W S O N ’S 44 N. Front St. Phone 263 Medford, Oregon ? R EN D ER ’S COFFEE It’s New— — In taste — in flavor — In quality — in economy Render Tea & Coffee Co. 84 X. Bartlett Medford N«>xt door to Peerless Market POWER SEAL lOUR MftTOR .48 AD4 ERTI8E1» O V E R KNX Motor Tune-up— Auto Repairing Art s Auto Shop 262 N. Riverside Tel. 1200 Prince Auto Electric 132 N. Riverside \ FEW VALUES: Tire», S2.75 New Batteries, $2.95 Model A generator exchange $2.50 Operated by PAUL PRINCE, who has specialized In starter and generator work since 1926. DR. S. C. PETERS D EN TIST Opponi!«- Post Office Jacksonville, Ore. All Natnral Methotls Dr. H. P. Coleman Bank Dollars help build Oregon Payrolls! Wtotem Ditiribstor For Tfcara., FVi. „ Township 36 S., Range 2 W., Wil­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Victor A. Tengwald, U. S. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses; Roy Nichols, of Central Point, Oregon; Floyd Baine. of Care Modoc Orchards. Central Point, Oregon: Charles Jantzer, of Central Point, Oregon; Elmer Childers, of Medford Oregon. GEORGE FINLEY Register 24— June 25, July 2, 9. 16, 23 D A IL Y ’S Auto Painting M«-dford’s Oldest and FINEST Now I« the time tn 8IMOVTZE J2 So Bartlett Medford Chiropractic ami Physiotherapy O re*© * L ic e n s e 2A4 < all Torn la License .toll» Special Attention t„ Hio^j rrrn, sane, Stomach and Rowels. * on ««■ It at Jen and Examination _ Phone *«3 free In Medford Since I Pib> *