The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, July 02, 1936, Image 1

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    i n » -
A f r i «•'
The American has maintained
its leadership throughout the
depression because it has the
courage of its convictions.
VOLUME V i l i
M u s in g s ^
By an Innocent Bystander
g ,u < l
I (" 'll
MtlllHIlM,, IIHM, ,, 1
Once more comes the Glorious
Fourth. Once again the Fugle will
scream and the small boys will burn
their fingers with fireworks. Hut
with it all, do you suppose that
many of the people of this United
States will stop to think of Just what
the Fourth of July really means. We
fear to most of the modern genera­
tion the day Is just one more holi­
day. Hut to those who really «are
the day brings the thought of what
the country is and how is has grown
during the years.
•Saw* * f'**
I f you have news items we
will appreciate their receipt by
THURSDAY, .11 LV *, IftUi
NEW SCENIC LOOP Fishing Conditions
OPEN Ï0 PUBLIC Show Increasing
Don Richardson
Wins “ U ” Honors
EUGENE. Ore., June 27.— A near-
record number of Unverslty of Ore­
gon students won places on the hon­
or roll of scholastic achievement In
the last term of the 1935-’ 36 year.
(’ . L. Constance, registrar, said to­
Students hud to averuge 3.50 out
¡o f a possible 4.00 points to obtain
honor recognition, and 124 sueceed-
The Applegate is classed as iMil ed. 20 of them having straight " A
above the main mouth of the LittleI grades.
Applegate. Carberry. Vale and Upper
Among those with “ A " grades
Little Applegate are classed as good were Frank H. Spears. Salem; Orval
All roads on the Hogue River Na- N Thompson. Shedd. and Antone
tional Forest are open to travel and Yturri, Jordan Valley. Others wln-
are in fair to good condition. Regin­ ning honor roll recognition included
ning July 1 all campers in the Na­
Ruth M Chilcote, Carrol H. Howe
tional Forest will be required to Klamath Falls; Ruthann Hreitmayer
comply with the following regula­ Grants Pass. Donald S. Richardson,
1. Secure a camp fire permit from
the Forest Ranger or Guard for all
■umps except those posted and dealt;
T O Iin C »01161
nated as not requiring a permit.
Dies at LaVerne
2. Have as part of the equipment1
when camping at other than designa-
Caroline Olivia Jones died at the
:ed camps one axe with handle not home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray
less than 26 inches long and head Slavs, of LaVerne. Cal., last Thurs­
weighing 2 lbs, or over. One shovel day, after an Illness of three years.
with handle not less than 36 inches
Mrs. Jones was born July 27,
long and blade not less than 8 in 1869. in Dade county, Missouri. She
wide. One water container, capacity had lived in Sams Valley since 1895.
one gallon or more.
In 1881 she was united in marriage
In addition to the above regula­ to the late John B. Williams of Sants
tions which apply to campers, all Valley. Nine children wer born to
travelers will be required to meet this union, five of whom survive.
the following regulation: No smok­
In 1907, she was united in marri­
ing while traveling in timber, brush age to .1. W. Jones, of Sams Valley
or gras sareas on the National For­ Two sons were born to this union.
est except on paved or surfaced high
Mrs. Jones, well known in south­
ways Throughout the entire year ern Oregon, is survived by her hus­
the Federal Laws prohibit;
Build­ band, .1. W. Jones of Sants Valley:
ing a camp fire in grass, leaves, rot­ five daughters and two sons; Mrs.
ten wood, or other dangerous places, (’ . H. Farrar of Burbank, Cal.; Mrs.
or in windy weather, without clear­ Ray Steves of LaVerne. Cal.; Mrs. T.
ing around the fire pit and confln L. Ward of Tahoe, Cat ; Mrs. U. G.
Ing the fire to a hole. Leaving » » y j Coleman of Reno, Nev.; Miss Hazel
fire to burn unattended or failing o Williams of I^aVerne, Cal.; Harvel
extinguish a lire before leaving It W. Jones of Anaheim. Cal.;
Throwing or placing lighted cigar­ Haul K. Jones of Medford.
ette. cigar, pipe heel, match, fire­
Mrs Mervyn Glason Is a grand­
cracker or other burning substance, daughter of Mrs. Jones. Mervyn and
or discharging fireworks. In any Jimmie being the only great grand­
place where they may start a fire.
The Forest. Guards are now at
Funeral services were conducted
their stations and will he pleased to from the Perl funeral home Monday
supply campfire permits and infor- afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. D. E.
mation which will make your trtp Millard officiating. Interment was In
more enjoyable.
the Sains Valley cemetery.
Mount Ashland scenic loop road is
Fourth of July Is a safer holiday
now open for public travel, it was
uowadays than it used to be— but It
announced Tuesday by Karl L. Jan-
still results in a great number of
ouch, supervisor of the Rogue River steadily improving during the past
ileaths and Occidents. The tragedy is
national forest, who drove over th-1 week Lake O’ Woods is now classed
that all those accidents and deaths
route yesterday, with H. C. Obye, as­ as fair for silver sides. They are be­
are preventable. You can have a
sistant supervisor.
"safe and sane” Fourth that is also
ing taken with a combiantion of
“ In my opinion," said Mr. Jauouch
an enjoyable Fourth— If you'll re
"this is the most impressive scenic ¡pinners and night crawlers. A few
drive in southern Oregon or north­ bass are being caught The Lake O
“ don'ts“ : x
We ask you all to read once more ern California. I am not alone in Woods Resort Is now open, furnish­
1 Don't forget that tho proof ot
those words of the Preamble to tho this opinion; Mr. Obye agreed with ing cabins, meals, boats, etc.
Fourth of July patriotism is home
In Fish Lake limit catches have
Declaration of Independence, the me. and some time ago a forest serv­
signing of which we celebrate. “ We ice inspector made the trip and w;-s been taken regularly when bait fish­
2. Don’t shut your eyes to the
hold these truths to be self-evident, astonished with the scenic beauty ing with worms or when trolling
great Fourth of July huzards: Fire­
that all men are created equal; that Hfe said that in all his travels deep. A few eastern brook are being
works. automobiles, drownings, fire,
they are endowed by their Creator through Oregon and Washington re caught.
firearms, falls, poisons.
The rainbow fishing at Rocky
with certain inalienable rights; that had never seen anything more beau-
3. If you must have home fire­
Point on Klamath Lake is good.
among these are life, liberty anil the|t|ful.
works, see that they are the safest
pursuit of happiness; that to secure! The scenic drive extends from Ash­ Rest catches are being taken on An­
these rights governments are institu­ land *o the Siskiyou divide, then dy and Baby Rekers.
4. Tell the children why home
Diamond Lake is classed as good.
ted among men, deriving their Just west, down past Dutchman peak to
fireworks are always dangerous.
powers from the consent of the gov­ the Heaver creek road, then to the Trout-Oreen, Tendem spinners and
5. Don't neglect to clear your pre­
erned. .”
Applegate river and back to Med Andy Reekers have yielded good
mises of all rubbish.
catches all during the past week.
6. Don’t discharge fireworks near
The route. Mr. .lanouch said is All roads in the Upper North Ump­
That doesn't mean that all men
buildings. Get out in the open.
are created with equal powers, phy­ easier from the Ashland side be­ qua are now open, except through to
7. Don’t let children play
sically or mentally, or that they are cause the ascent is not so long. At Crescent Lake. All streams are clear
matches Keep matches out of their
all made In the same mold. Hut it one place however is the grade more, an^ '*><■ water is lowering so that
does mean that they are created with than 10 per cent, he added. At Its Umlt catches are expected over the
8. Don’t let children throw spark­
equal rights to those “ certain inali­ peak the scenic r o a d is more than ! weekend. Royal Coachman & Quean
lers. They remain hot some time snd
enable rights" mentioned. Nor does 0,000 feet above sea level. The road of Waters have proven to be the
are dangerous.
it mean that they can sit back and he said, is smooth, being made of most successful flies
9. Don't let children
In the Upper Rogue River and its
say “ the world owes me a living," hard granite soil.
fireworks unattended.
Aong the drive motorists can see tributaries the water is lowering and
and that they can expect that some
1 0 . Don’t let children
stand too
Rock. Mt. Shasta, the rugged is expected to be good during the
one is going to take care of them
close to fireworks that are being dis­
without any thought or effort ot: country between the Pacific highway next week The 7 lakes and Rlue
and the coast, the Sisters mounaina, Lake is now open, but no reports
their part.
11. Don’t let children pick tip un­
• • •
Mt. Thielson, features around Dia­ have been received as to the fishing
discharged fireworks. They
conditions. Maintenance crews that
This writer is of the opinion that mond lake, the Cascade divide and
have been into the 7 lakes basin re­
one of the main things that is wrong the rim of Crater Lake, Mr. Janouch
12. Don’t keep fireworks in the
port that considerable snow remains
with this country today is the fact said.
home uncovered. Keep In tin box un­
The road was constructed and is in that territory and that the mos­
til used.
that too many people have lost the
quitoes are very bad. In both the
idea that a man can do or he Just being maintained hv the Rogue Riv­
13. Don’t forget, above all, that
Middle and South Forks of the
what he wants to do or he, provided er national forest service with the
most Fourth of July accidents can
be prevented.
he wants it bad enough. The great aid of the PWA and the CCC. A CCC
high and only small catches have
the side camp of 30 men has been es­
been tpken during the week.
growth of this country was the faith tablished at Wrangle gap to build
Annual Dinner
In Rig Hutte Ranchería and Four­
that men had in themselves. The parkways and camp grounds along
bit Creek the fishing is classed as
men who carved this country out of the route. Mr. Janouch believes the
Given Classmates
good. a3 is both the north and south
the wilderness didn't depend on a public will utilize the recreational
forks of little Butte.
bénéficient government to help them facilities to enjoy the refreshing
l*ast Friday evening Mrs. Guy Tex
out. They just dug in and tackled coolness of the highe raltitude.
It requires about three hours of
Rev. Charles e . Huribun. recent- Several Vacancies
Grimes and Mrs Ayers enter­
the job at hand with all their might,
W ill Present Views
Iv deceased was the Director Gener- j
to make the
tained at tho Tex home with the
prepared to take the good with the continuous driving
In Marine Corps fourth annual dinner, the following
loop. The road is entirely safe and Un-Evangelized Africa al and was host to Ex-President j
bad. as the rase might be.
• * •
there is no danger of
Theodore Roosevelt when on his
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vaughn,
e,,IUtment of young men for Miss Avys Ayers, Miss Frances Fa­
Sunday night at 8 o’clock at the | famed Hunting Expedition.
Mr. Janouch said, though he cau­
Rut with the coming of the "m a­
exer- j “ Little Red Brick Church” , Rev.
Everybody Invited to come.
,hej U S' Mur,ne CorP» *" th® l">- ber, Miss Katherlen Lathrop,
tioned that motorists should
chine age" and the new standards of
____________________! mediate future has been authorized
1 1‘ ietsch who is representing un-evan- \
rise care at blind curves.
Delbert Ayers, Mr. Fred BoswortU,
living has come a let-down in that
gelized Africa wheih includes the!
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown and lo ril* ,,<,,|rr|ng vacancies, according Mr. Lewis Hedgpeth and
Mr. Bill
Fpirit of independence. Too many
region of the Pigmies, will give a family are nicely settled in their new to information received by Postmas­ Grimes.
people today just drift along in the
lecture with the screen showing pic­ home which was formerly the Pax- ter Pankey from Captain James B.
Last year Mrs. Vaughn nee Gene­
belief that if they fail to make good
tures of the people and the work son place. Mr. Brown Is one of our Hardle, in charge of Marine Corps va Brown, was unable to attend, this
by themselves, they can call on
This is one of the most interesting disabled war veterans who suffered recruiting activities in Portland, year Mrs. William
1'ncle Sam and he will come for­
Wanter-—Two good lookiug
wo­ mission fields in the world.
mustard gas and is unable to do
Jerry Tex was absent.
ward and help them along. What we
These young men will be accepted
men, fat and industrious.— Inquire
This lecture is sponsored by the hard physical labor. The Browns
After dinner the guests wrote a
need today is an awakening of that
at City Hall of Mr. Tex and Mr. Younger Married People's Class of come here well recommended and mainly from the states of Oregon. letter to Mr. and Mrs. Askwlth who
old spirit of belief in ourselves and
the Sunday School. Rev. Pietsch ex­ will be an asset to our community. ! Idaho,
are residing in Seattle. Then the
our determination to show the world
pects to go to the field In the near They will have five children in our j Washington, but young men apply­ boys with the assistance of Mr. Guy
that we can still take care of oursel­
A cow down in Florida swallowed future. His father, Rev
E. schools this fall, the oldest girl en­ ing from adjoining states will !>.* by putting them in an old trailer
tering high school. Our good schools considered These men will serve as Tex charivaried Mr. and Mrs Vaughn
• • •
has been sleeping in the shade ever can Board and a friend of the pas­ was a large drawing card in their replacements on the far flung for­ end taking them all over the valley.
So as we celebrate this hundred since.
eign shore station, in Navy Yards,
locating in Central Point.
As the evening was quite cold they
and fifty-eighth anniversary of the
and on Ships and Airplane Carriers
were nearly frozen to death before
signing of the Declaration of Inde­
of the U. S. Fleet. Those qualified
Mr. Bert Hedgpeth spent Sunday
being brought home
pendence may this country have a making hay at the Lewis place and
will also have an opportunity to
"new birth of freedom” and a new thereby missed a chicken dinnnr at
serve with the Fleet Marine Force,
resolution that government of the home.
a specially trained organization for Bible Training School
. f'atf-aKJ !
people, by the people and for the
military duty with the Fleet ami
To Close in July
people shall not perish from the
said to be the finest In the world.
was sitting in the middle of Little
Applications for enlistment are in­
• • •
The Bible Training School which
Butte Creek with her coat on.
vited from young men who are In­
* ? * ft
We noticed a statement the other
terested in the opportunities of tra­ has been In session since last fall for
day from one of the correspondents Farewell Party
vel, adventure and education
with the first year Is closing the first
week of July. There were 64 enroll­
the Marines.
attending the Democratic convention
Given Mrs. Kilburn
that probably 75 per cent of the
Detailed Information may be ob­ ed In all the classes and much Inter­
newspapers of the country are
tained from Postmaster Pankey, or est has been shown by those who
The following members of the W. j
against the present administration.
from the II. S. Marine Corps recruit­ have applied themselves to the vari­
The Second Year will
That is a peculiar situation
ing station, 208 U 8 Court House. ous studies
open about October first. The In­
course the proponetns of the admin­ farewell surprise party Monday af-j
Portland, Oregon.
structors were all connected with the
istration will say that this is to be ternoon Mesdames Minnick. Copin-
Jones. '
Uentral Point
"L ittle
Red Brick
expected of a "subsidized press." It ger, Booth. Musty.
Congressman Mott
f'hu rch."
takes a lot of patient pecking away Woods. Thompson. Milton, Hilkey, j
Moves to Salem
on the part of at least some of ns Marine and Misses Muriel Kilburn |
who aru unfortunate enough to be and Nadine Musty and the honor
After a very busy hut Interesting
saddled with a country newspaper to gnest Mrs Henry Kilburn.
session Congressman James W. Mott
It was a complete surprise. Punch
show how silly that cry it So far as
has left Washington. D. C. to return
the country press is concerned, there and cookies were served.
to his home at Salem. Oregon. Dur­
The Kilburn family will be milch
never yet has been a time that we
Rev. Robert Charles Lrwta, Pastor
ing the summer recess Mr. Mott's
haven't had to work like heck foy missed In this community.
Phone 51.
office will be located in the Masonic
every inch of advertising we get.
Bible School— A. W. Ayers, 8up-
Building, Salem, and all mall should
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Richard­
And as for any other kind of subsidy
rlntendent, 9:30 A. M.
be addressed to him there The of­
and Mrs
we have very sincere doubts if there son and Charlotte.
Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M.
fice will open July 8th
is a newspaper in the country, that I.- Truman Brenner and Shirley,
Y.P.8.C.E.— (tw o groupa).
< :!0
a country newspaper, which so mu'-h snd Mrs Norman Wiley. Vlas Alfe ■
p. m.
as has ever a chance to refuse a
M i*» Imogene W allace
Evening Servies— 7:10 p. m.
spent Sunday in Ashland
subsidy of any kind
L e a v e * t o M arry
Women's Bible study classes Tues-
¡day afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock *0
The reason most of the newsps- i lean patriot am than :h» -e -«am*
( .
-t Ini 'gene Wallace will leave|charge of Mrs. II. A. Davisson. From
-era of the nation are opposed to th< amali newspaper men. lAnd we diti
t hi- evening for Portland »h ere s h e l l to 4 o ’clock In charge of Mrs. R.
.'ew Deal and all its works la he- ti't blush when we said It.)
will be married Sunday to Mr. J W ’ C. Lewis
• • •
an*e they are close enough to the
1:3 « p ru Tuesday.
M Coy of Ashland In the presence of er
Next week we are going to be hi
ottorn they have a very clear view
the Immediate families at the Fir>-t
Tba Fisherman’s Club, Wednes­
"Load your firecracker with food,” says Croceryman
f how ft affe« Is the common fellow out and ont of range from the gum
Presbyterian church Her father. Mr day * 00 p. m
G«orge Jonas to little Freddy and Bill, "and everything
nd the small businessman And we on the firing line We will try tr
George Wallace will leave Friday
The Family Gathering,
will he all right.” IGA grocer* from coast to coast are
oubt If there is a single class of drop a line from the wilds of a 'et
1:00 p m
evening Mias Wallace’s coming wed- day
advocating a safe and sane fourth with picnics as the main
in this country who have tain big city and perhaps will
dine has been tbe motive for mich | Choir Practice— Thnradav 7:3«
feature rather than the dangerous toy* and firecracker*.
ggtfy u 4 »
' -
* «
entsrra t m g tha (Set fas «aaks
p. B
^ *11
So w h a t? —
|f||NÉ _