THtRHD.IY, FEBRUARY I»* 10M Tlq AMMUÇAjt^CRNTRAC POINT, OREGON TWO ben of Montana ha» put forward the most revolutionary plan o f all. Ha would have Congress pass a law for- Re-etrtaDlUbed, September IS, ÎSSS. blddlug Judges to declare any act of A 5./. ot Br:-f DiscutaUtm nn Privine, Vedi If _ a Devoted to the beet Interest* of 1 “ tigress unconstitutional. --------------------- .. catti, lo thè Sd/efy, tornio.: and ¡'leaiuta ''entrai Point and vicinity. I ud* e dUob. he had violated the constitutional requirement of "good behavior" on No. 6— POWER AND SPEED SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: the part o f the judiciary. A ,fosT c: our motor cars will go sc m;:ch faster than we ever care to dri.c SI* Months .......................... . »1-00 Democratic Representative Hobbs I.** the a. that no doubt people often wonder why so much speed is boil* One Year .....................— .... - »1.60 of Alabama wants a constitutional into them in the first place. Of course, automobiles aren't built with the idc of pleasing the manufacturer or the engineer or the Payable in advance. amendment that would require the salesman. They re built to suit the men and women Advertising rates on application. Supreme Court to inform Congress who are going to own and drive them. And there are Office— Second Street, off Main. whether or not a law was constitu­ certain things that people do insist on in their cars. tional, if an opinion were requested I* happens that soma of those things are ot such a ARTH U R KDW ARO PO W ELL nature that when the engineers provide them, an by the President, or two-thirds of Kdjtor and Proprietor ability to go fast just naturally results. the members of both houses. Point For instance, nearly everybody l.kes to get going of this amendment would be to eli­ as promptly as possible. Now that a just a matter of the power we have in our engir.c and how our car is minate the delay and confusion that geared. now follows the enactment o f legis­ Then there’s the business of hill-climbing. That lation of dubious legality, such as inay not mean as much in some localities as in others, V ’t ’V the A A A and NRA, which were in but cars have to be built to suit us whether we live FA TA L I NKRIK V I»L I N KH8 in Maine or Florida, Iowa or California—wherever /. There Is an unavoidable relation effect for several years before the we may live and wherever we may want to go. high court consigned them to obli­ between government and business. Engineers tell us that they could build a fairly low-p iv. u cm the'. Out of the very nature of their re­ vion. would pull us up the steepest hill i.„ i it they did, Democratic Representative Keller they would have to gear it so low thr t when we go. spective functions, they must, there- over the top and onto a level stretch, we could ont. tore, be cooperative. If both are to of Illinois has proposed an amend go crawling along at a rate tnat wouldn't satis.'; ment which, In 25 word«, would reach the highest possible service. even the most conservative drivers. Government derives its financial practically remake the Constitution. But perhaps the most important reason loi hal­ "T h e Con­ ing our power what it is in modern cars, is a matte:, sinews from prosperous business. H I» amendment reads: that many of us have never considered. IVe ah know Its attitude, therefore, should be gress shall have power to make all what happens to us, when we, ourselves, arc goir... neither predatory nor confiscatory lgws which in its judgment shall be at high pressure all the time, either physically or necessary to provide for the general of the sources from which comes its mentally. A person can work 12. 14 or 16 hours a d .'. welfare o f the people." This would but we know we get along best when we don't tan capacity to carry on its duties. our last reserves of energy all the time. It Is more than casually to be re­ obviously leave the Supreme Court In the same way, anybody who has ever run gretted that government, as repre­ entirely without power to judge a machinery knows that if you keep it pci:-" at ! ‘t law's legality in the light of other sented by the National Administra­ capacity and full speed day-in-and-day-out, you're Just multip'yin). t ;e chances of a breakdown, sooner or later. tion, and spokesmen for the world sections o f the Constitution— the And that's how it is with a car. By building in the of business, finance and Industry, justices would be confined to inter­ ability to run at high speed, engineers make it prac­ preting laws only. throw brickbats at each other while tical to run at reasonable speed. If our car can go Democratic Representative Costi- seventy, eighty or maybe even more miles an hour, all should be concentrating on re­ then it won't have to strain to go thirty-five, forty, gan of Colorado wishes an amend­ covery. or somewhat faster if circumstances demand. So we The purpose of this comment is ment which would give Congress the can drive it along at sensible speeds hour alter hour not so much to fix responsibility as authority to regulate working condi­ day after day, without over-working it. When we stop to think to voice regret. The government of tions, establish minimum wage stan­ about it, lots of things are the United States belongs to the peo­ dards, regulate production in any built with that added safety ple of the United States, is supposed Industry and prevent unfair prac­ margin. Elevators in our of- to operate for the greatest good of tices. This sweeping Congressional cc buildings could carry far .leavier loads than the weight the greatest number, but In so doing power would make possible the re­ of all the people they can there Is nothing in the premises enactment of a national law o f the hold. So could modern bridges. The s:;. W1. NRA type. which pre-suppooses that In the fut of our buildings, the rails un^'er cur train, -in Democratic Senator Logan of fillment of this ideal it is incumbent m y number oi thin'is we dtpeuti on d t• arc mucii stronger than they really hv. . Y Etc upon the government to be punitive Kentucky favors a similar amend­ Ï eil have that extra riarrdn of pro.ectio in its attitude toward any single ment which would permit Congress bo Wiin on cars whs* \vr have to i . n o w • to arbitrate labor disputes and to re­ group. Ai’ S i ei p . gulate agriculture and Industry, Business and industry not only ure that ro ver t ::>.i. 5 lv. c wr can p-v « s,...- ; and ici l v perform~n •- ai- i -j .da. .. „• u l c result r:..„u ji- „ . One Republican Senator has also support government, but support so­ can't C ' . .3 tl:3 , It’s all ï ï : ) ï j. ciety hh well. The progressiveness of proposed a new amendment, but, those who compose American indus­ curiously enough, this Senator's try workers and managers— have views are more apt to fit those of Congress passed the bonus but left built this country, and are the only the Administration than of the Re­ it up to the executive branch to find hope for reemployment of the idle publicans. He is Senator Norris of the wherewithal. workers. It is unjust and harmful of Nebraska, who actively supported The President does not want to the national welfare to insinuate Mr. Roosevelt, as well as 91 Smith. issue printing-press money. Nor does that business men— whether they Senator Norris' amendment would he want to pay o ff the bonus by Developments In the few weeks j are manufacturers, tradesmen or fl prevent the Supreme Court from issuing another bond issue. Many since Congress met have convinced ; unconstitutional nanclers— are any more selfish or holding measures that there think that he w ill ask Congress to Washington generally unpatriotic than any other group, without a majority ot more than two create new taxes to bear the cost. w ill be a quick end to the "breathing thirds ot its members. even politicians. In an election year, new taxes strike spell” decreed by President Rooso-1 None of these proposals seem to Business is entitled to no special fear Into the hearts o f all officials velt last summer to stimulate recov- I privilege, but neither does it deserve have much spport at present. But, running for reelection. Some fire­ ery. special punishment when it differs on the basis that where there is works are to be expected. Briefly, talk of a short session is with politicians as to what will smoke there is fire, they sorve to in­ A survey made by the American leceding and the type, of “ reform ” dicate that the Constitution Is likely quickest bring recovery. Legion to determine what veterans legislation which aroused fears and to come Into the political limelight. will do with their new money is in­ naturally delayed re-employment for P L A IN AMERICANISM Mdst observers think that the Presi­ teresting. Thirty-four per cent will two years is again creeping to the There can be only one capital, dent does not want to propose Con­ go for investments and savings or front. Washington or Moscow. stitutional changes now— men close be held In uncashed bonds. Twenty- How many of these bills the Presi­ There can be only one atmosphere o bint have said he will stick by the six per cent of the money will go dent has sanctioned, and how many of government, the clear, pure fresh Supreme Court's decisions outlawing air of free America, or the foul his pet measures. Even so, many ob­ for homes, farms and equipment, he will try to push to enactment this and twenty-three and one-half per breath of communistic Russia. servers are also of the opinion that, session, remains to be seen. Many cent for old debts. Personal expendi­ There can be only one flag, the unless he is willing to scrap his whole legislators, however, point to the tures will take about eleven and one- Htmrs and Stripes, or the flag of the recovery and reform program, he march of recovery since N R A's ban- I half per cent, and new automobiles, godless Union of the Soviets. may eventually have to ask for a ishment last June and say that must j There can be only one national new amendment that will give the five per cent. anthem. "T h e Star Spangled Ban­ federal power authority the Highest ner," or "The Internationale." Court has held it doe a not now pos­ There can be only on© victor. If sess. And It Is not by accident that the Constitution wins, we v ia . the principal Republican spokesmen, But If the Constitution— stop, such as Mr. Hoover, Mr. Borah, and stop there!— the Constitution can’t Colonel Knox, are devoting most of lose— Alfred B Smith. their speeches and articles to Con­ stitutionalism. HWKKT OR HOI R GRAPHS? Donald Rlchberg. who once rode On June 15. the United States the now-dead Blue Eagle, remarks Treasury can be called upon to pay that the s.-al o f those who seek to out »2.500.000.000 in cash. This Is defend the Constitution may bring the amount o f money required to drastic revisions of that basic docu­ redeem the baby bonds ordered paid \ ment. to veterans by Congress, over Presi­ V\ hich reminds us that last year dent Roosevelt's brief, aggressive v e - 1 R rhberg argued before the Supreme to message. How many veterans '•ourt for hours that the NBA was will actually take the cash, and fo re­ I* I. The Conn, hy a 9 to 0 decision go the 3 per cent compound interest concluded Rirhberg was wrong they will be paid if they hold their, Rlchberg predicted chaos would bonds until 1945. Is a burning ques­ follow N R A ’* Invalidation. Instead, tion. everything girt better. Perhaps ho A still more burning question Is, j I f you live some distance from town, you >» « now Is letting his desires have Just Where will the money come from? ‘ still hank at this direct Branch of the strong e little influence on his pronuncia- I . S. National conveniently hv using our meatoa. Ilank-by-Mail method. It*e SAFE andjams The American W e D rivers EDITORIALS m W a s h in g to n S n a p S h o ts j "L ey Me tie Y ou r M ilkm an” Economic lights Happening« T» u M Affect the Dinner Pails. IMvtdend Checks and Tax Bills of Every Individual. Satina­ si and International problema la- •eparable from D m l Welfare It Is a foregone conclusion that i th~re will be a great deal of talk concerning Constitutionalism In the n»xt campaign. But It la a question! whether or not the ancient document | will be an active issue— that Is. i 'o r a definite proposal will he j made io change the present division j of powers between State« and the Federal government. If some Congressmen have th e ir! way. such a proposal will be a part i of the Democratic platform. Democratic Representative Menag- Gilman's Sanitary Dairy There may not be the rrm n itln e But Th ere 1« som ething la the body HKRIDKS tim «. I pon inquiry, we’ ll he glad to explain all details o f how we bring the bank to you — if you cannot come to the bank. ^ e invite your Checking or Savings account — and, of course, deposits here are insured tinder terms o f the federal iV|)otit Insur­ ance plan. Frey. Manager. Dwight L- Hoiwmton, Asst. Manager. Medford Branch o f tho l ulled States National Bank Top Notch Eats. O. J Morris. Prop. We Specialize Home Cooking Head Office. Portland, Oregon l ' " l »*V C I c o u p o n v rIn s b< considered in relation to new re- General Farley in virtually accusing etrictive legislation. ' all businessmen of being "gang- sterg.” The resignation o f Undersec- Three measures will give the tip-1 retary-of-the-Treasury Coolidge fo- e ff on how many new entanglements: fused attention sharply on the bud- ure to be strung In front o f business get. And the realization came that and recovery. They are the new at the end of this year, on the basis Wheeler-Rayburn bill, which would of present indications, the budget vest in the Federal Trade Commis­ will be further out o f balance than sion powers so broad that they are before. Particularly hard to laugh almost comparable to those held by o ff was the fact that no economies illegal N R A ; the Walsh bill, to give had taken place in the regular gov­ the government control of wages ernment departments. and hours through the weight of There is a broad feeling on Capi­ goverumental spending; the Ellen­ bogen bill, which would apply to the tol H ill that the country is at last textile Industry the same cost-rais­ awake to what continuous spending ing restrictions enforced under the means in taxation next year and few Guffey Coal act. The Walsh bill slip­ care to go into the campaign on the ped through the Senate last year but fell by the wayside when the House spendthrift side of this issue. awakened belatedly to the enormity As one speaker put It, blessed are o f the new power the measure would the little children for they shall in­ transfer from the legislative to the herit the national debt. executive branch. House hearings have been ordered on the Ellenbog­ en bill with prospects that the Labor committee w ill push it if the Admin­ istration wants It. David Lawrence, one of Washing­ ton’s most able political analysts, describes the new Wheeler-Rayburn bill as giving the Federal Trade Commission "m ore power than the NR A, more power than the Securi­ ties Act, more power than the Cope­ land food and drug bill, more power than any Federal Trade Commission act or anti-trust law of the past, and more inquisitional rights over the private affairs of the citizen than anything now on the statute books." Many Washington observers see clearly In It another design by some of Its sponsors to put the Supreme Court "on the spot” attain, for upon some points covered in the bill's sweeping phraseology the court has ruled repeatedly in the negative. Few things are worrying Demo­ cratic leaders at thie capitol more than the. mounting size of the defic­ it— unless It is the Tammany lan­ guage used recently by Postmaster Farmers Attention Hi vomì Hand Rebuilt FARM IMPLEMENTS At Bnriyilii Price* Call and see ns at 30 8. Grape 8t. Medford All Natural Methods Dr. H. P. Coleman 111 drive you to CALIFORNIA - SAFELY / Other highways are often slippery and dangerous in winter. Bat steel rails are always safe, the smooth cat, safest highway in the world. TMt winter, let our engineer drive ytMt swiftly, comfortably to California. Rail fares are so low nowaday* every traveler can afford to go this way. For fares and details,tee yoor S. P. agent, or write J. A. Ormaady, Gtn'l Passenger Agent, 705 Paciffc Building, Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Try the— SIN G E R R E P A IR M AN ..Any line of machines repaired.. W ork guaranteed W . H. K I A T T Il K. Bartlett l ’itone 782 Meilfonl, Ore. Fick Hardware Co. trosley Radios $21.95— $109-50 Npivd «Jueen & May Tag WASHING MACHINES Sales and Service 131 W. Main St. Phon« »00 Medford Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Oregon License 204 California License 6029 MEDFORD VETERINARY Spivlal Attention to Blood Pres­ sure, HtonWieh »nil Bowels. Consultation and Examination FREE Phone 905 In Medford Since 1920 15 years experience In large and small animal practice. 225 N Riverside Phone »00 DR. J. W. WATERS HOSPITAL All work guaranteed Baldwin Piano Shoppe BARGAINS IN rHKD PIANOS Medford 12» W. Main & DYERS FOR AUTO LOANS Office 20 8. Central Plant 811 N. Central Medford, Oregon SEE COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION Medford, Oregon Dr. I. H. Gove DENTISTRY Flower’s Mattress & 419 Medford Bldg. .Medford, Oregon Upholstering Shop Mattresses Made to Order Phone 548 V.______ ____________ __________ _ ;e :T R O W B R I D G Eg Cabinet Works Everything In Cabinet Work 609 E. Main St. Medford Safe Insurance at a Saving Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ( Incorporated ) LELAND CL 4 t*v- Agent 19 North Bartlett Kt- Medford, Or*. Phone 1490 Efttabalftbed in 1908 BERT PECK Automobile Repair And Service FABER B r o j i l N O *