THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1003 Tb« AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON TWO The American Re-established. September 13, 193». Devoted to the best Interests of Central Point end vicinity. Entered as second class matter at h* iost office, Central Point, Ore- vod , under the Act of March 3, 1(73. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SU Months ............- .............. - l¿.00 One Year .............................. — »1.60 Payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Office— Second Street, off Main. ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL Editor and Proprietor EDITORIALS ON BEHALF OF YOUR POCKETBOOK As everyone knows, there Is often a great difference between the price a farmer gets for the food products he sells, and the price the ultimate consumer must pay. A long list of charges is respons­ ible for that difference. It costs money to transport food, to process and pack It, to preserve It, to carry on the vast machinery that operates between producer and consumer, and, finally, to sell It at retail. Many of those costs are unavoid­ able and necessary. Borne are not. And the great problem of food dis­ tribution is to eliminate those which are not, while at the same time ef­ fecting any possible reductions In the essential ocsts. About fifteen years ago, when the nation was appalled by high post­ war food costs, better distributing and selling methods were started. These methods managed to do away with a number of old “ Middleman" costs— they cut others. In less than a generation, they made constant Hnd remarkable progress. Today a similar situation obtains — food prices are rising, and there Is danger that they will go beyond the point where the people can com­ fortably pay. The solution, then, Is the same as it was fifteen years ago: To advance as rapidly as possible the work of cutting costs between producer and consumer. Few undertakings are so valuable to the American pncketbook— few deserve such wide-spread support from the great American public, which must pay the bill for wasteful and Inefficient food distributing methods. TO TH E A V E R A G E MAN This is addressed to men of av­ erage means who have been sub­ jected to the widespread fallacy that the rich pay, or should pay, praetlc- ully all of the taxes, and that the poor and moderately well-to-do re- c Ive, or should receive, the benefits of govrninent for next to nothing Here are two facts for you to think over: Eighty per cent of all taxes In this nation are "hidden"— that Is, they represent purt of the cost of articles and services, and must be paid by the consumer. The total net taxable income— not taxes paid -o f all American corpor­ ations In 1933, was »2.500,000,000. The total net taxable Income of per­ sons with net Incomes In excess of Again— The People Speak By RAYMOND PITCAIRN National C.huuman Sentini’h of the Republic An event of unusual Import to those who would tinker with the United States Constitution has occurred re­ cently In Pennsylvania — the state wherein our National Charter of Liber­ ties was conceived and written. There, for the first time since recent efforts to remould our Federal Con­ stitution along the lines of the newer political philosophy gained national prominence, the people themsrlvrs were given opportunity to say what they thought uf that sort of tiling. Emphatically they rejected the Idea. Dominated by the vote from rural districts and the smaller cities, they decided that this was no time to risk the possible writing Into fundamental law of various unproven theories now being urged throughout America as a substitute for crystallized experience. The people of Pennsylvania, of course, voted only on the question of revising their own state constitution But funda­ mentally- and despite whatever politi­ cal spokesmen on either side may claim some of the principles Involved were comparable to those brought Into prom­ inence by the nation-wide efforts of certain groups to remould our Federal Constitution into a form more readily Influenced by passing fears and passions. in the response may be read a heartening message of encouragement to all who oppose efforts to scrap cer­ tain essential elements of our American system of government In favor of new and untried theories. It Is: That the great body of the people— the men and women who constitute the backbone of America -are not at this time in sympathy with a policy of sudden# ,'hanges They realise that while it was the Declaration of Inde­ pendence that proclaimed personal Lib­ erty. 1» Is the Federal ConstltwUon that assures it They do not Intend In sur­ render that guarantee. Again-the People speak. »5,000 »4.000,000,000 six, mouths from date o f this notice. described, before Q. R. Carter, Clerk F. HAY and M. S. HAY, also known Dated and first published Novera- This serve as a theme for a sermon In of County Court, at Medford, Ore­ as MARY’ S. HAY, husband and wife, i ber 21, 1935. I. makes a total of $6,500.000.000.1evwy church at ,h u “ me of ,lle The total cost of government, feder- year‘ al, state and local, was *15,500.000.-1 So ,oa* ** selfishness and stupid 000 In 1933. Result: If the govern- recklessness, go long as death and ment had confiscated the entire tax- destruction on our streets and able Income of all corporations and •»4) Chiropractic Nerve Specialist of Section 16, in Township 35 In New Location South, Range 3 East of the W. DR. K. C. MULHOLLAND MEDFORD CENTER RLDG. M. Room 810 Dentist The Southwest quarter (S W !4 ) Office Phone «02 — Rea. 781-J of Section 15, in Township 35 Hours O to 3 42« Mod. Bldg. South, Range 3 East of the W. Evening by Appointment M. .Medford, Ore. The Southwest quarter (S W 'ii) All Natural Method* of the Southeast quarter (SE34) Office Phone 1223-R— Res. 744-Y of Section 15, In Township 35 Dr. H . P. Coleman South, Range 3 East of the W. M. Chiropractic and Physiotherapy The Northeast quarter (N E )4) Fick Hardware Co. Oregon License 204 of th e Southeast quarter California License 8029 Crosley Radios $21.95— S1OOJ50 (SE14) of Section 15, In Town­ MAYTAG A SPEED QUEEN ship 35 South Range 3 East of Special Attention to Blood Pres­ WASHING MACHINES the W. M. sure, Stomach and Boa-el». Kales and Service All in Jackson County, Oregon. Consultation and Examination 181 W . Main St. Phone 800 Dated this 3d day of December, FREE 1935. Medford Phone 005 SYD I. BROWN, In Medford Since 1020 Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon by HOWARD GAULT. Deputy. gon. on the 31st day of December. 1935. Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest E. Dahack, Peter F. Young, Paul Reynolds, Frank Shroud, all of Eagle Point, Oregon. GEORGE FINLEY. Register. 24— Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19. 26 TYPEWRITERS MEDFORD VETERINARY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- SON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estates of J. Legal Notices 4-844N) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. I jiik I Office at Roooburg, Ore­ gon, August 12, 1985 NOTICE Is hereby given that Thomas D. Riley, of Eagle Point, Oregon, who, on Feb. 14th, 1931, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 019467, for Ix>t 4, Section 9. Town­ ship 36 S, Rang» 1 W. Willamette Merldan. has filed notice of Inten­ tion to make Final Three Y'ear Proof to establish claim to the land above 15 years experience in large and small animal practice. 223 N Riverside Phone 300 DR. J. W . WATERS BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS 128 W. Main Medford Brill Metal Works FOR A U T O LO A N S GENERAL SHEET METAL FURNACES & REATINO 100 E. 81 h. St. Medford Phone 418 SEE COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION Medford, Oregon Flower’s Mattress & Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones en­ tertained with a Thanksgiving din­ ner, the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farra, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middleton of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Chat Etde and Marjorie and Stanley Jonea. H O S P IT A L Baldwin Piano Shoppe Upholstering Shop T « CALIFORNIA and all waatarn poin ts: Lesve any day from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1. Bo back by midnight, Jap. M. There’» a lo w roundtrip far# to every S.P. station in the West. Both First Class and Coach-Tourist fares reduced. Plan to make your holiday trip by train; go com­ fortably, aafely, awiftly. EAST via CALIFORNIA: Special Firat Clasa and Tourist round- trip» to eastern cities in effect from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1. Return limit. Jan.31. Also new low coach and Tourist roundtnps on sale daily all winter—ith a six months return limit. Go or return via California, thru San Francisco and Los Angeles. For fares and details see your local S. P. agent or write ). A. Ormandy, Cm. Pa’s- Agent, 705 Pacific Bldg..Portland,Oregon. Southern Pacific Betty Jane formerly A DYERS Maîtresse* Mude to Order All work guaranteed Phone 348 Office 20 8. Central Plant 811 N. Central 400 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon Medford Dr. I. H. Gove G U N SM ITH DENTISTRY Modern Gun Repairing on All Makes of Guns 4IO Medford Rhlg. Medford, Oregon RE-BLUEING — RE-BORE ING 18 Yrs. Factory Experience. • W A V .V A V V V V A Y V W V V W V V SIM S BROS. Gun & Cycle Shop T R O W B R I D G E Cabinet Works Formerly Medford Cycle A It» pair shop 28 N. Fir 8t. Medford Everything In Cabinet Work Established In 1008 VAVW AV5 Safe Insurance at a Saving Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BERT PECK Automobile Repair And Service ( Incorporated ) LKLAND CLARK, Agent 19 North Bartlett Ht. Medford, Ore. Phon«. 1400 FADER BUIJJÏINO G LAD 1S M A E SH O P Announcing the Opening of a New Store Dresses, Blouses, Pajamas and a variety of X M A S REMEM BRANCES W e feature expensive and Distinctive Clothes 16 S. Bartlett Medford P E R L ’ S Funeral Home E X P E R T WATCH and JEWELRY Repairing Established In your community 23 years Phone 47 428 W. flth St. Medford. Oregon At I ►»•pression Prices 15 So. Central Are. Mrdf< C. Earl Bradfiah Thi. Classified Directory Will be found useful When in Medford PHOTOGRAPIIER8 ph ysh taxs Dr. B. C. Wilson ______ Shangle Studios Expert Photograph* S ttUdVi K ry m e. # . S o,r¿ J lrB* L h n Ç ijH t and Surgeon «o