THIRBDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. h *35 TKc AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON PAGE Illinois and Iowa— aud parts of it the fuse i« lit— and the world waits Mr. aud Mrs. Gillette aud family in* at the Frink home during Mrs. are supposed to be incredibly rich in for the result in fright and wonder. were Medford callers Monday as Frink's absence. petroleum and other mineral re-j ---------- wer« Mrs Walter Grant and son sources. The deed Is to run for 75; Now that the Ball is Over Is, Donald last Saturday. years, aud gives the charterees un- a* moment, an American nation- Miss Elaine Rush who is working i limited authority to exploit mineral a* a' r- The ball in this case is the resources and otherwise develop the i Congri?»». During its long, talkative, in Medford spend the weekend with I her folks here. Across from H n* National Bank country. Holder» ot the charter » r e ; comic-opera session solons approprl- Mrs. Pearl Rhodes and daughter, | said to consist of British Interests atet* HO.000,000,000. And they gave Laura Jane and Mr. Van Doozer, a ll! l.l M H I'OR SI HINH. CHILDREN bcaiiopeu salmon. Ramin bread & and an American corporation c o n -jthe Pres*dent almost everything he of Portland were visitors at the Wll-I School days are here again. From butter. Baked potato. Lettuce salad. trolled by one of the Standard o i l l a8*te<^ ^or’ demonstrating that while companies. Which Standard Oil com- ^ 00*evelt t^d'-ncy »lay be slipping. 1 liams and Siegmiller home last Sat- j the little red school house In the Peaches. Sponge cake. Milk unlay and Sunday. Mrs. Rhodes is a ' pany is involved, if any, is not yet lit still exists. country to the imposing school house daughter of Mr. C. It. Williams, well Congress passed an unprecendent- known— Standard Oil of New Jersey, in the city, there is the hustle and principal member of the group, de­ ed soak-the-rich lax on inheritances, known arpenter of this community. bustle that goes with the opening of We wouldn’t be surprised if Mo­ nied that it was any party to the gifts and big incomes. It passed a schools after the long vacation. bill to concentrate control of bank­ doc "bosses" were beginning to sus- deal. During the summer with long ing and credit under the govern­ pician the "toothache" story. hours of play in the sunshine most Aext day diplomatic response fo ment. It passed the largest single ap­ NOTICE TO PACKERS AND Business callers in Medford Mon­ children have had healthy and ra­ ______ this astounding maneuver of Selas- propriation in the counry's history— day were Mr. Joe Rush and Mr Joe venous appetites and mothers have tlappeuiugs That Affect the Dinner sie s was one of amaz-meut, wonder. SCHOOL GIRLS $4,880,000,000 for work and direct had little to worry about in that re­ Pails, Dividend Checks and Tax excitement. Foreign diplomats, bar- relief. It passed a stringent regula­ 1 Mayfield. A number of people in this dis-1 '»IM’ctal appeiutments made to spect. But with the excitement and Bills ot Every Individual. Nation- ring the Italians, at first thougut tory bill concerning utility holding hurry of school days it may be some­ al and luu-rnalioual problem» In­ tnat Seiassie had pulled a fast one companies. It passed a bill to en­ trict have beeu threshing both al-1 -ti il > on r con Terilene,, an il h o u rs. what different. It is often difficult on Borne that would virtually bulk force the right of collective bargain­ falfa seed and grain. separable from lAM-al Welfare. Mrs. j. Frink left for the Huckle­ to get Mary or John to eat the ---------- j Mussolini’s designs. Later eveuii ing by labor. It passed a bill where­ $ I .OS — $2.50 — $11.75 amount of food for breakfast that The latest move of Emperor Haile proved otherwise. Mussolini, visibly by all common carriers, save the berry patch last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Schultz of Sams Val- is necessary for growing and active Selassie of Ethiopia (who numbers enraged, made a speech saying Italy barge lines, will be regulated and | ley. She expects to get home Friday bodies. This too often results in over 1 among his myriad titles those of would not and could not turn buck, coordinated in the manner of the ■evening. Miss Rogenia Dusenberry fatigue toward the end of the morn-1 ‘ •King of Kiugs" aud "Lion of Ju- oidered sensational preparations for railroads. «iso of Sams Valley, has been stay- ing session and the child will have dah” ) to save his little country from war, threatened tutertering nations but little appetite and will eat less Italian domination, marks one of the with a taste ot Italy’s mailed iiai. than if an adequate breakfast had' most dramatic and unexpected epl-1 And the British foreign office thrust been eaten. And supper just can t sodes in the long history of diploma-; a politely worded verbal spear into make up for these two lost meals. tic intrigue. Ethiopian hopes when it "advised" Selassie's only remaining hope; beiassie to withhold concessions, aud Mr. Jim Bankhead and Mr. Char­ Lunch for the school, child then should have first the foundation ot for maintaining Ethiopian gover-l sa*d t*lat negotiations betweeu Bn- les Moon called at the Sater home In a good breakfast. Like breakfast eignty lies in enlisting the aid of ma- l *»h, French and Italian govern- Medford last Saturday. and supper, it should funrish one- jor powers— especially Great Britain which have a treaty concern- R. L. Bowen has been doing African rights, would be neces- plumbing work in Medford. Mr Bow­ third of the food needs of the day. and the United States. For some A quart of milk, a serving of eggs months the Emperor has striven, sary »»«lore »uch a transaction could en also finished the plumbing on or meat, two or more servings of ve­ through high sounding appeals ba- lje carried out. The American state the new Williams and Siegmiller getables, fresh and cooked fruits, sed on general principles of liberty department was cold and non-com- home not long ago. whole grain cereals and bread and justice, to bring Anglo-America initttal— but Secretary Hull made It Sunday callers at the Sanderson should appear iu the daily diet ot actively to his side He has failed al­ clear that this government has no home were Mr. and Mrs. Sater and every child and should be divided most 100 per cent— Whitehall and intention of becoming involved in Derva Jeanne of Medford and Mr. among the three meals. Washington are polite, vague and foreign troubles because of adven­ and Mrs. Bowen of this vicinity. Surveys o f #school lunches have] definitely non-cooperative. England turing American capital. Americar Mrs. A. B. Williams and daughter (| Over 50.IMHI men and women in Oregon gain their shown that for the majority they are has sent and Is sending large groups editorial response to the deal wa» Helen, enjoyed a trip to Dead Indian livelihood from Mie production, transportation, iniinu- a,lf> dismay— many edi- Soda Springs with friends from Med­ lacking in the essential or protective of warships, planes and soldiers to 0,le of fact ure and sale of dairy products. elements for growth and body- her bases at Malta and the Suez Ca- tors 8ald that the government should ford last Sunday. CJ Cheese is one of the leading products manufac­ repair and supplied by milk, fruits, nal, and is calling on the League of completely disavow responsibility for tured aud sold, Oregon ranking third among cheese pro­ and vegetables. In planning lunches Nations to step in— but she has the commercial Interests involved, ducing stales in (lie Union. for the school child it is necessary shown no inclination to make the should state definitely that It could- f| Ideal climatic conditions in many section» of the to provide these foods first and then British lion roar in behalf of other n’t be pulled into war or lesser dis- slate make for easier ruriiig and a better flavored pro­ powers. American policy, as iudica- pule* because of such financial ma­ the more filling foods for energy. duct, as well as low cost foil for dairy herds. Here is a box lunch menu which ted by the recently passed neutral- chlnations. Wherever Oregon cheese 1» used you will find K is sure to please: a prime favorite. ity bill, is one of complete isolation Irrespective of that, Selassie’s Chopped Egg & Celery sandwich €| lie sure to visit the Pacific International Livestock As a result, smooth, urban Selas-'move has immensely complicated the on whole wheat bread. Peanut but­ sie decided to turn England and Am-[ whole Italian-Tthiopian embroglio. Exposition this year, Cortland, October 5 to 12. It’s the ter & honey sandwich on white erica into Ethiopian allies whether Also, it has apparently eliminated Silver Anniversary and promises to bo th„ greatest bread. Apple. Ginger cookie, Hot they liked it or not. So did the un- whatever small chance remained for •■vent in the Exposition's history. 8ee the flue displays chocolate (Thermos) of Oregon Cheese anil other dairy products, also exhibits precendented. Working through peace— Mussolini is going ahead, A menu planned for a school Francis M, Rickett a mysterious Bri­ and war is certain as soon as the of the Is-st pure bred dairy cattle from leading dairy lunch room is as follows: farms in the Pacific Northwest. tish promoter, he deeded more than rainy season ends next month. Itali­ Vegettable chowder with bacon. half of his empire to Anglo-Ameri­ an transport after Italian transport