THURSDAY, JUXE 13, 1 »S3 The AMERICAN, CENTRAI, POINT, OREGON PAGE TITRER I Special Range Offer »7 i | * (• unus June ID Mr. Eugene Lainpman has return­ Mrs. Al Hermanson and daughter *h“ u h“ v*’ to them at all Mr. and Mrs Arnold Bohnert Mrs Bert Hedgpetb and her mo increase of over 50 per cent. Inas- ed to Alsea. He received the final Jean of this city, Mr George Morris and Mr. and Mrs* Victor Bursell left er are staying in Newport for . much as there are only a few of papers for his land so has a title of Cornia. California, Mrs. Jimmie Suuday for the State Grange meet­ benefit of Mrs. Hedgpeth’s health these special ranges ¡eft we are urg­ now to his homestead here. Joues and Mrs. Kate Grimsley of ing. Ruth Haley and Patty Powell One of the most successful elec­ ing our local customers to place A Ford truck V8 turned over ou Last Friday 57 members of the Medford spent Saturday in Ashland accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bursell tric range campaigns in the history their orders at once if they wish to Grange of Sam’s Valley and neigh­ Park as far as Eugene where they will the highway near Jantzers wrecking of the local power company is rapid­ take advantage of this exceptional b o rs of Mr R* Siegmiller and the yard and scattered a mixed load of visit friends. ly drawing tq. a close, the final date opportunity.” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochran facial creams, conglon and iron pipes ¡Williams gathered at the Wlllams- having been announced as Saturday! Junior Ayers who has beeu at­ and various other articles over the j Siegmiller farm to dig a basement spent Saturday morning trading in June 15. The campaign featured) tending school here and living with highway before It righted Itself for the new house. The house is to Medford Roy Jones has returned to his home Two men were scratched up a little. the popular Carwford automatic be 32 x 40 feet, with a basement the! Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Davis and in Jacksonville. range in the latest flat-top model at The truck was there two days. tull length and two stories. Mr.! daughter Hazel spenf Sunday ufter- a price said to be the lowest on rec-| ¡Siegmiller barbecued a veal so every Mr. and Mrs. Earl Case are build­ ord for a modern, fully-equipped | one did a lot of digging and eating noon in Medford range of this type. This special of-, ing a new house on the knoll below and had a good time. Saturay 13 It will soon be Miss Erma Richardson left for fer coming at a time when every the post-office. men returned to help out. completed San Francisco Sunday. housewife is Interested in a co o l,: The Cackling goose that was at Mrs. Sater and Derva Jeanne the Harvey Hines place flew away clean, convenient method of cooking Mrs. C. S. Eicher of Central Point proved most opportune and many went over to Mrs. J. B. Rush’s Tues­ and took a tame duck with it. and daughter Mrs. R. Benson of day to spend the afternoon. Elaine sales have resulted. Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Bowen of Medford were shoppers in Medford “ We are highly pleased with th e jKush ha* bwn °n the slck Ust this Pasadena, California arrived Sun- Wednesday. outcome of this campaign" stated J .!wee^’ to visit with Mr. Bowen's parents.1 MEDFORD, OREGON C. Thompson, local manager of the Mr. Joe King s right hand is crip- who have purchased the Davis place The following ladles attended the California Oregon Power Company pled with rheumatism so he hasn’t White Summer Mlrs J. B. Rush and son Joe w e«' Health Association Luncheon given today, “ and we feel that much of its been able to work for a few days, callers at the C. C Sater home Fri­ at the courthouse at eMdford last Hand Bags - - - - - - O tfv success is due to the effective adver-1 Mr. Harvey Hines returned from day evening. Wednesday, Mesdames Arnold Boh­ tising which we rarried in the local Power’s, Oregon Monday evening Saturday evening the C. C. San­ nert. Ed. Vincent. .1. Hesselgrave, Bath Towels newspapers. The remarkably, low The shift that he was working was dersons entertained about 70 friends W. .1. Gebhard, E C. Faber, and 22x44 Colored borders price and terms have made possible discontinued. from Medford, Derby and Beagle at Mrs. M. A. Adams. for many of our customers to pur- : Rev. J. C. Orr of Corning, Cal. a nice dance in the former Zuck Silk Hosiery Perry Waddell tried out his new chase a high-grade, electric range, has returned to Ashland to await u house which is their property now. hammer-mill the forepart of this Full fashioned - equipped with every modern feature call to California. He spent some June 18th Mr. Jack Edler’s term week on Mr. Hemphill’s first cutting and to enjoy the benefits of our low time here with his sister-in-law, as school director expires so an elec­ Men’s Slack combination cooking rate. The spec- Mrs. Wm. Pomeroy and her hus- tion will be held to elect a director. of alfalfa. P a n t s ...................................... ial price was only possible because hand. A week ago Sunday he vlsit- Word has been received here of j The Janes family, who have been these ranges were contracted for ed the Antioch Community Sunday the marriage of Mrs Murphy our for­ living on the Smith place north of Men’s Dress last fall. nought at today's price, school and gave a splendid talk. mer teacher, to Mr. R. A. Smith o? Bear Creek bridge moved last week Socks - - - - - - M&lln. We wish her happiness. to their place on the Midway road. Jean, Rae and Alice Sparks. At- j ♦ • • ♦ ♦::♦::♦::♦>:♦::•::♦:'♦>••♦:♦ •: M en’s Wash Franklin G e b h a r d entertainer leen and Ward Blaine of Jackson­ T i e s ...................................... ville and Virginia and Bud Ricks of some of his schoolmates at a party Medford spent the week-end at the at his home last Friday afternoon. Children’s Wash Ray Blaine home. The P. T. A. closed their years S u i t s ...................................... Miss Elaine Rush spent Saturay ■work last week. After all bills were and Sunday with friends in Central paid the balance of the money was Men’s Bib Point. turned over to he Girl Scouts. One Overalls - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis and of the main features of the past year Ralph spent Sunday at Rogue River was the sponsoring of the Boy and with the parents of Mr. Ellis. Girl Scouts and'also contributing to­ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sanderson and ward Child Welfare work needed in sons. Milton, Lawrence, Lloyd. Rob­ the school. It is hoped that the or­ ert and Ernest were dinner guests ganization will establish the Hot at the C. C. Sater home Sunday eve­ Lunch project another year. ning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis enter­ Mrs H. P. Jewett and two little tained a number of friends with daughters Marjorie and Laurel left | Not only keeps foods FRESH— Penochle Saturday night. Sunday afternoon for Salem where i but keep« them WHOLESOME! they will visit relatives and friends. Beagle j Festival Fashions M. M. DEPT. STORE 16c 44c $1.19 19c 19c 39c . 79c LUMBER & Building Materials IMPORTANT VALUES FOR YOU Pure Ice LOCALS SO U TH ER N O R E G O N ’S Florence Price of Klamath Falls was a recent visitor here and while here called on Mrs. Mollie Holmes. M O ST C O M PLE TE ST O C K Mr. and Mrs. V. D. llrophy Elaine, Gladys Holmes and Jimmy Henry motored to Crescent City and returned home by the beautiful Smith River and stopped and visit­ ed friends Sunday. visiting Mrs. Brittsan’s Moscow, Idaho. J s C ompany Mr Tethrow, James Booth and Stanley Jones of Medford motored to Dead Indian last Sunday and in a short time caught their limit oi fish. OREGON Medford End of North Central Mrs. V. D. Brophy of Eagle Point District will call for her mother Mrs. Mollie Holmes today and they wrlll make a trip to Medford. Phone 7 •»; >; >; > ♦ .♦ ♦; >. >; ♦;>* ♦ > ♦, >!%>' >] >! >; > >! >! ß>. >1 > >1 >1 A*-*. ÄÄ>! >!» > ro CALIFORNIA! The train has all these COMFORTS: Just sit back and relax. The engin­ eer doea all the driving. Swiftly, safely,you ride to your destination, arriving fresh and rested. Read or write as you skira along Steel rails, the smoothest highway yet invented. No stops for food. Eat in the diner when you are hungry. S. P. makes it economical with soup-to-desaert Meals Select at popular prices. Enjoy refreshing sleep in a soft, roomy berth. Improved Tourist Pullmans provide clean double berths at very reasonable rates. j Space to walk around and stretch your legs is important on any jour­ ney. You have it on the train. There is clean ice-water to drink when you are thirsty. And there is always a convenient rest room with modern lavatory facilities. Besides, rail fares to California are low. It’s real economy to go this way and have all the comforts, conveniences and security of train travel at fares of 2c a mile and less. Southern Pacific For details see your local 5. P. agent oe wnte J A Ormandy. General Passenger .Agent. 70J Pacific Build.n«. Portland. Ore. .P e r m a n e n t \\ m e n SI.(H t* 25c, dry,....15c;*; *; Shampoo ............ .................... 25c> ROc* ♦ H ot O il StlMUl |KK) J F in g e r W a v e w e t .Haircut ................................ _..23; Scalp Treatment ............. 50cJ Y ou will e n jo y a visit to our m odem T imber Pii I Medford School \ ♦of Beauty Culture* * and If Low grade Shiplap Boards and dimension Flume Lumber Shingles Roofing Cement Paint Plaster Call on Work de nt by students under supereision .♦. • ♦"♦"♦ » .•*■•«. . . ■ • » . !♦’ V j The Laundry Way | Is the Modern Way * Housewives today need not face the 2 horror of the old <1 Day. Our modern, sanitary service * is not expensive. * yourself an extra day. ■ fashioned Wash Try it~and save ■ ■ Damp W ash 13 lb. 52c ■ ■ E Medford Domestic Laundry 2 ■ SOUTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE PHONE 106 - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Formal Opening Muir ays Beauty Shop in our N E W L O C A T IO N in Mann’s Department Store Next Monday W e invite you to visit this modern shop wth all the new­ est and modern equipment,our staff of skilled opera­ tors and hair cutters. Y oai will enjoy the new, fast, quiet dryers, the latest p ermanent waving equipment, and best of all, the same price policy that has made this shop so popular. O pen H oune A ll W e e k —= T -