The American etrcnlatlon la growing dally. Only $1.00 • year. If not In— “ pash the money under the door.” 1[HE AM ER ICAN VOLUME VU If you have news Items we will appreciate their receipt by Wednesday evening. Phono 601. C E N T R A L PO IN T. O REG O N , T H U R SD A Y , M A Y iii*. 1085 N UMJIEK 31 Corps to Lead M u s i n g s ^ CEATER LAKE PARK Oregon Farmers « ELECTRICITY In Memorial TO BE OPEN BÏ Demand Surety Meet Sunday PROBLEM OF HOUR JUNE lö ISWORO Against Strikes By an Innocent Bystander We are eternally being asked to take a slap at this or that. Just why we should play the goat is a question. It looks like every time we open our mouth we get our foot in it. Good thing for us FDR is a I Medford, Ore., May 22.— Despite very busy man, what with the bonus ht.avy 8nowfall. Crater Lak0 Nation. and fishing trips, etc., and has no al Dark will be open to travel by time to hop our neck. Guess we June 15 , park authorities announced had better jump on someone far, far this week. The south and west en­ distant and play safe. trances, leading from Klamath Falls Memorial Day services under the auspices of Wm. H. Harrison W o­ mans Relief Corps, will be held Sun­ day morning. May 26, at 11:00 a. m. Ontario, Oregon. May 23— No of the longshoremen’s strike last at the Federated church. The local will deny to year, the fruit growers made a care- pastor. Rev. Robert C. Lewis, will fair-minded person labor the right to organize and to f" ' investigation of shipping costs. deliver the address. . . ^ Their findings showed that although Any members of the G. A. R., bargain collectively for the procure- . . . . . . , the longshoremen had been granted World War veterans, Spanish War land Medford, will be cleared of nient of favorable wages and work- increased wages and shorter work- veterans, or orders of like nature. _ We see that Hitler says Germany |snow within 10 days, permitting j ing conditions, hut when labor or- lug hours, yet they went out on a are requested to attend the esrvices. wants peace. That's nothing. There|traffic to Park Headquarters, three sanitations become dominated and strike. In dollars and cents, theiri Please meet at W. R. C. hall over are a lot of us who are like Mr. miles from the lake rim. (controlled by well-paid leaders who findings showed that after the strike!Ross Confectionery at 10:30 a. nt. Dooley, who said gaid he was the “ man man! Approximately two weeks will be prey both upon the working man it cost them $127.09 to load 6000j ___________________ behind the gun— four thousand necessary to remove the heavy ac- and the public, the welfare of the boxes of apples, whereas before the intles behind and willing to be far-¡cumulation 0f snow along this route, entire state is endangered. strike it cost them $101.60 to load ther.” Germany never did want j with 10 feet on the rim at the pre­ of the The labor situation in Oregon to- 8000 boxes of apples, war. She only wanted the earth stmt. day is tense. Thousands of em- Not only in fruit, but in all other and wanted the other fellow to give The Crater Lake Lodge, cafeteria ployees of the sawmills and loging feints of agricultural products, in- The Garden Clubs of the state up his share peaceably. and store are to be in operation camps are out on strike. Our gi- creased costs of handling, shipping met Medford last week. It was • * * |June 15, providing rooms and food gantic lumber industry Is practically and marketing are always parsed the eighth annual convention of Wonder if Mussolini got a patent for e“ r*y season visitors. House-j closed down. The situation along bask to the producer, who must foot Oregon aGrden Clubs. Over fifty on that Idea of his that did so much keePinS cabins will be abailable as the Portland waterfront Is smoulder- the bill. ' were registered and it ended a very to put the kibosh on the opposition soon as , " ow conditions permit, fol- ing and may flame into a paralyzing This Is but one instance of the successful session with a banquet at to his ambitions. We are told that lowed by the resumption of stage strike at any moment. Oregon agrl- heavy financial losses suffered by1,),,. Medford Hotel Saturday evening. when anyone opposed him and his service to Medford and Klamath culture has every reason to be ser- agricultural producers last year. The! ___ Black Shirts, the offending parly FallB- boat service and the opening iously alarmed. ctrike was called Just as the wool ■ Rogue River will be closed to was seized and a quart of castor oil,°^ postoffice July 1. I The unthinking may ask why agrl- growers were shipping their many commercial fishing June 12. M. T. forced down his throat. Rather a b l" probable the trail from the culture coucerns itself with a situa- thousands of tons of fine Oregon Hay, state game commissioner said drastic remedy, but it seemed to lake rim to the water will be open, tlon which affects the lumber in- wool to the world markets. Many , hat the (ish commission wishes a take the pep out of the opposition ¡Jnly *• «'hen boats for fishing trips dustry The proven answer is that carloads were held up in transit five year c i0sure so as to make an We would like to see it tried on a excursions will be ready for agriculture suffers a tremendous Numerous growers lost markets they exclusive study of the stream during lot of those bureauciats In Wash- use D,,e to exceptionally deep at- financial injury— an Injury which It had arranged for their wool, and thin period. Ington. Idrirts. the rim road, around the can 111 afford to bear. many of the Eastern Oregon clips. ---------- - » » • lake for a distance of 35 miles, will The devastating effests of the Pa- which could have been sold last sum-! Forest fire war plans druw near That vote of 4t»o to 98 for th e ! not be open before July 15 and pro-Vific Coast longshoremen's strike mer at a fair price, are still piled for the Medford district. Captain overriding of Roosevelt's veto of th '1 bably not unti* ,be Utter of the^last summer are still fresh in the high in local or Portland warehouses, Chauncey L. Pierce has been made Patman bill appears to indicate that mon,h' [minds of every producer and ship- with the growers facing almost cer- Army Fire Chief for the district and „r The recent wild weather has been per in the state. Agriculture, which tain financial rum. ,will work with the forest service in Congress is becoming They must meIHn*! snow rapidly and has re- was not directly concerned with the Oregon agriculture finally has be- carrying out their plans. playing rubber stamp, duced a 13-foot depth at Govern- (source of that labor dispute, suffer- rome aroused. It’ is determined to ----- — have been listening to the murmurs ment Camp to six feet and a 10 -foot ed a loss of many millions of dol- protect itself, not against legitimate Elephant kills Circus trainer In from home. They always do a lol depth at Annie Spring, junction of lars in Oregon alone. organized labor, but against the oil- Al G. Barnes winter quarters. After of things in Washington we don't the south and west entrances, to Let us consider losses suffered In tongued leader who fattens fiuancl- be*n* attacked and gorde by an en- like but we of the hinterland are less than four feet. This Indicates the Hood River Valley alone as a ally upon labor discord an discou- r“ ged elephant Joe Reed died In a tired of this one-man government. . . . . . . In years past, the voice of hospital early Tuesay. The elephants , .i the possibility of camping at the result of last year's waterfront tent. It is time Congress woke up and he- c , , .. _ business Annie Spring campground in three strike. These growers ship approxi- agriculture has been Inarticulate. fate I" being considered, gan attending to its own mately 1,5(10,000 boxes of apples ut for self-protection and self-pre- weeks or less. and stop listening for “ itit Master's Eagle Point seeks Modford water each shipping season. servation it Is determined now to Voice.-’ on a Public Works loan. Allen Arm- Some three months after the close fight for its very existence. Copco Warns Kite splger, general manager of the Med- We are pleased to report that our^ Hnd Talent irrigation district, said Fliers of Danger Second Cover Spray County Health Assn. the plan has a fair chance for suc­ schools are going to finish the year's cess. work practically without warrant j Should End June 1 Meets on June 5 indebtedness. And we are mighty In accordance with their annual Earl H. Fehl and Walter J. Jones pleased at the loyalty displayed b> endeavor to protect children during The second cover spray for the | were recommended for paroles by the teachers who have so uncom­ the Spring kite-fly(ng season, the j ,-ontrol of codling moth worms on The annual meeting and diuuer of the parole board. They were both plainingly borne cut after cut in s a u r ie s and so en abled the boa d r “ ,t,ornta 0r* g° " P° Wer Company p,.ar, anrt app,es should be com- the j.ek son County Health associn- refused on their petltslon. t. m uch-desired re- * * " * '" * *>Y J »»« 1. «c o r in g to the tion wi„ he held In the auditorium at to accomplish I this much-desired re "*"*"“ * the hazards of flying kites in the vi- recommendation of B G. Fowler , he court house in Medford, Wednes- Fifty-three persons were killed in Bult. We are proud of them and cinity of electric power lines. ThisjCounty Agent and L. G. Gentner, day. j une 5 , at 12:30 p. m. the three airplane crashes here and thetr work and hope the time will poster copies of which were sent to Entomologist of the Southern Ore- In the afternoon an interesting abroad yesterday (Saturday,) 49 yoon come when the tax situation all schools in Copco territory contain- B„n Experiment Station. piogram of speeches and music will dying when the huge Maxim Gorky, wilt he eg»ed to a point where they ed the following pertinent facts: j on apples use an oil emulsion be enjoyed and the public Is invited world’s largest land plane, collided can he again paid as they deserve. It is dangerous to fly kites near, lead arsenate combination as fol- to attend both the dinner and the with a smaller ship near Moscow. electric wires of any kind. [lows: One gallon light summer oil program. Had you noticed how full this William Blauton of Alameda, Cal- Kites with metal parts are dan- emulsion, one half pound spreader, jt requested that anyone plan- world is of people who are unself, gerous If they should fall across and , wo pounds powdered arsenate ntng to attend from Central Point has leased with an option to buy the ishly giving of their time and money electric wires. (Make sure your of ¡ead In 100 gallons of water. will notify Mrs Arnold Bohnert. old Luthy property on Sardine creek for the betterment of mankind? kites have no metal parts.) On pears use three pounds of phonp 197> before Monday. May 27. and is now occuping the small house Take t h e Parent-Teachers, t h e on the promises. Wire, or twine that has wire in (powdered lead arsente only to the ___________________ Health Unit, the better lodges and it, should never be used as a kitelon(, hundred gallons of water. If Enthusiasm increases for tho non- numbers of other org a n iza tion s siring. Wet string is dangerous al-'m st nites are present In sufficient EXTENSION ( M l It* jury art exhibit to be held in Med­ which spend hours and hours to help so because It, too, conducts electrl- numbers to make control desirable, SERVE PLATE Ll'N< H ford from June 4 to June 8 under the future generation to better liv­ ci*y. j use one-quarter gallons medium ---------- the auspice» of the Chamber of ing. And the workers in these or­ Streets and highways are unsafe type summer oil emulsion, one-half The Extension la putting oh I The Extension unit unit is putting «^¡com m erce. Over 80 artists have al ganizations get no pay but the sat­ places for kite fliers. ¡pound spreader and two pounds of a plate luncheon Tuesday noon ! ready completed entrance reglstra- isfaction of work well done. It Is dangerous to climb up trees lead arsenate to the one hundreds the Grange ball for the purpose * ttonn to present their work and • • • or poles or throw sticks or stonea to gallons of water. sending the 4-H club delegates t<\ mnr« al> 8xpecte<1 before thp lo s in g News Week Rural electrification is the "pro­ blem of the hour" which Is receiv­ ing his closest attention. Governor Charles H. Martin assured 660 col­ lege and high school agricultural students, and farm leaders from all parts of the state at the annual agri­ cultural leaders banquet held In con­ nection with the state Futu Far­ mers of America convention at Ore­ gon State college. “ It is a program that can ce suc­ cessfully worked out only t trough closest cooperation with the federal government." Governor Mar.In de­ clared. "I have recently urged Presi­ dent Roosevelt to make necessary studies and give authority— fi r con­ struction of the main transmission Hues front Bonneville darn a part of the orginal construction program. "As at least three states of Ore­ gon. Washington and Idaho will share in the consumption of power generated at Bonneville, It la ob­ vious that the federal governmm alone is In a position to construct these main transmission lines. Our state is in no financial condition, nor Is it proper for this state to as­ sume the building of $60,000,0e0 worth of power transmission lines " The governor pointed out that once the main lines are built, th« farmers themselves will have n pa to perform. They have an opport­ unity now to prepare under the Ore­ gon power district laws to distri­ bute locally the cheap power once It is delivered to their communities. "Electrification means, In the long run. better living and working con­ ditions on our farms and a great r return to our farmers,” he add<»w (Bands are m-n not . i n recommended The Central point Parent-Teacher | when an old man. broken in healh, Thursday evening of thU week. for UM** on pear trees unless there Is association will hold their regular Rural Postal Patrons ¡P Iso wed with sorrow slid bereave-; an(J Wr!l Lewis entertained th *1 * very heavy Infestation of codling "summer round-up” and pre-school ment is forced to close his «loorw I Youn^ Marr|e’a people's class of the moth. ellnlc ior children expecting to enter When hundreds and hundreds of peo-, F„d,.rated rhurrh. Mrs. Lewis is — « bool next fall at the Health bulld- First of all, It would be very nice, p|e owe him money H. P Theies was ^ Mf> Ruth CUrk SENIORS KNEAK HOME ing Friday. May 2 4, from 1:15 to and would look fine, if the patrons IN WEE SMA’ HOI RS . 1 : 0 « p. m. always a big man. with a big bPar* . prPal{l^nt of rl, „ presided over Mothers ate urged to wo„jd clean the grass from around He couldn't refuse when p e o p le earn« bring their '' 11' 11 ‘ ,rl> In Mall l*<>\ posts Then print th* :i the husinesa meeting after which a It was sneak day for the Senior to him with hard luck stories and social time was enjoyed and refresh­ 1 names on the box. If you don't know class of the high school Wednesday asked for things to eat. And that Mrs. J— . Olsen of Klamath Falls your box number, ask the earrler— ments served. and the only thing we could see that very trait, too big a heart; was the Those present besides Rev. and the name fitted was the way they re­ visited at the home of her Aunt Mrs then have mall cornu route number cause of his downfall financially. and hnx tiumhei Remember w Mrs. Lewis were Mrs. Ruth Clark, turned home at night. All bnt three M'crick. have several Smiths. Davis, Wrights, Mrs. Harriet Watkins. Mrs. Katie of the senior girts attended and Eugene Merritt 1 « (I'mc from We would hate to he in the shoes etc., and it's a good guessing game the day was spent at Fish Lake. A Klamath Falls for the summer. I of some of this man's debtors. If ^ to know to whom to give Mr. Smlth'n and Mrs. Orville Hamilton big bonfire and a picnic lunch was every man of them had remembered NOTICE mail. enjoyed. Three boats were hired the time he played the Good Sa- Inasmuch as considerable dam- Your carrier carries stamps, card*. And with aI,d most of the day was spent out martian for them and had dug up ?*” res still 'n existence " " “.n T f e w dn'nars ’ ."pie.'e"'' It" w"oold ' ’ ’"In « ' b- “ »"I « * " ■ » " on ( h e la k e A number of nice fish ba" b>’ b<’ >* " • " ’ »~1 envelopes and It look* . ' . tw dav and this kindlv " " "*» P•,,, Modern mer- wprp railthL tramping thru our grain, notice Is g.*od to open a box and find letters simnlcTeartld old man would s till chants wan, no loafer, about their Hbews swimming and o t h e r « 'e b y !•»«• bT the undersigned stamped, rather than find pennies. among ns smiling that rhecrv P Done are the day. of the op- ,orm. of recreation was enjoyed la ,ba« " « ■ * ■ « " or Un,i w111 ^ r “ ,,5r wh" n * * P*” 1« » lac* -n,i!e even in the {ate of en cracker harrel and th« huge box , h„ evenln« he allowed, and anyone doing so will ed In between the letter». A clothes be subject to arrest for trespassing. pin makes a very good holder for overwhelming personal aorrowa. The sawdust by the old stow. Many letter* and money wh«*n yon do not A T. LATHROP Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Axil and little caso present, many pltlft .1 angle. - cheery evening hn,e we .pent have letters »tamped. J . PL WRIOHT , . • just an