The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, January 24, 1935, Image 1

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■« 18683302
M u sin g s^
tiy an Innocent Bystander
Again it is time tor this humble
writer to dig up his old pencil and
fill this darned old column.
what it* write about? We have harp­
ed on the New Deal until we are all
tired of it. We have railed at this
and that until we have the lives of
most of us from the cradle to the
grave. And all to what end? But
if our readers have gotten a bit of
cheer in the dark old world, we are
First play of the county dramatic
contest will be given by the Central
Point Grange Monday evening. They
will present “ Nancy Orr’s Day,"
written by Mary Finnegan. It is in
one act and deals with the maneuv­
ering» of a social climbing young
. ....
. I matron. In making her bid to soci-
Sometimes it seems to us that of
, ...
ety she gives a tea, inviting a bish-
all the useless occupations on this
. . . . . . . op, and two of the most important
vale of tears, newspaper publishing
. . . .
, ____ . «„of social leaders of the town. She has
takes the cake. As a would-be poet
a well filled day while meeting her
once said:
I guests, attempting to prevent the at-
The cockroach sat on the editor’s
tendance of her plain-spoken mother
_ ...
. ,. .
__ ki . ! ¡n-law, and reconciling a pair of
With a thoughtful smile on his
| young lovers.
.„ J
Mrs. Edith Bohnert who is the
“ Paste and scissors, scissors and
. . . . . .
I play’s capable director, has chosen
Just think of the energy going
waste „
. , .
,ol'owlng ca* : p
„„ , "
I Nancy Orr................... Faye Ritzinger
Donad Orr.................. Ivan Skyrman
County to
[¡Kirk Head
Of Fruit League; SeiForlaT a L
Succeeds Dr. Dean
.1. B. Kirk, orchardist of the east dealers and fruit trade interests
Phoenix district was named presi- the influence of which was directly
dent of the Jackson County Fruit- felt by the producers,
growers’ league during the annual
Conditions, Prof. Hartman said
meeting of that organization last are not yet normal in New York or
Saturday afternoon
at the H otel; in Philodelphia and other large east-
Medford. The session included an ern centers.
interesting review by Prof. Henry
The importance of having valley
Hartman of the Oregon State col- fruit arrive in eastern centers in the
lege on fruit market conditions and best condition was stressed by the
a report of the year's activities by speaker, stating this trouble was a
Dr. B. G. Dean, retiring president. handicap in the marketing of Bose
Impressions of a three months' pears due to ripening conditions.
survey of conditions in the eastern This situation, he said, could largely
states were told by Prof. Hartman, be remedied by proper cold storage
who found them to vary in differ­ temperutures, and outline a ripening
ent localities.
program for reference in the mar
Boston was declared to be the keting of future crops.
most satisfactory market at the pre­
Other officers elected Saturday
sent for local fruit, in decided con­ were:
Harry Rosenberg, first vice-
trast to Chicago and Detroit. In president; Martin Luther, second
the latter two places, it was said a vice-president; and A. H. Banwell
lack of cooperation existed between secretary and treasurer.
Preparations are being made by
County Officials to file Tax Fore­
closure Proceedings as required by­
law for unpaid taxes for the years
1928, 1929 and 1930. The list will
include the property of approximate­
ly twelve hundred persons.
Reports coming to the County
Court indicate that there are some
taxpayers in the County who are
not aware of the fact that the Fore­
closure list may include their prop­
erty, and all taxpayers are requested
to carefully examine their tax re­
ceipts to determine whether or not
their taxes for the years indicatd are
delinquent. If tho taxpayers receipts
have ben mislaid the information
could be obtained from the Sheriffs
Office or the County Clerks Office
where a complete list of delinquent
taxes for those years is on file. Im­
mediate attention is necessary.
A joint installation of Central
Point Lodge No. 193, and Mt. Pitt
Rebekah Lodge No. 167, I. O. O. F.,
was held Monday evening. The dis­
trict deputy Grand Master, Paul
Thompson and staff from Gold Hill
Installed the following officers oi
the Central Point lodge:
N. G., John Catey; V. O., Thomas
Marine; Sec. Ed Vincent;
Jack Southwell; R. S. N. G., Jesse
Richardson; L. S. N. G. Henry Head;
R. S. V. G., Wm. Musty; L. S. V. G.,
Hedgepeth; Con., Frank Thompklns;
Chaplain, C. M Merritt; Inside Guar­
dian, Allen
Guardian, George March;
Scene Supporter, Fred Hesselgrave;
Left Scene Supported, Ed Farra.
District Deputy President, Mary
Richardson, assisted by a staff of
Rebekahs from Gold Hill, installed
the following officers of Mt. Pitt Re­
bekah lodge;
N. G., Iva Copinger; V. G., Mary
Sec., Florence Eddy;
Treas., Luzella Damon; R. S. N. G.,
Emma Gleason; L. S. N G. Betta
Pankey; R. S. V. Q., Clara Vincent;
L. S. V. G.. Ethel Southwell; Warden
Surah Musty; Con., Clara Farra;
Chaplain, Catharine Merritt; Inside
Edna Marine;
Guardian, Minnie Buckles.
ments were served and dancing in
the Walker Hall was enjoyed by all
who cared for that form of enter­
McGuire Resigns
But In the words of the immortal Hele" Orr
Dorothy Inman
Lincoln, we shall "strive on to fin- «race O r r .............Lotus Hesselgrave
A s Local Teacher
. , A1_
. .
Barbara Guver..........Laurine Hunger
ish the work we are in; . . .to do all
. . .
, . Qltluh 0 Mrs. Hines Clay
Roberta Pankey
which may achieve and cherish a!
and have them do the same. So
Mr. Dennis McGuire our high
just and lasting peace among o u r -p ’ "* O’Arcy............Dorothy McGuire
what say folks, its up to you.
school coach was offered a bettei
selves, and with all nations ’ Each ^
...... *...................Lawrence,
W7DYK recently had the pleasure job at Gold Hill so he asked the
of us have something to do in this “ “
of talking with a Canadian station school board if they would release
world, some little corner to fill. And » fsh°P McGre* ° r ,
,Harold ” ead
Well here we are once again with who reported the temperature at his him from his contract. While they
although his part In the eternal
The Centra. Point high school or-
the end of the line as 48 degrees below were sorry to lose Mr. McGuire they
scheme of things may be small, y e t^ e s tr a , directed by R A^ Bolts will the ravings and goings on of
at Cen- to let him go. Carl Bos­
the smooth running of the world’s *ive ^veral numbers before the Central Point hams.
a former local boy has been
W7EJY has got his transmitter all ,ral Polnt wa8 33 degrw?8
affairs depends on how well each of play is preBented-__________
installed and working, and is get­ Some difference! And did that Cana­ hired ill his place and is expected to
us carries on his part
Bible Clas' Hold*
ting out in great style. New aerial dian wish he was in nice climate be here when school opens next Mon­
when he heard of what we had to o f­ day. This fall when Mr. McGuire
A country editor is perhaps the
First Meet of Year pole set up, new antenna installed fer in that line.
returned at the beginning of the
and a brand new transmitter and is
’least of these, my brethren,” but |
Least but by no means last "Air- school term he brought his bride
even he must do his best to serve I The fir8t monthely meeting of the he happy or is he happy. Fine stuff
cell" Caster our popular CCC Mast­ with him. They have made many
the community in which he lives. So Berean Bible class for the new year W7EJY.
er Mechanic is also doing some friends here who will be sorry to
tonight we hereby renew our vows, I wa8 held at the home of Mrs. Roy j “ Fat'’ Overchain CCC electrician
heavy thinking about getting back
and once more declare we shall give!-\Vyatt on Thursday, January 11, with has got himself a new antenna sys- on the either waves. Well DKJ hows see them leave and wish them suc­
to Central Point and vicinity the the newly elected president,
Mrs tern all installed, poles are 60 feet about it, when you going to get the cess in their new field.
very best newspaper we know how­ Paul Martin, in the chair. Meeting high (So Fat says) and plenty far
Agate School Notes
i rig on and what you going to use,
opened by singing "What a Friend enough spaced so that he has a very phones or the old reliable C. W. Re- County Council of
to print.
• * •
Miss Syble Walker, county health
We Have in Jesus." prayer by Mrs. nice antenna. All new Insulators and
P T A to Meet Here nurse
; member the days up on the moun­
and Dr. Drummond visited
We are sitting tonight before a Richmond, secretary’s report and new wire and he hope« to have the
tain what a kick you got out of it.
The County Council of the P.T.A. the school Monday and examined
cheerful fire popping and snapping roll call, showing an attendance of receiving equipmnt of W7DYK tied' Well, it might be even better now.
in the open fireplace. And we are 27 members, many being absent on to the end of it in the very near fu­
were guests of the Medford City the school children. Several par­
So better get the dust brushed off
thinking of those less fortunate ones account of illness.
ture. All in all Fat is planning a the rig and get it going again as we Council at the Medford Junior High ents were there with children of pre­
who these cold nights are homeless
School on Saturday, January 12. The school age who were also examined.
Mrs. Faber, of the Home Dept, nice job.
would like to hear you again.
The new window shades purchased
— wanderers over the face of the reported 14 shut-ins. The afternoon
Sandy Richardson has his set all
Conditions on the 75 meter phone morning session opened at 10:30
earth. What is wrong with our civ- session was devoted to reports from j completed and is on the air when-
with a business meeting under the by the school board are being much
hand are very unsatisfactory, skip
of Mrs. Bertha Young. appreciated by the school children.
ilizatlon when, in a country "flow in g! retiring officers and planning co m -jfcver he has the time for it altho San- usually setting early in the evening ^leadership
Readership „o f , ^ rS
Mr. Cannon from Iloseburg visit­
with milk and honey” as the feller j mittee work for the ensuing year,
dy is still making a few final adjust-j and no,
,lft|nK „„til about 11 p.m. Reports of the various councils
said, so many are unable to enjoy
Mrs. Webster resigned as vice- raent8 on the transmitter. It's cer- The 4« meter hand
is reported through out the county were given ed his son LaVerne. I^Verne has
even the barest of comforts?
president and Mrs. Cassman was el- tainIy a ni(,e !ooking job Sandy hat „lightly off its usual form, the 80 and a marked Increase in member­ moved from the Agate district and
will attend the Central Point school.
ected t0 fU1 the vacancy' Mrs- Rirh'! since he rebuilt it and will soon be meter band very Kood and the 20 ship was noted showing the growing
Many pupils have been absent
It seems to us there is something i mond reviewed the book of Genesis j putti„g the old signal back on the I meter band MO reports on it. That’s interest in the P. T. A.
from school on account of the flu.
woefully wrong somewhere.
Thi during the devotional period.
the score folks— will be seeing you
The parents who visited school
great country of ours still has worlds
The meeting closed with prayei
ved at noon. Members of the Med­
L. C. Scott reports that he is now in another 2 weeks.
Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Collins,
of opportunities. We can and do by Mrs. Case and singing "God Be
so busy with his work that he has
produce far more than we consume. With You Till We Meet Again." Re­
The afternoon session was very Mrs. Millard, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs.
not the time necessary to practise a KIRTLAND FARM SELLS
If the farmers of the country raised freshments were served by Mrs. Case.
THOROUGH It It El) STOCK interesting and was well attended. Will Glass, Mrs. Clayton Glass, Mr.
great deal with his oscillator, but
all that could be raised on their ¡Mrs. Myers and the hostess. Mrs
Mr. Tom Harrison, manager of the Mrs Mable Mack borne demonstra­ Chambers and Mrs. Wells Mann.
expects to be at it again soon.
O. O. Chambers and family visit­
land; if the wheels of industry turn- | Wyatt. The next meeting will be
Kirtland Farm returned Wednesday tion agent reported on the Home
It has come to the writers ears
ed out their limit of aritcles for hu- .lt lbe home of Mrs. H. P Jewett on
night from a trip to B a k e r Makers’ Conference which is to be ed their daughter Mrs. C. J. Grebb
that the Ashland radio club is going where he delivered n i n e head held February 12 at O. 8. C. There of Eagle Point Sunday.
man needs, there would be much, February 14.
to hold one of their monthly gather­
Mr. Ray Millard attended the auc­
more than our people could possibly ’
------------— ------- —
of thoroughbred registered cattle to will be special bus rates and living
ings soon and what time they do
consume. Then what is the matter E v a n g e l i s t M e e t i n g
W. C. fre e as a foundation for a expenses will be greatly reduced tion sale at Medford last Saturday.
have. Anyone that is interested in
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmes and
with the distributing system?
during the three day session. Mrs.
Shorthorn herd.
Is W ell Attended radio In any way what so-ever can Mr. fre e is from Boston, Mass and Bertha Young was appointed dele­ son Billy of Ashland were visitors
become a member of the club and
The Brain Trust, the great Foun­
has looked all over the United States gate from Jackson County. All units at the Chambers home last week.
Mr. Kelso and son Verle were
dations and the combined efforts of
The Evangelist meeting at the they meet every once or twice a for cattle and at last located what are urged to send a delegate if pos­
the states and government should Federated church Is being well at-|montl1 and have a big time all to- he wanted at the Kirtland farm. The sible.
Radio messages will be hauling wood Saturday.
get to work on this problem. Until tended and much interest is shown, i gether- Enough local
tc Cree ranch Is about 25 miles from broadcast.
Norman Cowan who lives on the
Remember the confer­
Orr farm has been hauling cattle
it is solved and the solution put into The following subjects wil be dis- pass away a few hours in fine enter­ Baker. Mr. Harrison reports two ence and tune in.
tainment in their own club house.
practice there will be no end to hard fused during the coming week
Rev. E. 8 . Bartlam guve a very from Sams Valley.
feet of snow in Eastern Oregon.
times and depression.
Friday, 7:30 p. m.— "A Challenge As the writer gets it one of the mem­
The Stickle family who formerly
inspiring talk on the responses to
The Women's Relief Corps held life situations. He emphasized the resided in this district were visiting
• • •
;to Young Men and Young Women" bers had an empty house he donated
There, we remembered somehlng.i
Sundayi n :0 0 a. m.— "Hindran- to the use of the club for their meet­ their first regular meeting for the value of true education and good at the Garrett home Sunday.
The only thing required at year Saturday. The new president environment In home life.
Seems like we heard somewhere that
the Prayer Life."
Archie Storms, with his uncle left
the Oregon Legislature is In session
Sunday, 7:30 p. m.— “ The Great- their meetings is that each and every, Eva Smith presiding. Plans were | The Junior H. 8. Band played un­ Monday morning for Arizona. They
at Salem. And the usual 40 days of (if|j
Mistake the Governor ever member bring something to eat made for a valentine party at the j der the leadership of Mr. Waite and Intend to mine while there.
wrangling and log-rolling is under Made
Perhaps John Doe would bring some next meeting February 2 and every s„ VBraI mu(l)cal .elections were giv
Mrs. Minnick who has been quite
way. We wondered the other d ay, Monday 7 30 p rn.__Sermon by baked beans, and his brother Henry one is requested to make a valen en by the Senior H. S. Girls’ Glee ill with flu and pneumonia is much
as we studied the faces of the mem­ Rev. Staney Parrish, "Sin and it's Doe would bring something else, and tine. A prize will be given to the Club, directed Mrs. Esther Church improved at this time.
then its all put on one big table at party making the best one. Three Leake.
bers of the Senate and House as pic­ j Remedy."
Mr. Storms who has been a pa-
tured in the Oregon Voter just how-
Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.—“ A Tax Col­ the club house and everyone Just, new members are to be initiated,
The County Council was sorry to tlent at the Sacred Heart Hospital
much these men are going to accom- lector who became a follower of helps themselves. The club donates The meting will be called to order at receive the resignation of Mrs. Olm- j returned home recently.
the coffee and cream and sugar. And 2 p. m. instead of 2.30 as usual.
plsh for the good of their state?
( briat."
¡»Cfceld as county publicity chairman.
• • •
-"God'i each member brings his own knife
Wednesday, 7:30
Born January 15 at Etna. Calif. Mrs. Iyan M. Gainer, 708 Park Ave.. G l e e C -lllt ) S i n g s a t
fork, spoon, cup and saucer so there
We hope to see the County Unit , „ Tp for the s|nner
to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cramer a Medford was appointed to fill the
M e e t in g
plan for schools adopted. To oui
:30 p. m.— "Pay-Day is no dishes to be washed after the baby boy weighing 11 lbs. Mrs vacancy.
meal. Just where the club gets the
mind, this is the most practical sys-
Eternlty ’
The ladies from Central Point who
Cramer was formerly LaVIca Cald­
Central Point P- T. A. held the
tern we know of for the handling of
p rfdav ’ 7 30 p m .__-A Young money t0 serve l be coffee and trim-
attended the council were Mrs. W
j January meeting
Friday January
school work
In case any of ou. ^
w ho madp , rlytng start and mings I don’t know except It might be
j j . Gebhard, Mrs. Lois Young, Mr*.
the high Bchool.
readers are unfamiliar with the plan , ht;n ra|) w(th thp Ha,| to , hf> Kne. that they collect a very small sum
We are requested to print the fol- L c . a r|mes, y rs. M. A. Adams and
This was a social meeting in hon-
we woud say that it works just like my's Goal Post.
from each member in the way of |Mwiag notice to all water users that 1 \jrs. P. A Tracy.
the Medford (or any other l a r g e ____________________________________ due* to cover that expense and the _____________________
** H
^ | The next ¿ meeting
.¿j-jj j * of
Um- jjn
„q whf> ari> delinquent will
the County i or of Founders day. Some very in-
clty) schools are run. There all the
lighting expense and others connect- , he,r nam*„ published in this paper. CounHl 'wm b^' he'ld^Central"po'lm
"«'«'le s were read and
city schools are under one superin- fore the legislature for which we ed with the club. Anyway they cer-
^ ^ school on \pril 13 1937
a* m0B*e wa* 8*ven by the Glee
tendent and all supplies ar«- bought have not so high a regard
That is tainly do have some mighty g o ^
Mr. Catey reports that Mrs. Catey j
__ I ______ 1 -------
dub. There wa* a very short busi-
ness meeting followed by a round
by him. Teachers are hired on his the proposition to divert the gas tax time* at their gatherings, and it v,ho **a* been III for a long time 1* h || o \\ ER GIVEN FOR
LOCAL HHIHK-TO-IIF. table discussion on adult education.
recommendation and placed in which money to the general fund Also there wa* enough interest shown "ble to be out for the first time sincej
ever school needs them. One clerk one to divert the game and fi*h li- here in our city there could be such Christmas.
j x r) Doyle Mills entertained with After which our silver tea was aerv-
- , ..
_ !a bridal shower for Miss Wilda Hall N n the auditorium with Mrs. E. C.
handles all the books.
cense money to some other fund. We an arrangement worked out wberebv
Mrs. Long received a letter from
Friday January 11 Among thoae
haber and Mrs. P. A. Tracy pour-
• • •
believe there should be lelf strictly we could also have our own club.
Mrs. Keithley. nes Dorothy Sander-
At the present time there are where they now are.
The cost would be so very small for
present were Mrs. Melvin Hall and in* *0®
oon, from Santa Ro«a
She is very
narly, 60 districts In Jackson conn-
• • •
the enjoyment that one would have
Miss Iota fa r r of Medford.
much pleased with her new home.
For Sale— Barred Rock and Light
ty. each with its more or less efflci
We are wondering a bit whether that the writer has oftened wonder-
dames Clark. Anna Carr, Wayne
Mr and Mrs. Long formerly lived in
Brahma hatching eggs. $.50 per set-
Carr, W. W. Mills. Edwin Martin.
ent board of directors and clerk somebody 1------ . whoa! Back up! ed how such an idea would work out-
Santa Rosa and accompanied Mr
Brahma hatching eggs, 50c per cet-
When the annual audit is taken of We mean changed their minds about- As an idea, those who might be inter-
and Mrs. Keithley to their new home Dorothy Root. George Marine and Polnt. 5 blocks east of the cheese
the books of these districts, much getting Gordon Schermerhorn a par- ested could get in touch by letter or
Mrs. William i'arl of Appl;gate
and visited friends for a few days
factory Phone 303.
fearful and wonderful bookkeeping ole after serving six months in 8a- phone with the news-paper offic*
honor guest Miss Hall and tin
1-, December.
is found. How much better it would lem. Seems funny if the attorney and if enough interest is shown we
hostes* Mrs Mills. Miss Hall re­
For Sale— Five rooma of furniture
be to have Just one efficient clerk’ general's office had really wanted it might have a club all of our own
J u n i o r A y e r s a n d R o y J o n e s en ceived many beautiful aids Daint-.
Overatuffed set.
that the pa-o » h ard wt . I bars
l>ater perhaps we might pay a visit joyed Sunday dinner at tti* Dik- refreshment* were served and all bed room sets. rugs. etc. II. 3.
ffut th*r* Is on* pro^sttfdn
to tha Avt’ a s i flub rr tfWtr ctub' tjfr fa h*tm* lu Ja I "da villa
repdrtrl a Jolty tlia*
Citi elan 1. Old C lift Road.