The AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT, OREGON PAGE FO I'R W ish ing you ii Merry Christmas CLAUDETTE’S 5 Phone 1518 T h e re in no m ori- ideili filini » Permanent nifi Best Wishes Very Earnestly MONARCH SEED & FEED COMPANY Medford, Oregon THIRSDAV, DECEMBER au, 19^4 and m ay we suggest a P erm anent as an com plete with hair cut. You will be delighted when . you see our NEW 1935 FORD N ow is the tim e to enroll in our January class Medford School of Beauty Culture 419*/2 East Main Medford Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year A L L G O O D T H IN G S A N ew Garage Deal for all you N orth siders M U R R A Y ’S B E A U T Y SH O P Medford Garage M erry Christm as to A ll Christmas Greetings W . E. A lexander I nti-rila liona I H a rve ste r M edford .Jtn U /iJU JJ JJ JJ il.M J itiih U JJ J.i.U M .h l.i.iM J jjjJ.U , W ishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS R O SS & R O SS m as, $3 bristma MISS. KKIMIKEL'H Needle Arts Shop M cilforil l ’iiin s itta , R eg o lila, I'y e le in a n I 'h errín » , K im i ' h , C a rn a tio n s V allo y. O n liiils a n il G rá d e n la» . Your Favorite Jeweler Since 1898 “CHRISTMAS GREETINGS’’ WITH CHRISTMAS CHEER AND HAPPY DAYS THRU OUT THE COMING YEAR W ishing from nil h o u rs Box of Yarn MEDFORD FLOWER SHOP hovcly BOW >h.ul«s fo r t hoM Ni*w S pring Suit»* New and Lower Wire Prices YULETIDE GOOD WISHES Yolney Dixon • nstontrr* a MERRY CHRISTMAS Jones' Grocery Page | Y « r r Since Central Point Meat Market I. D. LEWIS, Prop. R em em ber our m eats are of the best quality and alw ays sold at reasonable prices ________________ •_______ IN!** If It's M ade of W ire—A sk Us Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON M ^VishiiH| E you f* »J mill'll joy W 81 Christinas 8 Call on us for your LAST MINUTE GIFT NEEDS W. C. Leever H ardware & Sporting Goods • § M edford MERRY CHRISTMAS