THURSDAY, NOVEMBER «R» TU« AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT. OREGON PAGE TWO NOTICE is hereby given that, pur­ lug ,o make the individual farm r a have, why such relief should not be granted. suant to the terms of the said exe­ ward of the slate. Dated and first published this cution. 1 will on the lath day of The other attempts to help th« 22nd day ot November. A. D. 1934. December, 1934. at 10:00 A. M., at farmer help himself to get move J. O. ISAACSON. the front door of the Courthouse Re-established. September 13, 1928. Executor of the Estate of William it. the City of Medford, in Jackson ments started whereby hi* own «blM- Devoted to the beet Interest* of tle*. efforts and agresslveness ? A. Cowley, Deceased. County, Oregon, offer for sale and Central Point and vicinity. will sell at public auction for cash pull him out of bis difficulties. NOTICE OK SHEKlf t * SAI.E to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Entered as second class matter at BY VIRTUE of an execution in judgment, together with the costs The second kind of farm rellel tb< nut office. Central Point, Ore­ has been much the more successful. foreclosure duly issued out of and if this sale, subject to redemption gon. under the Act of March 8, 1879. the seal of the Circuit Court ¿ ¡ £ | £ d by Uw? a ll'o f Ue“ iight“ sAnd the reason is that it rests up under l i u V i l u f o n t f I r u u n n i ■< . . • » .1 of * t the State ot Oregon, in and for ti.,P an,, ,ntPrP„t tha tho said ° Dp. on a sound basis— upon the fart tha the County of Jackson, to me direct- f..ndants, Heine Hertager and Ruth SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ............................... $1.00 m ’If-reliance is the greatest essential ed and dated on the 21st day ot Hertager. husband and wife, N. M. it would he possible, November, 193 4, in a certain action Horsman and Helen A. Horsman Sli Months ............................. $ -75 of progress L Fowler aud carrying the first kind of farm re­ m T ? « '*'here,n ,J \ ?■ Uaac8° n, as hu8band and wlfe; Payable In advance. lief to the extreme, for government Plaintiff, recovered judgment against John D winalow. and also all other Advertising rates on application Ar‘ T“ y ? r “ "l1 *•".**■ Taylor, wife perii0nf 0r parties unknown claim- bureaus to take over the operation and husband. Columbia River Paper in(J anv right, tltlei P8tate, lien or Office— Second Street, off Main. of every farm in the land, making Mills, a Washington corporation, W. interest in or to the real estate de­ ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL Non-rasa and Don R. Newbury, icr;h„d herein, had on the 4th day the original owners hired hands at ll Editor and Proprietor good salaries. The farmer thei (he defendants, for the sum o f Four of MaVi 1927. or now havp ln a,,d Thousand and no-100 ($4000.00) tc, tbe following described property. would not have to worry about taxes Hollars, with interest thereon at the l i t u t R in the County of Jackson. and poor prices and chaotic markets rate of . r per annum from July i - • Or, con. to-wit: B eg in n in g at a point in the uny longer— but he would have ceas­ 1982. with costs and disbursement^ taxed at Twenty-one and 30-100 Center of the County Road said ed to exist as a free agent. ($21.30) Dollars, and the further point being 8.85 chains east and For many years under various gov­ sum of Three Hundred and no-100 4.76 chains south of the North­ ernment measure* excellent work ($300.00) Dollars, as attorney’s fees, has (been done in forwarding the which judgment was enrolled and development and growth of farmer- docketed in the Clerk's office of said the bouse that beauty hu'lt owned and controlled cooperative Court In said County on the 19th day of November. 19 34. organizations— a work that has pro­ NOTICE is hereby given that, pur­ duced more genuinely worth while suant to the terms of the said exe­ results than all the other farm re cution. I will on the 29th day of lief schemes ever tried. Th farmer December, 1934. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the Court­ FLY CARS— NOT TICKETS who joins a co-op feels, and rightly house in the City of Medford, in 'With much fixing of automobiles Jackson County, Oregon, offer fot and no fixing of tickets, there should t()Ward |hPir own salvation, and that sale and will sell at public auction be a material reduction In Chicago's |h<> future up to them That is (or cash to the highest bidder, to motor vehicle death rate." said May- (hp 8plr,t the country needs in ev satisfy said judgment, together with •he costs of this sale, subject to re- or Kelly In opening a new ‘ safety ^ bran(.h of humaI1 Pndeavor. lemption as provided by law. all of lane" in which automobiles are giv- __ ________________ 'he right, title and interest that the en tests to determine mechanical Grasshoppers Numbers Decreased taid defendants, Areliss Taylor, and safety. KLAMATH FALLS — Indications C. H. Taylor, wife and husband, If you want a becoming new Chicago's experience with the Ian.- are that the grasshoppers which Columbia River Paper Mills, a Wash­ ington corporation, W. H. Norcrosa bears that out. During the first have Infested parts of Klamath coun­ and Don R. Newbury, had on the 3rd Permanent Wave week of Its operation, 73 per cent of ty in such numbers in the past few day of January, 1922, or now have Before Thanksgiving make an all cars passing through it failed to year* will be less of a problem next in and to the following described appointment now at Murray's earn the safety "O. K ." The bulk year, as fewer eggs have been de- ■iroperty, situated in the County of lackson. State of Oregon, to-wit: of them had defective brake», many posited than for many .wars, a YOUR HANDS Beginning a I the Northwest ami nails are an index to jour had wheels out of alignment, while cording to ( ounty Agent C. A. Hen corner of Donation Land Claim character . . . lack of proper lights, mirrors, wind- derson. Mr. Henderson believes how- No. 45 in Township 37 South of Range 2 West of the Willa­ shield swipes and horns caused the ever, that unless control work is con­ mette Meridian, and running tinued the Klamath district will failure of the rest. thence South on the West boun­ again face a serious infestation in ART HAIRDRESSERS dary line of said Claim 26.97 It was then complained that the about three years. 41 S. Central, Phone 36:t chains to the North line of the tests were too stringent, and that County Road: thence East along only cars ln first-class condition were the north line of said road 80 nbe to pass. The tests were then L E G A L N O TICE rods and 12.25 feet; thence modified to give automobiles in only North 26.97 chains to the North line of said Donation Land fair shape a chance. Even when P E R L ’ S NOTICE Claim; thence West on the said this was done, 40 per cent of the IN THE ('OUNTY COURT OF THE North line 80 rods and 12.25 Funeral Home STATE OF OREGON FOR THE cars going through the tests failed feet to the place of beginning. ¡ COUNTY OF JACKSON: Established ln your community to meet specifications. It is pro­ Dated this 22nd dav of November, In the Matter of the Estate of 1934. 25 years bable that the percentage of Chicago Phone 47 428 W. Oth St. William A. Cowley, deceased: WALTER J. OLMSCHEID carB which are unsafe mechanically NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Medford, Oregon Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon is higher than this, inasmuch as the the undersigned Executor of th« By Howard Gault, owner of a machine whose condition above estate has filed with the above Deputy. is obviously bad would not subject entitled Court his Final Report us Nov. 22-29, Dec. 6-13-20 such Executor, and the Court has his car to the tests. I set January 4th, A. D. 1935, at 10 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE G REEN L A N T E R N Portland, Oregon, has recently | o’clock A. M., as the time, and the By Virtue of an execution ln for»' carried on similar examinations, un- courtroom of said Court in the closure duly Issued out or and un­ CAFE der direction of the state police. The * ourthouse in Medford, Oregon, as der the seal of the Circuit Court of OVSTERS— ANY STYLE the place for hearing objections, if M. Main St. Mcdfonl experience has been about like that any there be, why said Report should the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson, to me directed Opposite Safeway Store of Chicago, around half of the cars not be approved, said Executor and and dated on the 8th day of Novem­ examined proving to be unsafe in his Bondsmen discharged, and said ber, 1934, in a certain action there­ Estate closed. All persons are here­ in, wherein Jackson County Building one or more fundamentals. The unsafe automobile is almost by notified to appear at said time and and Loan Association, an Oregon J A C K ’S piace and show cause, if any they building and Loan Corporation, as as great a hazard to the public as Plaintiff, recovered judgment uguinst the reckless driver. Every city in-, 2nd H A N D STO R E Heine Hertager and Ruth Hertager, husband and wife, N. M. Horsmin terested In reducing the horrible toll MEDFORD and Helen A. Horsman, husband and Try an A d in of street and highway fatalities i If I told you I was honest, you wife, H. L. Fowler and John D. Win­ should carry on automobile Inspec-1 slow; also all other persons or par­ would think it was a joke. tlons—-and then see to it that de­ ties unknown claiming any right, The American Tills is just like any other Sec­ fects are corrected. In these day* title, t>state, lien or interest in or to the real estate described herein, ond Hand Store— pay as little as of high Hpeeds and super-highways, the Defendants, for the sum of $1,- p o s s ib le — anil sell for all I ran there is no room for the car with 000.00, plus interest from the 28th g.C brakes that won't hold, lights that dav of February, 1933 to the 16th JACK. won't illuminate, and horns that day of February, 1934, at the rate of 10% per annum being the sum won't sound. of $95.84, pus interest on $508.96 from the 16th day o f February, 193 1 TWO KINDS OF FARM RELIEF to the 2nd day of November, 1931 Tengwald Agency All governmental farm rellel at the rate of 10% per annum be­ Real Estate— All Kinds o f measures, regardless of politics ot ing the sum of $35.56, less the sum Insurance of $414.00 paid on stock, less the backing, must fall within two dis- j sum of $77.04 accrued dividends on MOVED TO LARGER QUARTERS tinct classifications. 125 Mesi Mail! St., Medford said stock, pus $36.25 for insurance One attempts to solve the farm­ “ Fai llis For Sal«»" , premium paid by Plaintiff, plus $5.- er’s problems by legislative edict— I 00 for continuation of abstract of ' title, plus Interest on said Judgment by giving the conduct of his affairs j at the rate of lo % per annum from into bureaucratic hands, and trend the date of the decree herein, with Plume ill5 costs and disbursements taxed at E A D S ' TRANSFER $49.05 and the further sum of $115.- NOW OPEN 00 as Attorney's fees, which judg­ & STORAGE Medford'* Newest >|x Medford Bhlg. with Dr. Jud Rickert Good Glasses, if you n«»ed them, otherwise good advice. 222 E. Main, Medford Dreaamaklng and Remodeling MRS. MYRTLE ANDREW PHooe 1IHI 494 Medford RniMInt market ipnk I this Dr. B. C. Wilson Physician and Surgeon Stones’ Drug 210 Medford Store . Bldg Central Point Medford o. c. hoggs I). STANLEY B o g g s lawyers Jackson Co. Hank Building Medford TAIIX1HINO F. J. Huber Ladies’ and Gents* Tailoring SUITS *20 I P Ht V Fir Ut U n iw year ^ World’s Most Interesting Magazine returns t«* grow- The Most Im portant Place in the World Mi> Mill Start Parking Fri- ilay, Nov. 22. 21, 25, 20 al H A LF MOON FRUIT 8* PRODUCE CO. s\\ K I U M 'N O lh’ prt'^ntni llv 4n2 I mum B $1.00 THIS PAPER PATHFINDER AMO FRED D. S IL V A r tm to K rji| »h «. Dr. I. H. Gove DENTISTRY Medford Oregon When you go to California, try the train! Big changes have taken place on our rails. Pullman charges are a third less than last year. Rail fares are touching bottom at 24 a mile and less. Complete meals in our dining cars cost as little as 804. For de­ tails, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. The Fashion Shop Ol c $»| m DAIRYMAN Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally Phone 14x1 Central Point Dr. C. W . Lemerv NOM BEING RECEIVED Point. S h a n g ie ’s S tu d io Wr tu n O. S. BLACKFORD GENERAL SHEET METAL FURNACES A HEATING 10» E. Mth. St. Medford Pitone 41» FASHION SHOPS the S. P. Depot at Central |ln$|i In wml u p I id r FAIIER Ill'll.DING EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON C H R IST M A S T H IS Y E A R Gift* for BERT PECK Automobile Repair A nd Service TO CALIFORNIA FOR T H A N K S G IV IN G T R A D E mu 12 Nandies Cafe Fine Steak.— -Italian Dinner« at all hours W'e Serve To Serve Again •»hone 1M2. 220 E. Main, Medford ATTORNEYS liidiration» point to a good Personality Portraits” We Serve 25-35-SOc Lunches TR Y THE TRAIN OPTOMETRIST turkey a west corner of L. C. No. 4 9 in Township 38 South of Range 2 West of the W. M , and running thence east 6.98 chains; thence South 2.70 chains: thence West 7.85 chains: thence North 18 deg. east 2.825 chains along the center of the County road to the place of beginning, except one acre on the east side of said tract heretofore conveyed to R. R. Caches by Deed recorded page 393, Volume 100 Deed Re­ cords of Jackson County. Ore­ gon and reserving a right of way over the north 20 feet of the premises hereby conveyed until such time as a County road shall be established near by. Together with all water rights appurtenant thereto or to be­ come appurtenant thereto. Dated at Medford, Oregon this Sth day of November, 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon By: Howard Gault, Deputy; Nov., 15, 22, 29, Dec. 6 1IKU M«*«lfoid I *•%%!** Me\if M i r k « t , F t n t m l l*nin t «I«»» w ill b,» lim ile o u t o f G r a n i* P a** SI 50 BOTH ONE YEAR ONLY