The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, November 15, 1934, Image 1

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M u s in g s — I RECOVERY HALTED Governor Urges
P.N.G. Club
Gives Party
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . IN . . . . . BY -
Driving Care for tor Mrs. Hay PROCESSING TU
Highway Safety
The writer offers sincere thanks;
to those who hare expressed regret
that he failed of election to the city
council. But we admit it is a relief
Mrs. Mary Hay, who has been con­
to know we can still sit on the fence
to her room since May from
and be free to criticise and commend
the effects of a broken hip from
the acts of the city dads. And the
which she is slowly recovering, was
NEW HAVHN, Conn., Nov. 10_
Lord knows we have about as heavy
Au important change lu the hog
a load of responsibility as we can rofl *r' in* Fisher of \ale said yes- A M essa ge b y G o v ern o r M e ie r, N ov. 1 0 , 1 9 3 4 , pleasantly surprised on Friday after­
regulations under the Agricultural
handle without adding the cltyV .erday ,hat the NRA "°n ‘ »»e whole,
O p en in g the C a m p a ig n o f th e A u to m o b ile
members of the P. N. Q. Club arriv­ djustment Act, effective Nevember
tas been not a national recovery ad­
troubles to it.
ed at her home, bearing a “fruit , 1934, U announced by J. W. Ma-
ministration, but rather a national
A c c id e n t P rev en tio n o f O re g o n .
. ,
retardation one. ”
shower.” The ladies served dainty oney. Collector of Internal Revenue
Bert Hedgpeth says he is going toi _.
efreshments during the social visit. or the District of Oregon, which pro-
make ” ------------
a lawn and
flower garden on
Those participating were Mes- ides when hogs are slaughtered by
inual convention
convention of
of the
the (First
(First Dis
Dis- 1 Followin* U ,he texl of a radto n.ovement the widest possible publi
the grounds about the new city hall. .
. . . l -
, ,
Dl address given by Governor Meier city.
dames Clara Farra, Ida Henderson, og producers and feeders, the pro-
That is one of the most prominent .
”f a"
'ertising Clubs ¡Saturday night in opening a cam-
'-very locality that shows a high Emma Gleason, Catherine Merritt, easing tax will be paid by them on-
at the Hotel Garde, sesions of which
of l tut
will be carefully ’lara Vincent, Iva Copinger. Ethel y when they sell the products direct
LUIUC»“ ***
OpE‘lH*(j today
His t Di
AVVIUCU' i si i i VI U
lut II
will add a lot to the attractiveness;Depreg8lon and the
Dell. " :Preven,lon Association of Oregon of .investigated by a committee from Southwell, Minnie Moore, Florence o consumers. In all other caaea,
¡which he
he is is lh£
thé president.
of our city. Hop to it, Bert. We
j a ciagsifyjng himself "as*a
this organisation and steps will be Eddy, Minnie Buckles, and the hon­ he tax will be paid by the first per-
w ill enjoy the view from our office wbo ¡g ••part|y {Qr and
! “I wiR speak to you tonight of a taken to reduce any unusual hasardi or guest, Mrs. Hay and her sister on other than the hog producer or
window much more when you finish. the New Deal„ profeggor Pisher said conditlou 80 serious it cannot well hat may exist.
eeder who performs any operation
who is her guest from California.
“The association will Initiate and
n the receiving, handing or other
* * *
“One thing of which I mm wish *
1 d“ this *•
Our Democratic friends are mak­ the public would be convinced U faU8e 1 consider “ a d uty-no less! ponsor legislation of a nature to be Local Girl Married
distribution of the product. ThU
means if anw retailer, wholesaler,
ing much of the recent election re­ that the New Deal's monetary policy The cond,tlon ls one of 8uch lmpor* ounted on for assistance in stop-
Sunday in Portland ommisslon merchant, meat market,
sult and forgetting the fact that it Is mostly sound while its other poll-•t ‘“Ce to ° ur 8tate and t0 our «'‘ ‘»«ns Jiug this accident plague
restaurant, hotel, club, hospital or
was far from being a true Democrat- ¡cles have largely been unsound.'' I hat U is incumbent on al> of us. and ( “Those members of our judiciary
Miss Thelma Pankey and Gordon ther commercial establishment re-
ir victory. The New Deal is a long) The speaker assailed the AAA and ®:l
tn publ,C llfe e8Ppclally. to k ho are particularly vigilant In their
Patton were married at the home of eives, buys or exchanges any dress-
ways from being old time Democra- the FWA, at the same time praising **'te 8,epH lo ren,edy It- Please mark andling of the accident cases that
the bride's uncle, A. P. Olssen, Ar­ d hogs or parts from a hog produc-
cy, or old time anything else. There the accomplishments of the CCC, " eI1 What follows and C0D8ider what ome before them will be encourag- lington Heights, Portland, Sunday
r or feeder, the first domestic pro-
were 13,000,00# peope in this couu “with which I can find no fault.”
d and supported by the members oi
J it means:
Nov. 11, at four p. m. The bride,
try who still had faith in the ability
Professor Fisher said “the Civilian ! " La8t year the state of Oregon his association for swift and sure charming daughter of Postmaster essing is held to be the Initial act
erformed by such persons In hand­
of the American people to live with Conservation Corps in one and a half patd a to11 o£ more than two hundred unishment of the criminally reck-
Tonf Pankey, wore a white satin ing or preparation for further dis-
endless government subsidies. And !y-,arg i,as enrolled nearly 1,000,000 oi the llve8 ot lts citlxens, to say ess, th e, most deterent to the fool-
dress and carried a boquet of white itsributlon or use.
Preparation for
in Oregon the Republicans elected ¡young men. It has helped the con-Jno,hing of thousands of others who ardy.
sweet peas and yellow rose buds urther distribution or use includes
“The splendid work of the State
four out of five state officials and J .sedation of our forests and will 8Uiiered injuries, to the menace of
i The bridesmaids were Mrs. Lewi» ny operation connected with re­
just split the county offices even— bring rich economic divideuds to the which I speak . . to this thing that ’ollce in their promotion of safety
of Portland, and Miss Roberta Pan­
four out of eight. Better save that country in the end.” In contrast he ba8 taken more American lives than n the highways will be encouraged key, sister of the birde. Mrs. Lewis ceiving, storing, cutting rendering
o the utmost of our abilities.
crepe— it’s a lively old corpse, yet. (said:
,did the great World war.
wore a dress of green silk. Miss Pan-
This change affects only hogs that
* * *
I “On the whole, I believe the non- j "I refer to the destroyer that
key, gold colored silk. They car­
We see by a new ruling, and by ¡monetary policies of the New Deal stalks our streets and our highways s no phase of the work of the State ried yellow chrisinthemums. Twen­ re slaughtered by farmers on and
Iter November I, 1934 Meat pack-
the way, it makes our head ache to ¡have been a failure— in some cases j . . • in the form of reckless drivers, government in which the average ty-eight guests were present.
ng companies, slaughterhouses, cus­
keep track of the new rulings, that ¡disastrous,
It behooves us to contemplate the nan can take greater pride and sa-
Mrs. Patton graduated from the
hereafter the farmers are to be al-| “The NRA," asserted Professoi tiagedy that has been wrought in isfaction than the wonderful system Oregon State college In '31 and since tom killers and all other commer-
lowed to eat their own hogs without I Fisher, "has made a mistake in try- this way and proceed to the consi­ f highways that connects our towns then has worked in Portland. Mr. ial establishments will continue to
paying a processing tax for the privl I ¡j,g to hold up impossible wage stan- deration of means whereby it may nd cities. Millions of dollars have Patton Is also a graduate from Ore­ ay the processing tax as formerly
een spent In their construction and
11 the five weight of hogs at the
lege. Hurray!
idards. Its minimum wages, espec- be lessened.
gon State college and is with the
of slaughter.
* * *
¡tally in the South, are often so much
"Of all the forms in which death
Standard Oil Company.
Bro. Hall of the Miner says the!liiglier than the market rate that to omes, none is so dreadful as the fa- hese fine roads and to what purpose
All commercial establishments will
After the ceremony there was a
voters elected Moore Hamilton just j obey the law, the employ yer must ai accident. We are prepared some- ave we spent these vast sums ot reception for the bride and groont e required to maintain a record of
to get rid of one Southern Oregon efU8e to employ. That is one reason what For the passing of one who has noney if the average citizen cannot who left for a short trip to Seattle all pork products handled by them
editor. We wonder how big a vote why unemployment has not decrea*^ cached advanced years or who has sew hese highways in safety
and Vancouver. Mra. Tom Pankey o show whether they are subject to
“ I may say that many of the large
Hall would get on that proposition j.-j since the NRA tried, in soim yielded after a struggle to illness,
and Roberta were In Portland ,utt he (ax or whether U has already
It ls our hunch it would be unami- c iSes, to raise wages which were al- but the fatal accident strikes with- >us and truck companies are dill- week Mr. Pankey left Friday and een paid by some prior processor or
nous, less one.
ready too high to permit labor to oUt warnings, destroys life often tn ent in the schooling of their drivers remained until after the wedding isributor. Packers and others sel­
find jobs."
! ts prime shocks families and friends o ??se extreme caution in the perfor- Mr. Pankey and Roberta returned ling to jobbers, retailers, etc, art
While Christmas seems a long
'of the deceased with Its awful sud­ nance of their daily work, but par­ home Monday. Mrs. Pankey will be equired to include In their invoices
a statement certifying that the first
way off, we believe it is about tirm B e r e a n Bible C l a S S
denness. What makes it all the more ticular attention will be paid to home sometime this week end.
to be thinking of another Christina *-1
deplorable is this . . . the records safety measures concerning the large
Mrs. Patton is well known here domestic processing has been per­
Meets at Faber Home how that more than half of the fa­ igh speed trucking that can be such and we Join her many friends in con­ formed by them, or that they have
Jubilee. Last year the Jubilee war
ecelved a certificate to this effect
a grand success and we can see no
talities resulting from these acci­ menace on our highways if not con- gratulations.
Mrs. E. C. Faber was hostess dents befell people other than the ucted carefully and sanely.
rom some prior owner.
reason we cannot do it again. It
“Every man and woman listening
takes time to get up such things and Thursday to the ladies of the Ber- reckless drivers themselves.
o this radio broadcast who values Zimmerman Thanks
¡ean /Bible Class of the Federated
we should be getting started.
"It is time that we, as good citi- is or her life and the lives of their
'church. In the absence of Mrs. Case,
Voters for Support Reminders of Tax
ens, take decisive action to put au hildren will want to join the Auto­
Sent this Week by
While our Business Men's assocl-jon account of Illness, Mrs. Webster 1
0 >d to this intolerable situation.
ation dier a-bornin', still wo can presided
Secretary of State
I wish to thank the press of Ore­
get together and put on a big Jubi- Bible verses.
1 ‘ There is no reason why the san- ion of Oregon and do his or her part
lee and hurt no one. It will be re-1 Devotional period led by Mrs. Ni- automob le driver a„d the Pedes ri- 1 , shackling a grave menace to the
Automobile owners I 11 Oregon will
through the news columns of thr
membered that this Daper
started chols. Study topic from St. John by an should
be at the mercy of thi 1 /ell-being of our fellow cltiezns and
various papers In the state, and also receive reminders this week of the
the movement last winter
for . Mrs. Mlnnick. Historical description ¿reckless. And there IS a way tc
wish to take this opportunity to approach ot another registatlon year,
tackson Countv Chamber of C o m -^ Nlnevah by Mrs. Gebbard, follow-
reckless driving provided we, “As Governor of the Slate of Ore-
< k on
ounty cnam
onnnintmeni of a nomin- Nrfco are not reckless, give our full on. I hereby officially proclaim the hank those of your readers who sup­ when more than 260,000 letters are
merce. This was the first newspaper *1 by the appointment or a nomin j
released in the malls by P. J. Stadel-
/eek, beginning tomorrow “Safe and ported nty cause in the campaign
to esponse the cause But the Med- '»ting committee composed of Mes- euppori.
nan, Secretary of State.
"Within the past tew months ane Driving Week" to mark the be-
ford Chamber, with the same „ 1,1 dames Richmond, Hoffman, and
n them and cannot begin to express Twelve-months licenses may bo
system, hogged the entire plan and Grimes Sr., for the December elec- there has come into being, under inning of our organized earnest and ly heartfelt appreciation
purchased for tlve dollars (35.00)
resulting so-called Jackaon,1*°° °F officers.
The fires of our crusade still burn or private passenger cars to be re­
ways safe for our people, and I ear-
County Chamber of Commerce Is «
ion that we can count on to take the estly solicit your full support and s brightly as ever, and I know the gistered for the year 1935, thlB rate
farce so far as being truly represen- (he serving of refreshments by Mrs.
Progressive movement will becom* being the lowest in many years and
Ayers. Mrs. Limbeck, Mrs. Borah Mead in the all-important work Oi cooperation in this movement. As-
tatlve of the county outside of Med­
living force for justice and equal­ enjoyed by car owners for the sec­
nd Mra. Faber.
“preventing automobile accidents. An
In Oregon. I feel certain that ond consecutive time. A continua­
Included In the party were Mes- organization that will make It it» r, this work by writing me a letter
• • •
he great number of votes polled by tion of the plan of registering mo­
, dames W. P. Grimes, Mary La.ng3- business to see that those whose ne-! n care of the radio station to which
s is an Infallible signal of a aurg- tor vehicles on a calandar-year ba­
put „
lot 0°, local" enterprises
ton. D. F. Amlck, A W. Ayers. Ha- gligence causes avoidable accident- which you are listening
powerful cause In the years to ts retains Oregon on a registration
hat letter— Governor Julius L Meier
which were successful and we
he- *el Myers. Henry Kllburn A. Web- shall not escape unpunished
rhedule similar with other states in
lieve we can do it again
So be j^ er. Sarah 'Varner. Blther Pearl; “When this orga nization honored
" Sarah
* * Limbeck.
* *--- *- Dennis 1 Me-
%,C- W
thinking’ and' plannVng“'t o " do'yout -- *
by asking me to accept It, presl 'apitol Building at Salem and per- press my thanks, and tell them to
“Those desiring to make applies-
Gulre, Arlie Thompson, A. J. Mlllon (]ency, I was quick to accept.
'Carry on!" To those who did not, Ion for plates for the new season at
, . .
Flaherty, Hoifmkn, Rowley, Buck „ emeu to me a splendid way to con- lembership rolls of the automobile let me urge that they watch the LI
au early date may send In their re­
This ls "Safe and Sane Driving Brewer. Borah Frv, Merritt, Get* ,tinne my public servlc« to the State
berel movement as It forges onward mittance and their registration cards
j of Oregon after the expiration of my
Week." as proclaimed by Governor, hard. Smith. Mlnnick and Faber.
to insure a greater measure of com­ properly signed at any time and the
¡term as governor. . . a useful, worth­ your own driving to remember that fort and happiness lo the people o!
Julius L. Meier last Saturday In an |
plates will be mailed from Salem to
while undertaking that demands the our live is valuable to yourself your our state.
address over the radio. Elsewhere, f v l o t i A n i l O U n C C S
the applicants on December 15
overtones and to the State and that
support of every thinking citizen.
Yours very truly,
we are printing the text of the Gov­
he first date on which 1935 licenses
1 “I have already requested many
ernor's message. We urge our read­
may be used," suggests Mr. Stadel-
S c h o o l A p p o i n t m e n t prominent Oregonians to serve on ay for a moment's haste, careless-
ers to read It carefully, even If you
the hoard ot governors of the AuLo-
A drawing for low license numbers
heard the message, and to think
January 3, 1S35 a Civil Service,
1 .mobile Accident Prevention Assocl
seriously of the matter. With w<n-
be held on November 27, and
Juniors Continue Work TOLO, Nov. 14.— (Hpl) — Mis» li applications
ter at hand, with Its fog and rain examtn.tlon wili ^ b.ld to deter- ation of O
received at that time
1 »
‘" " j n,tne eligible applicants for appoint
-And 1 now come before you. «hcl H n A n n . . « l P I , . . P I « „ I Dorothy Inmann was surprised when
slippery pavement and the Ht'**
„ 8. N.val Academy at
of (he state of Oregon, with
A n n u a l Ü 8 I . Play , gro„p of young p(.op„ „„ hy MfK will he Included. Special numbers
ant danger
, .
__________ . ___ «„v.......
_____ will not be assigned In order to con­
■tger through carelessness, drl tt Annapolis, ____
•John Bohnert and Arlene , Inmann
$ request that every
one of you Join
tinue the expeditious handling of the
Many people of Central Point are
should the daily slogan of every
reeled h»-r at home Saturday with
Th» First Congressional District y-|a organization. There are no dues
00 k Ing forward to the presentation “Happy Birthday."
ver of an automobile to "drive care­
ot Oregon will have one vacancy at y, pay „„d if you will signify your
f the Junior play, “ Funny Phinnie,”
The guests were Misses Marjorie
that Academy next June Congress- uUBngness to cooperate you will find
riday, November 23.
Davis, Vlolsbel Morrow, Messrs
,3n James W. Mott is anxious that y>,at there are many tnlngs you can;
The junior play la an annual event ohn Bohnert, Wiley Davis, Justin.
t s peasing to not
! jj anlhitiotis voung men in the Firs». (d„
help make otir streets and
Our Query,
tenor of the magazine ad« for auto |
. : . he represents,
_______ hav- . tighways
nd this is the first high school pro Arthur and Alva Muse and Edward
»¡strict, which
Milo D hiiiiim *<I M illi His own Its
mobiles has changed. Instead o! | n opportunity to try for this co- j ••The work of the association will; ram to he given this year.
Inmann. Games were played until
"To Dam or not To Dam?"
harping on speed, and more speed eted appointment.
As the name suggests, the play is a !a late hour, when Mr and Mrs. Tracy
t i most varied In Its scope Under It*
I* Anewer-rf Near the Town,
they now ask “How fast can you
lit l.uiuan. The M'orker,
I Any young unmarried man not lessj ut indict Ion arrangements are being ■ rce and will furnish an evening oil nd Ernestine served refreshments.
stop?” And to our mind, this 1» * I ban sixteen years of age nor nor»
M ho Dammed with his own hand*/
' I’.-T.A.
_ .
———-------:.. ■ -
for a weekly class in the public for all who attend
For six feet of water.
very important question.
A drivet ban twenty years of ag® 00 April ^-laools to teach our children to cross
The cast Is working hard rehear»-,
Th„ ^ r , ut(TP POTnmlt(oe of th
In I,«kel<-|, crystal clear,
should study that
question thor- J st miy compete.
j treets and highways properly M
. ng dally, to make this event one P -T A will meet Wednesday, Nov. In which he “ win will plant
otighly and drive in such a manner
Two Hundred Thou «and Trout.
In order to make the required ar- bat a child'« sudden ds*h into the ong to be remembered
21 at the home of Mrs. Ted Hill.
Mh, no* <lo likewise.
and at such a speed as to be able to angements it is necessary that * I traffic will not serve to endangei
The juniors of the high school-
Ever, one who can?
stop at all times with a wide margin pplicant notify Congressman James (>oth the child’» life and the driver's
re asking the support of the com-
m a t c h thim Hr.Ac»::
of safety.
VV. Mott. Washington. D C-. not la-
("Clubs and organisations of all »unity and some one will be calltngj
Farmer» and
s • •
li you're lucky and see yeur
ter than December 1th of his desire jyp**, throughout the state, are be n you soon and asking yon to buy;
name h«re you will receive a tick­
There is a constant agitation about to participate In the examination
Fruitgrower» Bank
|nR enlisted In the cause so that the
(l>e]MMd 1 . Insured)
et to some picture show In Med-
town regarding the securing of Med­
----------- ------ ---------------------. Isdora of safe and sane driving will
Save the date— November 23.
ford water for this city. Our sug­
This way »«• ill know e driven home to every man and
M ho will hr the next one
gestion is that s mass meeting be Jedford
Miss Phlllys Stillman of Berkley, our paid up subscription list.
n.t what can be done. Then if th-,every woman
i To dam where waters r u n ?
ceiled and a committee of responsi­
N>«9papern sod publiratloon oi 'olifomla, who is visiting relatives
To stop the damning.
of the people want it th*
Mary A. Mer
ble taxpayer» he appointed to se­ isjority
_4,i hiT* soniech'ng de- j; clisse, b »v« slmlfled their will- In Msdford spent Thursday with
tod go to daman
cure exwet figures on the project ard '¿ ¿ Z " w
* * M
t v tf.-W g « * * tn W rCy Fafftl!
fa t
t V « ï Wtt 9 * t f s ’dc t * ' *