THURSDAY, T b» AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. O M O O PAGB TW O Perhaps you have already guess­ in Nature— and their souls besoiuc t ed his name, but if not, it 1 b R. E ennobled and elevated and their thoughts are tinged by the colorful | (better known as Emmett) Nealon. influence of in* xpressable beauty. In — | When Mr. Nealon was chosen by the heart and in mind they are true ar­ Case No. A*48 "K ” Re-establUbed, September 13. 1328. NOTH K OF PAYMENT OF former county court to fill the va- tists. Devoted to the beet interest» of DIVIDEND A love that is motivated by some­ I fancy caused by the resignation of Central Point and vicinity. IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE STATE thing less thau sincerity and sacri- I John Barneburg, he at once stepped flee is but too often a mere transitory OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF Entered ai second class matter at I into a hornet's nest. Threats, lies. emotion and even a mercenary thing. JACKSON lb» -nut office, Central Point, Ore- I >lurs and inuendos flew about like But that kind of love was foreign to In the Matter of the Liquidation of con, under the Act of March 8, 1879. flies All that a cunning, unscru­ the heart and soul of our venerable The Central Point State Bank. Cen- pulous mind could conceive was friend. His love of his Creator auJ tral Point, Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the Creator's handiwork might be NOTICE IS HER HUY GIVEN, That )ne Year ............................. $1.00 brought forward by Karl Kehl and well summed up in the words of the an order has been entered by the Cir- cult Court of the State of Oregon, for iix Months ...................- .... $ .7$ bis cohorts to frighten Mr. Nealon royal Psalmist of old who said: "The heavens tell the glory of God the County of Jackson, authorizing, off and thus make a place for some Payable in advance, and the earth proclaims the works of empowering and directing the Super- of their friends. Advertising rates on application. His hands.” Intended of Banks to distribute a But Emmett Nealon wasn’t so Office— Second Street, off Main. In his early years, moved by a story fifth dividend of 10% on all ordinary easily scared. Instead, with the that told of a far away hidden and deposit claims filed and approved ARTHUR EDWARD POW ELL loyal help of Commissioner Ralph almost inaccesable mountain lake of against the Savings Department of Editor and Proprietor Hillings, he kept right on caring for supernal beauty, he determined that The Central Point State Bank, up to one day, somehow, he would seek it and including September 20, 1931, the details of his job. out and gaze upon it and indulge to said dividend to be paid on and after He has made a good commission­ the full his innate sense of the beau- November 10, 1934. er. It is our hope he will be re­ tiful in nature. Time eventually That said order also directed the tained In the office. It looks like brought the fulfillment of that hope payment of the first, second, third good business to us to keep the — and such was his satisfaction at be- and fourth dividends on all approved holding the rare beauty and calm claims filed in the Savings Depart- present county court intact and let magiiificence of that scene that a new ment from June 20, 1934, to Septem- them continue with the good work desire was born within him. He her 20, 1934, which claims were Hied would make is known and accessible subsequent to the payment of said they have started. to the whole world, that all might re- dividends. vel in that grandeur that filled him That said order directed that this with reverence and awe. Henceforth his was a service of un- selfish personal dedication— a service a devotion of 50 years, that ceased JUDGE KAItl. It. DAY only with the end of his life. Verily, in those early days, his was Tuesday the people of Jackson Following is the text of one of the ''the voice of one crying in the wil­ County have an opportunity to show' most eloquent and touching address­ derness— Prepare ye the way” — the their appreciation of work well done es ever delivered in Jackson county. accessible way, that all may come by voting to retain Earl H. Day as It was delivered by Rev. Francis W. and see.” In journeying often to the far off! county judge. There is no doubt in Black, pastor of the Sacred Heart church in Medford at the recent fa-j Capitol of the Nation, with difficul the minds of the well-informed of n era I of William Gladstone Steel. The! tics unnumbered and disappoint- bis fitness for the office. American has had many requests t o 1 ments untold and expenses uncount-1 And When a vacancy occurred In the publish the full text of the sermon! ed— his spirit was undaunted! with tenacity of purpose and perser- office of county judge, due to the and is glad to do so. lly Rev. Francis \\. Black ! verance of effort his dream was at conviction of Earl 11. Fehl of a fel­ The presence of this large and sad- la„ t realized. Finally the federal gov- ! ony, Governor Meier, after a con­ denud gathering Is a tribute to the eminent gave in and did— and the sultation with prominent Jackson memory of a well-beloved, unique and way was prepared unto accessibility ! ■ In the sessions oi to what we now know at Crater Lake : county people, chose Earl B. Day for unselfish man. the appointment. Mr. Day had made your silent thoughts there is the rec-; .National Bark with its cerulean wa og n it ion of a character and the up- ters nestling in the rugged bosom of aii enviable record as a member of predation of a steadfast and achiev-| a great mountain range the state legislature, one of the ed purpose of his which has impress­ ( i And now may we say reverently, measures advocated there by him ed itself upon the minds and hearts over the mortal remains of this un­ being an old age pension law, which ol all who were privileged to know ique and unselfish man: “ Well done William Gladstone Steel. i thou good and faithful servant"— Fa­ in the opinion of many, was much The inescapable saddness attend­ ther of Crater Lake. 1 1 1 more practical than the one later ant upon his death and the deep and | And ___ now after 80 years of an ar- abiding sympathy that goes out t o ' dent and purposeful life, his body, in passed. Since taking bold of county af­ his bereaved daughter and relatives' the WOrks of Holy Writ, "goes back and closest friends, is accentuated by j t0 the earth from whence it was— an" fairs, Judge Day has shown plainly the knowledge that his loss to them1 the MOU1 to God who gave It.” And how wise was the governor's choice. and to his community is an Irrepar- f|) this connection may I recall an Un­ ■ When he entered the office, every­ able one. piessive sentence he uttered in his Ill Long ago twas said that "N o man |as, sickenss, shortly before hii thing was in confusion. There was i!« liveth unto himself and no man dieth death. He knew that his end was near iii no system at all, no cooperation be- • H I . „ . . . .. unto himself.” For unconsciously, as an(1 when I said to him: "M y friend, tween the two other members of the wUfa the air we breath, we are iuflu-. you are in the hands of The Good county court and the county judge eneed by the presence and the char-! (¡0,i"— he answered with earnestness ■2 But with rare tact and wisdom Mr. * aider and the lives of worthy men In and sincerity” I have always been in our midst and the good deeds that llis hands” — And there we have him Day started quietly to work and in such men do, live after them. — w|th the fervent prayer that the an incredible time order once again The character of men is best known God ill whom he truste dand whose reigned and things began once more and expressed by the things they love creosein he loved so well, may grant and the manner and the motive oC eternal peace and heavenly rest to to move smoothly along. In the few months he has held (hat love. Some men love God In­ his soul. tensely and consistently, and by His! office Earl Day has proven beyond Divine Grace they become Saints, j a shadow of a doubt he Is Just the Others love their fellow man, the! Real Estate— All Kinds of paid adv. man Jackson county needs at the neighbor. And In dedicating their Insurance head of its affairs. Last spring Ihe lives to his service they emulate voters of his party endorsed him by Christ, The God Man who came that' MOVED TO LARGER QUARTERS all men might have life more abun­ MB Best .Main St., McdfonI a large majority us their choice a* dantly. Others again love the beau- “Farms For Sale" a candidate for county judge. And ty and grandeur of God’s handiwork If the peope in general in the comi­ ty are wise they will elect this quiet courteous gentleman to continue to serve them. As he has served them well to date so will he serve in the ♦ 8 future. Cast your vote for a proven man. Vole to retain Earl B. Day as your county Judge. LEGAL NOTICE The American EDITORIALS Eloquent Tribute Paid by Pastor At Steel Funeral notice be given by publication there­ of in one issue of a newspaper of gen­ eral circulation printed and published in Jackson County, Oregon. That the date of the publication thereof is November 1st, 1934. A A. SCHRAMM, Superintendent of Banks, in charge of the liquidation of the Central Point State Bank. Don't forget to vote Look Your Best on Armistice Day If you want expert reasonable Prices, work at make Economy j Fairness to a ll Tengwald Agency •::»::»n»::»::»::»::»::»::»::»::»::»::o.:»::»::»::»::»::»::»::»::*:>::e::e::e::ce::e::e::e::e::e::e:>::c»::»:;»::»::»::»::»:.»::»::»::»::»::»::»::* I Vote for R. E. Nealon I Present County Commissioner A GotII) MAN There is one man among the can­ didates at the mining election about whom little has been said during the campaign. This man has done little or no campaigning: he has stuck to his Job. day by day, letting the record speak for him. Never given to boasting, this man has left to his friends the telling of the story of what he has aecom- plished during the past two years Iffl....... ................ ..... ............ J An Experienced Conscientious And a paid adv. u u yu w Retain EARL B. DAY For County Judge !•: Medford GENERAL SHEET METAL FURNACES A HEATING 100 E. 8th. St. Medford Phone 418 Medford NEW MATTRESSES MADE Brill Metal Works PRICES REASONABLE Call and see our work and Get Our I*rices This Classified Directory W ill be found useful When in Medford PHOTOGRAPHERS PHYSICIA NS Shangle Studios Dr. B. C. Wilson Expert Photography lin e Portraits a Specialty Medford Bldg. O IT O M E T R IS T Physieian and Surgeon Stones’ Drug 210 Medford Store Bldg Central Point Medford ATTORNEYS Dr. Jud Rickert Good Glasses, if you need them, otherwise good advice. 222 E. Main, Medford O. C. BOGGS - D. STANLEY BOGGS Lawyers Jackson Co. Bank Building Medford FASHION SHOPS TAILORING The Fashion Shop Dressmaking and Remodeling MRS. MYRTLE ANDREW Phone M SI «2 « M e d fo r d lln ild in g F. J. Huber liadies’ and Gents’ Tailoring SUITS $«n UP SI Ni H r Ut Uislfnn* To Jackson County REPUBLICANS It is one of the most representative tickets the party has ever placed before the people. Every candidate is a well known taxpayer, „ success­ ful farmer, stockman or business man, perfectly qualified to fill the posi­ tion to which he aspires and is worthy of your support... All the legisla­ tive ami county candidates have ably served the people, three of whom, Earl Day, for county- Judge, Walter Olmscheid, for sheriff and K. k ' Nealon. commissioner, am serving by appointments to fill vacancies and are asking for election. Fair Deal to all Sections. I 114 N. Front St. The Republican County Central committee presents herewith the entire Republican ticket to be voted for next Tuesday. Official Pledged to Efficiency Without Extravagance. Phone 207 715 \V. Main St. FLOWERS’ MATTRESS SHOP HOTEL MEDFORD »Sheriff Efficiency and CONGER Funeral Parlors an appointment at Wave Shop O lm sc h e id l GUNSMITH For the boot Gun Repair work at Honest Price«, see EAR L A. SIMS M edford C ycle & R ep air Shop Your Present W alter J . Dr. C. W. Lemery Let Us Help You V i C o r b y 's 43 X for 1015 N. Central, M«>dford For Storage or Moving of Household (roods (Successor to Dr. J. J. Elumens i 304 Medford Bldg. 1 rai l ice limited to eye, Nir. nose, and throat and fitting of glMmi. Tel. 567 Re*. 101:1 Retain Vote Phone 815 EAD S' TRANSFER & STORAGE at the elec- lion next Tuesday. NOVEMBER I. It)! | The Republican committee has been seriously- handicapped in con­ ducting the campaign, owing to the fact that It has not had the support of any Medford newspaper for governor and lias been unable to got what it wanted printed in Mr. Dunne's behalf unless it |Niid for it at the high rates charged for |M)litical advertising. Being exceeding short of fund lo conduct tile campaign the committee lias Isrn unable to present tin- splendid qualities of Mr. Dunne, The DeinocrMic committee and orators, state and local, headed by the old Democratic war horse. Os West, and assisted by tile Democratic press, are urging Democrats to stand by their tickets, both county and state, to a man and am asking Republicans to desert their regular noiui- m-es and vote for their Democratic candidates, including the 71-year old candidate for governor, who is a retired army officer drawing a year retire,! officer’s pay and who Is not acquainted with this state and the n«-eds of the |s-ople owing to his few years* actual residence in this Mate. The committee earnestly urges all Republicans, boil, me,, Hnd wo men, t„ resent th< Democratic appeal, go to the | m > IU „e\t Tuesday ami vote for the regular Republican nominees. Republicans, Remember—No Democrat can be elected to any office in this county or state without it being done by Republican votes. So do your duty next Tuesday ami help roll up a Mg majority for every man on the ticket. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET