The American THURSDAY. UtTOBLK 11. IKU Tk» iMWnCA.H CENTRAL POTNT. OM OO M O B TWO C O M M U N IC A T E D As a role K la against onr potter print anonym»«* letter* hot the ■ llowtng mar be o f interest^ Central Point. Oregon Rs-establDhed. h l r t B U r 11. I U I . Devoted to ths best taureau of Central Point and vlelalty O ctober I. t i l l Entered a» second class matter at To that dr«d tn the wool. * a k «1 Ute -oat office. Central Point, Ore­ In the vat. hard hearted, one track, gon. ander tbs Act of March 1, 11*1. Iem w r»i* slamming, merciless edi- tor, who write* those gnines like ed»- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $l.*d (»rials in the American. 1 dedicate j »mart man's vertson of what cans»-- 8lx Month« ........................... * in*. Thank you. oepgssalon». Parable la advance Last winter too much cold and 100 Advertising rate* on application. many chills. Office— Second Street, off Main Too many doctors and too many ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL ilia. Editor and Proprietor Too many dmgglau and too many i .2 % : No. «.5 * 3 . or »3 4% D oubl- fal. 56, or I I T . Doe* public opinion in your m n af ronnitr favor Federal Government! going into bovine*« in eompetitio. 1 ' with transportation companies’ To-1 tat repllea. «.*73: Yes, 5 « i. or 11.-] No, «,3d*. or l* «*7 . Doubt-J 1% ful. 70. or 1.1%. Does public opinion in roar com- „ „ H y favor Federal Government i going into bnsineae in competition wtth ¡>omvr companies? Total re- piles «.»57; Yes. 1.34*. or 35 5 % .! So. 3.1*5. or 71 8 % ; Doubtful, 133. j or 3.7 *5 Doe* public opinion in rour com­ ma d 'y favor Federal Government so,- f tnto bmwtmma competition j QOOH CHILD /AND m e «. e* olimi SCHOOL A i F o o tb a ll The football season in worry tune for most parents. Perhaps - -- _ 'f i r : art grrtnc.ess. particularly in th* ease of the senior high school boy. But for t h e younger boy in the grades and J an tor high school, football becomes a hazard. Most leaders in I with other Industry* Total repllea, | athletics and physi­ Too much booze and too many 1.75«; Yes. 17*. or 3 4 % ; No. «.- cal education believe stills. 513, or » 4 .* % ; Doubtful, 71. or that the boy should not play th* Too many taxes and too many bill*. j ^ real game until he is ia the senior Too many widow« and too many school. And then only when he is Would public opinion in your tom- wills. I munity favor Government taking ov- j :n the best condition as shown by a I Too many auto* and too many spill« er the banking system? Total re- physician's examination. Every Too many miller« and too many plies, 4, 75*; Yes 1.5*1, or 35 «% ; ! candidate for any school athletic '.earn should be thoroughly exam­ mill«. No. 2.83». or 5* 7 ; Doubtful. 32*. , ined before being allowed to join Too many rivers and too many rills. , or 4 1% . the squad. » I Too many mountain« and too Doe* public opinion in your com­ As a part of the examination many hills. munity favor giving administrative some schools are demanding a tu­ , Too many movies and too many officials of the Federal Government berculin test and an X-ray of the Pairwews thrills sole power to change from time t chest. This practice will become We have been criticised lor our j Too much fashion and too many f(me the pnrchasing value of the •» jar» TotaI r** their P °bllc opinion In your com­ muntty favor use by the Government adre* on our fairness. To our mind- Toe coach and the trainer have a straw. of Its taxing power or other powers real educational opportunity. Let bo policy, public or private can long, Too many lawmakers, too much for the specific purpose of taking football be the vehicle for valuable law. endure which ia unfair to any one| away wealth or income from one lessons in nutrition, the correct Too many farmers with too much group and giving it to another? To- group. Fairness to all ia the Amen- j diet, the Talue of milk, sleep, bath­ land ing, and the like. The boy will Ital replies. «.751; Yes, 1.012, or can Ideal and we believe thoroughly! Too many editor, full of sand. j fJ %% . Vo , 525 or 74 J% . D o « * . feel the good effects, so utilize his L Too o w . many officers sitting on stools ful. 21«. or 1.5% . interest in an effort to have him To advocate a plan for the recon-1 many wise guys, too many carry over the health practices Doe* public opinion in your com­ structlon of the financial stability o f 1 when the season is ended. fools. munity belivey that the hope of pro­ car country which gives nil the ad­ Too many people bemoaning our aaid Or. Ireland will discuss food ft- fits is essential to the progress of vantages to one class— be it farmer, fate. »tint* for 1 hr rrhool child in Ats business enterprise? Total replies, laborer, capitalist, or what have you - •-* »rrien. ■ I Too many war debts on the old 4.85»; Yes. «.581. or 94 3 % ; No. — does not seem to us to have much slate. 23*. or «.8 % ; Doubtful. «4, oi hope of permanent success. ment control” . Around 24% men­ Too many butchers with too much j 0.9% . We have tried to see the questions tioned "Tariff reduction" as a fac­ tough meat. Doe* public opinion in your com- now troubling us from both sides. tor conclusive to greater business Too many people with nothing to ! munity favor government control or We hold that capital Is a very im­ confidence, and an approximately eat. portant link In the chain— even as Too many bakers charging too much 1 regulation of profits in Industrie« equal number favored “ No change other than public utilities? Total labor Is an equally Important link. In tariff". Slight over 16%. favored for pie, replies. 4.780; Yes, 1,205, or 25 - Neither can get anywhere without Too many people who want to die. 2 % ; No, 3,417, or 7 1 5 % ; Doubt- "Higher tariffs". the other. Too many (busted bankers) with too fnl, 158, or 3.3% . We can ace no reason why the man much gold, Three Million in «•ovemnicnt anil lalsir who tills the soli Is any better than And froxen assets (It was sure as Doe* public opinion in your com­ A A A Payments Due; the man who takes any other of th e hell cold) natural products of the earth and Too many mall clerks with nothing munity favor makoing membership Hog Quota is Larger In a labor union a necessary condi­ makes them Into things our drillsa-1 to do, tlon needs. Doth are producers aud I Ro 1 hare to pay three cents to tion of employment? Total replies. Agricultural adjustment benefit 4.888; Yea, 231, or 4 .7% ; No, 4.- payments In excess of 83,000,000 are both are entitled to a fair living. mail this to you. 601, or 94.1% : Doubtful, 56, or scheduled to be distributed to Ore­ To our mind, th efanne rhas had i 1 . 1 % . gon farmers during October and ear­ n.u.h discrimination against him i». Answer» to Questions Does public opinion in your com­ ly November under provisions of the ■everal years. Rut that is no reason , - munity favor government fixing of wheat and corn-hog adjustment pro­ he should ask to have the other fel- O llO W 1 re n d Of low penalized. It Is our belief thej National Sentiment " ll" ll*"m wages? Total replies. «.. grams, according to figures compil _______ 616; Yes, 2,519, or 54.6% ; No, ed by the Oregon Extension service. "spread" between what the farmer | 2,021, or 43.8% ; Doubtful, 76, or These payments, all made from the (Continued from page one) gets for his produce and what thej 1.5%. consumer pays has been entirely tool receipts form federal processing tax­ Doeg public opinion in your com- es, are to compensate Oregon grow great. There are too many hands! I ment system of old age pensions? 1 Total replies, 4,599; Yes, 2,970, or munity favor government fixing of ers for restricting their production In between to grab off tbelr bit. No, 1.517. or 33.0% , moxlmum working hours? Total re­ In line with the nation plan for these We have had a strong sympathy 64% % ; plies. 4,462; Yes, 2,262, or 50.7% ; commodities. for the farmer all our lives. We Doubtful, 112, or 2 4% . have always lived among them, have ( »<•( A Organization »f Gov<*nun«*nl No, 2,134, or 47.8% ; Doubtful, 66. The amount to be received under Does public opinion In your com­ or 1.6% . worked for them and with them. We the corn-hog plan is more than twice Would public or'nlon in your com­ as much as would have been due Ore­ have owned and worked as farmers munity favor further increase In the ourselves aud believe we understand national debt?.. Total replies, 4.805; munity favor making sympathetic gon farmers under the original state their viewpoint. And to be accussed Yes, 353. or 7 .3 % ; No, 4,279, or strikes and lockouts Illegal? Total production figure assigned by the replies. 4,685; Yes, 3.549. or 75.8% ; bureau of crop estimates, though it of being capitalistically minded gets 89 1 % ; Doubtful. 173, or 3.«.%. Doe* public opinion In your com­ No, 1,011, or 2 1 .«% ; Doubtful, 125, Is still below the figure Considered our goal. Hut for all our sympathy and un­ munity favor reducing the number or 2.7% . Just by many county allotment com­ With reference to the question con­ mittees and the state college exten­ derstanding of farm problems, we of employee on the government pay­ still believe right Is right and that roll? Total replies, 4.838; Yes. 4,- cerning the choice of factors that in sion service. the man who Invests his money oth­ 224. or 87.3% ; No, 515, or 10.6% the judgment of editors would con­ The final base production figure tribute most toward Increasing busi« allowed Oregon Is 229.165 hogs for erwise bas rights also Wo may not Doubtful, 99, or 2.0% . Does public opinion In your com­ ness confidence, from 66% to 73% the total of all contracts. This fi- understand all we should about the Decreaslng government con- gure compares with 108.250 total Grange program And perhaps a bet­ munity favor application of the Civil ¡noted "Decreasing government ex- contract base given in the first es- ter, clearer view might be ours of the Service Law to new agencies of the trol,” budget" timate of 142.250 for the entire state men seeking office under Grangt Federal Government? Total replies. pendlture", "Ballanclng banners; hut so far we believe many 4.58«; Yes. 3.572, or 77.9% ; No, Stabilising currency . Only 15. i % including those hogs not under con- Doubtful, 86. o r , favored "Inflation of the currency" I tract. On the other hand it falls of the ideas advanced by these men 926. or 20.2% 1 9% . Hiid only ? . s r; ' 111 'T-asing govern- more than 20.000 hogs short of the are unworkable and too visionary J (• » « e m in e n t a n d U n tin e»* ll»w ( an H«- IK* II? . Doe« public opinion In your com- In a radio addrpss at Medlonl lhe| rnunlty favor the fixing of selling ulher day Mr. Zimmerman made sev- j prl«-**« by the Federal Government eral statements regarding closed! for farm products? Total replies, banks and other things we wish toj 4,903; Yes, 1,154, or 23.5% , No, call attention lo. He spoke of the 3,60», or 7 1.«' Doubtful, 140 Loral news—you get il in your favorite home paper. Rut you can­ Inrge number of people in the state or 2 9%. not be equally well informed on national and world affairs'without Pathfinder. Think of all that is going on! New industrial develop- who have money tied up in defunct Does public opinion In your com tnenist The all-important agricultural situation 1 Acts of Congress! Havings and Loan associations and munity favor the fixing of selling Governmental orders and a thousand other things! Bui how will said It was lime lo do something! prices by tbe Federal Government Ibis affect you personally—THAT'S WHAT YOU’ VE GOT TO KNOW. about It. He advocate« winding up ’[ (or factory products? Total repllea, The true inside story o f what goes on at Washington; understand­ these affairs at once to save the coal j 4,681; Yes, 796, or 17.4)% ; No, able and reliable information Inal is so hard lo find; the maze of current happenings and fast changing conditions clearly analyzed of receiverahlp. etc. 1.1,78«, or 80.8% ; Doubtful. 101, or and explained for you—that is exactly what the Pathfinder will give Will some one please tell us Just I 2.2%. you. By all means order Pathfinder with this paper in the club what the Governor can do about It Hot« public opinion in your «-om­ which w e have arranged for your benefit. ORDER NOW! it the officials of such hank* loaned ( munity favor government restricting too mu< h money on a (arm In pro-! farmer« as to what crop« they shall I Portion lo ils artual valuation (aa (riant and what acreage for each AM D was done many tlmes) will the sud- crop? Total replies. 4,921; Yes dcu rl»slng up of the r«M-eiver«hlp 8*7. or 17.8% ; No. 3,919. or 79 help any lo rollert tbe loan? (’ an r % ; Doubtful. 136, or 2.7% B O T H ON E Y E A R O N L Y th« Governor by any net of bis re-< Doe* public opinion in your com­ sture the lost valuation and put tbe munity favor government restricting money Into the hank »gain* Tht* manufacturer« a« to amount of goods talk sound« Ilk« a lot of political! they «hall produce? Total replies.! hooey to u*. 4.788; Yes, 634, or 11.6% ; No. Y O U R H O M E IS Y O U R C A S T L E We fear Mr. Zimmerman will have 4.163, or 88 9 % ; Donbtful, 103, or A«Jmfc only clean, commute* newt by reading some job on his hands If he rnrrles 2.2%. THB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR cut the promise« he 1« making. But Doe* public opinion In your com-; A Omilr i \ n r j f H ip r r ft*e ih+ M som e of the things he advocates munity favor establishment by taw !• !• * • « «rtl fko f 04 M U w liio s o w« b u t iJ<«oa lo«« f t p lo it ertm# ond o* im io t. Mao m to ro tn n f lootnro p acao f a r a ll 'Ka f saaity no Y o m ao t'a A c tiv u .e s H om o •»und all right to u* He «ays he Is, of definite standards of private bust- « ta k in g G ordono, R d a c a f ta a a n d Kooko. A lo « p a « * a (o r tk * C k tld r o s an«f Y o t m t V ig o o ts a rdiouM«ala, a * tn to rp ro tit o « of n e w , m t * r of iho In favor of su old age pension. HO|ness m«usgem«nt to be enforced b> N aoiooaa - C o lu m n and " W o t. King the « orM G a B y ' are we, but not the kind of old age j judicial proceeding* and court ac aro mi ospou o i in trro st to i pension law we now have. This law i tlon? Total replies. 4.7 43; Yes r h a CD m s 'I m Hr I O«»«. St places too much harden on property 1 022. nr 21 A % ; No, 3.6^9, oi It would cost this county atone 76 1 % ; Doubtful, 112, or 3.4% . 8140,000 a year to pay the full pen-j Doe* public opinion in your com- • tun* ot $30 per month to nil who munity favor control of th* manage- sre entitled lo B And >bat money m«nt of private business enterprises, would all have to come from In-[by government bureau* or official*? I Sample Cop* mm Rrqu+mt (k s A .i BER T PECK Automobile Repair And Service FABER BUILDING P hone i l i 5 EAD S TRANSFER & STORAGE ’ 1015 X. Central, Medford For Storage or Moring of ________ Household Good» Dr. C. W . Lemery (Successor to Dr. J. J. Emmens) 304 Medford Bldg. 1 ractice limited to eye, ear, nose, and throat and fitting of glasses. Tel. 5«7 Re*. 1013 G U N S M IT H STAND ARD R O O F IN G CO. Builders of Watertight Boots ESTIMATES and INSPECTION WITHOUT CHARGE Pilone Hli.V.I loth & H r Medford EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON The Most Important Place in the World was severe The White Federation was not certified, although it could have been if time had permitted, and Mr. Peck plans to certify next year, according to County Agent Joe Bel­ anger. Some of the seed will be distributed to other farmers in the county this fall. For the l»est Gun Repair work at Honest Prices, see EARL A. SINfS Medford Cycle & Repair Shop CONGER Funeral Parlors Phone 207 713 W. Main St. Medford Tengwald Agency Real Estate— All Kind* of Insurance M OVED TO K A R G E R Q U A R T E R S 135 W est M ain St., M edford “ Farm s F or S a le " FLOW ERS’ M A T T R E S S SH O P 114 X. Front Ht. Brill Metal Works GENERAL SHEET METAL FURNACES A HEATING IO» K. nth. St. Medford Pilone 4 IB Medforr NEW MATTRESSES MADE PRICES REASONARI.E t alt and see our work and Get Our Price* Thi* Classified Directory W ill be found useful When in Medford PHOTOGRAPHERS PH YSIC IAN S Shangle Studios Dr. B. C. Wilso Expert Photography Hue Portrait* a Speciali) Medford Bldg. Physician and Surgeot Stone* Drag -¿ 10 , 8(orp m OPTOMETRIST O r NIRI P oin t ¡j ATTORNEY» Dr. Jud Rickert Good Glasars. If you need them, otherwise good adrice. 223 E. Main. Medford FASHION SHOPS The Fashion Shop Dreeamsktng and Remodeling MRB. MYRTLE ANDREW U BI «24 Medford Building O . C. Boggs law yer Jack*»n Co. Rank Bull Medford _____ t a il o r i n g F. J. Huber ! .sdire' and Gents* Tall« 61118 03O f p 81 5- Fir St.