P V il T h T h » A M B R T C A N . C E N T R A L P O I N T . ORWOU N FOC» Mr. and Mrs J A. GMispy and family hare moved into their home west o f town. Mr Gilisp.v bought this property about a year ago. He T H E F E D E R A T E D CH U RCH ES | then returned to his horn in C a lifor­ J . M. J o h n s o n . P a s t o ' Horn May 31 to Mr. and Mra. R. nia and closed up his business a f ­ A number or car loads (rum the Bible School. A. J. Milton, su p er K Merritt of Kagle Point at the fairs there and returned to make Villdjr drove to Klamath Kail» mem- home a son this his borne. Central Point takes intendant) 9 : 4 5 a. m crlal day to attend a fellowship Pu ruckers Maternity Morning Worship— 1 1 :0 0 A. M. this opportunity to welcome them to meeting of the Full Gospel churches weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Y. P. S. C E. ( tw o g ro u p s) 8 :3 0 our com muniy. Those going from Central Point 1 p. m. Lew is H edgpe'b spent the week were Mr. and Mrs Karl Heft. Mrs. Evening service at eight o'cloc k end at his home. Louis Hughes has been trunsfered I). \| Grisham and Miss France» M e n a Prayer Meeting, Monday at Palmer. .Mrs. A. G. Thompson and j We welcome M arin es Grocery to from the Central Point Service Sta­ tion to the General Petroleum sta­ 7 :3 0 p. m. Miss Marie Darker o f Medford als. (Its new location W. K. Alegander W o m e n ’s Bible study and prayer tion u Medford on the East side. Mr. went with them. ¡Hardware and Implement. Hughes' ruing is Salesman A and he group, Tuesday, 3 :3 0 p. m. Alex Midweek church service, Bible The many friend» of Hr. with j ^ *n line for a jo b as manager. Mr. learn I Miaa Geraldine Jones left study and prayer. W ednesday 7:3 0 Patterson will be grieved to friends Saturday morning for Cor- |U. T. Kitzinger is workin g at th<- p. m. of his passing away at his home In Mr. and Mrs. rhere she visited her Uncle Central Point station Choir practice. Thursday. T:3u p. m. Oakland. California Dr. ^«d^AiTm" Mr. » n d Mr* Clinton | « I t i ln g e r expect to move here soon son was a practicing Physician homi ,,f j Purkeyplle. She returned Central Point for a number o f * " ■ « ' » i ’ " • ■ ,lv Sirs. Alice Finley's many friend C H R ISTIA N CH U RCH yeara. The Doctor and his wife have Monday nig t . ______ _ ¡will be pleased to know that she is I). E. Millard, Pastor Bible School— 1 0 :0 0 A. M. many friends in Central Point. For gale - Cherries, all varieties recovering from a severe case o: Morning Worship — 1 1 :0 0 A. M. Mrs. Ora Maury of Coqullle is a W. J Gehhard, Central Point. O r e Pneumonia. _______ er ger C. E. Services— 7 : 0 0 P. M. gueat at the h om e o f Henry an.l gon. _______ j Mr. Kilts Bunday of Port Angelos Bible Study— Wed. 7 : 3 0 P. M. Mary M a u r y . _______ < u T u ,.ker of Sacramento is v l a l t M ' ' ‘“ hington is visiting at the Theo- Orchestra Rehearsal Thurs. 7 p. m. Choir Rehearsal Thurs. 8 p. m. After having been confin ed to her jng his parents Mr and Mrs. O. D. dore Glass home. He cam e to take room for several months Mrs. Alice Tucker for a few days before join- his little son Donny home with him Shaver Thomas of Gold Hill ig Mr. Bunday is a life guard at the McKIm is improving to the extent of||nK the Navy, staying in the John Ross barber shop life saving station at Port Angelos. being able to walk about the house.' durng Mr. Ross's absence. Mrs. Bert Hedgpeth visited at thej Mrs. Victor Noel of Diamond lake Anna Dean o f San Francisco was Mr. and Mrs. O tlo Rohnert spent home o f her daughter Mrs. Camp­ visited at the E. E. Scott home for the week end at Diamond Lake m ak­ bell Sunday and stayed until after a week end guest at the home o f her a number o f days. ing im provements to their property i , he \;o rn ia| commencement exercises Aunt Clara Farra, at the camp, returning Sunday. Her da ughter Merle graduated with Our prices are right. Our quality the Normal class Tuesday. Mr. C. Blankenship who has been is the best. W. E. Alexander. laid up for some time with an in ­ With a good attendance and three At the Baldwin piano shop dis- fection In his foot is somewhat 1m visitors present Mrs. Henderson en­ to play o f pioneer weddin g g ow n s; proved. tertained the Past Noble Grand club Helen l^ e s modeled the b e a u t if u l Tuesday afternoon. Later in the a f ­ The Betean Bible Class of the wedding dress worn by Mr. Edward { ternoon refreshments were , served. Federated chu rch «» will meet at the Jones mother, Ada W alk er Jones We extend hearty g rtstin g « and Everyone reported a good time. home of Mrs. Furry on Thursday fifty years ago last Oct. The dress wdsii t Iw-iii all success in tlieir new location. June I F Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Richardson is a very heavy silk in a fine state and Charlotte returned home from o f preservation. The Jones also have' Mr. and M™. A. J Milton and little granddaughter had dinner Seattle Friday evening in their new a number of garments that belonged I NE XT P O S T O F F H F to Mr. Jones' grandmother that are with Mr. Milton's sister, Mrs. Ma- Studehaker. nearly one hundred years old. gerle at Rogue River Tuesday. for Friday Marjorie Jones left he with the Merrill where she will Little Delores Cox is visiting with of number family for a her grandparents for a while. Later Merrill she will Join her parents at Shaw- weeks. älip (Clmrrlipü Local Happenings 15c Oleo Post Toasties, 3 for 25c Soap Purex tjuurt Roll And :t Small During her absence Mrs Mrs. Carrie Miller and Mr. and co soon Hay will stay at the Musty home. Mrs Austin Kelsur from Salem and Mr. Lindsey of Eugene visited at the Mrs. Ethel Fleischer and daughter Frank Miller home last week. They Barbara returned ome from a visit werp on their way to Fort June« with Mrs. Fleischer’s sister Monday for the Decoration Day services evening. Mrs. DeHaven and daughter of Portland arrived from Portland and are staying at the home' o f her par ents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall. Mr. Hall has been sick for a long time. Tissue ItNNI Sheet Flour 4M Ih. Sach Ella Mauld who has been teaching school on the Applegate Is visiting for a few days at the Jesse Richard­ son home before leaving for her home in Portland. •Shortening 1 Ills. Palmolive Soup. 4 bars TH Y OCR Attention Investors! Our New Offices at 214 East Main N O W OPEN! T O TH K I 'I’ IU j IC W <* have the only com plete equipped Kvehange Indwcen Port hind and Sacram ento. Our Investment service is equal to anythin}» on the Pacific ( ’oast. Listed or un­ listed Stocks o r llonds are bought, sold and quoted. M. N. H O G A N CO. to acci'iil G r o ig c Morins a* a i»«*\v hu*inc*s mdghhot* and wish to rongrafiilal«» him on the attracti vciicmi * the new store p n s n it s . BROKERS STONE’S DRUG STORE - - - 1 And wish them success in their new location in t l i e i r new H A T F IE L D ’S loen tio n Central Point, Ore. S ty les ? T h e p ic k o f 1 9 3 4 ! sxssrJ 1 CONFECTIO NERY Women’s BATHING H E A R T Y C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S WISHING Geo. Marine L.C.GRIMEsS Associated Service Pickles J ’ jat-N X ii'kle |il" Marine’s G rocery W e Extend In Tildi- New Foration 1 Large and 1 Small Pkg. FREE Marine’s Grocery to W M il N F S GRIM FRY Granulate« M A R I N E ’ S GROCERY ROSS & ROSS Congratulations Package» I V et» Our new 'lent Fa*«- will lie installe«! by Saturday. FRE SH MEATS! ;> W e Congratulate Welcome T. m a i 10c 25c 59c 35c 19c Per 11». 35c -. 20c $1.49 Spuds .YO 1b». No. JONES' G R O CER Y W e Are Pleased j t . v k S A T U R D A Y and M O N D A Y Marine's Grocery See Alexanders for Binder Twin e and McCormolk Deerlng Repairs. Drop In and let us show you the new McCormick Deerlng Stainless Miss Arlene Hay has accepted a steel Disks Cream Separators. W. position in an Automobile finance E. Alexander, McCormick Deerlng Co. in San Francisco and expects to Line. leave with friends for San Francis­ , SPECIAL Congratulations . . . Rertram Camp California ursday Si t I ESS NEW IN H IS LO CA TIO N BERT PECK A lit o A R u l li o SUITS to E\|H-rt MARINE S GROCERY W . C. Leever $ 1 .9 8 Hardware & Sporting Goods W e h a t e a l a r g e s t o r k of They’re “ little-money” suits, but if you want “ up-to-the-minute” styl­ ing, yon ll find it in this group! Em­ igre brassiere tops, halter necks, deep-cut sun-back models! Pure Worsted, in a variety o f two-tone colors! Sizes 34 to 42! BINDER TW IN E on lianil INK CM FOR PRICES R O X Y 20c FINLEY IMP. CO. Any Time, Children 10c U no hu g e s t i n k o f sut unln y O nly, J uik - n H u sen , tin- l»og. in < HOW \ I > :tills i 'o l i t i m i til«»f Inti M a r i n e ’* In t l i e i r N e * ••JAWS O F JU S T IC E " G rover) L o c a t i o n In tie* H a t f i e ld S u n . , M o n ., J i n n - I t i - 1 I ••ONLY Y K H T E l t D A Y " Mmituri-t S t i l l i « n n — l o h n Itole» T u e » . , We«L, J u n e R S-R I DO I RI.K F E A T U R E PROGRAM llu tld iiig IN W O N D E R L A N D " K ie h n rii A ri e n " P O L I C E C .Y R NO. 17 We Offer Sincere Congratulations J. C. Penney Co. to Medford’s Greatest Entertainment "A l.lt F Tim S«*e H, H. SHAW for FEED GRINDING t an mine to your nun li Mini make |>rl««'w right. VI»o hnvr U o t l l l SAW »u n i m Thin s., ITT., .lime 14-I.Y .lim e »' G rocery , M arine’s G rocery "> IY II G A M E " — with S p e lli e l o f uny k in d I -eu«e YIH'Oy Fv«w— s V k Mut».— a . v T rU C « t 'o n t n iio n s S h o w » , S u t . a n d S u n . I :tn t o I I p. in Dully Mut. t : 4 «Y E v e . 7 p. m. CRATiaiANI RJAtTO in their new location E n d s SutUrdu« On tin- Slug«'— In IV r s o n Georgia Minstrels W e also congratulate him upon the very at­ 99 GREEN LAN TER N a tier For Dry Slabs Central Point Wood Yard DRV IV r B U N KS li-ad i k l i i r t o l , Phone 8 :M »I ini C AFE Full Restaurant Menu with Barbecue and Sea Food Specials iSJA W. Main St. M n U o H , Ore. • *)>P Safeway tractive appearnce of the new store. J iu n lllondrM in »In nin g JO H N N Y "SMYRTY" Hell Bent for Love’ Sunda« “ He Couldn’t Take It” «K IH .M 1 L I.K R in I. D. LEWIS, Prop. Fri., Sat. TIM M«SY»Y On th«- Sttern “ Tarzan and His Mate’ 1 1 Central Point Meat M arket' : Muts— 2 .V — y;. w tth Man. Will Rogers “D A V ID H AR U M ” Munreen O'Snlli« Thnr**luy _ Stand Up and Cheer T“ ’ • W m |., Thur. S|«-nrer T n ie, "T h e Show O ff”