T H I H S D A Y , » U V 2 » , II».tt Th. AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. ORMOC PAGE TWO 1 h matter without God. God ()t the most precious truths which we that measure, short of what it meat. Remember, however, G od.1 areater than circumstances and re- as messengers of God can make; and SOME OK THESE PRINCIPLES| any have been. God was not to there is no place of liberty. irlrtions He can sanctify any con- |t is one of the most reasonable ones which 1 wish to note; then from the should She had the making of her humanity and your own better self ,ii.,n» under which ono of his child- God has n road-chart for each one» unerring records of God's word, i.lume. demand* control and faithful ser­ . „ “ live for the good of that journey thru life. None need waste B Uhu ;.... ...... v i n. to ,*„., bring to you some helpful suggee-1 jn her own hand* and God was vice. 1 say to you in all honesty and i.n must live, ioi Stic big mi, ... m hi. his talent o trying find — JV lions and advice which only you and|.nr r to help her. He was her friend truth, that if the WORTHY CAUSES child and for hi« own glory, own out what he should do. None need the issues into her ind sought to be her guide. If you are DO NOT CONTROL you then mini- Re-nstabllshed, September 13. ll»2S. God can make living and real. noth- had nun taken *■»*•• --------- - - . . . ■ Devoted to the beet interests o( This young person, though uncon- familiar with the story you will re­ ini; can keep vou out of slaverv to hands; end had tried to find an easy journey here and there to see If cer- THERE I taiu paths run In the right direction. i clous of what she was doing was member that later, when she again 1 1,c baser things. Remember _i .hat path. Central Point and vicinity. 1 . 1 ™ « n\' THE GREAT EXPAN- Ood, who has redeemed you with darted out upon the unknown path Entered a» second class matter at making and fulfilling destiny; and j in so doing has laid ope tin -n*t office. Central Point. Ore- |ple» of practical and (uu, under tbe Act of Marcb », 187!#. ¡mental phases ot life. ¡matters not whose lire SU11SCH1K1TON it ATE | where that life may — __ ___ _____ certain expi-rlein , which are nwii choices. may see some OI tne nvuiin ui iu . | ........... ..... One Year ............................ $1.00 a.' common to all For instance. If this. |( ; „ very significant that she was mistakes of those who have left th" time that we take matters into our, j aay> mis Is reasonaoie. l ,,.. Ul( Six Months ......... ............. $ .76 ;.ming lady had continued in the |,y this fountain when the Lord fountain for the desert roads of lift O w n hands and try to live our own i00k at it for a moment. The Lord obedience in which she started from | spoke to her. She might might have have lived lived There There at are too many lives which ar", lives without God, we too. get iuto asked “ Whence mme»* Payable in advance. She did not try to answer thou?' Hagar: destitute You have your body, which ¡this fountain, the story would have,t^ere the rest of her natural natural life, life, d> tltu'e of ot the worth-while things the desert way. Advertising rates on application been in him. lit' been different In Its conclusion; l»ut lin|y for a few things. It It furnished furnished and are literally perishing in THE Just how long she had Office— Second Street, off Main. Inclinations to dlsobedl-1 her drink: but no food, no shelter. WA8TK8 <>F THE DESERT, which' that frUM of mind, and in doubt as i | ^ the and climax of God'a creative your wls- power. You J ' L..... —--..a ihrn mir hiirh schools!to where she should go; and what — * | (join * -* -------- v „.. have ____ we do not i mental powers— your soul faculties ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL the angel fashioned after his own attributes, Editor and Proprietor was will- an(j entrusted to your care. You e. There have a spirit, or rather are a spirit minds as to which is another gift akin to him- hat we „elf. you have your life— breath- vice for others! She had. indeed, way. in i. woria mat .* ™ ... .......I ----- the lack of pneuma which is another gift from volition or choice. She was living started out; but had gone in the of right living to see a life literally this confidence on her part was the him. I quote from his word: "In her own life. She wag making her wrong direction to find many of the wasted in the barren places, is a undoing of her undertaken purpose him we live, and move and have our Yes, you have come from I own des'lny. She had chosen to go essentials of life. They were not to tragedy. Let us hope that even these in the Journey; for when she could j being.” I mu from her present conditions even be found where she was going. She may find some fountain where the not tell where she was going, it con- the hands of God. Is it reasonable vinced her that she did not know then that he should ask: "Whither though she could not tell where she must be stopped, helped to get her Lord will sneak to them, again. If the angel of the Lord should where to go. She saw her dilema. wilt thou go?" You are now well v.as going Others, too. were Involv­ bearings again and must make an- ed in her life, Just as there are al­ other start. Moreover, it takes more ask you as h*- asked of Hagar long She could only say: “ I am trying! on your way to graduation and from "whither wilt thou go?" what to get away from unpleasant things.” ( there you should make a very de- ways others who are Involved In any than the material things of the ¡.gn know where you Ilf* ; but she had not given right con- world to make life real and worth- would be your answer? With all she had NO IDEA of where her road termined effort I«¡deration to them. “ No man llveth while, As we study her conditions the powers and possibilities which was leading her to. She did not should go and what you should do. seek the lessons which may the greai God has put into you, phy-.eren try to answer the question. And it is with these things in mind that unto himself ’ was a principle which (A sermon preached to the mem­ she did not know, or which she had let us mentally and spiritually, yet the query whither wilt thou g o ? ; we are seeking to have you think give us a fletter understanding of slcally, ber» of the graduating class of the would you presume to insist upon Is a most practical question for any the next steps through in the light our own lives. Central Point high school on Sunday not considered at this time. going your own road? Need I even young person, regardless of who’ o ' God's will so that you may be as- Surely she had hoped to better her evening. May 8th 1934, by Rev. Jos. SOME ANALOGIES AND SOME suggest that God I* just as directly asks it; hut when that question sured of his presence and blessing condition? though, perhaps HER LEMMON'S M. Johnson.) v ... .. «... , ki„L i„„ ii »"d personally interested in your comes from the lips of the Lord Je- as yon find your places, and live condition was not. ai any time as had le s t: Genesis 18:7, 7, 13. .Now we ale thinking or y °ur lv Rfe ah he » a„ fn the life of the younglhovah. the Redeemer, our very best your lives as she had thought. Much depends II After briefly addressing Supt SOME TH ING S W E K N O W ...... woman - •»• * h o r f..u.,taln? God K. I...d the Lord Jesus Christ, o n e ,' P. Jewett, and other members of upon tbe viewpoint, and the amount * ^ It is no surprise to you that God * e would not be God if he showed re-, should he ready to give a reasonable- of the ego that is made prominent the Faculty. Mr. Johnson said to the I is interested In you and wants your of person aIul p h o n a l partia- answer. In the picture. 1 am sure that this . .is striking S l i d historical young class : life. He wants your being to be , nv rt,rta,n ln,llvidnals. His THIS IS AN OLI) yt'EHTION would be the findings of any one rharacter. First then, as you have |(y IX T H O D l CTION started on your Rfe s career, there , nrft plaln whosoever will mav God has been asking this question h a p p y, useful and a b o u n d ! ng. I am very happy to have the honor who would look carefully al the facts have been some elements of plausible hil, , M|dance and heIp. from the beginning, in one form and There Hre certain things which you of having been asked to serve yon in as we have them recorded in the and Justlfi.d dis-satisfactions in another. If you young people have ¡should prepare to do. God has a SOME COM U S IO N S MAY IIE this delightful event. You have Hook. , your lives which have helped you to faced it seriously before; and have blue-print of these things. God CLEAR She was willing to take a risk come through the years of your high ho determine to improve yourselves and attempted to answer him satisfactor­ knows, also just where these things school work under the love and care, both for herself and for those w find a larger field of service. Of ii thai young lady had gone on to yourselves and to him, my are. He wants to direct you to them. of nil Christian people who have might be involved with her in the course we all have some dis-satlsfac- out into the desert, as she had start- ily known you. There are many who venture. That she had not looked tions which cannot bn justified; and ed there is no ground for helieveing heart is greatly relieved. If you 1 He can make you very conscious of presence, wisdom and power. The are deeply concerned about your at all the facts Is plainly shown In there is no finer nor saner way to that she would have survived. The have not so answered him, then thb. his fact is, that your coming to this lives. In all that life means; but the records, She felt the urge to I tetter one's condition than to make fact that God spoke to her there Is the most pressing matter before point in life has been no mere hap- non* can be so fully aware of the better her condition, try to get some! .he best use of the conditions under shows that it was a crisis in her life, you. “ Whither wilt thou go" from penehance. It has been achieved thru real issiiea of life as you are going ot the things she wanted; and was which one finds himself. The young Now if one of this day, with all the this point in your journey is going ................... „ ___ _ , record of It. Uerhups God had who come to such an event, stand, far as to the fountain; so we. too. tasks may be. you have this friend | beside you. who sticketh closer than not been able to get her attention be­ IIIE lo i ItXHb AXI) THE GUIDE In a most practical way. beside one must make our own choices; and 114 N. Front God's acts are always of the great fountains on life’s high- must continue to make them in the a brother; and you will act with Plionc 145-.I Duly living Thers are no hum­ fore this Medford, Oregon that measure of confidence which timely. drums, no commonplaces, no incon­ way. in just a few days, you, the I m h „f life That Is God's plan, No don lit she was surprised that members of this class will come to and that only, can fulfill his purpose, belongs only to them who can say séquents; and no dullness to the one front the heart; “ He knoweth the the mesenger who spoke to her was who sees that every Incident, ever) thst place, and we are congratulating As the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord way that I take; and I can do all purpose, whether fulfilled or missed, the angel of the Lord. Now this ex­ ourselves, and you EACH ONE ,,t Hauar's vision appeals to you to things through Christ who strength­ every word, every thought registers pression, the Angel of the Lord, is You have done well to answer the know where you Intend to go, he I ed me Its Impress, und stamps its Influence well-worth looking Into; for we find urge within yourselves to growth gives you the assurance that his way en Ii,'.'“ ..... upon the character of the traveler It used in the same sense in many and higher attainments; and there is the only way in which you can' There to b*“ “ Ppc-lh*r fascin- who is on the outlook for all that the places in the Holy Scriptures. It ar* many things for you to consider meet, successfully, the great respon­ ation In the idea of being able to do j s one please»-—of being able to go i Journey may mean. Here is u book. means the visible, body-shaped form yet. sibilities of life. Over the hard road - wherever one may choose. It sound* I A From cover to cover, and from title o* a spirit messenger or person any fountains on life's of responsibility all must pass who There are m j ,-erv well; but the finest philosophy | page to the end it is made up ot very clear example of the use of It in highways, just as there are many expect to achieve. "Enter ye in at »mall things which we call letters til*' same sense is found in Acts 12: fountains In th*' earth. Some travel- the hard gate" said the Master of j jf life proves that the very moment one makes that decision, and faces and of smaller things which we cull la where the writer is giving the ac­ Ing the trackless wastes of our de- life. South Central Ave. that way, one is headed toward the markings. Yej how essential that count of Peter's escape from prison. setts have com*' upon a fountain and HHE HAD 4’oME SHORT desert road. Perhaps that one may The church had met to pray for him each letter and each mark be In Its Medford, Ore. and when Khoda announces that he have been refreshed and saved, phy-j There was nothing in her answer find a fountain and a friend waiting proper place. sicallv; and I believe that some who to the question which the Lord asked Each letter and each mark Is of Is at I he door, they will not bellevt have gone out into the spiritually her that would even indicate, in the somewhere; but more than likely such vital Importance to Its self and It; and the record says: “ They sup­ barren desert places in life have least, that she had any particular the dint desert paths may he lost In Phone IMI to the others that the entire meaning posed that she had seen his angel” ! come upon other fountains, just as objective in view. "I am trying to the maxes; and the friend be not of the book might be changed or de­ Ordinarily the word angel means truly as Hagar came to this fountain get away from certain restraints and there. There are > ery few people who apprclate you enough to tell stroyed by the misuse or the omis "messenger” , ll may mean a human on her way toward the draert. Some hardships" was her cry. But in get[yO U «lien they see yon on the wrong slon of one. o f sUch interest, then, messenger, or one of the created fountains stand on the *'gde of the • Rng away from one place and into»r0ad. "Seek ye the Lord while ho j are the everyday events which go to spirit being» In the scripture which desert: v*’t It is terribly true that In another, she was also getting Intoi Dr. I. H. Gove make up a life. Ufe is « f h vital we are using here it is meant to th*’ affairs of life, one may turn at other restraints and other limita- may be found; <’»11 ye upon him whle he 1« near. identify the Lord Jesus Christ, the concern thut we need » guide. | am an\ time to go into the desert places »ions. So must you. She had al- We mentioned, also that this per­ D ENTISTRY asking you lo consider with me for Lord of t|i<* old Testament scrlplure.s. 1 here Is no POINT ON THE S IR -, ready gotten somewhere; she searce- of our text recognised the good- a Utile while the very great Impor­ This Is riv a le d in th*’ 13th verst FACE, and NO EVENT IN LIFE |> could tell. She had reached this' son M edford, Oi-egon negs and the wisdom of God; and And she called th* tance of your own lives; and the ah* i * v rend name ol the Lord that spake unto!from which one may not turn his fountain: but her fountain was on for the time at least was willing to fact that you, too. may have such a I face front home and from God and the very edge of the desert and her yield to his will and take his advice. Kiilde, that every detail of your her. Thou God seest me." God was seeking to direct her life | go toward the deserts. THERE ¡face was set that way. It was the We know that whatever was wrong Journey may be made to fit Into the whole acope in such a fashion that hut she did not know It until this|!S NO PRESENT ACHIEVEMENT{love of Ood that brought the meeson- In her future life, wa» not God's lie knew her which makes the future safe. There; ger to her at the most opportune fault. God Is always ready to coop­ at the end you will see th.i, some o| incidcnt took place the things which sccnn'd small to b< name, Just as he knows each one ' Is always some of the road before time. He cared for her; he was wise; erate; but be will not coerce during "llagar. I lia; and always that practical ques- knew the way; and wanted to be her this time of life’s testings. Life, you were |n truth very great thing of us by name, lie said with is problems. burdens and with others whom you m«»t*t with, or * • • whence comeat thou; und 1 lion of the text: “ whither wilt thou 1 guide. whither »il| thou g o ' ' Hove she I go? lust .*, -he had dared to venture mysteries is too complex a thing to Who followed after you In the way found that God was interested in her; You young people. nieml>ers of this out. face the unknown, and tread In work out along. Too many have EVERY l o i RXEY II \s ITS GOING past, and concerned with her p u r - 'class, sit here tonight on the eve of difficult paths. *o must you, also, already tried it and failed. The *1»H EAST MAIN OUT pose to go somewhere. He was not your graduation, beside a great foun-1 venture out Into new and difficult desert placs are foil of wrecks. l’ HONE 84 ll mailers but Rule what the »tiling that she should go on Into j tain on life's highway. In a very tru” ' places if you are to accomplish God's "There Is a way that seemeth right cause may be of one's going mi, from the desert He .poke lo her in 1 ini*- \ »<■»>"•. In a short time you are going purposes. "Thou God acest me" had unto a man; but the end thereof ENROLL N O W the usual and ordinary environments In answer to his question »he said In ! lo leave It for new adventures. Some, watched her all her life. He knew are the ways of death." Nothing < f life to new and strange things a very literal sen»*’ "1 am trying to jo l you may literally leave home.¡when she had started, and just when is plainer in the word of God ; BEAUTY SERVICES which one knowni not; nor how con get .*».*> troiu address her. Tbe same kind than this: God has g plan for unpleasant eondi- friends, schoolmates and school. T o 'to AT A SAVING Idem, nor yet how doubtful one may llons." There Is not a word In the most of us this means more than God has also watched over you as every life. This plan Is both prac­ ,,,°r •h*‘ '«ture, the normal life records lo show that she had any leaving any fountain of water. But you have been coming to this event. tical and perfect, and will work if « Permanent» ................. ........... $¡¿.50 * will have Its periods and places of definite objective In view, beyond a in leaving these things we need not] He has already spoken to you, o r j(jod can E,‘>t one's cooperation Be Shampoo and leave God To hold onto God always will speak to you on the same sub- aa willing to listen to him at al! ? rl ur“ " ; « n'> » .... I to nn- desire to he rid of present circum­ ♦ Fingir Wav, .............. 50c* derstand the necessity of some know stances and restraint». God was means that the best o ' all that the- j**t that con’ • rne*l her. He will not times as she was when • when she she was a: J Marcel» 23 and 5 0 0 ledge of directions, at least. There dealing with the facts in her life, things have meant to us remains, and let you leave the fountain and go ^ e fountain and you cannot gn “ ‘“ "F *>X|»*>rl*.no^n and applica­ and was recording them even though become dearer. regardless of how . out into the barren places of life, wrong, nor live In vain. He will de- «R E C IA L tions which are common to all who others had overlooked them. These many mile* we travel from them, without showing you the dangers finitely lead you away from the de- venture out Into the living Issues of are the things which make charac­ "Thon God seest me." or "Thou are, there. Your life means too much to! erts. and into the fertile fields. * I Seal p Treatments lire on this Journey; some of which ter and character Is what God Is in­ ,i Ood that ■•••(," waata to ba out him a world to take any t VERY GREAT i’ i : i \i i i <. t ♦I Or Facials guide. As you leave your school, chauces of (allure. At this fountain | This statement ocncerntng Ood’r I R1MT ,,0,r . f0rJ h" «* «h- terested in. y ® " * • V* knuouiuobment We believe that she might have seek to be guided Into THE USEFUL or at some other fountain ha will nian and purpose for your life Is one which they bring I have selected a Insisted upon having her own way FIFLDS thnish h> 1st-, i .1, i,.k. o n that you t o are on th- i ■■ ■ t ___ ■,___ . very real, yet at the name time a and might have gone on into the de­ expanses may he calling you. edge of the desert, and that you need very unusual story from 1lie Bible sert. We believe that Ood would And another similarity Is that yon a guide. He will try to get yon to j This Classified Directory W ill be found useful as t te basis ol what 1 shall bring to have allowed her to go on If she had young people have come here very ¡tell him where you are going. When, . you. When in Medford Insisted The power to reason, to'largely thru your own choices. Tru* . once b*’ can get you to sincerely »n -! 1.ET ME Gl \ e y ot Mb t » \ r lodge to determine, to choose, to|there was a time when you w*-r sw * t that question, then be can rea- \n »rbool" b.tt whatever els -.n on with voti that his wav Is hest ■ her hy a fountain of wafer in the which God has given his creatures. i I* m I» >mir o » n \olinoti h.«> rntt*r- It May mena »unir chanci^ In youri PHOTOGRAPHER» PHYSICIANS wildfnifKi l»> the fountain In the » hen used rightly, because they are • d luto the mailer has only h* lp. -l plana. ju*f as It meant some chance» • way to Shur. And lie *at«l Hagai related to hts own powers for her; but any life yielded to him In the (■ mi r.. tour decislon». and > r ar. Shangle Studios Dr. B. C. Wilson Whenet» conto»! thou : t ml whither f this God-given power Res|glad to »»»• that in the truest e- n»*’ i* In the way of true and lasting set-1 Expert Photography wilt thou no* And »hr said; 1 Physician and Surgeon t*‘»t dinger to anv life; • n d lv ’ ii ha*. ..nue We know that yo vice, and there, the real satis faction Stones’ i*— Drug flee from the face of my mistress to the world U se Portraits a Specialty -- 210 Medford Certainly she might »re happy to he here: and we all. or life Re. Store Medford HKlg. Saral., , , # , Aiid she called the name-I have s I Yen some very plausahle rea- your school-mate*, your friends your WE Ml »T GOON FROM ANY Bldg Central Point of the Lord who spake unto her. son* %hy «he should try to change teachers and your parents are happv POINT Medford OPTOMETRIST Thou God sees! me " Genesis 18 I her conditions though -h-- might , with you Turning hark from any point on You will more and mor ATTORNEYS 7. S. IS. There have been at a loss to tell why she reallie the need of wetghing matter- Ms advice is going forward HOM| VKK1 •: l XI INCIDENT» IN had started In the direction which in yonr own light and understand­ -hould he no shrinking from taking Dr. Jud Rickert \ KM NO I I4> O. C. Boggs «he had com*’ God did not seek to ing. and making your own decision* »ha I ever steps he may show. It Is G ood ( .I s * « * , if yon n*-ed them, LAWYER oth erw ise good advice. Truth is stranger than fiction destroy her power to choose, he In doing so may you always have a never a matter of Inaction; (better clear understanding of the wonder­ any kind of hardships than doing Here Is a very challenging story of a «nly tried to direct It Jackson Co. Bank Bulldl ng 222 E. Mata. Medford »ling woman who was venturing ou* She recognised God s wisdom, hi* ful truth that there I* only one who nothing! hut simply a matter of de­ Medford ! t »IIION SHOPS i pon the highway of life; hut in authority and hi* goodne** We find know* the end from the beginning termining what the right thing to lie done Is The young person of TAIUHUNG i>.t*h» unknown to her. There are a her very willing ti take hi* advice,land that he Is the only safe Guide our text wa* surely justified In re­ You are truly on your wa\ i few outstanding things connected and vield. for the lime at least, to) The Fashion Shop »he humbly submitted to j restraints, conditions and restric- senting some of the circumstances with tills story, the principles of hts will * • J. Huber Prrw unaklng and R em odelin g which underlie all our lives, as we ht* authority God fulfilled bis tlons We do believe that you are which bad come loto her life; but Le*Be*’ and Gent»' Tailoring '1RS MYRTLE ANDREW too. venture out into NEW ISSUES every promise to thli voting lady HI*'on )our way to Urger preparaMoB. •he bad made tbe common mistake s u it » t a rp 121 «fedfwd BnlTTlcc VVW rVPFRTAKINCT IT l-: I” u n '-i arr care. If her ilto wa. i>»ari>r vt ton jn J ri h’ r arhle* - ol trytn* p ai-ko tb , -t 'irn xnl rh-me I f « l The American U n iq u e CLEANERS j Medford School : •of Beauty Cu ture| 11 ? n ' * Medr r •