The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, May 24, 1934, Image 1

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C E N T R A L P O IN T . O R E G O N .
M usings—
By an Innocent Bystander
Two Parties Held
Together Honoring
Miss Arlene Hay
J u r y"
And it has said in no un-
During th last few days of school
uncertain tones that disruption and a spirit of unrest seemed to pervade
Birife must cease In Jackson County, the pupils of Miss Arlene H a y s class
All o f the men now filling county There was whispering and giggling
appointment have am ong her second and third grade
placed their cause squarely up to pupils that seemed to be entirely un-
the voters and have been endorsed tailed for.
Miss Hay could stand it
overw helm in g
So no longer and determ ined to solve
now let’s play hall and forget it all. the mystery if possible.
She ques­
This writer has been criticised
for tioned several o f
keeping up the agitation against the could find out nothing. They said:
Fehl tribe and all their works. Per­ "P lea s e don't make us tell. Miss Hay
haps we have been tiresome in our W e don't want to tell you because
endeavor to
Impress our
readers you're ’ it'.’ ’
with the Importance of putting these
Friday morning, the last day o f
people and their ilk out of local poli­ school, each pupil found on their
Hut It haB seem ed so clear to dest an invitation from Miss Hay
us that they should be thoroughly to a party that afternoon.
Then it
squelched that we may have allowed was that Miss Hay found out what
pur personal feelings to overcom e our the tmstory was that had disturbed
sense o f what was best for our own the children all thru the week
It seems as tho the children and
personal welfare.
* • *
their mother's had planned
a sur­
Hut now that the vast majority of prize party for Miss Hay for the last
Also Miss Hay had
the g ood people o f Jackson County day of school.
has show n that they have returned planned a surprize party
to normalcy in their thinking,
we children for the same
shall he content to drop out o f the party’s were put together that a f­
limelight once more. But before We ternoon and a real good time was
retire to our back seat on the hand had by all. It lasted from 2: JO un­
wagon we want to express ottr a p ­ til i> o ’clock.
preciation of a good Job, well done. grade class was present and with the
The nomination o f Judge Harry D. little brothers and sisters there was
Norton by such a majority as to a total o f 40 children or more. Mrs
H ay’s
eliminate all opposition In the fall Ted Hill and Miss
was, to our mind, the very best thing helped Miss Hay with her party. A
that the primary has brought
out. beautiful singing teapot was
Once more the rule of c om m on sense
is supreme.
And the orderly busi­ Six mothers helped the children with
The refreshments ser­
ness o f our courts will now go peace­ their party.
party was
fully on.
• * •
punch and cake and by Miss Hay's
party tvas jello and cake and su ck ­
We also commend the action " f
ers for the children. This party was
attorney’s offic e
enjoyed by alt especlaly as the op­
promptly laying the heavy hand o f
portunity to attend two partys at the
the law on all w ho would continue
same time seldom occurs.
to spread the gospel o f slander, libel
and plain Being about our streets.
A group o f about 25 to 30 o f Mr.
Such things should be stamped out and Mrs. Reuben Hale met at the
promptly, as one would stamp on a home o f Oscar Blackford. T h ey then
poisonous snake.
got Mr. and Mrs. Hale and hauled
And now, in the words of the im ­ them around in a trailer. It was a
mortal Emancipator. "L e t us go on delayed charivari.
Mrs. Ham mond
in the work we are in. T o bind up and Mrs. Mimmick furnished cookies
the Nation's w ou n ds; to care for the and lemonade.
Mr. and Mrs. Haley
w id ow s and orph a n s................and Lo
treated the crow d to beer and candy.
do all in ou r pow er
to achieve a
Mr. Bert Hedgpeth was called out
just and lasting peace am ong ou r­
W ednesday
selves and with all people." This is of bed at tw o o'clock
a groat country o f ours and
there morning to lock up a transient who
He was
is en ough for all to do withou t lies was making a disturbance.
and petty jealousies.
May we not taken to M ed'o rd this morning.
henceforth stand sturdily together in
The C. P. Recreation clu b held a
the battle for a cleaner, fairer land? picnic at Bybee bridge Sunday. They
• • a
had a serf board, motor boat. etc.
Once each year for many, many They reported that they also had lots
years there has been carried on a
o f fun.
beautiful thought. Started way back
Mr. Barker presented Mr. E. P.
in the days follow in g the Civil war
b> the Grand Arm y o f the Republic, Stone with
the yearly custom of decorating the white collie with brown eyes
graves o f the nation’s dead has gra d­ ears and a brown star in her f o r e ­
ually become of wider scope. Today, head.
the ranks o f those w h o fought that
Restormel was the scene of a very
this nation might live, are becoming
happy gathering
com m e n c e ­
thin almost to the vanishing point.
ment Friday May 11. when a group
But the spirit o f those men lives on.
o f relatives and friends met in honor
thank God. and we, who have taken
o f the graduaton o f Catherine La-
up the burden they laid dow n, and
who must carry the torch until we.
too. must pass it on to other, y o u n g ­
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lathrop en ter­
er, hands, set aside this one day. tained at their home Restormel W e d ­
which we call Memorial Day. to hon ­ nesday evenin g May 9. the teachers
or those w ho have gone before.
o f the high school and th*‘ lr families.
Various games were played and de-
And w hile we pay respect for il*“ j neJous refreshments served
soldier dead, we have also com e to
make it a day in which to spread ou r
Mrs. Julia Owen is visiting
flowers o f remembrance
the daughter Mrs. ( ourt Hall
resting places o f all our dead.
It is Hall Orchard for a short time,
well tut to do.
May we all, as we
silently place these wreaths on t h e 1 they cost to o m uch: that the kids
graves of loved ones,
beautify would be just as well off. or better,
their final resting places, take a m o - ¡ i f the schools closed altogether,
ment from lif e ’s hurly-burly to con-1
Such bunk gives us a pain
template the real things of life, and ! in the neck
Is it possible these poo-
1 ,, ta |,,. solemn pledges to be more 10|e really are ready to go back to
worthy of the heritage which is our*, j the horse-and-huggy age again
t an
So we lift ou r eyes to the flag that ¡they not see that with the world pro-
j grossing in every other way that the
Wit h its Red. and W h ile, and Blue, j education o f our youth must pro-
And we cheer again for the k in d lg r e s s also.
What was good enough
o f me n .
j for on r fathers wouldn't g et us to
That have always seen us through, first base in this age.
And unless
w e want ou r children
F or that stalwart breed, that
I for life we must give them the sort
meets ou r n eed—
¡o f education the times require.
For the Old Boys and th N -w !
• • •
• • *
W e are wonderin g a bit today Just j Do not fall to do your part in the
what to do about ou r schools. Judg-|work o f beautifying the various burl-
We can at
Ing from the talk heard about town al places |n the valley.
we might Just as well close up and least he« p them clean and free from
In the words of
W e are told by some ot the weed*.
grandmas o f the town our schools " L o r d God o f Hosts, be with us yet.
'-A 'r a v ? ja p ' th a t lL o c t w t f ' j r ^ o * ■ t e g »
3 4 , I*K*4
Complete Story of
Oregon Country
From Indian Day
N O I H E R :t l
Jubilee Orator
Entertained at the
Guy Tex Home
The Lewis and Clark expedition
MEDFORD. Ore., May 23.— W hile 1
reprodu ced.
many Oregonians may
pride th em ­ I Of 1805 will be
selves on k nowledge o f state history, I two famous explorers will be show n.
there are numerous historical in ci­ \ led by Sacajawea and accom panied
dents unknown to the majority. Full by IS soldiers, nine Kentucky hun-
Interpreters and
realization o f such condition will be i Ura, tw o French
A reproduction
¡apparent during O reg on ’s Diamond ^ It. other soldiers.
iJubilee celebration in Medford and | of the historical salt cairn at Seaside
Jacksonville next June 3 to !* and is in the line of march.
A float presents a replica of Fort
I will lie particularly shown
du ring
¡the pioneer parade
for Vancouver o f more than 100 years
ago. A n oth er float depicts Pulpit
Thursday, June 7.
The parade, planned
to be
tw o Rock, important in Oregon
| mi lei in length, will tell a complete followed by an entry telling of the
M V . 1». J. IT! ICG I SON, well known
story of the Oregon country
from ; first ntariage in the Oregon country
orator of Astoria, Ore., will deliver
that o f Jason Lee and Miss Anna
the days Indians were in sole posses­
the main address of special union
The cerem ony
was per-
of Pittman.
sen Ice« to be held In Medford Mon­
statehood in 1859.
the 75th anni­ j formed by Rev.
day evening, June .1. opening Ore­
gon's Diamond Jubilee celebration,
versary of which Is the inspiration I parade goes on to tell o f the estab­
observing Oregon’s 73th niinlveraary
for the celebration
The com in g of lishment of the First Methodist mls-
of statehood. 1 lie program will tn-
the first white men will be portrayed | sion in The Dalles In 1836, of the or-
< lude on* of tile larg<*st « hmr, ever
by floats and marching figures, f o l­ I ganizatlon of the first military unit
assembled In the w i-t.
25 soldiers without uniform —oi
lowed by representation of other his­
torical facts,
a number
of the establishment of provisional g ov ­ times.
The young wife and mother
which have never been known
by ernment in Oregon in 19 43 and of ol' the fam ily found it hard at first
many bits of Oregon history.
thou sands of Oregonians.
to live in tills out of the wav place
and every day the children would see
her wiping
tears and she
would say " Y o u r father had
to go
som ew h ere for his health but he
needn’ t have c o m e out here to
ends of the earth .’’
Then being u
g o o d pioneer mother sh e proceeded
lo make
the best of things.
Wit h
The follow in g is u clipping handed | promising to the young men and they snap and candles to make, meat to
to us this week by Mrs. W. J. F r ee-j returned home to pack up Ihelr b e ­ cure and butter to churn, besides the
The trip each way look thousand
It was taken from
the old longings.
Dally News of Medford but the a n -! six months and It took th*'in another tasks there was not much leisure for
thors name is not given. It is so well; six months to prepare a suitable o u t ­ repining.
There the grass wus so rich and
written and so beautifully sxpresses; fit for the mem entons undertaking.
ihe feelings o f so many people to-1 The young people belonged to a fam ­ tall that it grew up to the animals
ily of substantial
la ndowners
and heads and the fine cow s o f the L on g ­
ward the town of Central Point a
its pioneer history that we are ntori ^ much thought was expended on prac­ horn Durham breed which had lieiui
tical appurtenances to conv ey to the In ought out, with the heard o f hogs
than glad to reprint ft.
grew fat. and considerable
new home.
The cBpIng low w s:
oth er
The casual passer-by may. in hi.s |
farm products.
f ’entral
Point ! party, which consisted o f tw o wagon
it was no uncomm on thing for Mr.
from hts attention with the fle«'ting| trains set out. Mr. Constant joinin g
thought that here is a nice
quiet: his train to that of another em igrat­ Constant to slaughter 35 or 40 hogs
on his place and when the meat was
little town where people are lu cky to ing family.
All went well for som e time, but cured to invite his less
have a gorgeous view in whichever
direction they may choose
to look, j when approaching the coun try b o r ­ neighbors to go into the s m ok e house
They used to
But to those who are privileged t o ' derin g Utah, a hand o f marauding and help themselves.
becom e intimate with the place and Indians stampeded the trains, carry­ avail themselves of the o f f e r so fr e e ­
Its environments, com es the aware­ ing o f f tw o white mules, o f which ly, that Mrs. Constant had to protest
ness that there Is an ancient au th or­ Mr. Constant possessed a team o f six and tell her husband that she didn't
ity emanating front the town, which fine matched creatures. The men o f mind his letting people have all the
the miscreants, meat they wanted, but she
is situated in the heart of on e of the party pursued
the most importan'. com m unlies in and came upon their cam pin g place w ouldn't stand for the hums being
on ly lo find that they had fled in carried off.
the state of Oregon.
Historical Lore Abounds
In Central Point Vicinity
One learns to enter the n eigh bor­ alarm leaving ju icy portion s o f fat
hood with a thrill o f expectation that mule roasting over the fires, while
som ethin g new and delightful
will Ihe oth er mule
unfold Itself, som e project in which hanging up in a tree in readiness for
Indian baskets
the partaker ts excelling ( f o r peopl" fu tu re consumption.
here have the faculty of ac c om p lish ­ full o f ripe berries were left behind
ing things with th oroughness to the! iii the flight among other cam p a r ­
point o f excellence) o r it may
be ticles. and the enraged white
some u nforgettable personality is e n - ; gathered them all together and with
countered, or an ancient
of the meat fed them to tlie flam«** to
times gone by is brought
to light, teach the Indians not to molest oth>*r
with a relic gently handled to point folk s' property.
The travellers replaced the mules
the story.
One o f the characteristics of that in the team with tw o row*, after this
part o f the valley taking in Medford being more on their guard, and pret­
Jacksonville and Central
is ty soon they came lo a place where
that one «'an enter the g rounds o f al­ tw o routes were available. The s h o r t­
most any home and l»e in trodu ced to er way wound along under some o v ­
one o r more o f the scenic wonders erhangin g cliffs for some distance,
such as the Table Rock or one o f j while the oth er road was more c ir ­
the peaks, from the ow n er 's particn-! cuitous but pres«'nted no possibilities
.Mr. Constant, who pos-
lar point o f vantage, each view tak-i o f ambush.
ing on a different asp«‘ct to the sig h ’ s«>ssed very sound Judgment thought
it would be wise not to lake any
on«1 has se*>n before.
T w o ladles, sisters, who are held j chance on the short cut. but his c o m ­
in veneration in f'«'ntral Point, and panion was equally determined that
who liv«-d there as children long be­ ihere was no risk involved. The re­
fore any town existed are Mrs. Julia j sult was that 'h e trains psrt«-d c o m ­
Mr. Constant pilot«'d hi*
A. Owen and Mrs. Margaret Magru- pany here.
The grounds o f their homes train along on the round about rout«
adjoin one another in the east o f th' while th«- oth er man took his f o llo w ­
town, and are located on a part o ' ing to m«'«'t a dreadful fate every one
the original donation claims taken of them being massacred by the In­
up by their parents, Mr. and
Mr- , dians who were waiting. Just as had
been suspected.
Isaac Constant, in the early '50 s.
W hen the place
now known
It was In the year 1950 that Isaa'
Constant b«*lng told
by his d oc tor ! t'entral Paint was reached. Mr. C o n ­
that he must seek another rltmat* < stant found a man who had a righ'
for his health, left his home in Elk and log cabin on the banks o f Bear
hart, Illinois, and accompanied by a Creek, and wanted to leave because
friend set out on horseback for Or* - 1 he was afraid of the Indiana
gon where he had been told people f'nnatant bought his right and p r o v ­
werr finding It a good place to settle ed upon it and he and his wife each
They journeyed In safety as far a« ffled on a claim in their own right
the W illa m ette valley unmolested b- as they were allow«-d to d o in those
Indians, and biasing
a trail
with days. This gatu them a substantial
axe* enroute. so that they could r> land boldin g and th*syenjn)ed a vev>
is ill*« *.t:4': o f tlr
'ra «i' t b c l f st'ijvj
09*41' l o u
I pffe'por >«j. II•
Graduating Class
Mrs. Tex and Mrs. Haley gave a
reception to the graduating class a f ­
ter Com mencem ent Exercises Friday
evenin g at the Tex home.
The fo l­
lowin g gu«>eta were present:
Ayers. Delbert Ayers, Geneva Brown
Half Buckles, Fred llosworth, Lowell
Blackford. Gentveve Carlson, Buddy
Cowan. Clifford Casad, Frances F a ­
ber, Ebron Griffitts.
I .owls H e d g ­
peth, Ruth Haley, Hermon Hosfeid,
Lotus Hessclgrave, Janice
grave, Edward
l.athrop. Naomi Johnson.
Leig hton
Shaver. Erinel Shaver,
Jerry Tex,
Harry Y ou n g anil Prof, and Mrs.
.1« wett.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Zobel
Mrs. Grieve, Dewey Hill and BUI Ak-
iwitt from
I’ rospect at tended the
Com mencem ent and were invited to
Join the party. T h e senior class c o l ­
ors were carried out in green and
Ice cream and
served. It was u gatherin g that will
long be remembered.
Mr. James Gregg who bouRht the
Lam b house has just com pleted put­
ting a new r oof on his barn.
have also refurnished and
the Inside o f the house.
They are
also making
im provements
her children to the fourth generation
happily settled arou nd In the valley
fillin g honored positions and c arry ­
ing out the tradition o f their for e­
fathers. W. J. Freeman has lived in
Central Point and carried on a su b­
stantial husteuss
the pHst
He holds th e con fid en c e o f
Ills custom ers «' >io m ay lie found sB
the way to Crescent City, and his
been identified with the progress o f
the town since its infancy.
Mrs. Owen lived for part o f her
life in Ja cksonville und during the
smallpox scare moved to Sams Valley
With Hie exception of three
spent in the W illam ette Valley, s h e
has been living in Jackson
since she crossed the plains at the
age o f ten.
Her sister, Mrs. Margery Magru-
der, w ho Is 81 years old. en joy s the
distinction o f having lived within a
radius o f fo u r miles for the past 77
years, c om in g to Central Point *s a
fo u r year old tot and never leaving
It ekeept for an occa sion al visit. She
married in the town and
her hus-
huud had a store there in the '70's.
W hile rhi'iimatic infirmities keep her
very much confin ed to her hom e, ah'-
is a great reader and her hands a m
Mr. Constant gave freely
to all always fin din g occupatio n
even to the point of self denial, and rag vugs and p erform ing light tasks.
perhaps that is why during th e peri­ She knows all the lights and sh adow s
od o f the Indian unrest in th e valley on her beloved hills and has rich
ihpy were unmolested.
T h ey were ni> morlos o f bygone days, when on«'
told that th«' Indians looked
upon o f her pleasures was to cilnih Table
them as their “ Hlllcuma'’ ( c o u s in s ) , Rock and look down on the valley
this was because Mr. Constant bad below.
I.ike most of the old timers
fed the Indians when they were star­ who are really authorities on
ving and they need have no
fear, su bject, she deprecates the in a c cu r ­
whatever happened.
acy o f many o f the stories o f early
T im e went on and the
children times.
Her m em ory travels back to
grew up and married.
T h e eldest the time when she was a small child
sister, w ho is now 96 years old, is ami the snow was four feet deep on
e n joy in g splendid health and
keen the level.
It quic kly
faculties at Vacaville. Calif.
On«' of caused the flood s which
to o k
the daughters, Julia
Constant, lives o f several people including u
married William Addison
Owen, a whole fam ily o t children who were
promin ent young man o f the time at hom e on an island on the river.
who cam e to California in '49 and ¡She remembers In the .second year of
was attracted to Jacksonville by the their co m in g that her father rebelled
gold rush in '52.
a college at the local high prices, when salt,
man he was lo o k 'd up to in civic was a dollar a pound and oth er ocin«
affair s and had an active part in the ¡m odifies equally dear.
took a
town management.
He was sh eriff | pack train and went up the W illa m ­
for tw o terms, and revenue c ollec tor ette valley returning with stores o f
and served as major in the Indian , provisions at a more r«-asonable rate
wars. Like his father-in-law he was and a little c o o p
contain in g
tw o
a kindly generous man, who could j'h lc k e n * and a rooster, the f o u n d a ­
always h«' depended on to help in tion o f
poultry in Central
time o f need.
He built one o f the ! Mrs. Magrinler remembers her fa t h ­
three first houses in Central Point, er's struggles to start a family o r ­
and was mourn«'d by all at the c o n ­ c h a r d -
clusion o f a useful life.
'hroiigh an invasion o f grasshoppers
Mrs. Gwen now lives with her son- iih e next planting foil prey
to an
in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mr* Urrny o f caterpillars, c o m m o n ly call-
W. J. Freeman, of the Freem an Im ­ ji d army worm s, hairy black c r e a ­
plement Company, and at 87 is a c ­ tures. which moved along in millions
tive and sprightly in mind and body. turning aside for nothing and cross-
She still possesses a rom ple ta suite ! ing housetops and streams with
ot bed room furniture
came equal facility. T h e third lot o f tree.»
round the coast from San Francisco | were dem olished by another
to Crescent City. She is look in g f o r ­ i hopper visit, but th e unconqiierab l i
ward to a visit with her daughter at ¡spirit o f the pioneer enabled him to
tbeir cabin on Union Creek, having rry yet again s o d be succeeded in
a keen appreciation o f nature's d e­ '«■tublibhlng a flo e or chard.
lights in tb«- solitary places
One leave* the presen ce o f o u r be-
Jbc Ur. the :ia tL U c U oo o i *e<-Uu
fCen*.t»oud o* P tg e F our