Pioneer Merchants’ Edition THE AMERICAN VOLI M E VI Pioneer Merchants' Edition CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. TH l IlSRAY, M W 17. IINM M u s i n g s —• By an Innocent Bystander T his week this colum n is about crow ded off th e m ap. O ur b etter tw o -th ird s says ’tw ere b etter so. But w ith o u r last gasp we are going to tell how wy are going to vote and o u r read ers tnay do as they please. (T hey alw ays do. * • anyw ay.) • AS10H PASTOR TO Many Pioneers E Still in Business In Central Point M edford. O regon. May 16.— A F irst we are going to vote for statew By A. B. P. the schools of th e county. All th e ad ­ ide and n ationally know n L onergan for governor. T hen Snell I speaker. C entral P oint, th ird city in size in vantages we now enov are th e product Rev. David J. F ergu son pas­ for secreta ry of sta te . Oh yes. te r of the F irst P resh terian church Jackson county, has the distinctio n ol' of these m en's labor and sacrifice. T h ere's D evers for congress, ahead : of being also th e oldest of th e three. W hat m ore could one ask. Good A storia, w ill deliver the m ain ad ­ W on the ticket. H ow ard for school dress hile Jacksonville was th e first w hite soil, pure w ater, good hom esites. good at th e U nion church services su p erin ten d en t of course, for G ram scheduled for Sunday", Ju n e 3, at the settlem ent in S outhern Oregon it had churches, schools and lodges, surely tor L abor com m issioner. Then if its beginning the the m ining rush of this town has been blessed above all. county fairground s, opening th you w on’t tell Vic. we w ill w hisper Jackson e 50's. W hen finally settlers cam e And the cheerful, friendly people are O regon's D iam ond Jubilee celebra­ we are for Geo. D unn, who is too tion, observing O regon’s 75th an n i­ Into the valley looking for farm s and a w onderful people w ith whom to good a m an to lose. W e supose w e'll versary of statehood. hom esites they first settled ill th it dis­ m ingle in daily contact. have to vote for T aylor and B rock­ The topic of Rev. F ergu son 's ad ­ trict. The tow n had one of th e first stores in the valley outside Jackson- j way or w rite in som e nam e and has been announced as "The ville. judg ing from last year, th at may be dress Uncrowned (}ueens of O regon," pay­ residents still living here tell dangerous. ing especial trib u te to pioneer wo­ sto Many • • • ries of those early days and of the m anhood and th e im po rtant part it By far the most spectacular and hardships undergone by the firbt And we shall vote as many tim es played in the history of th e state. He com ers. At different tim es we have interesting PTA program of the year as we can for E arl Day. and for Em ­ has been p reparing m aterial w h iih m entioned nam es of som e of the was that presented by the sixth m ett N ealon. who have both m ade will he of direct and touching in te r­ earliest of th the e settlers here. Today grade at the C entral Point High good. And the sam e is tru e of W al­ est to all O regonians, p articularly th ir sons and grandsons still carry on School F riday May 4th ter O lntscheid. even if his is a h ard those who have follow ed the history in e the Much com m endation Is due Mrs old hom e. nam e to w rite In.• • • of the B eaver State. Bessie M urphy for the splendid play Today we wish |o call atte n tio n to Special church observances will be e of our business people who have for it represented weeks of p ain stak ­ T here, folks, th a t’s our list an d if held in all Southern O regon and som in busienss in C entral Point for ing and careful work. you d on 't w ant to follow our exam ­ slate churches Sunday m orning on been 20 yeas or m ore. T here is first Mr. , Rev. W. R. Baird spoke on lh* ple, you may go hang. W e have a topics of pioneer m otherhood. At “ Con Leevr has been in busienss topic of "Building W orld U nder­ hunch, how ever we m ay prove a bum 2:30 Sunday afterno on, S ecretary of here since the who 80's, and who is known stan d in g '' the them e being in keep­ guesser as to th e w inner, as per us­ A griculture W allace will speak at th roug hout (he county, serve® ing w ith th e play. the fairground s, m aking M edford his as C ounty C om m issioner having ual. years Special M usic was furnished by • * * first stop on his first visit to the P a­ ago. Then th ere is L. H several atfield, who the G irls Glee Club, directed by Mrs. cific coast. W ell, having got th a t off o u r chest first started in business here in 1906 Lois Young. we w ant to hum bly apologize to out- in the building now olcupied by the The an n u al tre a su re rs’ report was read ers for th e lack of the usual Ross and Ross confectionery. W E. given and show ed evidence of th e fi­ am ount of in terestin g and instinctive A lexander is also one of those who nancial success of th e organization read ing m a tte r in this issue. W e has long been i nthe im plem ent busi­ this year. , sta rte d out w ith a Pioneer M erchants ness In th is city. It. P. Theiss is the O fficers w ere installed by th e re ­ edition and have been crow ded upon I have been a resident and taxpay­ pioneer holesale grocerym an of S outh­ gional president. Mrs. Jack H eyland by can d id ates and o th ers w anting to ing officers were Mrs. W. J of Jackson C ounty for tw enty- ern Oregon, com ing to C entral Point G Incom tak e ad v an tag e of th e ad vertisin g er hen he sold out about fifteen years ehhard. presiden t: 1st V ice-presi­ eight years. Most of th a t tim e, un­ value of th is g reat fam ily jo urnal, til recently. I have been In husine.-s ago. E. C. F ab er is this week cele­ dent, Mrs. S. 1). H ill; 2nd. Vice- th a t we w ere forced to call a halt. M edford. D uring that tim e I have brating his 25th an n iversary in busi­ president. Mrs. B ert L angston ; Sec.- O ur ancient press, w hich deserves a in M ps A rnold B ohnert; T reasu rer. m ade any friends and acq u ain t­ ness here. I. D. Lweis is carryin g on Mrs. place in th e pioneer parade at the ances m Sanford R ichardson. the business established in 1909 by and also acquired the execu­ Ju b ilee, is en tirely too slow to allow tive ability and experience, so nece- his father. The president nam ed as the cliair- us to p rin t ex tra pages. But we will In fact nearly all of our m e rc h a n ts1 Mrs E dith Deuel. P rogram : Mrs. L. to run the office of sheriff | have try to m ake up for it next week by sarv long been connected w ith the Mrs. E dith Duel, P rogram ; Mrs. L. which I seek. giving you all th e featu res again. n. They have done all possible to C. G rim es, P ub licity; Mrs. E. C. Fa- 1 believe th at econom y and hones­ i tow ake this hii ideal place for a home. her. H ospitality; Mrs. W. M usty, R e­ ty are today m ore Im portant than 'T m hey assisted in establishin g our freshm ents; Mrs. Lois Young and they have ever been, and if elected, 'schools, hlch rank very high am ong Mrs. A W. Avers. Publication. I would put all my effort to reduc­ ing the expense of th at office to a m inim um . R ecently, had my advice Geo. K. D ickinson. D eputy S up er­ been follow ed th e "L ife of a C itizen" Celebrating in te n d en t of B anks, in ch arge of the would have been saved and th e coun­ Oregon's liquidation of th e C entral Point ty would hav,. saved thou sands of 73th Birthday S tate B ank, announces the paym ent dollars for the cost ot trials. ot m ore dividends- On M arch 27th. D uriug the recent "B allot T helt he paid a ten percent dividend in the 1 ria ls” , I was a w itness: and every com m ercial d ep artm en t. T his tim e im aginable kind of pressure w a - he will pay a fifteen per cent divi­ used to influence tne to change my dend in th e com m erciay departm en t tc tim ony front "T he T ru th ." A ltho am ou n tin g to approxim ately *4,665. I needed a position, i would not uo and a ten per cent dividend in th e change my tesitm ony In th e sm allest savings d epartm en t am ounting to degree. about *3,100.00. W hen these divi­ I know th a t I have received lots C O M E T O M ED FO R D dends are paid la tte r p a rt of Ibis of “ false" criticism for not sw aying m onth th e re will have been paid in eith er direction, but I still ha~e my com m ercial d ep artm en t a total of honor and th e respect cf my friends, 50% in dividends and a to ta l of which is m ore im po rtant to me than 55% paid back in th e savngs d e p a rt­ personal gain. m ent. The official notice of the In choosing my deputies, I would dividend paym ent ap pears in an o th er select men of unquestoned ch aracter anti ability and believe they should colum n of this issue. be m arried men w ith a fam ily, se­ WITH A CAST BRILLIANT lecting them from d ifferen t p arts of the county. OF 500 PEOPLE HISTORICAL I have not m ade any cam paign prom ises and am not affiliated with BEST IN NORMAN THE FEDERATED CHURCHES any political m achine, which m akes THE WEST COWAN S It easy to select men for th e ir hones­ J. M. Johnson, Pastor ty and ability. The reason. I am B ible School. A. J. M ilton, super­ stressing this is because a politically Mammoth Pioneer Parade—Coronation of «{ueeii Mother—Giant In­ engineered candidate m ust hire in te n d e n t) 9:45 a. m. dustrial exposition—Agricultural Pursue—Celebration O p e n e d t»y whom be Is told too, and cannot hire Secretary of Agriculture Wallace ironi Washington, I). C. M orning W orship— 11:00 A. M. for th e ir m erit. Y. P. S. C. E. (tw o group s) 6:30 deputies In choosing my slogan which ,s p. m. "S uppo rtin g the New D eal” , I was E vening service a t eig h t o'clock prom pted to select th is slogan be­ M en’s P ray e r M eeting, Monday at cause of a speech m ade by President Roosevelt stressing th e value of 7:3 0 p. m. progressive local o fficial, W om en's B ible study and prayer electing who are w illing to co-operate w ith group, T uesday, 2^30 p. m. our president to win our econom ic M idweek ch u rch service. B ibls war. He is well aw are th a t greedy, study an d prayer. W ednesday 7:30 profiteering and self interested o ffi­ cials can block the road to recovery, p. m. elected. 1 will co-operate with C hoir p ractice, T h ursday, 7:30 p. nt. if onr I am president to the fullest extent of T H E P E O P L E 'S CANDIDATE "T h e fu tu re of the K ingdom " my au th o rity and ab ility. M att. 24. is th e lesson in th e Bible I m ay lose som e votes by express­ schools this week. T his is a most ing my stan d , hut I believe th a t a Ml Past Record and Experience Your Protection im p o rta n t lesson for these days. man who is not big enough and firm enough to take a stand publicly for Com e, study w ith us. As o n r young people will be m ore w hat he believes is ig rh t, has not at liberty now as school closes we in ­ ch aracter enough to be th e sh eriff of vite them to renew ed endeavor in our county. th e field of religious activities. We I th a n k you. AMOS \V. W A LK ER have m uch to do. Come w ith us. Paid Adv. 7 o'clock is the tim e of th e devotion­ al service. We shall ap preciate your p re­ \ |»to|H‘rt> i m n e r h i i <| ia\|ui>«*r sence and fellow ship n the church in J a c k *< h i C o u n t ) fo r o v r r t h i r f ) >••**«. services of th e day and shall fa ith ­ fully endeavor to bring m essage« in serm on and in song which will YOUR PREHEAT S H E R IF F siren g th en your C hristian faith. All are welcom e. i f l l l N O M IN \ T I O N F O R W ill A ppnxt a l r Your C H R ISTIA N CHURCH Vote for R c-decO on D. E . M illard, P asto r % Bible School— 10:0 0 A. M. I m i l p e rfo rm nix d ii lie* im p a rtia lly . --f f i- M orning W orship— 11:00 A. M. ¡ « n i l y , e c o n o m ic a lly , a m i w o rk f o r III-' erg e r C. E. Services— 7:00 P. M illte rrs f o f I h 1, |ieoplf of -la. k*on C o u n ty . \v. 4. I >tai v h H il Bible Study— W ed. 7 :3 0 P. M O rch estra R ehearsal T hurs. 7 p. m .l C hoir R ehearsal T hurs. S p. m .| P. T. A. Enjoys Interesting Meet Amos W alker Gives Platform if Elected N I M ltK It SS Advertisers Please Notice 50tt0 copies of the P ioneer M er­ c h a n ts' section of this issue will be d istrib u ted to vistors during Jubilee W eek. We have ad d itio n ­ al space for sale. Copy should be sent to th e A m erican. C entral Point. O regon, at once. R ates upon application Dunn Not Neutral On Sales Tax Geo. W. Dunn Is a candidate for nom ination for S tate S enator on the R epublican T icket to succeed him ­ self. If nom inated and elected, he will, as he has done in the past twelve years, try to tru ly represent the peo­ ple ot Oregon. As a m em ber of the W ays and M eans C om m ute,, a t th. 1933 R egular Session of the L egisla­ tu re, he assisted in reducing the S tate expenses from $15.000,000 to *9,000,000 for the biennium 1933 and 1934. As C hairm an of th e Sub­ co m m ittee of th e W ays and Means C om m ittee on ag ricu ltu re, he saved the S tate over *100,000 th a t in all prohabilty ould have been ap pro­ priated for the S tate F air at Salem and the Pacific In tern atio n al at P o rtlan d , had he not refused, over strong protest and vigorous lobbying to approve these ap propriations. Both of those fairs were successfully held last year w ithout the assistance sought, which show s th a t in those places fairs can and should be self- sustaining. He is not n e u tra l on the Sales Tax. He voted for the tax and because of the inability of so m any property ow ners to pay th e ir taxes, un em er­ gency now exists, and he strenuously urges all to vote for the Sales Tax to m eet the em ergency, to save our schools, and to relieve property tax ­ payers of a part of their burden. He belongs to no faction, has no tads, and desires no fu rth er political advancem ent. If you think his experience in the Bank to Pay New Dividend . OREGON’S Diamond Jubilee Tw enty-five student« of th e Cen­ tral Point high school, 14 boys an d 11 girls received diplom as a t the graduation exercises held at th e high school au ditorium F riday evening. The principal address was deliver­ ed by Rev. W. R. B aird of the Med- for C hristian church, who chose tor his topic "T h e Life W orth W hile." The salu tato ry was pronounced hy H arry Young and the valedictory was given by Miss K atharine L ath- rnp. A rnold B ohnert, ch airm an of the school tioard, presented the di­ ploma,* to the class w ith ap p ro p riate rem arks. T he special m usical program con­ sisted of m usic by th e school orches­ tra, a song by the g irls’ glee club and a solo by Mrs. Doris R ichardson Nealon. Owing to the lim ited seating capa­ city of the au d ito riu m , adm ission was by ticket ouly. Each m em ber of the g rad u atin g class was given 12 tickets for th e ir friends and re la ­ tives. legislature and the friendly contacts he has m ade in all p arts of th e S tate would he w orth an ything to you in prom oting good legislation, you can have his services for less than the cost to him . VOTE 27 X — Paid Adv. Mr. A. J. M ilton had charge of th e Owings Service S tatio n w hile Mrs. Owings, nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. loiw and d a u g h ter and husband Mr. and Mrs. L aC asse m ade a trip to C rater Lake. The Past M atrons Club m et W ed­ nesday aftern o o n at the hom e of Mrs E. E. Scott. R. E. NEALON T able Rock (In cum b ent ) CAND IDATE PAIR Co. Commissioner R epublican Ticket P rim ary, M ay IB “ < '«nsciontloiiM Hervlcc" I--------------- E a rl B. D ay PAGEANT ROUND-UP (Tltp (Elmrrhpa 25 GET DIPLOMAS AT EXERCISES AT C. P. HIGH SCHOOL (In riim lient) CANDIDATE FOR County Judge Vote for Your Neighbor My record both in flic legisla- tu re an,I a.« C ounty Ju d g e I n your g u a ra n tee of roiitiniie.l e f­ ficient »ervice. Victor Bursell For State Senator TOM L. TAYLOR Walter J. Olmscheid Republican Candidate County Commissioner Vote 39 (X ) Perl's (slil'lr W ESTERN OIL 35c per gallon Kerosene I Me per gallon- W.V fo r gallon* ( In "»-gal. lo t * ) H TRY Ol It W H IT E \ EI.TE.Y «. I s I (I h»lr*alr and R etail) A. R. OWINGS Funeral Parlors ¿ ’i \ r t f* » * i f In ­ in J»« kMin f ‘•mu \ S. I. “Sid” Brown CLATOUS Republican Candidate for SHERIFF SI lU E f T T o PRIMARY ELECTION MAY IH. OKU 4$ Your* •»• -liM’kMiii ' ou mi y Democratic Candidate FOR SH E R IFF Ml K IM T TO I'llIM 4 ft A E I.M T IO N , M O IH, H*:t4 Your Support and Your Vote Will Be Appreciated