THE AMERICAN JUBILEE PROGRAM IS TOLD CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. TUI l i s i u v , MAY 3, VOLI/M ü VI Musings— By an Innocent Bystander FRUIT PROSPECTS IT AS EAST SUFFERS LOSS |t»3l Tentative Outline Of Events During Big Celebration M HI1KK 31 P. T.A. To Hold Last Meeting CO. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HELD Help! HELP! I We re guilty, utul may as well own ui>. We entirely forgot there were any other offices In this county but the sheriff, and so put Emmett Nea- The local P. T. A. will hold their Ion in as a candidate tor that place. last meeting for the school year, Fri­ But we humbly apologize for the day May 4th. A very entertaining lu the lace of the smallest east­ slip and take great pleasure in stat­ program is being arranged by Mrs. The first annual dinner of the ing that Mr. Nealou, who has very ern and middleweetern fruit crop in Lois Cook Young. newly organized Jackson County ducted tours to museums and points Here's a brief outline of what you ably held the position of county com­ many years, indications now are for The subject of the mouth is Build­ Chamber of Commerce was held last An official can expect to see iu Medford and of historical interest. missioner for the past year and foui | Oregon to produce a normal crop ing World Understanding. The guest night at the Elk's Temple In Medford Jacksonville, during the DIAMOND Jubilee dance iu the evening. speaker will be Rev. Baird of the and was a complete success in every months, under appointment of the in most respects with exceptionally Second showing of O Y E R-U N- JUBILEE, the week of June 3-9. former county court, is a candidate heavy crops of some fruits in cer­ GON. Regular entertainment # feat­ First Christian Church of Medford. way. About 500 men and women Sumtay, June 3 With the exception The Sixth grade, under the direction from all sections of the county were for election to that position And ium sections. Religious observances by all the ures throughout the day. of Mrs. Bessie Murphy will present seated at the long tables where a we believe he will win in the coming ot the prune crop of Douglas coun­ churches Sunday morning. Friday, June N Union ty, there is no major fruit crop fail­ a Peace Pageant. Each member of roast beef dinner was served family primary. services Sunday evening, with na­ Agriculture Bay. Presence of Sec­ « • • ure in prospect. the class having prepared material style. tionally known speaker. Importance retary of Agriculture Wallace is for their part. As the following week Ih s is the conclusion drawn by It has long been our opinion that of religion in Oregon history will be practically assured. Agricultural and At the eud of the hall was placed is National Music week the follow­ the men who so hastily rushed -lie oliice of the extension economist stressed. itiduqtrial parade during the day, a long table at which were seated ing Musical Numbers will be given: through the appointment of Mr. Nea- ai Oregon State college from re­ with many section represented. Bas­ the honor the old and Monday, June I Glee Club: Rustic Dance and Boats lon when John Barneburg resigned, ports obtained the last week in April new officials hamber. Mr. Coronation of Queen Mother ol ket picnic lunch in city park. Im­ displayed rare judgment in not al­ irom county agents aud other of- the celebration at the Fairgrounds. portance of agriculture In Oregon of Mine. K. \V. Kendrick acted as toastmaster Quartette Estrella, Ruth Haley. lowing Fehl to slip in one of his co­ tictats m the major fruit regions This honor is to be conferred on history to be stressed. Last show­ and introduced the speakers. First Roberta Pankey, Kathrine Lathrop horts and make a still worse mess o f the state. he introduced the new directors of the outstanding pioneer woman in ing of OYER-UN-GON. lteguar en­ and Geraldine Jones. of county affairs than he did. The season in general is fully a Oregon, paying special tribute to pio­ tertainment features carried on thru- the Jackson County Chamber of Duet Springtime: Joyce Young It was like the surgeon's knife— mount ahead of normal, with some neer womanhood. A children’s pa­ out the day. Commerce, asking them to remain and Uette Hill. unpleasant, but very necessary. These kinds of fruits coming on the mar­ geant will be presented in connec­ standing until all had been intro­ Saturday, June « During the business session In­ duced. men saw through Fehl clearly and ket ai the earliest dute on record, tion with the coronation, in which Saturday will wind up the week's stallation of officers will take place. look what steps they could to pre­ ihe first Oregon raspberries reach­ over 40U children will take part. program. A number of interesting E. C. (Jerry) Jerome, genenl As this Is the last meelng every par­ vent him from entirely wrecking the ed the Cortland market April 27, Manufacturer's exhibit, r a b b i * , features have been planned with con­ chairman of the Oregon Diamond ent is urged to attend. county. utter local strawberries had been on show, golf tournament, carnivals and siderable activity at the airport. A A prize will be given to the room Jubilee committee, was then intro­ * * • hand from at least two section ol all entertainment features will of­ big outdoor show and a fireworks duced and told of the big Job the having the most parents present. display at the fairgrounds and a And when they called In Friend the state for several days. Jackson ficially open. Refreshments will be served by committee had undert*een and urg­ gland ball will close the Celebration. Emmett they picked a man whom county growers expect their apricots Tuesday, June 3 ed every citizen of Southern Oregon the 7th grade mothers. The historical pageant, OYER-UN- neither Fehl, Banks, nor the devil to be ready for market by May 10, to get behind the great affair. Ho Symposium on education. Visitors could intimidate and who with the a month ahead of the usual date. gave an outline of the program being will be attracted to Ashland where GON, (Land of Plenty) will have a aid of Commissioner Billings, held prepared. At one point in his re­ The prospective southern Oregon I program of intense interest will be cast of 500. It has been specially Governor Asks for the old ship steady on her course peach and apricot crop is reported presented at the Southern Oregon written for the Jubilee, as has the marks, when speaking of the coro­ through all the storm of those trying to lie the largest ever produced. Was- Normal School (stressing the inipor- music, aud will be one of the most Interest in Music nation of the Queen Mother of the Jubilee, he said over 400 children days. co county expects three-quarters of tnneo of education in Oregon history. elaborate ever presented in the State • * • a crop, while both peaches and apri­ All the special features will be of Oregon. Music week which comeg May ti to would take part. He told the audi­ Numerous other attractions dur­ 13 inclusive, will be a national event ence If they wanted to see some­ Now the time has come for the cots in Umatilla county were prac­ conducted throughout the day. ing the week include trapshoots, fly but has been localized by the gover­ thing of what this part of the pro­ Wednesday, June H people to express their choice again tically cleaned out by frost. This Trail Bay. Highway associations casting tournaments, state wide ten­ nor of Oregon and the mayor of gram would be like to turn about and we believe there is no better is tlie only section reporting major aud look at the stairway. There on man in the field than It. E. Nealou. trust damage. In Wasco and Jack- uud travel organizations will be wel-1 nis tournament, concessions, exhibits cities through out the state. And that goes for Judge Earl B. Bay. son counties aud some parts of tho corned in Medford. Caravans from | and band contests. Gov. Julius L. Meier gave out the the steps were grouped about a doz­ en tiny girls, dressed as fairies. The too. Appointed by Governor Meier Willamette valley the peach crops different coast points will arrive | following statement: lights were turned off In th0 main ¡throughout #the day. Contrast be- when Fehl was sent to the pen, Judge are expected to be good. "To the People of Oregon: Dr. Lemery Takes Bay has made good in every way. "It is a pleasure to remind the room for a moment and the group of 1 he pear crop of Jackson county | tween old and new in transportation! costumed children was (Tear minded, careful in his judg­ promises to be about normal, bar- **e shown. First official Jubi- j Over Emmens’ Office citizens of Oregon that the annual beautlfuly gorgeous. At this moment the hon- lee dance In evening. ments and not to be moved from rtug possible reduction because of a observance of a National Music week The beautiful historic pageant, what he believes right. Judge Bay shortage of moisture reserves. Some will begin ou Sunday May 6th and ok gu4«t of the evening. Former Mayor George H. Baker of Portland, has made, and will make, a good Host tnarkiug on Bartletts may show| OYER-UN-GON. (Land of Plenty) | Dr. C. W. Lemery of Portland, continue through May 13th. Interrupted the speaker to speak a Ore., has taken over the offices 'o f will be presented for the first time “ Under the sponsorship of the otficial. up but the total crop is expected to * * * the Isle I>r. J. J. Emmons of Med­ Oregon Federation of Music dubs, word of eulogy concerning this exhi­ equal that of last season. The state at the Fairgrounds, at 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 7 ford. Dr. Lemery Is a graduate of which is a part of the National Fed- bition of Jackson County's best pro­ We noted Everett Beeson in town peat crop as a whole may be some­ Governor's Day. The presence of I the University of Oregon Medical eratiaon of Music clubs, plans have duct. Mr. Jerome urged all to re­ the other day, and remembered how what less in total tonnage than last the governors from several western school with the class of 1927. He been laid for a state-wide celebration member the serious side of the Jubi­ close he came to being sheriff instead year. states is assured. A pioneer's parade served as interne at the Seattle City and for numerous musical activities lee and to do all possible to sustain of Schermerhorn. Had it not been A total apple crop lu the stale After a few years In gen­ which will stimulate higher musical the reputation of Southern Oregon’s for the split caused by the write-in in excess of the light crop of last is scheduled for the forenoon, fol­ hospital campaign for Jennings, Everet: year is In prospect. Wasco and Jack- lowed by a barbecue for pioneers. eral practice took special training standards, wider musical participa­ hospitality. He stated that fifty to sixty thousand people were expected would have won at a walk. And it son counties report increases, and Program activities will lie centered in eye, ear, nose and throat at Tu- tion and finer musical enjoyment. at Jacksonville Thursday afternoon. yanel University, New Orleans for "It is my earnest hope that Nation­ during the week of Juno 3 to 9. ie our hunch he is suing to m a k e Malheur has fair prospects. Governor Julius L. M^ier will deliv­ 18 months In 1930-31. Since that al Music week will have tho enthusi­ Fortner President W. S. Holgcr of I he rest of the candidates sit up and The prune situation is highly vari­ e r a speach on the old courthouse time has been In active practice at astic interest and support of schools, tbe Medford Chamber of Commerce take notice this time. A native son a b le, ranging from a near failure in clubs, civic organizations and indi­ was then called upon and spoke lawn. There will be personally con- his specialty. o f this county, of pioneer parentage. | Douglas county to a crop at least briefly and feelingly of the coopera­ viduals throughout the state.’’ Mr. Beeson kuows as few do this double that of last year in Polk. For Mrs. Lois Young has been appoint­ tion he had received during the past county and her needs. And he is the ed by the Btate chairman for Music two years and thanked all who had only candidate excepting George the state as a whole the indications Week to foster activities in this com­ helped make the work of the cham­ Obenehain from outside Medford. are for a crop about equal to the light 1933 yield. munity. She asks that the churches ber a success. He urged the new which may help some. • • • Most sections report fair to good and other organizations give special chamber to go forward always, for­ attention to the presentation and getting past differences and section­ East night we enjoyed the annual cherry prospects, except Umatilla appreciation of music during that al strifes, toward the goal of a better, dinner of the Jackson County Cham­ where frost cleaned out most of the eek— May 6-13. more prosperous Jackson County and ber of Commerce and we wish more crop. Wasco and Polk expect less A student’s recital will be given the state of Oregon. of the sore-heads about the county than half a crop while the Jackson A by Mrs. Young during the week; and Toastmaster Kendrick then intro­ could have been there. Assembled crop is larger than last year. a special musical program given at duced the new president of the coun­ in that room were most of the lead­ ¡quality light crop is expected for the the PTA meeting the Friday pre- ty chamber, Mr. Ben E. Harder. Mr. ing business men of the county. And i state as a whole. ceedlng. (May 4.) Harder spoke briefly of the plans a finer lot of men and women we Among the berries the strawber­ The glee club will also sing at for the future. He said It was the never expect to see. All that we have ry crop will be well above last year's some of the schools In the surround­ hope and aim of the organization In this great Southern Oregon o | short crop, and the raspberry crop | ing districts. to aid In the upbuilding of the coun­ things which make life really worth : prospects are good on an acreage ty, regardless of section lines. He while, have been brought about by somewhat reduced In leading produc­ asked the cooperation of all in that GUESS W H O ? these men and those of like spirit ing sections. endeavor. who have gone before. • • • The main speaker of the evening, We got a new angle on the Oregon to greet the visitors with a smile. “ Our George" of Portland was then Diamond Jubilee from Jerry Jer­ Let's show them our Valley In all Introduced. Mr. Baker was the ome's talk. It is more than .a mere it's glory and make them want to guiding hand ot the metropolis for Jubilee— It is an memorial dedicated come again. 16 years and Is now manager of the • • • to the pioneer manhood and woman­ state manufacturer's association. He hood who seventy-five years ago told of the many ways our citizens The clean-up, paint-up campaign is w f brought Oregon into the sisterhood going forward. Can we not all do could help in the upbuilding of our r* state. of states. It Is all right to have a bit along that line to add to the a good time and play a bit, but we beauty of our city and community. “ Our citizens must become Ore­ should not forget the serious side of The business Men's association have gon minded’ It the state Is to pros­ the celebration. And we hope all started a movement to get the city per,” said Mr. Baker. “ Every man. MEDFORD. Ore.—(Special)—Con­ union, Jacksonville bore tbe reputa­ our readers will remember that WE. truck to haul rubbish every month woman and child in Oregon should structed tn 1854, the Brunner build­ tion of being the richest town in the ing In Jacksonville, historic gold «tate and Jackson county was tbe that Is. Southern Oregon, are to be -i a small cost. That is a move 1n This is not intended for an Indian make It a habit to give preference mining town. Is the oldest brick wealthiest and moat populous county the hosts to the entire state during the right direction and we hope to even if It does look like one. Bee to Oregon products, which are the building In the state still In use. In Oregon. However, the coming of that week and will make it a rule see it arranged. If you can place the right tag on it. equal or in many rases, superior to The structure sheltered women and the railroad, a new town, Medford, Our staff artist says he la having any sold In the East. Every timH children during Indian forays tn was established In 1884 five miles to 185«. three years before Oregon wss the east and grew rapidly. Jackson* lota of fun making these shadow we buy home made or home grown S I 'M I . U , O f'I lf M »L M E L T IN G We almost forgot to speak of admitted Into the union, and today rule, rich In pioneer lore, has con­ portraits and we hope you enjoy products we aid Just that much to­ house« a museum, one of the attrac­ tinued as one of the most Ideal res­ Notice is hereby given to the legal “ Our George” who spoke so ably at I ward the elimination of unemploy­ them as much as he does. tions of Oergon's Diamond Jubilee idential spots of the «rest. voters of School District No 6. of ! the Chamber of Commerce dinnei ! celebration next June S to # In Med­ ment In onr state or town Try at During the celebration. It will be Jackson County. State of Oregon, last night. There is no one in this Mrs. Bessie Murphy was very hap­ bome first.” ford and Jacksonville. the attraction for thousands of visi­ that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING «.ate better fitted than Former May- . Btorlee of yesterday tell of roam­ tors who will be surrounded by pio­ pily surprised Tuesday, May 1st. I ing banda of Indians spreading fear neer atmosphere as of old. Person­ of said District will be held at the o George H. Baker of Portland to The Royal Neighbors, met with when her pupils changed her room among early settler« Frequently ally conducted tours will lead them Hlsh School B'dg. on the loth day spread the gospel of boosting foi ! Into a flower garden expressing their | Mrs. Lettle Gregory, Thursday after­ they threatened the struggling min­ to points of historic Interest, Includ­ of May, 1914. it 7 to I o'clock P. M Oregon-made products It is a worth-j love and appreciation for their noon. Mrs. J. E. Weaver, of Sams ing camp of Jacksonville and when ing the first bank tn Oregon, the old­ danger came near, the wom»n and est protestant church building In the for the following object: To elect while g o s p e l and every citizen In teacher. They decided to give her a Valley was a visitor, after the busi- children sought the safety of the watt, old gold diggings and present 'his state should take it to heart. : flower shower. They came laden with nesa meeting a social hour was en­ a Clerk to fill vacancy building backyard mines yielding numerous i Always buy goods made at hom* roses, snapdragons, columbine and joyed by all. Dated this 10th day of April 1911 The hostesa served After Indian war* ceased and Ore­ ounces of gold dslly. They will be ARNOLD BOHNEUT \ when possible. Only by this kind j flowers of every hue and during the delicious strawberry cake and choco­ gon wse ready to be admitted to the In operation throughout jubilee week. 4 » • a »V * » * Chairman Board of Directors lot spirit can our «tate grow. noon hour decorated the room. late. j Oldest Brick Building Stands in Jacksonville I