THE AMERICAN YOLCMK VI (E N T R A I, POINT, OREGON, THl RSDAY, APRIL -41, 1M 4 M usings— By an Innocent Bystander NUMBER 84» Plau RURAL RESIDENTS The Vegetable Garden Senior Tomorrow OFFERED USE OF Evening C.-C. SUPPLANTS ROAD OIL OUTFIT LOCALIZED GROUP Thanks, Jupiter , for filling our The essential thing in a successful and this can be had only by cultiva- old er for rain so promptly. And we garden is the gardener. C om m on.tion aud loosening of the soil and by want to say to the farmers who ask­ sense is the most necessary coiumod- ’^e use of water, aud this to be ef- ed us to help them out by ordering a , ost at every feetual , must be . thoroughly * drained, Selling shares of stock in a wide­ tty and must . be used . alm good soaker, we did our best and ' 1 he only way that plants can get awake young man who could make stage, if success is to assured. food ¡g g0n m oisture. Some are open for contributions. “ If not in, pusli the money under the door,' SEED is the next important item have the erronlous idea that plants money for everyone but him self fur­ Organization of the Jackson Coun­ Rural residents living close to dus­ nishes the plot for the senior class as W ill H. W ilson used to say. ty county roads can procure relief to be considered and is the most vi­ eat food. Pants can only asorh food play, "W aiting on W alter" which ty Chamber of Commerce, to succeed • • • tal elem ent in the successful opera­ In the form of m oisture, this is sup­ from the sam e by paying for the oil Medford Chamber of Commerce, And are we all puffed up! You and Jackson County will grant the tion of a garden. If you do not want plied naturally or artlflcally. As the will be given at the Central Point the was announced today, follow ing the may have three guesses. The cause use of road oiling equipm ent. The to be disappointed, find out from water is drained out of the soil it High school Friday night. T his is m of the board of directors of of the rejoicing is the fact that this court last week decided on this those around you where they have leaves cavities that fillup with air. a three aqt com edy which w ill run the eeting latter body, at which definite a full two and one half hours. The writer took the lead in an endeavor course in respouse to numerous re­ had the best results in buying seed. (Certain kinds of fertilizer w hile de- action was taken to m ake Chamber large cast of tw elve characters has to organize a Jackson County Cham­ quests. The county has no funds And when you go to purchase seed composing form gasses which have of Commerce work county-w ide in been rehearsing for six weeks under ber of Commerce. We were the firtst for bearing the entire costs. look carefully at it aud see that ii ! the sam e effect. scope. the able direction of Mrs. Mildred newspaper to suggest a workable Dust is the bane of rural house­ is large, plump, and fresh looking Water is the carrier of plant food Koss. Follow ing is the east of char­ B. E. Harder was elected president plan and now that plau has been wives in the sum m er and they have The appearance of chaff in the seed and it is, as stated before, the only- acters: of the county organization; H. A. adopted and the Chamber is on ac­ petitioned the county court for oil­ shows that it has not been properly means that the plant has of secur- Thierolf, vice-president; Ward Been- Walt W oodward ......... Delbert Ayers tual fact. We congratulate the board ing. Dust is now flying thick and deaned and it Is obvious that you lug necessary food, it enters the ey. treasurer and A. H. Banwell, Judge Evans ......... Edward Inman of directors of the Medford Chamber high on many country roads. will have a large percentage of mis- ground and dissolves the substances manager. Old Martin Younge....Ebron Griffitts of Commerce on their far-sighted­ The cost of the oil is estim ated at ses. It is a good plan for every gar- in the ground, which in turn are ah- County directors on the board will Jim Kendal .............. Harry Young ness. five cents per lineal foot for double dener to provide him self with a sorbed by the plants, be the follow ing men from various Young Martin Y ounge. Joe Johnson • • • width application. For example, oil­ small powerful m agnifying glass. Soluable plant food in the soil is Senator Dowling ... Fred Bosworth sections of the county ... J. B. Kirk. And to Mr. H. E. Harder, the new ing of lot) feet w’ould cost $5. People This will be useful in a thousand composed of about nine elem ents, Jen Eddington ... .... Geraldine Tex John T. Holmer, D. H. Ferry, Thom ­ president and the other officers of desirous of securing oiling are re­ ways. Use it to exam ine your seed and a number of their compounds, Mazie Kendal . .......... Avis Ayers as Qiiast, B. F. VanDyke, Chester the Jackson County Chamber of quested to send in checks for the oil before buying. Now alw ays buy t h e 1 These elem ents in addition to four Mrs. Radcliffe Naomi Johnson W endt and Harry W. Ward. Commerce we tender our pledge of needed on or before May 1, when the heaviest seed that it is possible to derived from the air compose the tla- Blanche Kendal . . Janls H esselgrave The seven county directors w ill act buy— do not buy light seed at any ses and leaves of all green plants, loyal support in any project for the oil w ill be ordered. Mayme M ullrenen .... Geneva Brown with the 14 Medford men, previously | Nitrogen, phosphorus and potaBS- Ellen .......................... . i Edna Shaver betterm ent of our beloved valley. We The full text of the county court price. announced in com posing the com ­ Sunlight, is the next most impor- lum or as is comm only called by fer- will be glad to work with you as action is as follows: plete board. “The court. In response to a n u m -!,ant ltem - A successful garden can- t i 1 1 z e r m anufacturers, Ammonia best wo may all the time. The city of Ashland was not men­ • • * ber of requests for relief from dust not be grown in dark dism al corners phosphoric acid and Potash. With tioned in representation today, due Last week we asked for as many on the county roads, has decided to shaded hv high walls or under big some soils certain plants require sul­ to the lack of any expression from pioneer relics as possible for the Ju­ co-operate with any citiens of the trees unless at least four hours of phur, M agnesium and C a l c i u m that section regarding the plan. If bilee com m ittee. Since then we have county living on such roads, in that sun are available. This is most par­ (L im e). The absence of any of Ashland desires representation, how ­ had many tenders of fam ily heir­ the county will use county oiling ticular as all green leaved plants re­ these elem ents lim its the growth of On April 12 we showed the silh ou ­ ever, It will be arranged, the cham ­ the plant in a more or less degree. ette of Mr. E. C. Faber and last week ber officials stated, as soon as infor­ looms and relics. And we want to equipment u> apply the oil w-here the quire sunlight. assure all those who trust these interested parties agree to pay for AIK is of course abundant but it It is seldom however that all these that of Mr. B. P. Theiss. Follow ing mation to that effect Is received does not mean that the air is aove elem ents are found in proper quali- Is a brief sketch of the lives of these from the Lithia city. things to the Jubilee com m ittee that the actual cost of the oil. the ground. Many people do not ¡ties, so that we find it necessary to men: “The cost of the oil is estim ated their valued relics will be taken care The first annual m eeting of the of and returned in good shape. The at five cents per lineal foot for understand that there must be a add those elem ents that are lacking, Jackson County Chamber of Com­ K. C. FABER Continued Next W eek men In charge are responsible par­ double width application. In other large quantity of air in the ground E. C. Faber, w ell known m erchant merce will be held ln Medford May ties and w ill use every endeavor to words, the total cost would be $5 and insurance man of this city was 2, with George L. Baker, ex-m ayor preserve these things in good shape for oiling double width per lo o feet. born in MlUonshurg. Ohio. He m ov­ of Portland, the speaker of the even­ “Any interested parties who wish while in their care. ed to New York while a sm all boy ing. All residents of the county are • * • to take advantage of this offer must and his first Job was as delivery boy urged to be present in view of the Once again we discover how small send a check with their notice to the in a grocery store in New York City. Importance of the m eeting sched­ a world this is. W e had a talk this county clerk on or before May 1. After years there he moved uled to begin at 6:30 ln the evening Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory, 89, well- to Iowa, several week with a man who spent his 1984, at which tim e the oil will be where com pleted his edu­ at the Els Tem ple where a banquet known southern Oregon pioneer, who cation. W hile he finishing young manhood in the old Belle ordered." he will begin the evening’s program. Thirty-one years ago W illiam F. crossed the plains with her parents worked part tim e for W. W. school Fourche county in W yoming, where Accom plishm ents of the past yea? McDon­ Isaacs (Toggery B ill) opened a from Missouri the age of 12, died ald. Taught school for two years, of the Medford Chamber of Com­ we, as a young man, rode the range men's clothing and furnishings store Monday at the at Convalescent and shipped cattle to the eastern moved to W ashington and then merce w ill he reviewed and plans in Medford. Since then it has be­ at Ashland follow ing an illness home of then markets. It did good to talk oyer to Gold H ill, Oregon, where he occu­ tor the first year of the Jackson come more than a store it is an in­ two years' duration. those Bid days and to" hear again the stitution. Known all over the west, As Elizabeth March, Mrs. Gregory pied what is now the Jim Cornutt County Chamber w ill he discussed. names of people and places we had Mr. Isaacs has long carried out his came west from Scotland county Mo., place, where he set out the present nearly forgotten. Come in again, slogan of "quality, satisfaction, de­ November 28, 1858, she was married bearing pear orchard, A great m issionary conference is Jack. Faber came to Central Point being arranged to be held at the pendable m erchandise, truth in ad­ to Wm. J. Gregory in California and In Mr. 1908 opened a general store vertising and up-to-the-m inute sty­ in 1861 rame with him to Jackson ln what and We note that the air is becom ing Federated churches of Central Point les. ’’ Is now Odd Fellow s on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday county, where she had since resided. building, occupied the full of candidates once more. This by the Faber Feed Mrs. Richard Hay won first place During all the years Mr. Isaacs week we saw Clatous McCredte next. In the group of m issionaries has been a faithful booster for Mr. Gregory died in 1919. store. On the com pletion of the and the leather medal In the silhou­ who will take part in these confer­ Mrs. Gregory was a life tim e mem ­ Cowley building he was its first prowling about our streets seeking oc­ Southern Oregon. He has been a the elusive voter. He's a fine up­ ences are Kev. Harold Cook, of the |m em ber of the Chamber of Commer­ ber of the Christian church, a devot­ cupant. having the large corner rootni ette guessing contest which has been standing young man— may his shad­ Orinoco River Mission; Rev. Judd ce and its predecessors ever since en­ ed mother and a sym pathetic friend. In 1913 he moved to his present lo­ going on in the American for som e ow never grow less. That enterpri­ and Rev. and Mrs. Howard Taylor tering business and has served many She Is survived by four children, all cation, where his business continued tim e and has been awarded a one- w ell known in the valley; Henry Gre­ to grow until he was forced to buy year sbscription to the paper. sing ‘dirt farmer" and county com ­ of the China Inland Mission; Dr. C. tim es on its board. m issioner, Em m ett Nealon, was also M. Van Dusen of the Bolivia Indian An enthusiastic fisherm an. Mr. gory, W ill Gregory, Mrs. I,. Weeden the adjoining building and during Although several contestants came close to the winner, Mis. Hay sight-seeing and vote snatching the Mission and Rev. Carl Hummel of Isaacs is known far and wide for his and Mrs. Lizzie Owens. the war built a concrete addition to out- was the only one to guess all the pic­ other day. We have a strong feeling the Central American Mission. These prowess with rod and reel. His Funeral services were held Wed­ the main building. the county could do a lot worse by Missions are known as Faith Mis­ borne at Big Rock Lodge has become nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the At one tim e he operated a branch tures correctly. sions and no offerings are taken for Perl Funeral home with Rev. I). E'. W e shall continue the contest for choosing another in his place. In Merrill, Oregon, leaving J. another the work. The presentations will be famed for its hospitality and many Millard officiating. Interm ent was store six weeks so if you want y • • • B. Sears as manager here. He now a noted personage has been enter­ in the Central Point cem etery. Bible m essages, with som e accounts free subscription, In your It seem s strange to enter the doors owns branch stores in E agle Point guesses early. Just send what (iod is doing in the mission tained there. Bx-Prestdent Hoover drop us a card of the Jackson County Building and of and Butte Falls. and Col. Lindbergh are among those fields. All are welcom,. and as there or leave your guess at our Loan association these days and not Mr. Faber is a member of the Fed­ The first one guessing correctly office who have enjoyed that hospitality. the find O. C. Boggs there. For many will be only a desire to quicken the "Bill" as he is called by thous­ erated church and Is alw ays Interest­ next six pictures will receive a one- years Mr. Boggs was secretary and people of God in spiritual life ands of friends is also an enthusias­ ed ln civic affairs. He is president m anager of the association and had through the Bible m essages which tic musician and has alw ays had a Monday, April 30th is the date for of the local telephone com pany and year subscription to the American. a prominent part in its growth. Since will bp given, it is urged that jus* prominent part In m usical affairs in the m eeting of the Rogue River vice president of the business men's M inisterial A ssociation. This m eet­ association. resigning his position there Mr. as many as possible shall plan to a t­ Medford. ing w ill be held in the Federated Boggs has taken offices above the tend.— J. M. J. Arthur Hess, buyer and manager church opening at 11 a. m. M inis­ II. 1*. THEISS old Jackson County Bank and has of The T oggery is a local boy, educa­ ters from Grants Pass to Ashland B. I*. Theiss came to Jackson coun­ resumed the general practice of ted in the Medford schools. w ill be in attendance together with ty with F. V. Medinaki in 1892. They law. He Is a keen lawyer and well I their wives. A covered dish lunch operated a distillery on North Cen­ acquainted In the county and should 'w ill be enjoyed at the noon hour. tral avenue In Medford, where the do well in his practice. The older young ladies of the church Medford Fuel company now is lo­ WASHINGTON. April 21.-—The N e w D e p a r t m e n t will have charge of the luncheon cated, for a number of years. If anyone doubts thre are a lot of reconstruction finance corporation! , service. In 1896 Mr. Theiss opened the first wide-awake school-m a'am s in this today approved loans to assist in re-j It is planned to have as many as wholesale grocery business In Med­ 12 drainage districts county they ought to be on a school financing s Oclden Rule, of which j possible of the group of m issionaries ford. His first warehouse was on board when there is a vacancy on the through out the country. The loans I |®- " ’h illo " ck Ulock o' owner and mana- w j,0 w m |,e jn the valley at the time the Southern Pacific track Just east teaching staff W e'll swear the approved Include: I Canyon Creek Irrigation district. | **r' ?,rM ‘’P*'"®'1 ln Medford 19 to be present for the lunch and thus of the Hotel Holland. I eluding the house occupied by W for a new trial for Earl H Fehl. and store* and moved int„ Point, Klamath Falls. McCloud and He and his daughter have rooms and we are all m oving. The editor if the foundations of Jackson Conn- the Odd Fellow h building with a de­ Hilt was the barn dance given by above the store and Mr. Theiss end his fam ily will occupy the Cook- ty shook, it was with laughter at the partment store. Som ething over members of the H Ramstrom fam ily spends most of his tim e in the store. “ A hallf loaf Is better than no His genial manner and courteous ser­ loaf at all" Is an old maxim, but in sey house across the tracks, now be­ absurdity of the document. two years ago they moved to their at their country hom e, "Green vice have mad,, him many friends in these days of modern business those Acres," near Central Point. ing vacated by Mr. Kilbourne who old quarters at 221 W est Main has purchased the Dunlap house, Far be it from us to put a stumb- street. The large barn loft, with an es­ the Central Point district. Many a who succeed do not loaf at all. form erly occupied by the Powells Hng block in the way of any person Recently they leased the adjoining pecially good floor for dancing was fam ily would have suffered want In The most unselfish of all people As soon as we can get out of the way convicted of a felony, who can pro- building and again put in ready-to- decorated ln an abundance of frag­ past years had It not been for this are school teachers who prepare Mr Gregg and fam ily will move duce new evidence to show he was wear stocks, etc. Careful buying and rant greens and music for dancing philanthropic gentlem an of the old others to go Into the world to m ake Some merry-go- unjustly sentenced But such affi- a policy of giving real values for -ho from Medford PIayed » n , n * h o “ r Mid school. reputations and gain wealth, while d avit, as that sent to Governor Meier „are mad , hlg one of t h „ night supper w a. served In the house Paul Sherer left W ednesday even­ they keep on being teachers at sm all round! • • • roaeeralng Fehl and his trial are outstanding business concerns in the buffet style, to about 75 guests. ing for Portland and w ill continue P»V of Electa? We merely reiterating the sam e old bun- county. The gay cotton costum es worn by on Wbat hais be to Spokane on a business trip. the fem inine guest*, and the color­ Mighty few men ever do their Job* have been waiting w ith more or l«*p» coni which a Klamath County Jury ita proper Veltex. the highest test white gas fui country creations In which a Mrs. Lelle Pszson was hostess to and get a hundred per cent result, im patience for her whirewind can»- took 12 m m iies to put palgn to open. Wa had thought place. And meantim e the world on the m arket *t the lowest prie« at num ber of the men were attired. the Veteran's Auxilary W ednesday but that doesn’t argue that we should Owing»’ Service sta'iou. jedd^d much to the occasion. afternoon. 'give up trying. : be would bo busy by this tim e wags merrily on. Two Prominent Business Men Shown in Picture The Toggery 31 Elizabeth Gregory Years Under Same Pioneer, Dies After Management Two-Year Illness Conference on Bible and Missions At Fed. Church * » Mrs. Hay Wins Silhouette Contest * Ministers and Wives To Meet Here GUESS WHO? $92,000 to Eagle Ponit District Golden Rule Opens Ramstroms Entertain With Barn Dance P .U I .« A V I. Iv ia l « wa k n flz U .i » 1 . I . . L . . t “ r Philosopher Simon Says: