2. U THE AMERICAN nkUf ith h «ig| ’Ubllsj '»¡ledi ■«il J A 1 MK VI duct-d I *'ENTRAI, POINT. OREGON. 1 H | RMI.W. yiusings— if an Innocent Bystander ,-ailed at the court Jjuitst the close o f th e B u dg et I'-’' * 1 I I vt'e were told everythin»! That the I i*P" r.didn’t even wait to hear the bud- ¥* but voted to adopt it as BIG A F F I AI IE VO\ KUllKli » , 111.13 M HHKIt 7 Bells Ring How Big is th Whistle On your Peanut Roaster? L i 2 T r tU\ C' rXy ,hU We* k 8 Th>‘ ful,0* i'“ ■«*«*• by ttdson R . , |- i day Evening Post carries this Waite, of Shawnee. Okla . is very ap- GRANGE RE-ELECTS wiSSL PATERSON TO HEAD " L O D G E FOR YEAR ________ ,1- ' ' loW* * * ° n" ?” pea- piopriatc at this time: At an impressive cerem ony Sun- m p a s t e r , «tacked high with tho Yowr CT«j Need* Yowr Trade dap No». I l l , I . S I a m m Central I 1" ' Sed That »ound8 Uke ol(1 u ( < ous “ When buy all all you you buy buy in in the t h e j Point i ’olut at the home home o o f f her T h e turkey dinner given by the I jm r * Why have a budget c o m m i t y e i»Us, both carrying “ r j i|,K th«»' nen you you buy at the her parents an im- city which yon live, you benefit and Kthelvn Doris, youngest daughter of , \ Hut one has an Follow in g the business session of itudy the needs o f th e c o u n ty Central Point Grange last Tuesday ■ ,f we c a n n o t evenin g was a big affair Th^ hull !.” *!* ^ Wli3tli’ blowing ga,1>* labeled so does your home cl tv Therefore, it Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Scott was united the grange on Friday night election aJVer,i9i,‘ *'' “ “ ° ‘ h" »as a small, i easy to see that only foolish in opie in mariage to Mr. Victor Kllidge Noel of offic ers took place resulting in the I I them to do the Job as well a * was crow,led from early twilight un son of Mr V. Noel, by the Rev. J \l re-election o f Worth y Master. W a r- ler was cooked and I k> voict‘d whistle to call atten-jupend their money away from home 1 tould under the eircum til late. The din lie as «OOKOU and „o n to its presence. The natural re- The ring service being r. n Patterson, Overseer, John Black­ served by the ladies of the Home i 'T* lls pres*“nce The natural re- "Some people never seriously at- Johnson. E con om lcs club. „ W‘‘ S tha' ,he crowd* were falll» g ‘ «»“ pt to learn anything about the used. The Pride was charm ingly at­ ford: Lecturer. Eula Henson (re-e lec- Many tickets for the dinner were ! ov/ ' r tht'ms'‘ lves to get to the loud : business concerns of their home city tired in French blue traveling suit, ed i ; Steward, Will Faley; Assistant t„ we wish there were m ore w*‘ re I mouthed wagon Her corsage Steward, Donald Patterson; Chaplain Medford by bv John J o h n Anderson I 1 hed i waKon and permit themselves to go along trimmed in grey fox. ■ • d In sold in Medford ti , . others Over fifty , uue fr ln ,re is a lesson in this picture with a mistaken idea that their city , was o f yellow rose buds and pink liertha Hursell; Treasurer, Perle and aging to the c om m on h onesty of Medford alone ineludin p ,. ■["• '*'at 1,1 n,a} read P‘1SIS 10 »Jver- can progress without business. It snap-dragons. They were attended llonney ( r e f l e c t e d ) ; Secretary, Hil- Lrfeiowman and were not a lw a ys W S llolger ini .SirMarv'' t it l,8,> llu* 31011,1 w,t» ,he 1 h°u pht is ¡can't be done, and the sooner they re-; by the brides sister and husband Mr jdegard Lange ( r e -e le c t e d » ; Gate '...re mud at ev. ryone and every llanwell of t|lt. \i,-,ifoV,■ T l" I k " ' *' 111 ' our communlty needs you—and your will grow to be a better Mrs. Noel is a popular member o f . D o r o t h y H am m ond, Ceres, Kathryn Ranter place to^live In. _. . V o.. 1 trade. »n,t make m .i. a u u .in , the younger set and was graduated ¡L athrop; Pomona, Arietta T y rell; ... . ^ D l In " talking with a Central I which to live and living Harriet Assistant, Steward, 1 i I1'*' UUII,‘' 111 » oo1 merchant the other day he! " A dam of education should be e- from the C P. High School with the Lady H, county budget c o m m i t t e e was im o , r ? T . ' i ' i Sparrow; Executive Committee, San- 0* ,Ilan' 1>r' dud ti*ade this remark "li sometimes reeled to stop the flow o f money that class o f '33. (Bjoted of men o f proven ju d g - ' ef ’ 1 ‘ 0,1 and man> ¡seems as tf the bulk of our trade is is made in a city and allowed to flow \lr Noel is an Alumni o f M e d fo r d ,fo r d Richardson. Fred Sander and i^tind ripe expel i. nee T h ese m en ot • ' r8- !made up of things that people "for- to other cities, building up other High school hHvng graduated Election of Juvenile wilh Arden Tyrell. ixi tabl, n weie set and were fill-jgot to get in Medford ” Just think cities at the expense of the home city, the class o f '30 Guests at the wed- Matron now held by Lola Blackford wrked for many weary hours eheek Fourteen turkeys were that over. The people at large want! "E very effort should be made to ding were. Mr. V. Noel. Mr Henry wag postponed until next regular tj vtr (•( unt> i e l ni'ds and deridin g ed twice. too ppople fed to have good, up-to-date stores in (his divert this money hack Into the ohan- N o e l . Mrs Ethel Adams (sister o f the J meeting occurrin g on Nov. 17. L, how much money must be raised served and about iwcounty work next year. T h e y de- Many visiting grangers from about town. They want to be able to go In- nel so It will be spent at home wher ¡g r oom ) and son Leon Lester Scott,|Grange voted In favor of holdin g a ,rorc ' “ friend«" note the first time and so get little refreshments were served by the hos­ 'd the other night. It su re went to tess to the follow n g m em bers: Mes- tit right spot. And that turk was M I K m c < \ \ 1 met hant »'.«• keep* consistently dames Gleason, Hay, Merritt. Hedg- M IN D S O N l I X j b 1 at them and tuck them into «he « 0 a « a y . who uses plenty of Wictous Not dry and tou g h as som e peth, Simmons, South w ell, Buckles, |«rt, but tender en ough to fairly melt <,n ,hr r i d ' b y evtry raemkei i the! newspaper space ail the time, is the Richardson. Copinger, Eddy. Pankey it one's mouth Here's to the ladles weli as news I one who succeeds. l«ook at any of and the hostess, Mrs. Farra. Sams Valley Grange drill team paper s t- tf the Grange, God bless ’e m ! inltiuted a class of 24 candidates into • • • the first and second degree at a re- M011 "t counted about fift y guests from gula r meeting Saturday night ■tdlord at the dinner. W e are glad ~ A- 1" , h ™ - 11 * ................... •andidates w . > j »te the business men o f the Metro- e n te r p ris e Grange, tour from Central | * ^ ’ listening to tht P iw a l K e v p e c t s r a i d lolis in our city for on ly by personal On Friday evening Nov. 3rd at the Poin t and three from S a » . Y alley. J - o f other things, when j J eh n p # R e d d y touch can cooperation he en cou ra ged . home of Mrs. Guy Tex a aurprtse ithe announcer suddenly starts talk* 'nd for the benefit o f the J a y tow n !<>"* »>'“ dr“ d and fii,> Granger? » | shower was given by Mrs. Tex and . » hi r hi .MEDFORD. Nov. 7.— Friends from Mrs. Ander in h onor o f Mrs Anders n,embeM Rogue l-ng of soap, tooth Bladder, oth.swise kn ow n as the M ,‘ ¡ - . ^ “ ' ’p o l T " v n t m l Point, The guests we didn’t serve any “ fr ee' be e r ,| ..... x.-i .......... Numi)ers ■i ^ “ * vnmners for tor the or *,,nie n,her ° ld th‘ vg * , .b ou t all sections o f the R ogue River valley sister. Ethelyn Scott. I W< ,n t h a m t ’ t o gel R,Ter ■nd me’ from m ore dlatant were dresH«*d as little youngsters, and Miases •He folks to our tow n. i program were rendered by . _ „ „ f what hH is say.ng and tf you ! " ----- .. Wilson Dor- lia If of »'hat he will ! points, came to the Sacred Heart a Jolly tme was en joy ed by all Tho*. I Helen 1 tirresoti. .’ , re near the radio pro >a - Catholic church today to pay final re- present were: Ruth Ramstron, Mary v L t h y Straus. Edith Sage and Eva ■ ’ w h ic h form o f adver-j ,„„st ¡spects to Dr. John Francis Reddy. lane Beebe, Mona Lewis, Peggy ^ . r e t o l d that the tax collector* > k Bjl, vlnl(mt an„ wife and Mrs. tun» •« <« ■ thjnk doP„ the lhe most, nteminent mining man and former Jones. Ruth Haley. Lotus Hessel- Jackson (•mintv art» ahmit the* GRANGERS CHANGE BUDGET .. r, ....... .............thatth. ...- -s-rjriS r r x r : ; Surprise Shower For Local Bride . . Tax Collections Are Slightly Improved Tax collection Monday the final day for second half payments— to­ talled slightly in excess o f $30,000 according to G ertrude Martin, chief deputy of the tax collection depart­ ment of the s h e r iff’s offic e. Of this am ount, it Is estimated $25,000 was for 1932 taxes. Paymen ts sent by inali are stLl to be listed, and the final total o f payments this year will not he tabulated for a week. It is estimated that the delinquency will be no higher than the 42 per­ cent of last year. Majority o f the paym en ts w ere from small h om e-ow ners, c o r p o r a ­ tions and business houses T h e small h om e-ow ner, from the payment*, is in better financial shape than a year ago. The for th com in g special session of the legislature is expected to enact a law, removin g the procrastination from tax paying, provide a bonus for prornpt payments. Increase th e Inter­ est rate for delinquency and try to find a way to spur the taxpayer who again before us tor " ' ' ' ' esl to women buyers . „ ( a r m ¡Jam es C . H a y e s . I * r r y Schade. Gus Suffering an acute attack o f ap­ and County Health Nurse Sybil W a l k ­ dutT M ould you think » f • t„ r , Conner, Robert Duff, Jen* Jensen. the “ noble e x p e r im e n t” . Is consideration. a,' d ,,n • W h e r e .* we believe it mafhtns rT in » style m .g azm \ ^ W.lkinson. pendicitis. Dr. L. A. Salade o f 8ev*n er will be In attendance. T h e next Wore. Now w ha t? T h e wise (oi I a const rue- clinic will be held Decem ber I. ,n»tance „ . . i f i s d s " The*«'! Interment was In the pioneer cem- Oak* was operated upon at the C o m ­ | 3"rwi*el solons at Salem h ave a| study and act on su. manner. , lassifieds’ ’ munity hospital early Monday by Dr. ■ °n their hand«. S om e sort of| llv e a « • I,., - TV. « * ' vou J * r want Ü .. J v v . . « i a . * h fâi^olTCdt ' th**t to . 1 1 « ThtT »for* H r Relatives from out of town here Robert C. C offey of Portland who ar-| Valley are g '« " 1 tn C“ * or trade somethin* * must be passed to c u r b the li- Sun­ used article mem ber* » f Reddy rived at midnight by airplane *,#r ’ raffle or hell will sure pop. tbs general advertising for the service* were Owney ib.ed here this 4th «1*? of day at pres* time Dr. Salade'a condi- ol Eugene brother o f the late Dr our -1 \f a means A»<1 the tax situation is a very s et-, Grange, a*« -'" lpds and tion was pronou nced aa serious hut kind o f N ovem ber. I * * * * " * oh- ¡they are not so good I- ** on*, in our opin ion som display ad* , Reddy, at nd the follow in g sons \„.i 1 - r" f or 'd a u g h ter* Mr and Mrs Paul Roddy [not alarming, and barring c o m p i l e t elves that if any a,non‘ ' |0 or * sale» tax will have to he parsed of tIons a steady p r o g r e w toward c om - r«»l mon y must l o f H ollyw ood. D o rot Reddy . . . But here one T h e «net o f reform er* we need In »Tthe way. w ho's g oin g to the o f the said proP«.se«t c o . » > fh<1 merch.nt Reddy o f ' p l e t e recovery la expected. Mr*. Wm. ¡San Francisco and John ■tie. etc Crowell, da ughter of Dr and Mr* Sa- this country are those w ho live Ive* N i t o r e for this c ou n ty . It's our that he will alten« t * ^ pr(t{H., uge Judgment ^ q( Gonzaga college ! la d« arrived by plane from Lo* Ange- so d e a n and happy that oth ers will Wil‘ hp N>ff " nd T,‘ nK" ' ' ‘ , o ‘ allow the printer to n*e| !|es Sunday morning, after several want to Initiate them. ‘ *• *n old D em ocratic w arhor«e t.me and pi*«” ____« ith u a aU - . » *' * * " •* 10 month* residence In southern Callfor* 1 .« « , . < h i « been i< «litr.'l' in « b ’l*.: ' . . VP wilt receive due W hen a speaker or a writer. In o r ­ .iH ce S m .ll two-inch. Isursnre P'ishlng himself to the front. “ , d . , r e n«>t m uch be.t er - h . n | der to create laughter, attempts to eratlon ” i,mn » o ' * ^ , . . , 11 , w orih , --------— ridicule another man's religion or na­ mere reader* ><>t' w tha( I 0 n Oregon man. Wallace Kadderly — tionality, he Is about through Mrs. Joseph W rig ht was hurried to while yonr *'l *l10 fhp pappr „ o( Corvallis, will be In charge o f the Bertha B. W ilso n , sister of cr€am were served by t hospital Wednesday the moment one t T ~ t h e j u d g m e n t o f l W s s W U Farm and Home r . d l o hour th e Com m unity h o . p l t . l Wedn ’b« M Johnson w h o ha* been Sam* Valley ladi* It is too bad so many boy* are be­ ‘ f. r tj rear, b r o a d e s t dally from Ssu F r .n c l .c n morning She hvewfferlng from fora- »noth-r «ister at Spurt*. Or« * T Z - Barsclt will ¡"b its tbo rheu- ing sent to reform school* because -V tVe heat ad* *re hy the Pnlted States department o f plications fo llo w in g an nttock of 1 ■ - m r a l Point Th 'i i * Tb* I ■ a. -he the wrl'er. « " » ^ o f the neglect of their parents u a tlsm and Is serlnnsly IR I 1 •« k St-e en jo v e d to the entertained Fn nf the In r ' of white » P » ^ l e j c n l c u l t u r e , h "*r vi.tt hut M y , sh e li k e , south- hom e of Mr* Harry Conger ^ ^ r e plenty "5 Or. gin best West Side district Philosopher ben Oregon Man Get» New Radio Post ____ __ lllne*. until h er arriv al startin g Novem ber I I . Simon v. '