The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, June 16, 1932, Image 1

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7 "‘»I s s». I
lla» >1
fe A w w g
l DS
- mav seem small this
Tbufw e hop.' you will spare us
f.'M old you so.- We took a
U . n d le t ; That a all.
.. leMt we proved we were not
, A' ‘ t0 take a chance
We hope
f * & to "come back" soon, and
aif*nromise to do so Just as soon
¡ U K . in this valley gets going
. . .
Visits Crater Lake
i «,
iv . u
League President
L MEET Says Move Insures
SILVERTON Big Tax Saving
SILVERTON. June 14 Promptly
at 10 o'clock this morning the Mas­
ter of the Oregon State Grange called
This writer had the pleasure of a the great farm organization to order
l.,! om Mr pierce o f the Ptoree in the beautiful assembly room of the
t o Freight Co. of Medford this| high school of this little city of
Mr Pierce fare us aome val- Silverton.
.able information
Nearly every Grange of the more
■„es paid for highway man." «aide than ,100 in the state were repre­
t the commercial truck eonponlea sented whan roll call was comph tad,
L hlvent room to print It this week the convention then settling to the
L a re preparing an article on this task of considering the 70-odd reso­
(abject for the near^future.
lutions that have been adopted dur­
ing the past year by one or more sub­
i We are always glad to have ouri ordinate units of the order and re­
Aders come in and offer construc- ferred to the state body for further
ire criticism regarding anything we consideration.
The first day of the convention was
ffritc. We don't claim Jehovan pro-.
IdlYlties like some editors not a 1 taken with reports of the various
thousand miles from here, and if officers, and tlie executive commit­
tee, meeting in all-day session yes­
jirong are glad to be corrected.
terday, made arrangements for two
special orders of business Wednesday
No one who has not tried it knows evening to listen to Arthur W. Law­
how hard an editor tries to be ns rence, recently resigned from the
near right in his statements as pos­ Stale Industrial Accident Commis­
sible. That Is, If he cares what peo­ sion, and W, J. Mindly of Seattle.
ple think of his paper. But none of The latter will discuss the chain store
!us (even editors) are perfect and problem.
“ur Judgment may be warped through
Yesterday evening the annual tour­
nament of “ barnyard golf" was held
• • •
on the four courts provided by the
| The editor of this paper has an chamber of commerce, the two teams
¡Ideal toward which he is striving. We playing off for the silver trophv
¡want to be always truthful and right awarded hy the State Grange being
in our statements of fact; to be al­ Mud Springs of Jefferson county and
ways on the side of fairness and Terrebonne of Deschutes, the latter
justice; to be ever boosting for the winning.
This morning the first conference
jnod of the community and to be
of the lecturer of i. e State Grange,
known as a plain "white man.”
Yesterday we heard of a customer Mrs. Marie Flint McCall of Polk coun­
¡who dropped into one of our local ty, was held at 8 o'clock and will be
stores to purchase some small article. followed by another on Wednesday
He seemed quite surprised when morning.
The 8 p. m. hour for Thursday
told the price and
Why, that's cheaper than Medford and Friday will be devoted to con­
prices. I'm going to trade here in ferences of peculiar Interest to wo­
men of the Grange. These latter
I the future,"
• * *
conferences will be under the juris­
That's ]u»t what we want. TRY diction of the chairman of the Home
AT HOME FIRST. Our merchants Economics committee of the State
j »re reliable and prices
In many Grange, Mrs. F. B. Harlow of Ett
irises will be found lower than in gene.
Thursday morning delegates and
ihe city. For one thing, we don't
hire the "overhead" of the big stores visitors will leave Silverton at 5
although we have no "chain o'clock for a trip to the Silver Kails
«lores" (thank the Lord) our people in autos provided by the chamber of
can buy most things right here In commerce and upon the return all
j Central Point as cheaply as in the will stop for breakfast at the hall of
i big over-crowded stores In Medford. Silverton Hills Grange.
Among the many visitors front
• * •
Jackson county are Mr. and Mrs
We had a fellow townsman tell us J. Ft. Bowen, Rogue River, Mr. and
, recently he thought someone ought Mrs. C F. Davies, Eagle Point, Mrs.
| to be watching out and preparing In George Fields. Provolt, H. A. Meyer,
case of needy folks right here at Lake Creek, R. E. Nealon, Central
“otne and not be giving too much Point, Albert Straus, Gold Hill, Mrs.
attention to the charitable institu­ Naoma Magruder, Sams Valley. C. W.
tions of Medford who send people McDonough, Sants Valley, Mr. and
5J.«0 collect food and clothing for Mrs. John Andersen. Central Point.
Medford poor. That's a good Idea.
*n we not be watching right at
■tome for opportunities to aid some Auto-Gyro Plans
family out of work?
i n ri.Ai, i m u m , o r k u o x , t h u m i a v , j u \ b
If you have a surplus of vezet&bles
nyour garden or some extra clothing
Crater Lake National Park. Ore.
I *t look about and see If you can’t
June 16 -tSpecial)-A promising fu­
someone worse off who would ture for aviation ln connection with
»Ppreciate a bit of help.
Crater lake Is seen by Captain Lewis
• • •
Yancey, hero of the New York to
> ran **i?,<* ” le Pleasure of receiving Rome flight in 1929, who this week
. v" *
ffom a certain oiti- flew the first auto-gyro to visit Cra­
en who had more peas than he could ter lake.
In due course of time,
editnk .” U,UK’1’ perhaps the poor Captain Yancey believes such ma-
• "*'inK * newcomer, might have (hines may make regular flights to
tun l>r s” Ine We won't call names, the scenic wonder, bringing visitors
thank him for the who would view- the beautle> of the
ood thought. How was them tur- lake from the air.
P* we traded you, old man?
Inasmuch as the machine does not
» « •
require a large landing field and
retnimn *5 had the real Pleasure of could come to earth on a plot no
Satn,H l,° our youthful ways last larger than a tennis court, Captain
n atu when we stayed over- Yancey is of Ihe opinion that the
and j * farm house up the river operation of auto-gyros to the lake
that (!p t'n ,,le hay mow. How sweet would be feasible and economical He
,h h»y smelled!
And how made three flights over ihe park
«ma k 8 eep And then In the w;-e during the past week, experiencing
80 ” seemed to us, we no trouble during any of the trips
f»rmerT,tkem<1 hy ,he "°und of the although on two of them lie flew far
ig. „ r *,*ln* in the cows for milk- down within the rim. coming danger­
'tn*. w w ky '>,,r boyhood. Many. ously close to the water. I aseless
* ham ^ "¡»Ve *’ ept *n the hay when lake air currents did not impede
#. y' *nd we confess we still like his flight as he skirted by towering
lava clifts In rising out of the giant
Captain Yancey before coming to
Coital Rates to
Crater lake, landed the first auto­
gyro ln Yosemlte Valley, a feat which
Increase July 6 had not been thought po slble He
1? completing a tour which began a
year ago. covering every state In
*,t»Ml7h»s'lllnrri‘"*<‘ ln P°"’ al rates, the union. Mextco and Cuba, visiting
* *hl'h I t ? ,he Wn " ‘ KnpJ Tune spots seldom seen by white men
*»» ann„
*n pftpct July 6.
,,>»UlnR?^n^*<, hpr* reopntly in the
m K , “ ’’ " « ‘ In to the Medford post-
Rain, Hail
Hurts Fruit
In Valley
Last Friday evening a sudden
thunder storm hit the Rogue River
valley, causing much damage in cer­
tain sections of the valley.
also fell in spots, which added much
$2,400,000,000 bonus bill pass­
to the harm done.
ed' by the house was received
The storm gathered In the south
by the senate today at 4;43 p. n>.
end of the valley. Rain fell In tor­
rents west of Talent and passed part­
WASHINGTON, June 15— The Im­
ly around Medford to hit in the Cen­
tral Point district heavily. Hail fell mediate cash payment of the $2,-
Monday, Henry Zorn, president of year of our money tell ail the truth in Central Point sufficiently to make 400.000,000 soldiers' bonus certlfl-
the lawns white, but, although some cates— demanded by 20,000 former
the Marlon County Taxpayers Equal!- «bout the Eugene plant?
gardens suffered slight damage no service men. In the capital— was ap-
zation League, issued a statement!
The survey board of the U. S.| real harm was done In the city.
' proved today by the house.
The center of the storm where
The measure now goes to the sen-
In which he strongly resented the en- Uur‘'a" ° f E,‘ u,a,,on' to which he
efers. says the Eugene plant should the worst damage was done seems to ate where leaders claim enough votes
'ranee of the State Board of Higher |ip razed and a |lew one buUt „ the be along Hear Creek east of Central «or a rejecton. President Hoover
Education into the movement to con- nnivPrsttv remains „ her., it is
Point and on toward Eagle Point, has promised a veto
■ „ I .,,.« ,
, h . „ i, i„
h ™„!,“ u ‘
solidate Oregon University with Ore-j
"The fact is that the statement |y hlt by the hall, some reporting
The Patman bill passed by the
gon State College, under the name plant one of the best In the United nearly 100 per cent I osh .
house would redeem bonus certlfl-
ol Oregon University. Mr. Zorn Is States.
Windows were broken and houses cates at their face value In new
flooded on the Fish Lake Ditch Co. «treasury notes distribute»! to the
a farmer residing at Aurora, and
Another thing should he known ra|u,b
j,, 8,.Veral places along the Veterans through the federal re-
(lie league he represents was respon­
and that Is that there Is no land at ( 'rater Lake highway the water cov- serve banks.
sible for invoking the referendum on Eugene on which lo expand. There ered the pavement
To Issue Bonds
the legislative bill that appropriated ts enough at Corvallis to last 100
The center of the storm passed
Before final approval, the measure
south of Eagle Point and up the was amended to provide an equal
$1,800,000 tax money for new build­ years.
It will cost $1,000,000 toj Antelope valley. The Du Huque, Hat- issue of government bonds to he
ings at Eugene and Corvallis.
buy the only available land at Eu-| field and several other orchards re- used for retiring the currency if the
Some hay was dollar became too cheap,
Mr. Zorn said in part;
gene, a cemetery and a golf course. .port heavy loss.
and several grain fields badly
Former service men packed the
«'The fact Is that the statement ruined
"Our league opposes the expendi-1
fu g le d .
galleries as the vote was taken. It
ture of high sums of tax money at sent out by the State Board Is pure
Saturday evening another electric represented one step toward victory
this time for any purpose that can propaganda. It Is designed to scare storm _ gathered north of this city, In their demand for the bonus legis­
be avoided, and we believe the people people away from signing the peti- hut very little rain ^fell In town.jlatlon
Very heavy, heating rains are report-j
The vote for the measure was 2011
will sustain Ihe referendum on the tions for the referendum.
ed on Rogue River in the vicinity ofi to 176.
$1,800,000 school building bill in
"There is no room in this matter podge Bridge.
Senator Thomas (D., Okla.) plan-
___________________ned to ask for an immediate vote In
j for propagandists—nor for arguments ‘
the senate when the bill reached
"In like manner we have studied ,,la’ 8me11 of *he l,or|t barrel
S c h o o l E le c tio n s A r e
there from the house.
the idea of consolidating the Unlver-
’ °nsolidatlon will give Eugem
This would require unamimous
sity and the State College
one lante teachers' college in place
O C n e a u i e u J u n e C*\l COnsent to dispense with the usual
that consolidation will of the University, with 1000 studentB
procedure of referring the bill to a
We find that consolidation will
has about
School elections will be held In committee but leaders Indicated they
save nearly $1,000,000 a year 111 to begin with. The plant as a ^ ’ , h(. arhl)0| districts of the county would accept the suggestion.
A Hingle objection, however, would
building maintenance, operating and A5 good buildings out of 30. 0 " e ] /Monday, June 20.
Directors and
In 25 years that is a thousand indents will use it all i other oficers for the year will be require the bill to be sent to the
<oe non nnn
when the old ones are razed.
'elected. County School Superlnten-; senate finance committee for study.
saving or »„¡>,u ju.uuu
,. j ,
r „ n PEPs at La G randeident Susanna Homes Carter urges
"The savings will occur through
■ that all school patrons and taxpayers
rutting out duplications of instruc- i,nd Ashland will enable hundreds , attend tj,e elections, and vote, and Earl W . Scott
tors administrators, travel bills,
hoFs anrt K|rl8 f0 a<’” " ,re college voice their opinions. At the same
Dies at Brother’s
fire.'heat, light and .he double cost ’ raining who cannot afford to f
'J ™ ¿ " " “ J, ^ T d ’ acuaied. dl,,trlCU
Home in City
of building—for nobody believes that *"
<>r Corvallis, and w io o
Qne Director aIld C|erk are to be
a ., •« « «« itiii I a«/, N
i / k / » 1 ui
. _
. —
, «
two buildings are necessary where m,t want normal school work.
, p itte d In Central Point District,
Earl W. Scott, resident of south­
one will do
What I mean is that
"The Joint benefit to the state of The election will be held at the lo-
ern Oregon for the past 4 0 years,
normals , cal high schpol building.
a building for chemistry study at
It Is urged that all those lntereBt- passed away at the homo of his
Eugene and another chemistry build­ will be higher grade teachers for our ed In our schools be present prompt-¡ ibrother, Ernest Scott, In Central
ing at Corvallis are not needed. That "b mentary schools, a »nd better edu- ly at 2 p. m. to listen to the reports I Point, at an early hour Tuesday
and recommendations of the school i morning, after an Illness covering
Is the practice-duplicate, duplicate, cated ' “ ‘ « n8 88 “ who,e'
great I officers.
I the past six months. Earl was boru
duplicate on everything at both
" I t will all be done at - —
1 Don’t forget the time and place— j ln Clay county, Iowa, March 21,
football saving o f money, and we will have Monday, June 20, at the high school,j 1878,
schools, Two gyms, two
better education facilities.
from 2 to 3 p. m.
It'' (aim- to southern Oregon with
fields, two libraries, two everything.
"Instead of bickering and a K il-!
his parents in 1892, living here con-
"As a matter of fact, the two
hP remembered by his many friends
schools combined only have 5000 kenny cat fight between the Eugene Mi-g. Hill Drives
, .
ia j . i
as the sexton of the Central Point
students, about enough to make one and Corvallis crowds all the time. w.
win have stale pride in one institu
tiiio u iic n io
cemetery for the peal two years. Bo
good university, which can he sup
Avoid Collision was a man of sterling qualities, a
tion that will rank with the best in
ported for a lot less tax dollars than
1 good neighbor and always willing to
lend a hand to anyone. There are
can two schools only 38 miles apart. the Union.
"Don't let the propagandists scare
Mrs. Seldon Hill had the misfor­ many friends to mourn his pasq-
"We resent the attitude of the
you out of signing the petitions.''
State Board
It is an administra­
iford during the recent electrical
Mr. Scott leaves one son, Richard
tive body, and has no business tell­
O. Scott of Rogue River, Oregon;
car in the ditch and turn it over on three brothers, Ernest Scott of Cen­
ing the taxpayers what to do. We
I its side.
Highway Traf fis
tral Point, Truman Scott of Horn-
pay the bills.
The accident happened about half brook, Calif., John Scott of Perry,
“ It says that if consolidation takes
Will Be Counted way between Medford and Central Oklahoma, four sisters, Mrs. Carrlo
Point. Just as Mrs. Hill attempted Hamrick, of Central Point, Mrs. Jam
place a hugh building program will
to pass a large truck It Increased Duncan of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
immediately take place at Corvallis.
To check on the traffic traveling] Its speed and as other cars were com­ Mrs Adelia Day of Bremerton, Wash.
No such thing.
over the highways in southern Ore- ing in the opposite direction she was Mrs. Etta Thompson of Los Angeles.
Corvallis has 227,000 square feet gon the state traffic engineer, John forced into th<- ditch to prevent a
He had been a member of Ceutral
' .........' ' . ,k"k has announced that the flltt m H W N
Mrs Hill and lo r two Point Lodge No. 193, I. O. O. F., for
l -
PP if thev
can handle 2,500 traffic count will be made Friday, daughters Betty and Zoo sustained 20 years.
Ln gene. If 'hev can nan i' .
wi,h about 20 checkers sta- cuts and bruises, which although
Funeral services were conducted
students at Eugene on one-tnird t
t io n p d throughout this section. The painful were not serious.
Mrs. from the Perl Funeral Home, today
space, they surely can handle 5,000 roun, wj|j bp made from 6 a. m. to George Aker, who was in the car at 2:00 p. m.. Rev. D. B. Millard o f­
Central Point Lodge No.
p m
also, had three broken riba, not ao ficiating
at Corvallis on nearly three times
The season schedule shows that a serious, however, that she could not 193 had charge of the services at the
the space.
16 hour count will be made July 16. go back to work the following day. grave In the Central Point cemetery.
"The Board intimates that an In aad"Ynother 16-hour count August ‘ Mrs. Hill and her daughters are at
vestment of $4,000.000 at Eugene H
The final day of the program is home recovering from the shock of
Banker Operated
will he lost
No such thing
The September when another eight-hour the accident.
Henry Zorn, of Marion Countv Taxpayers Equalization
League, Savs Consolidation U .of O. and (). S. C.
Will Save State Millions of Dollars.
.v v w X
......... ........« X T S i . ................................................... ...
On for Appendicitis
, i -1
.......... • hPn npW
kers will be stationed are on the Visitors Impressed
lance of the $4.000.000 plant Is re-1 P, clf|c highway one mile south of
Then p. Tollefson, of the Central
By Beauties of
to tkt
„.„„onted bv the Portland Medical Medford, north and south of the
, •„ move Pacific highway junction with the
Rogue Valley Community hospital Tuesday evening
School which no one wants
r.ceensprlngs highway a* well as at
---------- —
' at Ion fo r
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Van Slyke appendicitis. Mr. Tollefson had been
and land value of Eugene «amp
^ junction, north and south of the
p„t why didn't the Imported Seere-• rrater |^,|,P highway Junction with and daughter. Mrs. J. E. Merritt and reeling unwell for several days but
family were much surprised and de- had fought off the illness. Tuesday
, iry of the Board who gets *7500 a «he Central Pont county road
lighted when their friends from La afternoon he became worse and was
Verne, Calif., stopped Monday morn- forced to give UP and go to the hospl-
lng for a short visit. They were Miss tai.
Louise and Estella Howes, taking an
Mr. Tollefson Is reported as get-
auto trip to Puget Sound to spend ting along as well as could be ex-
the summer in their old home city, perted and hopes to be back at the
Tacoma. Wash.
bank In a short time. During his
„ . „ _ „ .««roi
reeret that
the publisher
of this
la forced
tnai me
i/ul/zin«*».• «»
—— paper
The Van Slykes were neighbors absence, W E Freeman, vlce-presl-
It is Wt" ] hkr ? hrDaper I- compelled by the finançai .Dilation
there of the Howes family and close dent, is in charge at the hank,
to annoii
KiVer v.llev a. -hi. «Ime to radure the .1 ^ of the paper
in the R o g u e River va!
■ ■
look a chaftce on account of the fact that
.gain. Some time ago * increasing slowly and enlarged our paper
Miss Kstella Is an excellent artist t
snd Is sketching natural beauty spots L e g l O f l 1 -H y S x l& n S
business •‘■'■m**'1
, n*i„mn »lze to an s-page. *iz column.
Trash Fire Smokes
along their Journey. They were much
* *
would be absorbed through «be Increai
l*tt^.r^ .p**nt* an ounce will be the
For Dedication of
impressed hy beauty of our Hogue
thP increased
condition la atill very bad and
Court House Wall
and letters ln business
New Court House
iT h iv e not su c^ d ed "n »ecuring enough new buslnea. to warrant
rate» 0f p|,,t>os are subject to the
tains and especially the Table Rock
Pont»». r,“n' 8 an ounce or fraction :
A trash pile at the new <
«he Increased rOi"
1 ' 1 7 shall
- n h~
!>«* compelled to be content
ter» -m " n domestic air mail let- court house caught fire Ute T.iesday
Plan* for the court house dedica­
So for the present we
tion were discussed at Monday nlte's
»»nce nr » * cent* for the first afternoon and was extinguished ^
*$ '
J L * B B - t ^ f e â ä s « « ¡ i S 1. » t
“ - '
' ’■action,
13 cent* for the fire department. The Hm«*tw»
meeting of Medford Post of the Am­
Kubli Barn and Hay
erican I«eglon which was presided
l°n®1 onnr«. regardleaa o f „ „ «he ha.em. nt
" V 8 "he
t>an<> except «h en *ent to tainted and water m a rM .
over by Vice Commander Henry
,o censoring
•M,7 #n,v nnyone
?:-!!r on
u,k » * « « . o««
, r* „ot
*«d thé
,he Vlr*t» Is'snds damage was listed hy
A ba.-n and 60 tons of hay belong­ Fluhrer.
„ 1. hare and are doing all they can
exlst we feel we have no
rates Turner as "hardly »o r h .
* » i„
In anal '-"
lie. for
«or w
ing to Mrs. Maud Kubli of Applegate •The following committee was ap
were completely destroyed by fire pointed to take charge of the event
Ing." A carelessly tossed cigar
r7*h. to expect the Impossible
*11| hp . *pa0er and magazine rate
w i « r . cleaner
In to live We
recently when fire broke out under Wilson Waite, general chairman, t .
e .T * c i.h
.in g for
« * t|, place
i i* blame«f.
„ p « i.iin n
tor a het’ ^ ^ 1 >M
w. » > hope tn add onr
the wagon in which the men were T. Baker, dedication,, ' Y- Tenae-
**•<»!* « n r * * ? 1 under the new
a «-./ nnr town and lik^*
Remember, this i*
hatiling hay, II was learned here wald. parado, 1«. A. $6 illlamson.
v „T^?*1***®* N® the flrat zone of 7k¡¡"SilStlng '" entract
*1th w
"7! to w a rd the upbuilding of 'ha cos
dance; and Cole Holmes, concessions.
. and nein
- pP afire that spirt« of progress
l” ber pound Increa se In
•Ighth zone. «
VOI R new-pape
accessary to our future welfare.
« The complete lose was covered hjr Full detail* of Ihe celebration rill he
,í ap ean •
I announced at a later date.
" ko'* Allen Store open-
ment and
standard grad*
Your Newspaper