T H U R SD A Y , D E C E M B E R 17. 1931 Th# AM ERICAN. CENTRAL POINT OREGON Southern Pacific Offers New Low Holiday Fares driver severely injured PAGE TALUK* In another areas burned over. The crews there that expended directly WANT ADS from the by the state occupam “ * seres or rainy the loss of nearly fifty million enthusiasm for the game in Jack- whose name they draw. These gifts Savings were made in just finish making deferred pay­ Icasion. difficulty is increased. Frequently feet of timber. Practically ihla en last year souville. Friday night. will be given at the assembly pro- ments— about half original cost; a Principal item on the S P bargain the motorist <*«“ “ <>» *ee It until he ia tire loss was due to the fire near r*‘duition <* mlbage. lower wage to The school song was sung with *ram Dec. 23. and will cost no mors bargain. W. A. Crane. American e famous "dollar almo*t 0,1 top of * * • In ease a ve- Cochrau which burned out the niw me“ ' and ,h* f» f ' «hat four cars j counter will be the _____ _ Bessie Milton at the piano. After- than 10 cents. office. idavs" when roundtrips will be sold “ iC,e * aPPr°achlng from the oppo- Wheeler operation. Tillamook stands were purchascl for inspectors who ward Alvin Maple led in the yells Basketball games with both the between all stations on the com- directlol‘ ,be "»otorut finds him- at the top of the liat with the largest had occasion to travel long distances Complete financial statements will for the team and for the school. boys and girls playing will be played Finger Waves. 75c. Marcels. $1 00. i pany's Pacific lines for approximately 8e' f *“ * hole' conironter8- *» 00 **• For the sake of their own safety. Total losses for the state are as , . „„„ >. , O »» b e a u tifu l lie s H air O rn a m en ts. first, piling up the score until at the body, was given out this week, Tuesday. January 5. Cent-a-mile drivers of horses should display follows lb .292.000 feet of timber should have the same currency. end of the game it stood 30-5. At Wednesday was bank day. This roundtrips also will be sold on the W*rnin* U« h,‘ “ loss - Th-re There's a .U also just n o w ". V e e d T o r 1 wagons when destroyed, valued a, t 9152.844. , o jus, T w v\. T Main. >" ‘Ï L Î T Î M w " ow l i Firlor. . 105 Phone 5«, the half those players on the sec- is the second time this year that the same dates to points north and east they Krt forth on the* hiohw.v. nigh, They The, î, have 1 s m to iir-p dr ,on -,u---4i J ! r other a,,d »» °f th™ «• or.. ond team were run in and not only students have had the privilege of of Portland. an a obligation logging ro equipment., 9360.384; _____ added to their own score but pre- banking. ‘ In addition to these sale dates, safeguard traffic, as well as the mot- property value. 96.550. This makes : : » « » a total loss of 9676.754. vented the J'vlllers from getting The A„ . T,lk ie Club held election ! Ormandy also announced that round- orUt- any more than two points. The and insUlled Rolaad Casad |h% ■ trips would be reduced between all The above figures are in marked J ville boys showed more form and offlce of presidenti Mura Mllu> vice. 1S. P. points in Oregon to approxi­ Preliminary Fire contrast to the 1930 season and give at the end of the first quarter the p r e s e n t ; and Wilbur Etcher, sec- mately one and one-half cents per p I , an indication of the seriousness of score was 5-5. However, after that j-etary. K e p o r t Is ( jiv e n the past^fire season Tb>- 1 ;♦ 3 «• mile and one-way trips to about two » I II Help You with V iiu in «lifts. Everything In the Pointers' extra weight told on „ „ . . . . . , i cents a mile on sale daily from De­ • | figures are as follows; Number of ... ... . , Frances Faber is out of school WRAPPING PAPERS, TAGS CARDS, STRINGS ami the J villers and they were unable , „ Preliminary reports on the fire!Dres 1,900, area burned 52.670. mer- cem ber 16 to January 16. . . on account of illness, to prevent them from scoring. The „ ... „ ELECTRIC LIGHTS p o ll TREKS Tickets at these reduced rates will “eason. just prepared and presented ehantable timber destroyed 36.056 | Geraldine Tex is at home because score stood at the end of the game . . . . . be good on all trains and will be to the s,a,e Forestry board at the M . B F . total loss 979.697. ..... „ . , „ , . . . . she has a bad case of poison oak. 20 for Central Point and 8 for WE ARE PREPARED FOR YOU honored in either chair cars or Pull- annua« meeting last Saturday, show No •’t-.tenient has as yet been pre­ Jacksonville. Most of the second John Smith and Donald Snyde' mans, the latter plus the usual berth ,bat tbe var>ous state units and pared relative to costs other than string boys were run in. Credit WeDt to Medford Monday afternoon charges. ST O N E ’S DRUG STORE associations were called out to fight " * 1,344 fires and that a total of 146.232 should be given to Don Patterson. lo have their p,cU r« ' taken' Central Point, O ieg on Ruth Collins and Mildred Greg acres were burned over. It is quite and Lathel Stevens for many of the ........-- -------------------------------------- likely that these figures will be in- ory went to Medford Tuesday af­ Few Mills Operate points gained. ternoon. On Pacific Coast creased somewhat inasmuch as all In order that a vote might be ta­ ______ reports are not yet in. No seg- When the honor roll was publish-j ken on the matter of selling season tickets to the basketball games a ed ' n «his column a week ago, the1 A total of 342 mills reporting to rP?a,'on has yet been made us to I student body meeting was held last name of Donald Richardson should the West Coast Lumbermen's As­ causes of fires. Josephine county heads the list ; week. It was explained that if a have been included Donald has, sociation for the week ending Nov- ember 21 operated at 27.1 per cent wilh the larKe*‘ number of fires and student bought a ticket good for all been 011 «he honor roll all year, of capacity, as compared to 25.2 per games for a dollar that he would be Charles Taylor. Alumni 31. now | given a receipt saying that he had attending University of Oregon at cent of capacity for the preceding paid his student body dues, which Eugene, visited school Wednesday week, and 4 4.5 per cent for the same week last year. During the week amounts to 50c. After several of morning. ended November 14. 211 of these the students had expressed their ---------------------------- plants were reported as down and DRY PINE SLABS opinions on the matter a vote was Finds Real W ay 133 as operating. Those operating taken and it was thereby decided to PKR IA>AD adopt the plan. Thus if a student To Aid Others reported production at 47.1 per cent SOM ETHING of their group capacity. 10 inch buys the ticket for the games he CHOICE Current new business reported by really is giving fifty cents for stu- The need to cooperate to aid those 223 identical mills was 12.9 per cent W e o f f e r thN wi-ek o u r ow n less fortunate than onesef, to share, MILL BLOCKS, load SU .Ml 8| ms - ìh | inaile— is much in the public thought today. over production and totaled in FIR SLABS, load S.YOO A SU INI School Plans But many persons with the desire to million feet the same footage as was Country KINDLING, loud «2.AO Program For help find their means to do so ap- reported the previous week. Ship­ BODY FIR. per T HE only safe way to keep tier FASO Smoked ments for the week were 18 per Patrons’ Pleasure ••aren,1>r ver> '">>"«d Even if one cent over production. ■ money is by depositing it in Sausage could spare 910— how many could be Christmas Decorations Meo ford Fuel Co. 4 expected to receive appreciable aid With the Christmas holidays here from such a small sum? once again the school has planned A little more than a year ago a a program for the pleasure of the lady of moderate means experienced patrons of the community. The en- 0ne 0f those happy surprises that tertainmen, will be in the form of most of us have known once or twice. Open House and an exhihit of the (n exploring the pockets of a coat school work of the various classes that had been closeted for some and grades. After the program months she found a 910 bill. Reallz- tvhich will be held in the auditorium jng that not having counted on the at 7;30 the teachers will be in fhelr money she could very well get along rooms to receive visitors. without it, she sent It with a letter Everyone will be admitted to tlio explaining the circumstances of its program free of charge and all recovery to a young woman tempo- friends of the school are urged to rarllv out of employment, asking her be in attendance. to pass tt on to someone In need The Girls' Glee club tinder the when she could afford to do so. direction of Miss Blood have pro- In due course of time this young pared two songs, "Holy Night" and lady found a position and sent the "Deck the Mall* with Boughs of money to a friend who needed It. Holly," which they will sing for the Weeks later came word that the 910 event. had again resumed its travels, and The first graders »11 tell the the original donor lost sight of it Christmas story In verse. Mrs. Rich- completely. ardson is also teaching them a song And now. 13 months later, the which they will sing on the program, brother of the first recipient of the The second and third grades have money, from whom we have this ac- combined and they will give a play count, is able to tell the Lady of pertaining to Christmas. Miss Hay Moderate Means that her gift hat •nd Miss Seabrook are instructing turned up again, in the hands of a them. fellow member of his office force. At A Christmas pageant is being put an original cost of 910 all these peo- on by the papils ot the fourth and pie have been helped 910 worth as fifth grades, with Miss Franklin and receivers— and how- much more a* Mrs. Hansen instructing them. The givers? boys' quartet will furnish music for Today this 910 bill has become this pageant. something of a public trust. May it The sixth graders are making their prove a perpetual one And may own figures for a marionette show others be launched. Mrs. Murphy, the teacher, says that this Is very Instructive and should, be very interesting to the audience a- the pupils will manipulate their' own figures. A quartet with material drawn from the seventh grade will sing. Three eighth graders will give Christ- j bias readings. They are Ruby W eb-; *ter. Edwin Gebhard and Marjory 1 W e are o ffe r in g a new lot o l Jones, coached by Mr Amick The program and exhibit is on \ Goodyear Tires Wednesday evening, December 23, at ^ 7 30. and Tubes Automobile WITH SAFETY .00 T ry Put Lights on Buggies on Road Persons who venture on the high­ ways at night will do well to display- lights on the rear and front of their vehicles. Such foresight will save them from serious accidents. On two successive nights collisions of tnotoi vehicles and wagons happened with­ in a 15-mile radius of Albany. In one crash a horse was killed and its CO AL SPECIAL ROYAL COAL ton «1.S..NO NATIONAL COAL, ton 910.50 Moil ford Prices Order now! It will save you Dollars TEL. O.S1 it, your bank. Then you need have no fear of burglars or sneak thieves. W e welcome all new accounts, large or small. you w ill be m o re than M tti»fied. W e a re o ffe r in g e lo d e e b e e f mil IMioltry fo r th e H oliday SntMiii. E V E R Y T H IN G IN M E A T Central Point Meat Market Central Point State B a nk I. D. LEWIS, Prop. ' t t A DOLLAR S WORTH Clip this coupon anti mail it nitli^l for a -i i week»* trie! tub t .'/ . m to T H E C H R I S T IA N S C IE N C E M O N IT O R P u b lish e d by T he C h aistian S cience P u blish in g S ociety Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A. In 't you will find the daily good news of the world from It* 80« specivl writers. r»s well as cepartment-. devoted to women s ar.d childre ns interests, f ports, mu tc. finance, education, radio, etc. You will h* gltd to welcome into your h-wie r o fearless an advocate of pe-ee aid prohibition And don’t m is Snubs. Oar Do«, and the Sundial and the other features. M i '© + Twr O h h s t t » n Sen Nf £ M oviro*. Back Bav Statio-», Boston. I fas-. Please send me a six week*' trial subscription. I enclose one dollar <8D. rov irli-d i-