last year of basketball on the Cen­ I disconcerting,” say» the Monthly, j tral Point team, and he is expected iThat «eeniR mild, but if you know to be one of the outstanding men I the Monthly you will think it i» of the secondary league this year. really fierce. It is she, »ay» the The game last night was the sec­ Re-eatablUhed. September 1J. 191^ Monthly, who ia befriending “ a traf- Devoted to the beet interest« go inimical to temperance." ond this year for the Methodists, Central Point and vicinity. they having lost to Sams Valley by Well, speaking as a Methodist, we All matter for publication muol have learned a lesson. Let us not I the score of 27-22 last week. The reach this offloe not later than Wed be misled any more by a silver tong- . I preachers haven't a schedule made nesday for Insertion the same week. gued woman. For, veilly, wine is a f out, but play anyone who wants a Published every Friday. game. mocker and grape bricks are none (I By Al Pich*' basketball Entered as second class matter at the less so. And all the more are j The lineups for the game were as the post offlse. Central Point, Ore­ they mockers, when they speak with 1 follows; gon, under the Act of March *, 1879 the voice of her who seemed to be ! Methodists (27 ) Central P. (22) PRISON F O O T R A L L a veritable Moses. Patterson (17) F SUBSCRIPTION RATB8: Warden Laws of Sing Sing has ' H Arthur ( 3 ) Ayres F One year ............... ......................l l.i O introduced football into the prison's C. Franks!4) Caster ( 2 ) A S T I MI* S P E E C H 81x Months ....................—.......... 11.00 regimen. The Sing Sing team, made 1 J. Powell (18) C Eicher (3) G Payable in advance. We have no doubt that the tariff policemen, militiamen and *0 H Powell Ray Arthur Taylor ought to be revised. There never forth. Sports wr Advertising rates on application. G Office— Second Street, off Main. was an American tariff that did n° l .,),,, games have commented upon the need revision. It Is too high in some scrupulous fairness with which the ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL spots and too low In others. More­ convicts observed the rules. Editor and Publisher over, the whole world, even our close Inevitably, a judge made a speech N OTICE O F S H E R I F F 'S S A L E friend Canada, has gone into the at a luncheon club, saying that in By virtue of an execution on Fore­ tariff business for itself. If we cut his opinion, it was inadvisable to closure duly issued out of and under the tariff now, it wouldn't do any let the convicts have such a good t)ie seai of (j,,. c i r(Uit Court of the! The L riffs of other nations tjme good He pointed out that these State of Oregon, in and for the Coun- would simply i»e made more effective ire depressed times end that many ty of Jackson, to me directed and • SPEAKING AH A METHODIST against us. We believe that inter­ an honest citizen had neither the the Sth day of December. Whenever there Is anything to be national tariff regulation would be a : money nor the leisure to play foot- 1931, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building j said about that great and good wo­ good thing. Then we could balance hglj Also, he thought the publicity and Loan Association, an Oregon| man, Mrs. Mabel Walker W llle' the different national tariffs against Kjven tQ tt)e conv)cts as good foot- Corporation, as Plaintiff, recovered each other and possibly get things »<>, hull players might be very bad In- Jud>'mt‘nt a« ainst Minnie M. Billings, brandt, we like to retire Into ob­ arranged that all the countries . ' . .u r v iv ii ig w if e o f J o h n B il li n g s .d de- e- Grace . . . . ueed ror ,nem- 'eased; M. L. Euphrat and Grace scurity, for this writer, being would be benefitted. - d The ungwer , 0 this is, of course— Euphrat, his wife; R. E. Hills, also Iso; Methodist, hag strong feelings on the believe that our tariff is the result | BOSII known as It. E. Hillis and Myrtle S " I of political corruption, as a wild Society hus tried torturing orim- . j Hills, also known as Myrtle S. Hillis subject. gentleman In New Mexico asserted!, , them nllttin” thenl a,ld John Doe, her Helng a Methodist, this writer was - .. , inals, neglecting them, putting Hum | 1 Usband, tile defendants, f o r t h “ “ "*» in a speech, the other day. Besides. Jn prjgong „-here they have the time of Nine Thousand, One Hundred and naturally a prohibitionist, when pro­ when anybody begins to talk about ; aMd opportunlty to t,,ai.h one an- Eighty-eight and 70-100 (19,188.70) hibition was in its first fine flower political corruption, we know he ts other new devices in crime. Now dollars, plus interest at 1 0 " from Especially were we strong for prohi­ just making a stump speech, all , ■ .August 14th. 1931, in the amount of a few int lllgent wardens are mov- Threp Hlln(lre(1 six ail(, 30-100 bition in the national campaign of sound and fury and no sense. ing slowly and carefully in the dl-l < $306.30) dollars; plus Two Thou- The American THURSDAY. DECBMRER IT, 1931 The AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT, -jltmuuN PAGE TWO Tfl m s**# *# * T h ey , T e ll ! Me LEGAL NOTICE EDITORIALS 1928 and then Mrs. WiHebrandt lection of education of the convicts, sand Twenty-seven and 77-100 FIRE PROTECTION endeavoring to make them good and ' / ^ dollars advanced by blossomed forth as the bright, partic­ „ , ... „ „ . . . 1 ‘ uintiff in the payment of taxes, in-! If there is anything the farmer useful ular star of the prohibition cause citizens. By all means, let s su ------- ranee premiums and - necessary ’ re- ' and the Republican party. All of ought to prepare against It is fire. keep going in this new and civilized pairs, with costs and disbursements us know that— and there is no use There is no general alarm system in direction. taxed at Forty-two and 50-100 There are no quibbling about It— Mrs WiHebrandt the rural districts. Football Is a manly sport and, « ' i ? L L 50 J KdO,lar^ *urthf r1,BUm , , , o f One Thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, I was IT. She was taken up by our organized fire fighting companies. criminals learned to play it. learned lls uUorney's fees, which Judgment church (we are now speaking as a There are no elaborate fire fighting the teamwork, the skill, the fairness was enrolled and docketed in the Methodist) and if there had been machines. Rut the farmer ran pre­ that are required to play it, you may * h’rk s office of the said Court in time she would have been the hon­ pare very effectively against fire. be sure that they would be better j 1 9 3 ) ^ 0,1 the 8 th day of Decein- ored guest and chief speaker at The Department of Agriculture has cltlzens for it. Notice is hereby given that pursu- every conference As it was she got railed attention to the situation and Football games at Ban Quentin ant to the terms of the said execu- around pretty llvply and the papers has Issued a warning to the farmers Iall(j Folsom would never do half the tlon, I w ill on the 9th day of Janu- were filled with stories of her ap­ by foolish repres-; 1 J * al 0 clock a. m., at the peal to the Methodist clergy and that the annual fire loss ln the rurul slon. by overcrowding, by giving .'By of'MedfortMn '.larkson VLun'ty! laity to rally 'round the cause of dintrlctH amountH to $100,000,000 .1 hardened criminals a chance to Oregon, offer for sale and will noil Hoover and prohibition. If we year. The Department says thisjteach younger men (he art» of vice at public auction for cash to the high- est bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, (speaking again uh a Methodist) had eould be reduced to $50,000,000 by UD(j crjme , , .... I together with the costs of this sale, had our way about it, ami It is no little preparedness ou the part of| . , ,p. . . for th,‘ •Dfument that publicity subject t0 redemption as provided by are several , y|ven t() u convict’s good football law, all of the right, title and interest use for any of us Methodists to deny the farmer. There are it, we would have had her regularly slmpl» fire fighting apparatuses that j playing might do his soul harm, it that the said defendants, Minnie M. ordained as a minister and then put ould he installed with little troublei|M certain a wise policy to glyp a 'Billings, surviving wife of John Mil— her uhead as dlstrlHt superintendent, nd at little expense. One of the man publicity for doing good thing. book concern agent, or president of most important things to be lionr Such publicity encourages hitn, de- also known as It. E. Hillis and Myr- Del’auw university and finally made Is to huve ladders attached to Ibe | velops In him the desire to “ go bills, also known as Myrtle S her a bishop, if there had been any house and barn. Then it is suggested . r;,jKht •* Hillis; Rose Billings and John Doe. her husband, had on the 4th day of, way of accomplishing that. We say, that community fire fighting com- _______ May, 1927, or now have in and to speaking as a Methodist, a disciple panics be organised. A good hand "The wise man and the fool seem the following described property,” sit- of Wesley and Hlshop Anbury, Bish­ force pump is also of value and I niuc-h alike when they fail in love j "Jteil It* the County of Jackson, State op Bowman, Bishop Simpson and all it a section of hose. The cost Is j or try to explain hard times.” of Oregon, to-wit; All of Block Forty-two (42) great leaders of Methodism, that is trifling. of the original town, (now city) v^iat we would have liked to huve of Medford, Oregon, as the same done back there in 1928 REVIEWING t h e m o v i e s is numbered. designated and But a great change has com« about described on the official plat You can't do anything with th> : thereof, now of record. apparently, as we Methodists de­ movies. Not long ago we heard that 1 Dated this 8 th day of December, scribe it. Mrs. WiHebrandt has be­ they were going to drop al< the blood ' The South Methodist basketball . J 931. come a backslider. We doubt very and thunder, the gungsterM and the team came to Central Point Wednes- RALPH O. JENNINGS, much If there Is one of our con racketeers, murder, robbery and day night to defeat the Pointers to Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. ferencea so lowly as to think of in sudden death and go lu for the the tune of 27-22. The game was By Olga E. Anderson, Deputy. D«c. 11, 18. 24, Jan. 1 . vittng her to make an address. We higher things of life. If our memory; tust and clean, though ragged In view Mrs. WiHebrandt now as no doesn't serve us HI, the announ- | spots, lack of practice being evl- j more or less than a traitor to the cement was made by no less a person dent in the Central Point team. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S KALE cause. She has sold herself for a than the lion. Will llavs, the church By virtue of an execution on Fore­ J. Powell of the Methodist was mess of grape bricks. It is unde­ deacon who became the movie czar. high scorer of the evening with 18 closure duly Issued out of nnd under niable that but for her, the grape Now it appears (hut the announ­ counters, with Patterson, slippery the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the Coun- brick business would never have cement didn't mean anything at all. torwurd of Central Point, a close ty of Jackson, to me directed and started. But she assured its man­ It was Ju»t a collection of words. second with 17. Tlils Is Patterson's! daled 0,1 the Sth day of December,! ufacturers that it was perfectly le­ Here is a case in point: Remember 1 ' : 1 •<> a certain action therein, w herein Jackson County Building gal, that it was immune to anything The Miracle Man", a great picture, und Loan Association, an Oregon like prosecution under the Volatead a moral picture and an art i st i c pic­ j Corporation, as Plaintiff, recovered law and that If the grape growers ture. Now It is going to be revived judgment against Melvin Morgan and of California wanted to turn their and Incidentally revised. The gang | Jessie Morgan, the defendants, for grapes into bricks, it was a good element is to he Introduced so as to the sum of Six hundred thirty-two ¡and 29-100 (1632.29) dollars, plus! and legal business. bring it up to date. Machine guns interest at the rate of 10% per That looked to those grape grow­ will be omnipresent. They seem to annum front April 30th. 1931. In the ers Just like manna from heaven. have forgotten all about the higher amount of Thirty-two and 65-100, ($. 12 . 6 5 ) dollars; plus seventy-four They entered the brick industry with things of life. In this picture, which and 35—100 ($74 35 ) dollars; with a rush and if there is anyplace In originally was based upon the higher interest on Judgment at 10%, with this country where you cannot buy things of life, they will probably costs and disbursements taxed at grape bricks over the counter Just throw out all those higher things ! Eighteen and 80-100 ($18.80) dol-1 like you do bread and cheese we and go In for whatever may be the lars. and the further sunt of Seventy- five ($75.00) dollars, as attorney's haven’t heard of it. Now the thing lower things. fees, which judgment was enrolled that makes grape bricks so populat and docketed In the Clerk's office of I and so profitable la revealed in a said Court In said County on the A CORRECTION warning on each and every brick 8th day of December. 19li. The American wishes to correct the Notice is hereby given that, pur­ to the effect that “ if you are not Item published last week in regard suant to the terms of the said exe­ careful but let the grapes ferment, to the action by the city council In cution. I will on the Sth'dav of Jan- the result will be wine, which is Il­ the Myers-Gleason controversy. uarv 1932. at 10 o'clock a m , at legal.” That’s Just like warning the front door of the Courthouse In We are since Informed that the, he City of Medford. In Jackson Coun I that If you put a certain amount of council asked for Mr Myers' res ty. Oregon, offer for sale and will — money In the bank you will be paid Ignat Ion. but when he refused to ! »ell at public auction for cash to the Interest on It. resign and claimed he had a contract These grape brick makera thought with the etty for hla services .or ment. together with the costs of this I ao much of Mrs. WiHebrandt that "«me time, the council changed Its i t i i a "£**?** lo redemption as pro- ! j they made her their counsel She mind and voted to retain him ar. Interest that the said defendants. ! seems to have forgotten all her de It Is reported the first vote (which Voted friends and admirers of the carried ) was on the question of firing had on the 12th day of July. 1927 ! V or now h»y,, in gnn. Depute » >1. 1» JS, t.p V • Methodists Win From Central Point For Christmas Goods ORANGES, the big size at, per doz....................... 15c NO SUGAR GRAPEFRUIT, each only 5c CLUSTER RAISINS, cellophane wrapped, Per large package ........................................... 30fc NUTS, fancy Christmas Mix, all good quality nuts, per lb. *..............-....................................18c Filberts, Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts or Brazils the best obtainable for the money. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, plain or French Mix. Chocolates, candy canes, candy bars of all kinds All priced for SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE B. P. Theiss and PRICE, QUALITY, & CLASS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Scho SPECIALS With once ag a progr I patrons I tertainm I Open H I school \ I and gra which w | at 7:30 rooms tt December 18, 19, 1931 TEA id (c k or (,i m . i: 9 7 - lb. pk|..................................... GANDY ^ jQ j { ir , Rest grade Xmas Candles, from o n l O SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR O r»- Per 8m I, A m S SARDINES C i- Prr C m j COFFEE SALAD OIL a Rulk (bring container) per gallon ................... an « t P l s L / c ) COCOA r\ av Bulk. 2 H lbs. ORANGES , - Per 1 »■ ^ PRUNES r SOAP SPECIAL o r% Per p a o d White King, large; 2 bar- Mission llcll and large rubber ball BACON ,V| .. . • a IO C Rem em ber our 5c Bread M A R I N E ’ S G R O C E R Y Central Point, Oregon ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦»< I CHRISTMAS GIFTS Everyi program friends i be in at The ( I direction I pared t« 'Deck t I llolly,” t I event. The fl I C hrlstma ■ ardson is I which thi I The seco I combined I pf rtainirij I and Miss I them. A Ohri I on by thi I fifth grad I Mrs. Han I boys' qua I this pagei The six own figut I Mrs Mur] I this is v< I be very i | as the pn | own figur A quat from the Three elgt ft* as rcadi •ter. Ed w Jones, coa The pr M ednesda 7 30. Christmas is just around the corner, and before it reaches the corner we suggest you look over the following gift articles at ridiculously low prices. R« und ('Marróle and Frame large sire. ,,u " I omplete for.. ' ’ t*- |,,«t*' * " d F r a m e , la r g e size . » in. ( o m p le t e f o r ( i la » - P ie P la te a n d F r a m e , a m a li ,|*r. N in . U r m p l i l i *0.2A IM S fo r D a i»» A ir R ifle « , » in g le « h o t. R e g . P r ic e A l . .VI. >|‘ E( I A L * '•»■( I « ' Irti. Bolt letto»— Regular (LX.(Hi--- MPECIAI. Mt. tr « . ro| ',ter < la d » t a t id .-» « . | „.g . ¿ V U ill Ml 2% l i r R if le Mho( i*y lid ie », .V a tu b,- ,,r 7 f o r 2 .V . TUR Also h *4 |.X M P E C IA I, 13c — I in-----««'Pi r lad «fatui. — |jeg. Mr— NPF« IAI. *(V Rolli a -I Hal* hearing Skal.»s will, sngl, ¡„m e*le„.»,m bar. ( t r a i l 4L *1 .(LX pair. MEDFi HI* AL. PICHE DA ' »REGON