F R ID W . OCTOBER 80 ,9„ PAOE FOTO pinned underneath the animal. sides LU p a r e n t , Wo M c r | essed to you, of which Charles P. Fatal Accident He walked to the Garret house three brothers survive Thp' i!"ia Fee and James O'Connell are the and told members of the family Frances. Betty. Stephen, j oh7 * To Wellknown owners of the legal title as appears that he had been injured. He asked Dean Wilson. **■ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of record, situated in said County' Tabte Rock Boy that they help him home. He told Funeral services STATE OF OREGON FOR THE and state and particularly bounded . „ WPre held fr0| ---------- Miss Eva Nealon, daughter of the Politics of the good old fashion­ how the accident happened in the the Conger chapel Tuesday at 1- COUNTY OF JACKSON and described as follows, to wit: Crushed when his horse slipped late Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nealon, pio­ ed kind, is beginning to boil around short period which he lived. He died o'clock with the Rev. D. B. Mill JI , The South Half )St»> of South *nd fell upon him. Russell C. Mil- neer residents of this valley, became Jackson county. According to ail in­ PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN FORE­ 20 minutes after the fall and before in charge of the services. Member the bride last week of Mr. A. Moore dications there will be no trouble in CLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX Half ( 8 H ) of Section 28. Township 5on, 16, died at the home of his summoned physicians could arrive of the Sams Valley grange conducted 32, South Range 3 East of W iliam- parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wilson, Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. locatlug candidates for all of the CERTIFICATES vo at the Wilson home. the graveside services in the SatT L. A. ROBERTSON. Plaintiff, vs ette Meridian, Jackson County, Ore- ¡D Sams Valley Sunday, Hamilton of Central Point, at a cere­ county Jobs. It is said that there Valley cemetery. Members of the two families be­ i The boy was on his way to the mony performed at the parsonage are an even dosen for the sheriff CHARLES P. FEE, MAUD FEE. hie gon. lieve the youth was going to see his lie. and the UNKNOWN HEIRS of of the Rev. Wm. B Hamilton of post. and of which said Charles P. Fee ap Garret ranch, across the road from Mr. Jennings has conducted HAGS WANTED the Episcopal church at Medford. the affairs of the office in a capable CHARLES P. FEE, deceased, and pears of record as owner of an un his home, when the accideut occur- friend. Glenn Garret. He was a soph­ The American can use some lar« Tbe double rlrg ceremony was per­ manner, and is juet becoming thor­ JAMES O'CONNELL and CATHER­ divlded two-thirds (2 -3 ) interest red. He is said to have been lean- omore in the Sams Valley high school Russell Clark Wilson was born at clean cotton rags. No stocking 0r formed before Immediate relatives oughly acquainted with his duties INE O'CONNELL, his wife, and the for which C. D. 0759 issued, and said (ng from the saddle to open a gate Sams Valley, August 16, 1915. Be- knit underwear. UNKNOWN HEIRS of JAMES O'­ of the bride and groom. James O'Connell appears of record when the horse fell. Russell was He is a good man to keep at the Miss Nealon Is the sister of Mrs. post. The same may be said of As­ CONNELL. deceased, and ALL OTH­ as owner of an undivided o n a - t h i r d _________________ _______________ _ Sanford T. Richardson, Mrs. John sessor Coleman and District Attor­ ER PERSONS unknown owning or (1-3) Interest for which said C. D NVWtVVW.VW.W W .V.V.-.W A-AV.-AV.VA Dodge, Mrs. O. T. Wilson and Mrs. ney George A. Codding. Here is interested in the SOUTH HALF 0758 issued; and that except as here­ (814) of SOUTH HALF (S>4) of in stated, all persons herein desig­ Weldon Sage, all of whom reside In what they say: VKHY BUST O F SERVICE RENDERED W ITH PLEASURE AND Section 28, Township 32, South nated as "unknown heirs" and as this vicinity, and Mrs. D. D. Hunt­ VOI R PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Sheriff Ralph Jennings, democrat, ress of Portland. Also of Messrs. with a large following throughout Range 3 East of Willamette Merid­ "all other persons unknown, owning Emmett, Jack, Harry and Marion the county, is still "on the fence." ian, Jackson County, Oregon, defend­ or interested in the property,” are unknown, and their names and plac­ Nealon of the Table Rock district. The same applies to Victor Bursell, ants. TO CHARLES P. FEE, MAUD es of resident« are unknown, and She Is a graduate of the University county commissioner, who has been and the unknown cannot by exercise of due diligence of Oregon school of journalism. In the place for 12 years. He is the FEE, his wife, ascertained: that plaintiff has HEIRS of CHARLES P .| FEE. de. Mr. Hamilton Is a graduate of the best versed man in the county on Oregon State college, receiving his it's affairs. He said Tuesday he «eased, and JAMES O'CONNELL made due and diligent search and degree in political science. He is "would not be candidate for re-elec­ and CATHERINE O'CONNELL, his inquiry of those most likely to know, affiliated with the Medford Daily tion." Friends say that Victor will wife, and the UNKNOWN HEIRS of and the names and places of res­ T1 JAMES O'CONNELL, deceased, and idence of all of said heirs and own News. change his mind. [ comi all other persons uuknown owning or ors an of Section 28. 0f due diligence be ascertained: and a short wedding trip in California. sioner be from the south end of the ment Township 32 South Range 3 East of j that all of you. the above named de- — IN — county. Fred C. Homes and John the 1 Willamette Meridian, Jacksin Coun | fondants, are proper parties to this Billings of Ashland have been men­ in th ty, Oregon: I suit to foreclose said certificates of tioned for the post. Henry Conger over IN THE NAME OF THE STATF 1 tax delinquency, purchased as afore- of Jacksonville, L. M. Sweet of Sams is ve said by the said L. A. Robertson. OF OREGON: Yon aud eacl of you Valley and W\ A. (Shorty) Morris port.« You are also notified that said L. are hereby notified that L. V. F.ob- — IN— The grade boys played an inter­ of the Gold Hill district, all Grange ertson is tbe holder of C et:!ricatee A. Robertson has paid the taxes on to th esting game of baseball with the members, have also been mentioned of Delinquency numbered O'.58 and said premises for prior or subsequent mont team of the Medford Junior High Morris has told friends he "might 0759, both of which were issued on years, (ogethes with iterest and pen­ tion Agriculture Club. The Central Point make the race." Mike Hanley of May 1st, 1929, by the Tax Collector alties. and the same, with the rate the s team wa victorious, winning with a Lake Creek has also been men­ of the County of Jackson, State of of interest on said amounts is as ap the u tioned, but balks at the notion. score of 13 to Medford's 4. Oregon, number 0758 for the amount pears in the following statement, to If Sheriff Jennings does not make WE HANDLE ALL THE BEST GRADES OF OIL— jf $54.73 and number 0759 for the wit: Th the race, It is highly probable that ALSO GILMORE, STANDARD, UNION, and SHELL The Manual Training Class of the Undivided two.thirds (2 -3 ) In­ amount of $108.94, the same being Right GASOLINES O. W. (Ike) Dunford, his old friend 6th, 7th, and 8th grades under the tbe amounts then due and delin­ terest of Charles P. Fee in South ing t< supervision of Mr. Qeorge K. Lowe and Jailor, would seek the vacancy. quent for taxes for the year 1926. Half ( Si k) of South Half (S k ,) of do th Oeorge Schermerhorn. farmer, and has been progressing rapidly. They together with penalty, and interestI Section 28, Township 32. South to «hi haTe Just completed several window democrat, has been boomed for the thereon, upon the real property ass Range 3 E. York berth. Polk Nlnlnger of Ashland. boxes and also table mats. These BARBECUE, SANDWICHES, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES SO IT DRINKS to be NEAR HIGH SCHOOL hare been taken home for the appro­ Everett Beeson of Talent, and Ben Total Ain't Paid, Date Rate friger J. H. DROLETTH, Prop. val of the parents. It the student Moller of this cly have been broach­ Paid of Int. including Tax, ed as candidates, Moller. however. ed alt has paid for the material he may Penalty, and keep the artical, but otherwise it l » i has no asi,iratlon*. is sa*d. Coun- Interest on tax ty Assegssor Coleman said today he returned. Th« and on C. of D. heard John Grieve, 24 year old son querq where such was of W. T. Grieve of Prospect, men­ The 6th grade has organised a club tioned. to set Redeemed. Y'ears Tax which they have named "Central word C. D. 0478 redeemed sub­ $75.95 1923 May Hun Again Point's Pride." They expect to have portei sequent to C. D. 0759 »? this club throughout their remaining weapo 5-1-29 12 Assessor Coleman has not defin­ JU S .50 L. A. Robertson years In school. The officers a r c itely decided upon what action he explai 1924 76.32 Prior taxes paid su*#«- President, Maxine Holiitield; vice- will taLe. but will probably be a black- quenl to 0759 by L. A. president, Alan Jewett; secretary, candidate, and the ame goes for are a 6-1-29 12 107.13 Robertson Zada Cash; treasurer, James Grimes; A. C. Walker, treasurer, and Dist­ uppen C. D. 0753 redeemed sub­ 78.70 1925 sergeant-at-arms, Thomas Bartol. These progressive Medford inert-hunts and proffesional firms invite your patronage and I rict Attorney George A. Codding sequent to 0759 by L. A. and will gladly extend you advice and consultation whenever you visit or shop in the rl 5-1-29 12 There will no doubt be a number 103.51 Robertson southern Oregon's most progressive metropoli*. Their experience and capacity for Miss Franklin, teacher of the job. Attorney Ffank P. Farrell 1926 better 89.99 C. D. 0759 issued to L. A. efficient service is only quisled by their sincere efforts to please and render you a out of fifth grade, has been absent from heading the list. Robertson and he redeem, a service. Any confidnce piateti in them is held a sacred trust. They are neighbors school on account of illness. Mrs. ed all previous C. D , tux­ and like to meet folks too. Give them a hand when you tan. Sheley has been teaching the fifth 108.94 5-1-29 12 es, etc.. Ron .The fifth grade will present a grade during Miss Franklin's ab­ 85 34 Tax paid subsequent to 0759 ident program the first Friday In Novem­ 1927 sence. 6-4-29 12 94.73 by L. A. Robertson ber at the P. T. A. meeting. It will sociati Three Deer Was 75.61 Tax paid subsequent to 1928 erythii consist of a play "The Llttlest Pump­ The fourth grade pupils have been 1.13-30 12 80.15 0759 by L. A. Robertson Sum Total for Pie in studying Africa. They have ar­ kin s Thanksgiving," a three part 1929 61.87 Tax paid subsequent to song by the boys’ quartet and a song paraly T h e Hunteril ranged an African viilege on their 12-16-20 12 66.01 0759 by L. A. Robertson by the girls of that grade. yeah! sand table. also st The program Is being arranged It was a gay hunting party, that! Half (S S ef South Half ( S X* ) o Most c one headed by City Recorder HsiT Undivided One third (l-$ > Inter- Sec 28 Township 32, S. Range Mrs. Mae Rishardson, first grade by the teacher. Miss Franklin. periem field, accompanied by H. E. teacher, is absent from school Mon­ eet of James O'Connell in South East. and C. Thompson. The hunt vail day and Tuesday on account of the HILLSBORO— Several Washing Iti the vicinity of Snow Creek rawT $7.97 C. D. 0479 redeemed sub­ death of her nephew, Russeil Wil­ ton couty orchardists are spreading 1923 Let'i er station, over on the Huckleberry! sequent to C. D. 0758 by L. A. son. During her absence Mrs She- clover straw in the rows bctwc«a tlie fa- These ure old established businesses and have been located here for Mountain trail. It is a rough coun-l Robertson 6-1-29 12 $59.52 ley substituted in the first grade trees this fall, says W. F. Cyrus, supply room. many years or they have demonstrated their reliability in other ways try, but there were deer there. T.iil 38.17 Prior taxes paid subsequent 1934 county agent. ry. It such as offering standard merchandise or service at fair anti equit­ party came home with three. to C. D. 0758 by L. A. more v able prices. We heartiiy recommend them. killed the deer? was asked of thel Robertson 53.63 5-1-29 12 ere. H recorder. “ It is dls-away." said M rT C. D. 0752 redeemed suh. 39.35 1925 becauu Hatfield. “ After expert ballistic ln-| sequent to 0758 by L. A. on acc vestigation, I feel sure that 1 killedl Robertson 52.00 6-1.29 12 M Y R T L E ’S C O F F E E HOU SE J. O. IS A A C S O N everytl the one I toted out of the wildemesi.| 45.00 C. D. 0758 issued to L. A. 192« Home Cooked Pa*try they o REAL e s t a t e b r o k e r Robertson and he redeemed We didn't examine the other two. U N( HKOVS surplut RELIABLE INSURANCE all prior C. D s. taxes.etc.. 54.73 6-1.29 12 SHORT ORDERS— MEAl-S tariff, 42 6« Taxee paid subsequent to Delicious Hamburgers 1927 Phone 393 Old Resident becausi J 0758 by L. A. Robertson 47.35 6.4-29 12 gold, Jackson County 37.80 Taxes paid subsequent to 0758 1928 tions c You Art A/wayj Welcome At The by L. A. Robertson 40 07 1-13-30 12 P asses Awayl Just to GAINER and SHELEY 31.58 Taxes paid subsequent to 0759 1929 Damcn ( afe Confectionery credits Price Appeal by L. A. Robertson 33 47 12-15-30 12 REAL e s t a t e b r o k e r s Milton R. Harper, 76. resident oil The Home of G ood Eats ' Talking Today of Our Winter Wearing Needs— | this valley for more than 21 S jH T i l l l i d K B O N K O F l o i n C O L D W E A T H E R \t W t D K O H K You are hereby further notified which order requires you and each "It’s the Coffee" l died at his home »par Beagle Grea PHONE 71 that said L- A Robertson will apply of you to appear in the above en­ day evening. He was born at < money, One of the world s Ile,t SHOES, the Well known to the Circuit Court of the titled action and defend the same Oregon. In l ■ 1st« I are lot County and state aforesaid, for or pay the amounts due herein on to the John Day. Grant but the e . S. BLACKFORD W O L V E R IN E SH O ES •Mail Y our S h oes a decree foreclosing the lien or before the last day prescribed in where he spent the creater psr* l' j just thi d a i r y m a n « E .e Wî i / nd ,‘T,“rT'la,r A shoe adapted to wet weather To Me never hardens, u tough and will outwear tw o pair» of ordinary against the property above described, | said order for publication, which last his life. He came to Southern Orel a lowei Fresh Milk ami Cream For Prompt Service and mentioned in said certificate all purposes. TIE TÒ gon 21 years ago, the last eievnl , day is Nov. 12. 1921. The date of Delivered Daily that is Ton are hereby summoned to ap- ,«., flr Tom Shins brand Y <>ur Patronage you. exclusive of the day of service, None better. Look birth r Point transacting buslnes* this *** | and wear well ........ Appreciated or if served by publication you shall KENNETH DENMAN FRY and STEPHENSON appear within sixty («0* days after! Attorney for Plaintiff CHILDRENS WOOL RI.AZERS Potatoes wanted at The One the date of the first publication of Comfort, Style, durability ........... ................. ............ 412 Uberty Building. Harber Shop Finley Implement Co. office for subscription. solved summons, exclusive of the date of 8*o these dressy garments—. Medford. Oregon gone in said first publication, and defend Central Point Oregon 14 N. Front St. MEN S and WOMENS LEATHER COATS— Protectioa oughly. this action, or pay Ik* amount d u c | = = — . .... - ----- j SHANGLE STUPID^ against the cold. Sold for more money elsewhere ... " I T P A Y S TO l o o k W E L L* potato« as shown above, together with cost» I* YTKNTS “ Personality port rah* tie. hoi and interest, and in case of your fall Sell your Invention or patent by Commercial - - • Aeeim H A M IL T O N B R O W N W. K. ALEXANDER and col ure to do so. a decree «rill be read- axhlbitiag your model or drawing Part ii u la r P e r s o n a l A t t e n t i o n Nationally advertised »hoes for WOMEN MEN and are alsi ered foreclosing tbe lien of said tax- at the second INTERNATIONAL M cCorm Ic k - Deer i n g CHILDREN. All sises and widths. wheat, e* and costa agatnst the land and PATENT EXPOSITION, Sept. 14 to Bob Inn Beauty Shop Cold Weather Cloves. Mittens and Underwear— is alwa t wtting Machinery premises above aimed. * $7- CHICAGO. Thousand.« of man Sparta Building both h All nr v i)u . „ a .aw and patent buyer, will Riverside A Main Hardware Phone 4S and wh AM process and 1 * 9 * " *■ inspect new devices and patents fori i> mi a. m. to 5 :0 0 p. m. Ladle*- Hosiery, the celebrated Rollins, PURE «ILK oeedlng may be served u p o. the urn m„ rkHjnr „ nose oi Plume SHI Evening. 3U1M 8, . . l al $1 oe per pair -Jast like the usual $2 «0 km.l dersigned. residing within the State , be*t qu sold in dues. days, eat!t.ing you to 14 feet. If of Oregon, at the address herein« f it he t you have no modnf. drawing or de, c h r is t m a h G o n o n t n i m i M i ter mentioned. starve. cription will do Send for free pam­ I R ow b r i d g i : i m u m , W oU h s ^.NVV\^vvw.1sVVVVVVNW eVVVV Tin* fin«*%t lin e o i I V c r (io o d s In J m k * o n I «»nitty This summons is published in ae phlet If yon har# time If not. send Everything in Cabinet and oordanre with the order of the Hon ' $14 with description, and drawing, If oi Mill Work J ft r r y . /c /t ( t f / r H D Norton, Circuit Judge o f Jack- and w* will look after your patent govern* son County. Oregon, mad« and filed interrata. all the 1 ROW BRIDGE LUMBER Y ARD J* B Hamm..a Edison ' You, Favorite Jeweler ta the above entitled actio« on Seot Managing Director. >a prett Farti» Photographs Iater„atioaal ( Everything In CENTRAL IN »INT Since I9tn I. 1031. upon application to him by Pa s a t Exposition, Men hand!*« :lis Medford W**g. Ballding Materials th « attorn ey fo r Ik s p ia la n 3 n a o inert, i n i . a g o Ph..nc t:w»* Newspaper Folks Happily Married County Politics ilegal Notice I sé SUNSET GAS MORE MILES M ORE PEP Grade Schools Sunset Gas Sunset Oils NIP & SIP «SERVICE. «STATION JACKSON COUNTY W è * 1 Business Directory Central Point Business Directory Good Firms To Patronize Q U A L IT Y S T A N D A R D S Smashing Dynamic Prices 0 ™ »™r«lvLrm ' w' " " '“•« •“ $4.00 $ 1.5 0 $«$.75 j Everything in Men’» Furnishings Hatfield's I