The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, October 02, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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i L i I ln
Cuy Tex has had
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crieves, of Pros-
go terrible that ue could P^et, were guests o f Mr. and Mrs
go deer hunting. How- Guy Tex Monday foreuuon
gjg Bot prevent him trom a .- ^ n e v e s brother. Tom Herriott a
the Crescent City vs. Med- rompanied them.
Egtbsll game Saturday after-
g, gas nut miaaed attending
I games (or many years.
C'trke and
wife, of
Ten ppople of Medford, inoludtns
doctors, lawyers and business u n ­
called at the A1 Hermanson bon
Butte Sunday evening and night. The ob
naaociy. ccrnm mnrr
orxòa »
r \ u E 11UJDK
Me*t at Tracy’»
111 . a ctirt. N o t i t ^ t
, i *
Mr» P A. Tracy, president of the
iocs. Parent-Teachers' association,
•a* hostes* last Saturday afternoon
*F,*r:uua ram* a r t loudly k:. ckad
A i my door, wit h ctaaary hail;
But. slai tor Fortunp't labors
I * a i over at my ca.jhbora
Fourln* out a hard luck u laT
to the executive oounril of the organ­
In families where meat is too expen
■ive to buy often, the following dishes
, will furnish all the
J flavor of the meat
wi t h t s ma l l
Th eoccasion was a get-together
meeting and plan* were di»ru»«ed for
the years activities
were served by Dorothy Inmann and
Mrs. John Bohnert.
T h -— -
m o r n in g » fo r n i» , I a t n f i h r r o a n i» « » m l or
»ltd o f o u r » r o d f o r w a rm e r ai>|wn-l
O a r t k i p a ir a l » f
»«■» fa ll B la n k e t» I» h e re am i w e a re r e e d y t o a a iip l)1
> o a r \arowt* « a n o .
s iite le Sitava tU nnkcta In p la in w h irr, p a d q a l l 'y .
b r o t h e r . ' mi
The noodles niiiy
, ford, proprietor o f the Ford strain Boston Trier puppies
i Shop* of this city.
Robinson, Medford traM:r officer
j (which are prop
bought enc o f the f iXu^;e8. lne gir, . [
" ably c h e a p e r if
[gercer. a successful poultry- of whirl
us-,1 u, large quantity) or the pack
I the west slope of the Black- Wfet
Ooast t
:ig, u .
C-*ok a» many as are
is building an addition to coast,
r, .- d iu I*oilitig salted water, drain
iltrv house.
an ¡: hi the following: one small
u cl- p -ed, also one green |>epivr.
Orbin and Donald Cooksey. V In
, Jessie Kinsman, o f Thom p- each killed a deer a week ago Sun I c.-c p und of round steak cut Into
in h pi. . s, brown In two tablespoon-
|itk. spent Friday and Satur- day, tried their luck last Sunday bu
iuls of * *t, then aid one-half cupful
ting with her m other, Mrs. failed to get any meal
strjlnei tomato, one cupful of water,
I Crane, of this city, and her
ui.e cn, fnl of cooked kidney beans.
Tlr? J H. W hite. South Ivy
Mr. and Mrs W. 1) Lewis, of M-d
®i e-i if lea spoonful of paprika, cue
ford, were guests of their son and
h -lf teasioouful of salt and » few
family Monday.
da-.u s - f cs.'cmie pepjter. Heat tlior-
• .
ti ¿-»ted cbt
Jud Mrs McCall, o f M edford.
Veal Paprika With Noodles.—Take
Luting Thursday o f last week
L illle Shirley Brenner enjoyed a
f , e ‘iin.-es or more of noodles, cook
I tome t : their daughtr. Mr-
In s. !i- d water until tender, tlien
|| Richadrs on, of this city
Inkle four or file cutlet*
mother's home in Medford
Those of'Veal with w it a rt pepper*and dip
| Reginald Ftfer. o f M edford, enjoying her party wet Mr
I Vlr-
tru v Krv ,n B Uul#
lihitor here Friday.
Truman B rem er, Mr and
intll well cooked. Make ■
Boomer. Mrs. Limbeck. Dorothy Lim
• < f two tablespoonftili of butter
ii of flour, add salt and cay-
•n and two cupfuls of
- Moore, of Klamath Falls,
i.n II well blended. Place
at the home o f Mr. a n l
Mr and Mrs C. M Merr t ’
• s <-u a hot planer, add the
|)r>- Richardson. Last T ur -
v .r
s to r. e white sauce and pour
Richardsons drove to the Merritt and wife, of M< mill. Ore M
••'or '.he meHt. Garnish with parsley.
|¡iking Mrs. Nancy W B m , Merritt i- postmastei thert
Msca-om WTh Vegetables.—Fry one
Bfhardson's m other, and Miss have been ,~pending a Veen's vacr>
• d onion in two tablespoonfuls
|rtt them
Mrs. W ilson will ties on
n. A id one-half
o f *u!t, three cupfuls of
lit KLmath Falla for some turning home from i -re Thur ’
h- ng soup stock, one-half pound of
kguest of her son and family morning.
ut — l ed nia -aronl, three-fourths of a
Dint returns to her home in
in f il of string Penns, one-lialf cupful
.V. - 1!
o f green peas and the same of diced
ill wi»h a severe cold the last 1
Cook all together LM minutes,
I frown, of the Damon Cafe. day». Her mother, Mrs O. M <
stirring frequently.
Lake Friday,
ha :i. is stayii g
Yankee Rice Pudding.—Mix one-half
cupfi. of rice with half teaspoonful
o ' ».ilt. one-half cupful of sugar and
) I Medford's “ peppy" car
J M \Y !>, • T lo. t
one quart of milk with the grated
Art Lewis, visited his the overhead cru - ng. is cutting th
ilrsel, proprietor o f the city fourth crop of alfalfa The hay is of ; rind of half a lemon. Hace In a bak­
ing dish and buke three boars stirring
^thop, Friday.
good quality, running ah ut one to.
every lfl minutes for the first hour, to
j per acre.
prevent the rice from settling. Serve
^Leonard Bowman and th r e e 1
either hot or cold with thin cream.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Waltermire
md Mrs. C. Bowman, of
■lKlamath county, spent a few Mr an .
|l£e latter part o f Iasi week Ashland, w- re i ,ests of :l.> ii .- ti
/U x u *
p r tiJ c .
M Mrs. Bowman's parents, j and brother. Mr. an
I Mrs. George W right, at the ( W alterm ire, o4 T ...
n -
^it this city. M in Mmrjo rti
Jeff f-iagei who have
liccompanied them here and been spending some time with their
Beauty to Crater
the State Normal in Ash- son on Wagner creek, where they
(.'RATER LAKE PARK. Ore.. Sept.
! wen* for Mr. Slagle's health have re- ; 3o.— Road constrction not only ad-
¡turned lo the Oscar Blackford home ding to scenic values but reducting
ssocinte J
! t asoline *
) V ou k oo« th , 1>!■,— „ hi.iirii>a,- *
your wants, and you go awavl
The (tiunuitccd
* are as near perfect as monev aml|
* brains can produce.
at Voar Service
M ilit e r o llo n B la n k e t». ilou W -', w ith Very prra<> tr im o f i f
so rte d s trip e » a n d rtin ck »
¡M. M. Kindle!
C>»tr»l Point
B la n k e t» o f part w o o l in »attortati s trip e* a n d p la id a
w h ite bat k g ro n m l. i d p » i.,.um l i » M ali»; ful l Miao.
w ih
Theiss & Co
Put the Roast
in the oven
turn the fire very low.
and you r time is
you r own
To Add Scenic
U iW
and Leonard Hall wh- r
►lay morning for the moun- Mr Sh -
. . . ...
► «p e n to return in a few Mr ana Mrs. Slagle were the guest
► their "lim it“ o f deer meat. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr.
^ " hetstone.
.**<1 Mrs Arthur Short, of
P- »«re guest* o f Mr. and
|i. 8toni Sunday.
' - t * R I Mi H
H ui
I a good attendance; after the business
pi Hay, who has been in session dainty refre-hnim ts w<r
health for any m onth*.. served. The club will meet at the
ih a serious condition Sun- d u b house for their next meeting
his wife summoned Mr. ¡October 8.
lather. Lee
in Josephine
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tolleson en-
I » Conte to his bedside at
P*h he did. Leaving home tertained Monday evening at theii
ptttedly and without a rra n g -' home in Medford at a bridge dinner
•Hairs he was com pelled to for Mr and Mr» H V Laughlin.
► “ e the follow ing day, but Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee and Mrs.
to his brother again this L. L. Saunders.
of maintenance at well, ha* ,
( -rat„
and wiU
r, lh0 ^ «mbodid In the new ram» from
, he Dlamolld L *kf. junction on the
rjln road , 0 Jhe park b<,ndary. The
i nder the new method, evolved by ,
, he iandsfape division of the Na-
tional Park Service, embankments
along the road side are cut back or
fatten ed sufficiently to prevent re-
peated glides. The extent of flatten*
jn(t j(1 determined by the height of
,j,e embankment, the top of which U
ajgo rounded
Mrs. Pearl Nichols ba* been c o n -1
fKorgan came down from his fined to her bed this week with a
Saturday to harvest hi, severe cold. Her mother. Mrs. J. B.
twn and vegetables on his Gresham is staying with her.
in this city.
Miss lola and brother.
► Marion was sucrer '.:1 on and their mother have been confined
f -int, bringing back a nice to their beds a couple of days this
week with very bad colds, which
tîit w>ek.
seems to be prevalent in this com­
I j ’nnk Cochran ha- just ra- munity. and quite severe in most
' ; ■ :r-.n a - : a - - , , cases.
L-itcst Word in Roasting
No Scaring
No Bajting
No Watching
Scientific Ceoks Say S*/
undar wav on the main approach to
the rim ' area from Government
M o d e rn
Central Point
Meat Market
w o r k s in f lie k it c h e n
AW A r *»8 ib* *rr»-orifv| »ori pi bnu*f
*IT- ” K,PP"I *msm. mpkb.cj poveppi
Tbs kilo eWctm Ucbor m .e Son Pw
• prk « i Mvck
Robert Kinkaid
-v- •',- . r . - h
r.g t -i
• podoci"«* th* Sw-soe kpnS esnnsi pa»*>>
Filling station wilt snpply your need* This high test gasoline
will prove its worth the minóte yon step on It. “ The Sunset'*
w inning its way by its proven superiority.
Try It and Be Convinced
MR. INDEPENDENT DEALER, you owe It to the trade, to
your customers, to supply them with the bent. Th# Sunset
Gasoline is Just that.
AsD iw t ko morsoti (I mi si orso f t
• k*i n i
S o tko pisce #i i ho olocvw
Ira» ( m u *»i,pctorf Tko o>o - In* isog
■»fjp,/p» • eel p < isle—medsm knesktiS
stoeowky d tm pn di m o d trs Isho, S v i r j
f**4 . (I« lk t* s
S A .k ..
D iH t'D t (O S S iltl
ftICffrIC « i n d i c i
Oregon California
Petroleum Corporation
Job Printing o f eli Kinds at
S A » ' *CS
S u tid e
•»►-Uttioua o f bringing c « y i»*« »»cated by the o .w t
“ * »»re» nk* fat deer. Din- ’ the California Oregon Pec-oie«* cer-
*aa th*ir reward.
tk* imf*r. leeloréy. to
Sunset Gas
Sunset Oils
n to »s
Noved into the Hansen-1 serve the p ople t >
isidtn e on Fourth street their ability. *be Finley Implement
This property was owned company has recently lastaUe*. all
Paul Cochran and Mr 1 the best machinery n e , • »»ary to euqip
bis Reed City property ! *heir implement house with a a corn-
central Point
property, j plete plant for cleaning grass seed.
1« i* tbeir inten­
^«ars ago Mr. and Mrs. : heat and alful'a
' * W r here in the neigh- tion to render this service to farmer*
Traii. The year spent in at the very lowest cost poe* b)»„ They
made It impossible extend all »n Invitation t . call and
prices o »
contented in their o li get acquainted and *•
fletti K **» of Oregon s m;!d farm machinery and tneir eat ire j
*Tjr snd
More Miles
More Pep
Our Roasts Will Flea»«
IW a cjic
answering a general demsnd of
M r sj. h . Howe, who re-¡m a n y farmers, and in
[M*a»ant winter and summer stock.
1)1 summer night* kept
Mr R L Lee and U 'Hr have Jnc
,tbetr. to return to old Ore-
M*ymond Briggs arcom . moved to the large double c c fa g e of
the Hotel Valandra
Mr. Lee
former treasurer o f the (a lifo rn ia -
nan*, o f B**agle. was Oriqton Petroleum eerp-ration, no*
1 b«>- aeas with our merch- | vl r pr, d nt
WuriMlajr morning.
A K H iwex and fumil; are mnv