The American. (Central Point, Or.) 1928-1936, October 02, 1931, Image 1

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    „o gamble Ul » well
«oint»'«! advertisement.
,nts ma*t publish
Trade at home.
( art's-
jjS.0. Ill IKillOIII'
Lpondent wants to
C t matter with the dole.
■ if It spent, doesn’t It put
1 circulation, doesn’t it really
«» Well, we must ad-
lie answer to each and all
*tions is ye*- The mo,ley *•
kioes go directly into fircula-
i n does help business— for
Thfi great objection to the
tin, according to England’s
v with it. it destroys the
those who receive It. The
Ljoiity of those receiving the
[jigiand are declared to have
(infilling to work. They pre
.dole with idleness. They are
Jmmething t».r nothing. If
fibre w. n- stronger l liey
icept the dole only when they
^K find employment. But Eng-
Lprlence shows tha; they ac-
ppiojnnent only when they
|pt the dole.
Ithe other day. the Remington
gidisposed of its cash reglste
Previously it had turned
writer business over to an
|«itcern. Now it is engaged
llo the production of small
Bgusmunition. But it Is not
ie Individually In this. A
■JOO combination is proposed
B rill include tlie Remington
■Winchester. The deal is be
Jpneered by tlie DuPonts, the
■ nir.ufacturers of gun powder
Inplosives, while
i itself to ammunition, other
ir military purposes. All of
|gees to show that the recent
cry against the anti-trst
K hampering business must
ken a sort of bluff. So far as
ggreat trusts and monopolies
^ttraed we might just as well
1 1 nnti-trust law.
• * *
^Jumping or falling from the
■ Kories of New York’s sky
fcseems to be getting common
to look as if stops mast lx
t prevent such a thing being
^Mlt is now. Perhaps all the
above a certain height
jbe barred.
*'» new husband has been
rdamages for breach of prom-
i ®ne woman while another an
that she contemplates the
filing. So far. Aimee is sticking
Aim. But then there's plenty
1 for her to have a change of
f No » man can stand having
■»«hand sued every whipstitch
he didn't marry another
pi of the times:
pitt’i Kan.— A milliner an-
* that she will take wheat at
put* a bushel in payment for
Wis.— Beloit college an-
rh that It will accept meat.
ergs, fruit, chic’:->n* or
*hles in payment of tuition.
*T fall* Minn,— The Western
'•ten's association meeting here!
a resolution calling for tlx
retirement of the t’ . S
J B o a rd .
• * *
tosr.Ju-r that song. ‘ 'This is the;
One line in the chorus was
•the rows and chickens." Well,
•s*t love them in Wise county.'
there the cows and chickens
*■ snnually a million dollars.
• * •
*♦ of i|g may have lived fifty or
t gears absolutely free of locks
**r» and have succeeded In just
i » living. But there ¡3 a man
tos been In San Quentin prison
wee years and has made 1100,.
Re invented a lock that ran t
tked Well, we're glad he made
honey (,ut we'd rather be free.
• • •
*••1 do* did its best in Atlantic
h' J.. and saved five persons
<eath by fire. Then It was for-
• and perished in the flames
dl. what’s a dog. even If it does
H>nr life*
• • •
I the distinguished football
admits that while his wife
the dishes, he always wipes
Thank heaven we are not a
l coach.
Centra! Point
B oy M akes G ood
O regon University
From Willamette university, at
Salem, comes the news of the con.
titled success of Donald Faber, of
Central Point. A special news
dispatch sent out, says:
Donald Faber, son of K. C. Fa­
ber o f r«>ntr»i Point has taken
up his last year’s work at Wllam-
ette university us a senior, major­
ing In physical education and his
tory. In addition to carrying his
regular senior schedule, Faber Is
serving as a sistant instructor in
the physical education depart
ment; having been appointed to
that position becaun of his high
scholastic standing during the
past three years. ________
('entrai Pola! Is |u»l a r« al
IpNHl town.
t.oo<l rh a n lm ,
m I ioo U, a n d
a |tm:n "Iv r , |
lmpp> p»a>ple. IVo»>a( for it.
Finances Of City Are
Real Good Condition
Water Users Satisfied
$23,000 Bond Issue To Be Retired W ith Only One M ore
Payment T o Sinking Fund.
W «ter Rates
Equalized By I se O f Meters.
Chivari of
Newly Wed»
Without Kick
Friday night between thir.y
and thirty-five members of the
1.0.0.F. and Rebekah orders, un­
announced, assembled in front of
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Scott. recently married. fully
equipped with tin pans, cowbells,
Over near the Southern Pacific
horns and other "musical" instru­ railroad station is located a new en­
ments, and proceeded to make terprise, that is destined to become
tuerry. The chivari pary failed to j one of the leading contenderá in the
get much of a "kick", as Mr. Scott
gasoline field in this section of Ore-
was wise to their coming and had I qon, the Oregon California Petroleum
a larger freexer of Ice cream ready corporation having established a dis­
to serve, threw open the door anil
tributing plant at Central Point.
invited them In before they got This company is one of the large
very far with the music.
corporations operating in the west,
j and are distributora for Sunset gaso­
line, Sunset lubricating oils and Hi-
Deer Hunter
Flex liquid graphite.
The storage
Meet» With
plant has a capacity of 25,000 gal­
A c c i d e n t lons, which is one of the largest In
this section of the state.
The company is made up of a high
Dale, Walter and Etna Carr, Wal­
ter and Milton Grlggshy spent a class personnel. The president, G.
copie of days in the mountains last Thomas Griffin, of Seattle, is an ex­
week enjoying the season’s sport— perienced oil operator, being at the
deer hunting. Thy bagged one deer head of the West Coast Petroleum
in short order, hut the sport was in­ Co., of Seattle. Mr. Oritfin formed
terrupted by a quite serious acci­ the Oregon California Petroleum
dent befalling Dale Carr. He acci­ corporation, and U Its president.
It. W. Frame, treasurer, was form­
dentally fell and run a three-inch
sliver in his leg near the knee. In­ erly vice-president of the Kenworth
flicting an ugly and painful wound Motor Truck corporation. John J.
His brother, Walter, rushed hint to Sullivan, general consul of the cor­
a doctor for treatment. He was com­ poration, is an outstanding attornoy,
pelled to remain at home, while Wal­ of Seattle, head of the Seattle base­
ball club, and other enterprises.
ter returned to the camp.
Secretary of the company is Everett
C. Butts, attorney, associated with
Mr. Sullivan at Seattle.
Sings Praise*
The company selected Central
O f Our New
Point after casting about for a suit­
Hotel Valandra able location, and have established
here one of a group of distributing
Hotel Valandra had as guests Fri­ plants, real estate has been purchas­
day and Saturday, Mr. W . L. Evaus ed, buildings erected, and grounds
and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Banington, improved, and are to be beautified.
of New Orleans, I-oulslana, who ar­
Mr. It. L. Lee Is local manager In
rived from Seattle, on their way charge of operations in this district.
home. In conversation with a repre­ The company Is an independent one,
sentative of The American, they supplying Independent filling sta-
passed several compliments on thl* tion», and has a fine business in the
new and popular, thoroughly mod­ Northwest.
Mr. Lee was formerly
ern hotel and the five tourists call- automotive engineer at Seattle.
ins, unsurpassed for convenience, de­
Supplies and material required in
sign and cleanliness.
Mr. Evans, the business of the company will be
who is a newspaper man of several purchased In Central Point, whenever
year* experience In cities from San possible. Mr. Lee Informd The Am
Diego, California, to New Orleans. erlcan that his company would as­
stated unqualifiedly, that the bed he sist in every way possible ...
in the
occupied Friday night was the most j building of this community, and will
i _ i
„ _ .1 1 1 J
I* f ft »1 u l n n t
_ _____
- _. . .
i -
* u ..
tidy he
had slept in
every - way
during his entire trip, in fact, he citizens of Central Point.
stated, taking the hotel and cabins
combined, they were the equal of . n y j g
Rogue River
like place they had ever stopped at, I
- - ..
_ ___
Valley Is W orld’s
not excepting thos« in the larger
Best Garden Patch
Expect to Spend
Winter Here at
Central Point
lu conversation with Arch Parker
recently, we learned that he is buy­
ing a home at Pismo Beach 195 miles
porth of Los Angeles, California, on
the Roosevelt highway, No. 191. This
popular resort has twenty-two miles
of racing beach, where the annuul
speed races are to he held, and la
the home of the famous Pismo clams.
It Is a city of about 1,500 Inhabi­
tants. Government statistics ehow
that it 1* warmer here In the winter
and cooler In the summer than at
any beach resort In the United States.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who hav»* re­
sided in California for the past few
years, expert to spend th» winter 1n
Central Point.
That Central Point has a well ap- last bond Issue of $20,000.
pointed water system is evidenced by
The mayor and associates are to be
the fact that the 225 water users are congratulated on the splendid results
well pleased with the servire and achieved through the benefit of the
satisfied with the water. “ Good to sinking fund, the fund itself having
the last drop" is the water slogan, earned a tidy sum of accumulated
and the fact that the city has never interest.
Water from W ells
had any sickness to speak of, bears
In addition to the payments to the
Former Teacher
out the statement that the water is
For Irrigating
sinking fund, the receipts from water
Recovering Health
O. K. And that Isn’t all. The city
rentals has taken care of the inter­
Our Farm Lands is to be congratulated upon its finan­ est
on the $45,000 bond issue
W. J. Freeman, who wna recently
cial condition.
which in itself is a real item.
called to Marysville, California, on
The original cost of the water­
Mr. Charles Taylor, one of our
account of the serious Illness of hia
Foint water
rates are low
------ ------------
public spirited and progressive farm works plant was $45,000 and this
brother. L. L. Froeman, returned to
indebtedness is taken care of by a er than many cities in Oresou, we
jrs, owning a good farm near th. sinking fund, created In 1922 by the | know of no city, in fact offering a
his home last week. Tuesday ho re­
.Villow Spring s'-hool, has joined tin present mayor, W. C. Leever, Mr. L. lower rate and many cities are much
ceived word that his brother’s condi­
tion was Unproved and his early re­
ranks of Independent individual lrri Hatfield, recorder, and members of higher.
looked forward to. Mr. L. L.
gationists. He is just completing a
Freeman Is woll known to many peo­
deep, »quare well which will furnish
ple of Central Point and Jackson
established investment company. The only legitimate system, as water
ample water for irrigating several
conty. He was principal of Gold Hill
mayor concieved the idea of saving users pay for water used, ail cltitens
schools 1891-93; Roge River, 1894:
acres of his rich soil. He is easing It the tax payers a lot of money and being on an equal footing, which is
Central Poiul 1895-6-97. and Live
with a good quality of cedar lumber. this has been accomplished. Each the only fair way to conduct the
Oak. California, 1900. Later he was
This method of irrigation is becom­ year since 1922, a sum amounting business of water sales. All benefits
superintendent of schools of Sutter
ing popular with farm rs and truck to $1.S22 has been deposited to the are equalized. If a user allows the
and following this he was
growers In this vicinity since e.'ci>‘ 1 credit of the city, and this sunt was garden hose to run all night he pays
superintendent of Preslor IndngtrUl
inents have conclusively proven teat provided front money received from for it, he is not robbing his neighbor,
schools for several years, and Is now
'here Is an abundance of w.ter at a water rentals, and at no added cost as is the prevailing custom where
mayor of Marysville, California. His
reasonable depth below the sur c • to water users. One more payment meters are not installed
many frlenile here will be glad to
in this entire section.
i to lie made to the sinking fund,} There has been sufficleut water at
hear of his recovery.
then the first $25,000 bond issue all times to supply home consump-
Ted Morava, proprietor of Ted'» uill be retired, leaving $20,000 bal- tion. except In some instances where
Garage and owner of a good r aultry •inre to be met in the same manner'water is used for irrigating purposes,
and dairy farm five miles north of after eight more payments have been Owing to an extremely short rainfall
town, reading in The American of made.
last winter, the water supply was
the wonderful and surprising result-
The plan has worked out without somewhat limited for commercial
some of our farmers have obtained | any hardship to the taxpayrs and purposes,
Mesdames Ray Wyatt and James
this and last season with wells and without added cost to water users.
We have taken the figures from
Watkins have had a slight sick attack
a pumping plant, concluded to follow Two payments have been made to the the city records and we find them
but are now convalescing.
ted to th......... t in every particular
<ult. ........... ntl] completed <! -
i well twenty-four feet deep, and at
Lawrence Winslow 1» teaching In
the present time there are eleven
the Eagle Point schools in place of
feet of water standing in Hi« well Mr
Prof. Davies, this week.
Morava Intend to sink the well
a depth which will make it Impossible
Watt Beebe, one of the very suc­
to pump it dry with a suitable pump
cessful poultrymen of southern Ore­
connected to a two-inch pipe. Other
gon, owning a splendid farm north­
progressive citizens in town and
east of town, was trading In this
country are contemplating a system
Wednesday afternoon.
of this kind the coming season.
About 3:00 o'clock yesterday Sher­
Frank Zucala. that Industrloua
Two Chevrolet rars, one driven by iff Ralph Jennirrg was called by
farmer, east of Bear creek, left by
V!is> Tukao Toshikn and the other by phone to come to Central Point and
Benefit Association
staige Thursday evening for Portland.
Installs O fficers !„ Mr Rodman living near the four quiet a disturbance at the Homer
He expects to return Sunday.
corners east of town, collided at the Bowman residence occupied by H. L.
James J. Summerville, of Vallejo,
At a regular meeting of the Se­ junction of Pacific and Crater l«ake Jennings and wife, in the aotith part
California, formerly associated with
Iu a contest to find a name for a
highways Tuesday afternoon. The of the clyt Just off th* highway. The
4. M. Johnson, Pastor
curity Benefit association in the A
E. C. Faber as manager of the Faber rfew meat market In Medford. Alvin
O. l\ W. hall Thursday night th"
"The Macedonian Call,” i* the title A Summerville store at Butte Falls, Tollefson of this city tied for first
following officers were installed for Toshiko was retrnlng from Medford, scene of the disturbance. A search of our Bible lesson this week; and j spent a few days In Central Point
place, which was not so bad In a field
the coming year: President. Kva and both driving at moderate speed. I of the premises resulted In the find­ the X6th chapter of Acts Is the as­ this week looking over old friends.
of 500 contestants.
ing of a quantity of moonshine whis­ signed lesson. The need of the help
Smith: vice-president. Mis h.rne-
He is now in the employ of the gov­
steln Host ell; second vice-president. and runn::*z board on the Hodman key, but Mr. Jennings, the occupant of the Holy .Spirit to direct our work * ernment at Marc Island ahlp yards.
car was stripoed off The highway ; of the house, was absent, but was
Mr. H. W. Coping' r; secretary. Mat
is one of the outstanding facts. You | California
Mr. Summerville resided
issa Elliott; prelate. Carrie Welch; sign post near the Sheley real eatete ! later apprehended and arrested.
are Invited to study these truth* with I In Jackson county for twenty years,
office was w recked by the Rodman |
conductor. Clara Karra; guard.
.two years of that time as a resident
i or. which refused to »top after col- |
Smith; sentinel. William Bohnert.
10f Medford.
His visit here was
musician. Olava Hesselgrave. Before tiding with the other car. Everett
Mr. Ernest Neldermeyer Is th«
while on his return from Eugene,
Faber was an eye witness to the ac- |
Address by
the installation, a splendid chicken
of a new Star-Durant car.
rident. and Marshal Cummings and'
dinner was served to the 'wet.lj-. '
Miss Carleton ices at 6:30. "What Jesus Teaches "Berth," as she wa* familiarly known
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Well*, of Kla­
he a i*t.d in adjitatinr matters. Mr..
or thirty members present,
About Obedience” Is the lesson, and by her many friend*, to attend the math Fall*, and Mr. and Mr*. W ar­
Rodman making no claim for dam -!
was no special program, but a ten
At the opening of the year’s activi­ Matt. 7:20-27 Is the scripture. All Oregon university. Jim stated that ren K Cook, of Ashland, were Sun­
ages, as it was quite evident he had I
eral fraternal social evening was
ties. members of General Lane so­ young peopl«. are invited.
he had visited many fertile valleys in day guests at the A. M. Tyrell h...«*.
faulty or practically no brake* it all. |
ciety, Children of the American Rev.
We will hare a special announce, this stste and In California, and Is Mr Wells Is superintends!»;, of the
olntion, gathered at the Hotel Hol­ ment for you concerning the preach­ now firmly convinced that the Kogue city schools at Klamath.
All aro
land, Medford. Saturday noon. Ml** ing service* on Sunday. Watch the River valley is the "garden spot of former South Dakota people.
English Walnuts
N otice
Helen Carleton. of Central Point. Mil­ Medford papers. One of the evange­ the world."
Mr Harry Hinderer la picking hia
lionaire road, gave a pleasing and lists holding meeting* In the big tent
winter Neills peara. 81* years ago
r e : hav taken ov r
helpful address, her subject being. will be the »peaher.
The and<
the lltnderers bought the "B oosey"
Invite your
American, as of
Important Industry "Obedence to Law." Among other friends and the strangers to this Better Luck
the hasiness of The
ranch. 8lnce that time they have
Next Time
good and Interesting things, Miss service.
October 1st. VVe are not re«pon*ini“
erected a fine set of stucco buildings,
Otto Bohnert 1* elated over the iCarlton said:
for claims agai it The American
For Hunters have Improved the old orchard, and
All claims
previous to October 1st
"Obey —
the ----------
laws of -------
God and It will
planted the remaining ground to
splendid hearing of English walnuts
Dollar Day
til obey
and accounts previous to
on the few trees he has in the yard, n„ ura|iy follow that y o n
Newton Eddy. Thoma* ftolcher and walnuts nnd filberts.
»s it indirates quite a good bearing parents and the law* of your country.
should be presented to
• ’
Miss Doris Richardson will repre­
son-in-law, I. B Millard, of Cen­
I The Southern Pnclflc railway,
,.n the ten a« res of trees he has no person can expect to live a useful
Medford In the Atwater Kent
tral Point, and Charle* Hlgenbotham.
ho | * pursuing
¡1,, red i Only a
#nd i,e
be a oesira.oe
desirable citizen
n part
pnrt of
OI the
me ten
len - acres
« . — , ltie and
- Ita liberal policy,
_ f.
p h
of Medford, constituted a formidable radio audition in Portland Thursday
nr but th , ,,
. w h l . h U . h— -hewtofcto « ¡
*. * J J ,
deer hunting party leaving here the and Friday.
. „ d upon the children of pile, a one rent n mile rate to all
Miss Helen Carletoa gave n mont
fo'l ** in * ar the entire arreag.
ob*y> a!ia up..,,
---------------- '
m r .iifir *rs- flrat ay of the open hunting season
»ho.UI produce an excellent crop. We |b. pre,* nt „ep -n d . the «Hlnunnhlp POU * £
” '
colum hu. Before departing. Messrs. Eddy and helpful and pleasing talk at the Gen.
would appreciate a report from other o{ tr,morrow ”
Belcher prepared a good sited barrel eral Joseph Lane society last Satur­
The Mlssev Helen, Mildred and Day, October I t , good to reta ra Orto-
Gnlt have re ! Lngllh walnut acreage*. Many be
for salting down their winter'» sup­ day.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
orer the we-k ¡lieve that Oils industry will prove
W W. Hartley to In th* Commun­
ply of deer meat. Thursday, under
turned from a vi-i
t f llH o u lr . ,0 . 1 .
m il.. !
— U " , ft"'
• " ' « "■ “ l-"> cover of darkness, they quietly slip­ ity hospital receiving treatment for
end wiih relative, i California. Mr to b* one of importance and profit­
by the Southern Pacific
business of rb< able m this immediate ricinity.
so n t bwest of Cer’ ml Point, are very
ped Into their re»pecthre homes a had fracture of the loft leg nnd a
Galt has lea-ed
*" —
A d i r e and generou. In every nctlvlty. | ryatem. ha* proved
American .0 8 O BurgSorf nnd
-------- -
downcast and "deerle*#." It wa* es broken rib. sustained Saturday at
hurch and civic, that have for their i* taken adiantage of by many wbo
c Drennnn. nnd ha* accepted a post
tlmated that they could have entered Hubbard Bros. »tore. Hartley wa*
Meed 1 me* Watkins. Damon and ,,m the betterment of humanity and, wl.h to take n vaention.
working on hi* torayer in the »hop
tion n* editor «1
F-ddy attended n card party given by
: business, vtaii friend, or relative. their home* in daylight, but pa;k*d basement, when the c'-.ain on which
C alifo rn ia.
to be launched
the Pythian Sl»ter* of Medford in " V a e ne,t meeting of the society Ami H , not. inasmuch n. train *erv-
• main In Central
reason which we will not attempt to he was pulling broke forcing the ma­
Mr. Galt wil
chine to crowd him against a y e t.
rt t » o wesfes* tr* 1 tleir hall night of laji wIR he held on November 27. with ice and travel is the most comfort-
1 plata. for the 1
« »k They report a very enjojmhto Jow p b in * Balito. Medlord, a* h o a fe s .a b le bad a a le st way
sí affair* here. P<
ranglnjc o.
t im e .
on* tu departing ¡>r the uew fH d.
¡Sheriff Makes
Cars Crash
Faulty Brakes RaidDiscovers
Given Cause
W est »Side
In Mew Field.