rnn> a y , septem iht . 2.1 mu Phe AMIERIC IN, CE »TRAI, POINT, OREGON P.U.KKHR e*se(! to you, of which Charlea P his home Sunday afternoon " * " Fee and Jam es O'Connell a r e the OIU'H.tKD COVER CROPS pa’ ient is rett'n>» L e g a l N o t i c e owners of the legal title a* appears SHOIXD BE HOW X ,OW • • • IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of record, situated in said County Mrs. Williams visits City STATE OF OREGON FOR THE and state and p articu larly bounded *Mrs. O. R. W illiam s of Beagle was I for the purpose of improving the COUNTY OF JACKSON and described as follows, to wit down from her ranch Friday withi The South Half (8V4 ) of South 80,1 ,,hould b** ‘,tanted thU l ‘“ e ' PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN FORE - produce which she traded to local I Fran k D Knotzen son of Mrs W merchants for groceries. CLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX Half ( S >-4 ) of Section 28. Township i,<4) of SOUTH HALF (SVi) of in stated, all persons herein desig - EARLY 8KKDINO ten days ago for a visit w-1th Mrs. • • * Seeding should ta k e place e arly in Hazelwood’s daugh ter in Washing­ * Section 28, Township 32, South uated us "unknown heirs" and as Hearts Visit on Spigot Creek lli« t « *ood growth may ton, returned Sunday coon. Range 3 East of Willamette Mérid­ " a ll other persons unknown, owning ,h e f » 11 They Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peart spent ien, Jackson County, Oregon, defend, or interested in the property," are be obtained before tem peratures get encountered some heavy rains in the unknow-n, and th eir names and plac. so low that plant activity stops. E ar­ northern state, but met with no ace Sunday visiting with their friends ants. TO CHARLES P. FEE, MAUD es of residence a r e unknown, and ly seeded crops should be drilled or ¡dents. However, they witnessed j Mr. andMrs. Oscar Williams, on FEE, his wife, and the unknown ! cannot by exercise ot due dlligeuce harrowed in deeper than late seeded several, one of which was the burn Spigot creek, near Evans creek. • • • * be ascertained; th at plaintiff has ones. If orchard soils have never ing of a big car which had been HEIRS of CHARLES P. PEE, d e 1*- Hunters Return— liag Empty ceuged, and JA M ES , O’CONNELL made due and diligent search and been seeded to vetch before, seed in ditched. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Swartz and • » • and CATHERINE O'CONNELL, Ills inquiry of those most lik ely to know, oculation w ill be necessary. Increased growth of the cover Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scott returned wife, and the UNKNOWN HEIRS ot and the names and places of res­ Ohe Pankcy K d u rn s from Hospital J A MBS O CONNELL, deceased, and idence of all of said hairs and own crop m ay he secured by using sown Olie Pankey, who was operated on Tuesday afternoon from a trip to all other persons unknown oWnipg or erg and persons interested are un nitrogenous fertilizer m aterial surh in a MedfOrld hospital the first of Evans creek If they were deer luitppstsji Jit the South Half ( S * a > known and cannot by the exercise as sulphate of ammonia. Application last week, was discharged from the hunting, they did no bragging about of South Half' *or Section 28, of due diligence be ascertained; and should he tdom 150 to 351) pounds hospital Sunday. His daughter, getting tHe limit. • * * Township 32 South Range 3 East of that a ll of you, the above named de— per acre. Mrs. Guy Tex. and husband, brought I Willamette Meridian, Jackson Coun fondants, are proper parties to this Frys Visit Son suit to foreclose M id c e r tific a te , ot Mra y f l a | K, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fry visited their ty, Oregon; IN T1IE NAME OF THE STATE tax delinquency, purchased as afore­ son, ( R. Fry and family on Trail Mrs. H. E. Young returned S a t— I OF OREGON: You and each of you said by the said L. A. Robertson. Creek Sunday. Mr. Fry enjoys the urday evening from Portland, where You arc -hereby notified that L. A. Rob­ distinction of being the oldest man _ , are also notified that said L. she spent the week attending the ertson Is the holder of Certificates' A * ob*rt»on has paid the taxes on Supr(.lne Convention of P. K <>.. and in Jackson county driving a Ford, of l)ellni|Ueney numbered o7B8 and said premises for prior or subsequent vl, |t| ,llany ft.,ende made during he being S3 years of age. 0759, both of which were issued on years, togethes with Merest and p eb - | her g ,rlhood , h„ r„ At Eugene, she May 1st, 1929, itv the Tax Collector ultiea, and the same, with the rate visited Dean Straub, “ the Grand Old of the Comity of Jacksdn, State of of interest on said amounts is as ap Man of Oregon." The dean is now . . couch, but with eager Oregon, number djES fur the amount peurs in the following * statem ent, > to [confined , to hts of $54.78 and number 0759 for the w-lt : eye and warm heart, he welcomes Undivided two thirds ( 2 - 3 ) In­ his friends. amount of $108.94, the same being the amounts then due and delin­ terest of Charles P. Fee in South quent for taxes for the year 1926, Half (SV4) of South Hulf ( S H ) oi together with penalty, and Interest Section 28, Township 32, South thereon, upon the real property ass R ange 3 E. B lijo y x ran» c o i. L 0 VAl ^ S to Portland and to Californi A qnick overnight trip to S a n Francisco; hy clay or overnight sleeper to Portland N orth or So uth , Southern Pacific invites you to en­ jo y the com forts of train travel on "our next trip. __ __ First there's the ^ Shasta" to Portland and north, a day train equipped with all- ste. I coaches, comfortable re­ clining chairs, Pullm ans, and the new Silver" lounge car. Mj Or you can take the "Oregonian'' at night and arrive in Portland the fol­ lowing rnoriun.,. Southbound, rite "S h asta" leaves here at night and arrives in San Francisco at 9:30 next morning. You save an entire day by using this overnight service. P 5 ü ¡ ASK YOUR AC" NT ABOUT THE NEW LOW ONE-WAY AND ROt NDTRIP FARES BETWEEN HERE AND POINTS NORTH. F* O. PI IIKKY •ILE Agent m ih -. ra S Choose the a G H S O Et 5 MEAT DISH first Total Ain't Paid, Date Rate Paid of Int. including Tax, Penulty, and Interest on tax and on C. of D. where such was R edeemed. 1 enrs Tax 1923 $75.95 C. D. 0178 redeemed *ul». ^ A-| a,»liit:iH tu U. H. 0 i 50 hy fé $1185« 5 - 1 - 2 9 12 L Robw'tuon 1924 76.32 Prior taxe* paid s u l* * - quant to 0759 hy î, A. 4M 6 - 1 - 2 9 12 107.13 Robert ion 1925 78.70 C. D. 0753 redeemed auü- aoquent to 0759 by L. A. 4% 5 1 29 12 103 51 Robert aon 1 <• 2 « 89.99 U. D. 0759 i «sued to L. A. Robertson and he redeem­ ed rill previous ( ’. D.,tax— 108.94 5 - 1 - 2 9 12 «> ete., 1 '-‘ 27 85.3 1 Tax pulii siih-equm t to 0759 91.73 12 1». A. Robertson l l'29 73.«tí T x paid siiti- q u e n t to 1 13-30 12 80.15 0769 hy L. A Robertson r To 2 9 62.IÏ Tux pu id sub-, quint ao 6'V ti t 12 16-30 12 0769 by !.. A Robertson -T------ * • - ................ Huit i S ' * i a i South Half lSV *i « it then M e a l Planning Fireworlts -- Canoe Canal Boys and Girls Free Day $60,000 Prizes X. c " fc&î 1923 924 .’5 î 926 * i:«iT \ 928 A 1 '< 29 4» ('uniteli in m Local agents o f Stock Fire Insurance companies are numbered among your home town people — your neighbors. These agems live here — ow n property and pay taxes here— are part o f the business and civic interest o f the community. Every property owner should frequently consult his insurance agent. The companies have large investments in this state, A very personal relationship exists between you and C en tral P oint STOCK FI RE I N S U R A N C E H ere is an idea or two: Horse racing Lamb and P cjs Pork and Green Beans Ham and Spinach * Beef and Beets Band contest Farmers' day V A ¿Asa j ^ - fp ir ij-w m • Oregon Products . .«►si bf Jam es Purses Night Horse Shows ’ » -1 Undivided Oint till’d it::» Inlet«- S» e. 2 ' t ownship 32. S. LASY • Let the Meat Decide the Vegetables is Rodeo Buckeroo-3 days — which not only provides the indemnity for which you pay, but works constantly in many ways to insure the safety o f your family, your home, your business and community. M eat M arket 1. D. LEWIS, Range P ro p rie to r South East. fi r t ‘. It totT i redi em .d «uh :»«ei i\V». \) e lienitil v reeoinmend them. ami J i r Z , , r M" |f," d tnei-cbiint» and proffe*loii»ultalieu o henever you vi«., or «bop in e(f»r»e«t H>rvlee is „nly q ^ ^ > 7 ,U(r»V ,,<,lÌ!‘' r ,< Ìr « ) ou i r p t m b y fn rth a r n o t lt lr d « *h trp o r d e r r i q u in « t h a t » a id L . A . 44o b e ri »on w ilj a p p ly ] o f y o u to ap p**ar in '_fr> th e t ' l r r u i It t o in t ( U ’oint of i txaai n u n ty n ud 1 > .i uir.’ atate a fo r v a ld , fnr] or Jl duoree litre, I:»» uç th lien -uiiftt the pi8,p»rtv u it i% rit» J. pp I .’ .»"tUla .*tl in »aid rt ritftease 1 ‘ r “ " - » o m on, I to ap jt e a r w.ttitn -l:.t, ........ >pp h ' i k «Tv Ire *i f thi- »aiuMMa uno» exrluxlv.- the tlay of » .rv l’-e ; J t»l if m o i l by ibi'r ill.in you «’util u ir wit),in 1 y , r, *, t du v » a 11 or r»i putiti, «tien of 4h ,> of th date of , »' Èpa Itoti, util ile. 'lui 4) .ioti >n • or p* m, e . ■*».- j » » « « t v t r , tog,-’ )' wiih « 'm a i. ytere^t pt»d In eu»e >f*rr fni< nr <% do n>, a '! t <■ v ‘ ! >-» 11 f, rt*. U» in a thy 1 «n Of i l-i r l.u p ia la ’.Uf a tt. th e a b o v e eu h, •, or hefoi » th« Jn-«t d y p r t -, rtbed ii '» a d ord r k i ¿nltHoatiop. which la d«> Í.» I >»v. Î2, 1931 The date o , h(. f)ri„ ;,*hlitalitin la Sept. It) 19:11, the d ale of the in*! publt-altoi la N'ov.. 12, 1931 KENNETH DB.NMAN Attorney for Ftutntiff 412 I beatv Ruildlnrt, .Medford. Oregon 1MTFNTH .»eli yottr AptWutb.n -xathìtiuu vèur model or d r a w ln t ti Jh" a ? o n d INTERNATtt» PATRNT hlNPOSITiON Sopì i l t, 27, t'IllCAQO. Thouaandt o* man in f u r i u r e i» and paten buyer* « I l . »pet t n e « devieea and paieut» to. n urk tl.ig Raltn 31 P«' day for l I dava, entitling toh l a 14 f?«t. I ymt bave n > model, « r i ' b r t>r de» , itnftev. * ; ; ; .,» n 1 fer ftee pan, j li}. ; If >ou batte tinte |f net »end É!| vì t h drt rtp tona pud d u - m - id « e wUl look a 'te tr v e „ r ¡mtenl IPtereM». U. Viatit H.,n IC.Hso x Vi : v i n i Dire 'ter. L to r n a i'm a l i a * m Fxpo ivi .a, kiaiotuaduan l M.ilt, Ch.caaO. w. 1». T l i K M t HE IW Ivrm l e . A l e x a n d e r t l e t 'o i - m l e k 'D e e r i n g D a ily t'u ttin k J l*bono I I I lu Sure ln «u rn n cc" i ,n:,,, t i n t t i t \ F r e » h M ilk «Tal C r e a m Drthrreevf P - h |e e. t i l 1 • ' IF r Ì Everyth in TED’3 GARAGE Tin* 11« mu «' of («m ill Kntu Ó. - * T R o w n R iiM iC r t i ' . i v : r F id in e 7i Tlit 1 onct< - ' 1 *’ ’ s T‘ > I.OOK WI LL III t l . I s l A I ' F . R I M t K F K S U frftea r If Co 1 TIRK R E P t I R S I'.n tltr» R e l l n e d .......... ..... .......... .. v;.. t 4' ie - .»•« To tie F o r P r o m p t S e r i tee 'JU JA M ES Jnrry Mt P O M E L L « 'O F R F .i 'A I R I N f l J S ito r Mt I N * î ftia N A \ S W A W A W A V .s s s s v W5 II .. .«.re ph» -r.l »(«•*■ Mt» ;fo»d r ¿ * A ;* s * î . . V l c *- n r î — M onum ent j U a r t t r u W U v r .» 4 B r ' Â ,l e a , i; â ----- J B o E Jnn 3 a F a v o r i t e -le ,, r 1er i y s .- iv Bnildinc 'I .iteró, 1« • •- nnsn *.. ., ! eu» \eih > ( abinet ■Mill W ork TROW RUI’ , l i H MIÏF.U YARD M e tte ra iita le « AMBI 1.A V» f «KRYH ». |,h,>l,, 17 «b M OtA.I , r . --------- Sp irt i S h o r ! ■! . .. R iv e t » îA ,. * M ..»n p n ni. to .V i m j, Fl o r e N Ht Eveninga 2ttiV| * - v /A W ’ F 1 /.V rtV *f F .Y .'.V tW ..y "* t V .*