TAGE THE E I C HT ASHLANI FRIDAY, MARCH 3«. REGISTER — Nothing aicer— a saw por­ gon, is visiting this week with where they appeared In a varied musical entertainment. — Cream separator, garden her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace trait for Easter. Stud». Ashland musical program before the local high school band and the tools, implements and everything Mitchell of Fourth street, who 8 «tf high school boys' double quartet, Klamath high school student that farmers need. So when in recently moved here from Lane — Pure fresh ingredients give headed by Ward V. Croft, local body in the afternoon, and were doubt, go to Peil’s 86tf county. band and orchestra leader and guests of the Klamath Klwanians XL Donuts the flavor that calls Install Now Apparatus.— R. A. — Bought at a bargain, a num­ Miss Laura Raguse, supervisor of at their weekly luncheon and for more. Fresh daily at your Obley, o f the engineer’s depart­ ber of iron age, hill and drill anisic in the local schools, jour­ meeting in the Hotel Willard, grocery. XL Donut Ce. 86tf ment of the Postal Telegraph seeder at Peil’s corner. 86tf neyed to Klamath Falls Thursday where they presented a splendid company of Seattle, is in Ash­ — TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY— S ch o o l B o y O p e r a te d s i.— land for a few days for the pur­ — Help! Help! I want about pose o f installing new apparatus Donald Sanders, year-old son of in the local office. A new repeat­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders, 250 pounds of fat turkeys by er equipment and a telegraph who reside on Beach street in April 9th. If you can supply all • u table are being placed in the this city, underwent an operation or part, phone or call THE 93-lt Ashland office this week by Mr. at the local Community hospital ASHLAND CAFE. Obley. Thursday morning for pus on the FOR SALE— Hay fork and car- — 26 ton carload o f fencing re­ lungs. The lad took down with rier; 2 steel ranges; new * ceived lately, get reduced r. r. pneumonia a mo' .h ago and has volt battery; lumber, sash and rate so prices are less than last never left his bed since that time, door. L. Prescott, 876 B St. year at Peils corner. 86tf the condition o f his lungs was a 93-6t* ÍC / Returns H om e. — Mrs. Louise development o f the disease and Scroggins o f 96 Laurel street, gradually became so serious that FOR SALE— an electric A. B. C. cabinet washing machine in returned home from Portland an operation seemed the only fine condition. Price $35, on Sunday morning, where she had hopes o f saving his life, though easy terms. Call 31 South been on a visit to relatives. in a weekened condition from his Second street. 93-lt — T ry our Therm oid B rake Liaiag long illness Donald stands a •t T H IR D S T R E E T G A R A G E . chance o f recovering, according Coquille gets twice-a-daÿ free S p rin gfield V isitor. — Mrs. Jim­ to advice received by hospital mail delivery. mie Murphy of Springfield, Ore­ authorities. «' O rchestra at 1»28 Klam ath. — The 1HIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25 Extra Only One Coupon on a Purchase ¿ h e r w in -W ill i a m s » -’AfhiTS-VAî- N IS H Z S - L A C a U E ^ S - E N A M E L S What fun 1*1 ■— 1 Green Stamp With Cash Purchase of $1.00 or Over in A * d ■ d - tion to All Regular Stamps Wolcott’s Grocery IMPO G r o c e r ie s , F ru it a n d V e g e t a b l e s N o . 1 B u lk C o f f e e Can; McDor man a wife, public shall i you.” time t life in MEA> I W e Deliver 2 4 2 E . M a in , A s h la n d , O r e g o n . Void P h o n e li after May, 1928 aoggoaogaccccoosoccocooxcoccccox< ?cooaoia: 11 D ollar Day eaasmtto UfeCQoeft ■ Just picture h i You take a pretty end table—« breakfast set, magazine rack, or what-not — and transform it into one o f those beautiful, colorful, lacquered, pieces that everybody is talking «bout. Best o f all, you do it at trifling cost.' /'And while you are saving money you are having real t (fun applying Rogers. It dnes in thirty minutes or less. Dries to a smooth, factory-like finish. N o experience is needed to apply it; and the possibilities for carrying out i color * ideas are endless. Let us show you all about America’s Favorite Brushing Lacquer” today. Jt OGERS D R IE S I N 30 M IN U T E S (or Uss) Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. See These Bargains Friday and Saturday It is your opportunity to buy reliable merchandise at a real savings. Every article listed repre­ sents a real savings and offers you a chance to purchase everyday necessities at unheard of price reductions. Rayon and Lisle Hose Men’s fancy Dress Hose 3 pair d* i Childrens Hose $ 1.00 1 Black or Brown, 4 pair ........ Childrens Half and Childrens Cotton knit unions, 4 for . .. M EET YO U R G RO CERS FACE TO FACE AT HARDY SROS. Bananas!! n ic e c le a n POUNDS FOR Ladies fine cotton union Broccoli N o . 1 K la m a th s 25‘ |2 H e a d s I f o r Asparagus 15‘ Pound Crackers Rhubarb Green Onions Radishes and 5C N ew Turnips |6 P o u n d s or 39 3 P ounds fo r O C ( E n d e r s B est Sauer Kraut ca n fo r ... 1 5 c S a u e r K ra u t J u ic e 15 B est C . a n d Sugar 13 P o u n d rkCk A • V / V / d? 1 r H. $ 1 .0 0 t 50 pairs Childrens Shoes values to $3.00 $ 1.00 O O A • U V / $ 1.00 Rayon Knitted Slips .............. . $ 1.00 44-inch Pure Linen LUNCH CLOTHS' 50 pail’s Ladies Slippers values to $7.50 $ 1.00 Silk Hose, chiffon and ser-d? “I A A vice weight, pair .................. v / v l pan- Numi 54-in. hemstitched d* 1 table cloth . Cretonnes and Curtain materials. I yards V (Y fY A d? 1 .... G/ood quality outing flannel. 5 yards •\J\J flfY A • V / d* | ........ .. Prints, Percals and 29c 4 -10c bars F o r ............ 2 1/* £ n u n ¡P i 1 .u 24x24 Plain White Turkish Towels, 4 for ..., $ 1.00 P la in A ssortm en t 25c P er B u n ch S a lte d Toilet Soap N ew " 25' 9 Pounds fo r F re sh P er $ 1.00 $1.00 25‘ Potatoes L arge d? 1 suits bodice and built-up tops Bananas!! y e ll o w s t o c k .................... O O $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Rompers an,1 | Y O U W I L L F IN D T H E M A L W A Y S W O R K ­ IN G F O R Y O U R E E S T I N T E R E S T S d* 1 $ 1 .0 0 Girls Middies .... $ 1 . 00 . Fancy Bath Towels 2 for rhfh A » V /U .......... V Crepe Gowns Mens Collar Attached Shirts, values $1.50 O O A A A . V /V / d? 1 Voiles, fast colors. 4 y a r d s .......... V A • Dresser Scarfs “1 . Hack Towvl« 36-in. Pillow A . V /\ A $1.00 i ubing Wash Silks ,plain colors and printed designs, yard . $ 1.00 V , $ 1.00 with wide lace edges 54 inch Hemstitched Table Cloth £ J Q Q d* 1 rvrh A • vJC r Good Quality 9 4 Sheeting 2 yards $ 1.00