TELL THE FARMERS OF SOUTHERN ORECON WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL, BUY OR RENT THROUCH THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OF THE ASHLAND RECISTER. THE RESULTS ARE SURPRISING! RED HAIR and * BLUE SEA (Continued from page 6 ) his forearm through. Then the iCSman had turned aw ay and Olive lifted himself back on deck But far more important than Palmyra Tree’s courage and kindness was her name. To the white man it had seemer inter­ esting. to the brown, astonishing. “ In the low islands,” said Burke, “ the palmtree’s the most important thing they got. Could­ n’t live without it a day.” Here, aside from fish, there was often no foot! except the pandanus— scorned elsewhere— and the cocoanut. The nuts were eaten at every meal; cooked or raw, green, ripe, germinated. For all the accessories o f life the palm could be made, if need were, to furnish the material. And she was named Palmtree! "But, lady,* Burke persisted, " ’taint the things I ’ve mentioned __not even yer name— which counts so much as— ” he paused calculatingly— “ as that hair o’- yours, that red hair.” She was again annoyed, but decided to laugh. Burke was silent fo r an inter­ val, his oddly undeveloped fea­ tures rather absurd in A e ir ma­ turity of thought. “ I suppose,” he began at last, “ y’ haven’t no idea how a Mary like you hits us islanders, kanaka or white?” “ Oh,” he added with a shrug­ ging gesture acquired from the natives, “ you’d never guess— never.” He hesitated in a d iffi­ dence strange to his nature. “ But think, miss. Here we are maybe ten, fifteen years never seems any woman’s face »xcept these silly brown critters or perhaps the wife o’ some missionary or trader, here too long— sickly pale, done for. And then, of a sudden, alon.T you comes; a— a vision. . , . He stammered in his effort to find words that should do pusViee to his sentiment, but not offend. “ All pink and white, peaches cream,” he went o nrecklessly; "a living being ns beautiful as a painted picture. I ain’t meaning no disrespect. B it that, Miss Tree, as I reckon you’ll under­ stand, just fair knocks us, white and brown alike, dead in a row.” “ But do you really believe Palm Tree’s pirate has been in gun battles and all that?” Con­ stance Crawford was asking. Palmyra now spoke. “ It’s non­ sense to take that little man ser­ iously,” she affirmed. Therq was a general assent. “ When he says such things,” she added, “ it’s like hearing a baby swear; awful, and you ought to be shocked, but at the same time comic. I delight in his e f­ forts to make himself out some­ thing brigandish.” John Thurston had not oined in the accord. As he stood hold­ ing to the main shrouds, the big muscles o f arm and shoulder swelling under his coat, he was never quite the yachtsman on an idle cruise; always, intangibly a Something o f a construction en­ gineer on his way to the Phil­ ippines to take charge o f govern­ ment work— the Rainbok to put him aboard a transport at Hono­ lulu or possibly if time permitted at Guam. “ You’re all probably right about Burke,” he said presently. “ But did you ever think ho thoroughly we’re bound down by the old conventional nonsence in AT character reading — phrenology ASH LA ND and all that? A stripling develops CHURCHES a big square jaw. Presto— we rec­ ognize a determined character, a NAZARENE human bulldog. Really, it’s only more bone in his jaw. And if he (Continued from page 2) has a broad high forehead. . .” ' on Wednesday evening at 7 :30 “ Solid ivory again,” said Van. ( p. m. A hearty welcome to all. “ Palm’s pirate couldn’t be fur­ e------------------ « c LASSIFIED AD Rates: One cent a word first insertion, one* half cent a word thereafter W ANTED W AN TED — Team work, plowing or any kind. Phone 251-R, 311 Mountain avenue. C. W. Fra- ley. 84-10 ther from our fixed idee o f a cut­ CH RISTIAN CHURCH throat; fierce mous .Chios, hawk 2nd and B Streets nose, deepset, piercing, evil eyes. William V. Barney, Pastor Yet in real life your cold-blooded FOR RENT HOUSES murdering brute is quite as like­ You are cordialy invited to at- FOR RENT— Five room furnish­ ly to be some effeminate youth ed house on Fifth street. Call 1 tend the special services of this selling soda water with a lisp. ." Hardy Bros. 87tf church each evening at 7:30. A “ Never,” said Van, “ did I have pre-Easter series o f studies of soda water with a lisp” FOR RENT— 5 room furnished the church as portrayed in the house. Inquire Hardy Bros. Palmyra had been wondering new Testament is being given. 81-tf why everyone on board— every­ Regular Sunday services: one except Constance— wanted FOR R E N T: Apartments ror rent Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. her to marry Van. She saw that Enquire 167 East Main street. Communion 11:00 a. m. they all did, and she felt that Morning sermon, 11:30. their reason must be good. Con­ FOR R E N T: Five room furnished Christian Endeavor societies stance, of course, said it was only house, 239 Second street. In­ ancestors. The Tree family wor­ meet at 6:30 p. m. quire at 713 Oak street. Evening church service 7 :30. shipped the family tree. “ And tioosr FOR R E N T: Kutnisneo Van,” Constance had said com­ Holmes Grocery. mercially, “ has the finest line of FIRST PRE SB YTE RIAN ancestors put out by any house A PA R TM E N TS North Main 4k Hclman Stsi in America.” It was nothing in | “ With Illuminated Bulletin” FOR R E N T : Two furnished 3 Van personally, she had added. , Hngh T. Mitchelmore, Paator room apartments. Close in with “ John docs things. But Van only garage. $18 per month. Phone * -------------------------------------- « is things.” Palm Sunday will be observed 9F11 or 105 74-tf The girl got up restlessly and with appropriate music and an stood at the rail gazing out over TO TRADE address by the pastor at 11:00 a. the sunset sea. As John Thurs­ m. The sacrament o f baptism will KESLER’S Reds, $20.00— We are ton went on to amplify his be administered for a number of hatching Rhode Island Red thoughts regarding Burke, she children at this service. baby chicks every week. Or­ glanced over her shoulder to scoff Sunday afternoon the pastor der early to get good dates, “ I could chase your bad man will assist at the dedication of the $20 per 100. Kesler’s Trapnest over the deck with a feather new Presbyterian church at Phoe­ Red farm, Route 2, Box 22. duster.” nix. 1 mile north o f Medford limits “ I ’m only windjamming, of Services at 7:30 p. m. will on Pacific Highway 86-9t course.” Thurston laughed. “I commemorate the triumphal en­ don’t doubt our stowaway s a little FOR SALE L IV E STOCK try o f Christ into Jerusalem. man, sufficiently blunt as to his Christian Endeavor at 7 :30. FOR SALE— One Berkshire du- moral perceptions, but quite “ What Happens When Young roc sow, age 9 months, $18. harmless, making himself the People Dare to Follow Christ.” LeRoy C. Ostrander, Siskiyou, hero of every gory story he picks Luke 9:57-62. Oregon. 93-5t* up, eager to pose as a deepsea Passion week services Wed­ bad man. But still------.” nesday, Thursday and Friday FOR SALE OR TRAD E During this idle chatter the evenings o f next week at 7:30. W E L L located inside dwelling girl had felt, growing with every moment, a fuller perception of property. What have you to Bellview P. T. A. Meeting.— offer. Phone 153 or call 153 herself aboard this yacht. Never “ Why I Love the American Flag” Granite. 88tf until now had she had a complete was the patriotic address given at realization o f the intimacy o f this the Bellview P. T. A meeting FOR SALE R E A L ESTATE cruise with Van and John; o f the held in that district last Friday incredible nearness of these two afternon by C. E. Boudich, who FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— to her. She had been, all at once, moved into the Eight acres, within city limits, Bellview com­ appalled. Thus they would go munity over a year ago. sheds, suitable for two or three Mr. through every waking hour, un- Boudich came to the United States hundred chickens. City water escapable in their demand upon at the age o f 14. He expressed and many other attractive fea­ her love. tures. Can be purchased on with much feeling just what the She had had a suffocating American flag meant to him, in easy terms or will exchange sense that never, for one instant, a manner that might well cause fo r down town property. J. W. could she protect herself from the American born citizen to stop McCoy: 91tf them and their problem. And a moments and consider. FOR S A LE : See Ashland Realty then, as an inspiration, it had Other features o f the after­ Company fo r Reliable Realty come to her that Ponape Burke noon’s program were: A hurmor- 74-tf should be her refuge. Until she ous reading entitled, “ Maggie and was sure about the two— oh, so Jiggs,” which was given by Mrs. sure!— she could always fly to S. K. Barnes. The pupils o f Mrs. club are engaged with the study him. She'd demanded her pirate's Reeder’s room gave an exhibition o f Beethoven’s last string quar­ stories, and force Van and John o f an Irish march and Miss Max­ tet, Opus 135, using individual also to sit and listen, no matter ine Emert, a pupil in the Junior scores and with the assistance of Victrola records, the musical how rebellious. high school furnished a piano and work is being taken up in its She had a sudden curiosity a vocal solo. different parts, theme, develop­ concerning this Ponape Burke in At the close o f the afternoon’s her new dependence upon him. program the hostesses, Mesdames ment and recapitulation. The She was eager to look at him. Guy Randles, H esener, Oscar study o f this particular master­ And she knew he would be per­ Martin and C. E. Boudich, as­ piece will be continued on through ched on the forehatch, his brown sisted by the pupils o f Mrs. Mc­ the months o f April and May. An man as ever at his elbow, silent, Kinney’s room served delicious re­ interesting paper on “ Sonata form ” was read fo r the benefac­ motionless, a pagan joss. freshments to the members and tion o f the members by Sfi” She whirled around to gaze, guests. Florence Allen, this concluding .) then caught her breath in dismay. Ashland Music Study Club.--- the program for the evening. Unexpectedly, startlingly, the savage, unbeknown to any one of Members o f the Ashland Music Brickyard to Begin Operation. them all, had materialized himself Study “lub held a most interest­ — With the arrival o f 15 families here, was sitting almost within ing and »njoyable meeting Mon­ who will settle in the Bellview day at the residence o f Mrs. John their circle. And his eyes were Main street, district within the next month, leveled upon her in a profound Fuller on North with Miss Leona Marsters, in the brickyard started a year ago unbliking stare that aeemed to by C. E. Boudich will start oper­ charge o f the program. have been going on for hours. ating. With the assistance of The members of the local music (Continued next Friday) e------ ----------- « FOR SALE s T DENTISTS CHIROPRACTOR Dr. C. E. Shinn SOUTHERN OREGON S A N ITA R IU M Dentistry CH IRO PRAC TIC All Druglem Methods Attractive Good Cara Reasonable General O ffice Practice DR. AN G E LL Phone 4» 460 Bolevnrd Ashland Ore. Cven evenings by appointment Residence 151-L Office Phone 151-J MISCELLANEOUS Cilisaas Bank Bldg. FOR SALE— A few tons of horse hay. A. H. Davenhill, I Phone 11F5. 93-5t ^ ' has cottage, garage, chicken ] Residence Phone 184 R E A L ESTATE A SH LA N D , OREGON FOR SALE — Pure Vermont maple syrup. H. B. Carter, distributor. Phone 413-Y, Ash­ land, Oregon. 93-2t* Beaver Realty Co. PH YSIC IAN ! Dr. Charle» A. Haine» FOR SALE— One ton Graham truck. In excellent condition. Covered body, can be seen at the Lithia Springs Garage. The First National Bank. 91tf K . M. Beaver Tel 6$ 175 E. Main SL i Ashland, Oregon ! JACKSON COUNTY A B S TR A C T CO. Eetablished in 1885 The Only Complete Title Spä­ tem in Jackson County Abstract, o f Title I Title Insaraaee Physician aud Snrgoon O ffice Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L Of fian Hoarsi 10 to 12 A. M.— S to I P. M. L IT H IA SPRINGS G A R A G E . 1 Essex coach in No. 1 condi­ tion, runs good, looks good, only $325. H. A. Stearns, Ash­ land. 90-3t Hershey Building Ashland, Oregon FOR SALE— Bred to lay Lag- horn and Reds; state certified, diarrhea tested; any age, 1 day ta 1 year; fair prices. L^ons brooders nearest to perfect. C. F. Carpenter, Star Rt., Med­ ford, Oregon. 86-9t Dr. W . J. Crandall Osteopathic FOR SALE— We are exclusive distributors fo r Winan’s Baby Chicks and Elmer Morrteon’a trap-nested White Leghorns. — Mutual Mill A Seed Co., Phone 269 Medford. Or. 86-8t Are yoa t e la i te Buy ar Baild a Hume in A.M .nd I I ? W rite JOHN B .SHRLEY Cantra! Petal, far LOANS-IO County Agent Savin lags A L Loan A W e mane loans on town erty anywhere in the eotkiy' Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose aad Thront R E A L ESTATE Good City for Country O ffice Phone 126 Firit National Bank Building FOR SALE— Hatching eggs from pedigreed hens and pullets, $2 per 15. A. Bert Freeman, 112 Nutley st. 7Stf — Buy* and Trade# — F. L N b T T F » ?• o p.. Main Ashland, O m | o b m is c e l a n e o u s G. W . Gregg. M. D. Citisene Bank Bldg. FOR S A LE : Maxwell Tour. 1921. Good condtion. Cash $45.00 or Terms $50.00 See at 117 8th street. $9-? O ffice Hours 10-11 A. M. 2-5 P. M. The W IN SO M E Phones-69 (o ffic e ) 222 R (ree) Kindergarten and Nursery D. M. BROW ER. M. D. 133 Hargadine Ave. FOR TRAD E— Modem house, two tots, all kinds o f fruit, to trade for small acreage. 163 Auburn street. Ashland. 82-1 I t Uses Radio Heat Theraphy in correction with other measures in treating dis­ ease. O ffice at Residence. 216 Central Are Mrs. Nellie Sielaff Teacher FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Phone 498-R FOR R E N T— O ffice rooms in First National Bank building, available April 1. Reasonable rent, includes heat and light. Inquire First National Bank. 91 tf W e Do All Kind» of Interior Decorating COAL, WOOD aad STORAGE You will find all kinds of wall paper and paint to make your home look like new this spring. AU TO FR EIG H T T E R M IN A L FOR SALE— Heavy truck trailer Call 225 B street for inform a­ tion. M tf _ 18 acre tract, part irrigated, fenced rabbit tight, crop, wheat alfalfa, fru it; berries; stock, chickens, sow, goats. good buildings, 5 room new bunga­ low. Good well soft water pumped to house and gardens. House part furnished 1-4 mile from city, rent with first nrivil- ege to buy. See or write. P. J. Amer, Rt. 2, box 64 83tf these men Mr. Boudich will man­ ufacture brick, tile and pottery. People o f the Bellview communi­ ty are taking much pride in the development of this local industry which presents prospects o f great­ I er future development. On red hill soils, especially those which have been cropped to grain continuously for years, the application o f super phos­ phate fertilizer at the rate o f 200 to 300 pounds to the acre will in­ crease yields. This fertilizer will also aid materially in getting stands of red clover on these soils. J Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. Best Paints, Be»t Workmen J. O. RIGGS Phone 172 Packing, Crating and Shipping Laag Distance Haaling Phone 117 O ffice 89 Oak S t C LIFF BURLINGAM E Maialar aad T '«arata* Papar in g, Ti tag Phon« 414 MONUMENTS ^. BLUE G R A N ITE Swan Bln« Qaarry Co. 1 I hereby announce my candi­ S. A. Swan, Managar dacy for the nomination o f Sher­ I* BOW raady t o render host i f f on the republican ticket, sub­ prices on all kinds af granita ject to the primary o f May, 1928 aad cemetery work. Apply P. for Jackson county. I have been O. Bo: 34, pkonc 68. Ashland a resident o f Jackson county the past 40 years and a taxpayer and ... Oregon. if nominated and elected will en­ NOTICE force all the laws without par­ Candidate for Republican tiality. Charles D. Stacy, route nomination for County Clerk, four, box 11, Medford, Oregon. 83-15t pd promising personal attention, FOR SHERIFF economy and courtesy. G. R CARTER. Talent. 88tf