fllDAY, MARCH 30, 1928 Crow E » u r t » i» » .— Mrs. p,) Crow presided over an Eas- laneheon Tuesday afternoon, THE following: Mrs. Sylvan Provoat, Mrs. Gerald Wenner and Mrs. Charles Haines. ASHLAND Mr«. Charles G. Thomson. W e^ M > 4 *)i A s s e m b ly . — "Bud­ On Thursday afternoon. Mrs. get your time” was the topic of the talk given by President j Crow was again hostess to a Churchill at the first assembly group of friends from Medford, of the spring quarter held Wed­ ■ entertaining them at a 1 o’clock nesday morning. He urged stu­ j luncheon followed by bridge. dents to make out a time budget J Eight Medford ladies accepted and evolve a definite study pro­ j Mrs. Crow’s hospitality, who were gram to be carried out during | Mrs. U. S. Armstrong, Mrs. R. the entire term. If the students W. Sleeter. Mrs. Roy Mason, are conscientious this idea will Mrs. R. D. Stearns, Mrs. C. B. be of much value and result in Rogers. Mrs. 0 . C. Boggs and better grades. The budget system is being used throughout the en­ tire United States in government finances, and municipal apportion ment of funds and in a great PRIZE WINNERS many homes has met with won­ derful success wherever tried, IN THE GREAT $50,000 he stated. Verne Caldwell, head LAUNDRY LETTER CONTEST" of the pshchology department of PRIZES WERE AWARDED the normal explained the absen­ TO THE FOLLOWING LOCAL PEOPLE: ce rule and the making up of class work, for the benefit of new J. C. ALLEN, MRS. LOUIS DODGE students. ^ t s arriving at 1 o’clock and * ^ on being served at five jt|[ ttbies. A color scheme of How was artistically used, daf- J * narcissus and flu ffy yel- ^ chicks adding their share in gjfcinf the decorations beauti- jal »nil novel. A three course luncheon was followed by an ^tsrnoon of bridge and the hostess awarded prizes to the MRS, ALBERT C. JOY. LIZZIE MERRITT . FLORENCE C. ROWE. R etu rn fr o m H a rb or. — M r. and Mrs. D. Perozzi returned to Ashland Tuesday after spending several days at their summer CONGRATULATIONS! WE APPRECIATE THE INTEREST TAKEN BY ASHLAND PEOPLE IN THE CONTEST AND ARE PLEASED TO STATE TH AT THERE ARE MORE WINNERS IN ASHLAND THAN IN M ANY LARGER CITIES. REGISTER home in Harbor. They were join­ ed at Eugene by their daughter, Thelma, who is attending the university at that city, and she enjoyed the spring vacation with them at Harbor, returning to Eugene on Sunday to resume her j studies. Mr. and Mrs. Perozzi visited several days in Eugene before returning to their home j in this city. R etu rn H o m e . — Mr. and Mrs. Wil Mitchell a n d daughters. Madge and Marie, returned Mon­ day from a week’s visit with friends in Eugene. R ed B lu ff V is ito r* . — A1 J. Mad- eras and Earl Fredericks of Red Bluff, Calif., are in Ashland tot I a few days conducting business affairs. B en d W om en V is it* . — Mrs. Kitty Walker of Bend stopped o ff in this city Tuesday for a vis'd with her old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hanson of the Ashland Hotel. Mrs. W’ alker re­ ceived a message from her son in Salinas, Calif., calling her to that city through illness in the family. C o n fin e d to B e d .— Mrs. E. A. HERBERT’ S GROCERY Phillip Pancake Flour, 2 for ......................................... 2 5 ' W hole Wheat Fig Bars 2 pounds ................................... 3 5 ' 3 bars Cream Oil Soap free with one box Peets powder at ............................... 10 bars Royal White soap ........................................... ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. Seed Potatoes Phone 165 Onion Sets R e tu rn s H o m e . — The mother of C. W. Fortmiller, manager of the local J. C. Penny store, re­ turned to her home in Albany after visiting in this city for sev­ eral week*. OVERLAND SHOE SHOP — Hank Pace, well-known Medford man was in Ashland on Wednesday visiting. M e d fo r d M an “ Y o u r F o o t W ill B r io g Y o u V is it R e la tiv e * .— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cornelius o f Portland have been spending a few days it/ this city visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Cornelius is well known here, having attended the local high school and dwelt here during his boyhood. 3 9 ' Garden Seeds THE SCREEN CLUB IS HOLDING A B o o s ts f o r H ig h w a y .— “ W K itey Carnival Dance Harris o f the Grants Pass boost­ er club was in Ashland Wednes­ day, selling chance tickets on a Ford to supplement the fund for the promotion o f the Redwood highway. T a la a t Visitors.— Henry Burn­ ett and son, Raymond, were Ash­ land visitors on Wednesday. F ro m D e o t s r — Joe Rummer- field o f Deeter was greeting friends in this city the first of the week. Announcing Opening of In the Swedenburg Building 297 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon You are most cordially invited to inspect our new 20th Century quarters where courtesy prevails and quality is always linked with price. Come! Whether you buy c r not! -■ Saturday is RED LETTER DAY l PRICES GOOD FRIDAY- SATU RDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 30, 31 AND APRIL 2nd. _____________ • Creme Oil Soap, 6 bars The boy dreams o f a, watch o f his own that keeps perfect time. The last Saturday in each month is S. & H. Red Letter day and each customer is entitled Practica?.' w a tch es f o r b o y » $ 1 .2 5 to $ 1 5 .0 0 to ten free stamps for the asking. Pineapple Libbys, can, contains 8 large luscious slices in rich syrup, large cans 7*^c 3 for J Toilet Paper, tissue, 1000 soft sanitary sheets to the A Oc roll, 6 rolls ......... Sport and Dress Coats Saturday $59.50 Coat Values * » See the Rack of Several Beautiful $ 1 0 ° ° to $ 1 2 50 Dress Coats at just $10 less than For the regular price. any kind o f Co-ed and Pansy SERVICE DRESSES on your radio we $15.00 to $25 °° now* have a com­ plete Kid Gloves B«tter s e l e c t y o u r G 1 o ves now while sizes are complete. A b i g assortment o f new styles. $2.95 to $3.95 N ew Tubes tested free o f Under- Arm and Pouch Agency Fig Bars, with a generous fig filling, freshly baked O Cc big value at 2-lbs.......... ** Prunes, there’ s economy in eat­ ing this wholesome OOc fruit, 3 pounds ............ Starch, Amaizó, corn or gloss, your pick 1-lb. pkgs. 2 5 c Peas, Royal City, sweet tender fancy peas, the kind you like. No. 4 sieve 4 9 c Matches, Searchlight, noiseless, non poisonous, large O Cc full count, 6 boxes .... BEANS. Van Camps, medium sized cans, 3 for 25c Soap, Crystal White, 6 bars 25c; 12 bars ........ A Qc Peets Granulated Soap large package ........... Q *7c ** Oil- Amaizó, fine for frying and baking as well as for making mayonnaise, quart 4 3 c FLOUR, Fishers Blend, there’ s noting better, 49-lb. sack — SMOKED V r ATS— charge. Call us. HAMS, Swift’ s Premium, average weight 12 to 14 pounds, half or w iole, pound X L Electric Picnics, fancy, average weight 7 to 8 pounds, while 1 Qc they last- pound ............ Bags in silk and leather. Company $2.95 to $5.00 Queen Quality Shoes— $/?• 85 $ 7 -8 5 $ g 85 $ 0 .8 5 Munsingwear Brooms, Gem 5 sew, a good sound broom and a genuine bargain 3 9 ° Testing Outfit Guy Good, Prop. £ 5 I 2 5 ' Old Dutch Cleanser, can $ j g . 7 5 to $ J 0 .7 5 DRESSES Stores 20Cen IN APPRECIATION OF THE PATRONAGE OF OUR HUNDREDS OF FRIENDS IN, AND SURRO UNDING, ASHLAND, W E HAVE MOVED TO MORE SPACIOUS QUARTERS IN THE SWEDEN­ BURG BUILDING WHERE W E SHALL STRIVE TO IMPROVE EVEN THE 20th CENTURY SE RVICE. ' G rejen D iscount S tamps Saturday Special B a ck ” A Cc Phone 59 W e Deliver W e G ive JUST OVER THE HILL IS EASTER TIME. NOW MEN, THE FOUNDATION OF THE WELL DRESSED MAN BEGINS A T THE FEET, SO LET US FURNISH YOU W ITH YOUR NEW SPRING OXFORDS. 19. E. Main Phone 59 YOU KNOW W H A T POSTUM SAYS! Eliason has been confined to her bed for the past week at home of her daughter, Mrs. George Kra­ mer on Ilargadine street. On the Plaza Phone 82 20th Century Coffee the best that money can|buy pound 45c; 3 pounds $1.32 Freshest and most complete line of fruit and vege­ tables in the city Allen A Hosiery íb io j m Bacon, Fancy sugar cured, aver- age weight 8 to 10-lbs, half or whole piece OQc pound .... . . í