The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 30, 1928, Image 1

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®Je &öl)fcwi& ïtje0M£r
Read Fabre’s account of sur­
gical operations performed by
mud wasps that never saw father
or mother, took no lessons and
were born to know how.
The Rev. Dr. Stratton, in Cali-
fornia to debate on evolution,
says our people, youth especially
are drifting from religion and all
respect for the laws o f God or
man. Our nation and race are
threatened. He is sure of it.
Some centuries ago earnest, well-
meaning priests o f Greece and
Rome were saying the same thing.
And when Christianity came
along those ancients were sure
the world was going to.the dogs.
They went, but the world improv­
P a r e n t T e a c h e r s a n d C iv ic Im­
p r o v e m e n t S p o n s o r E v e n in g
f o r Teachers.
Membajs^of the different Par­
ent Teachers associations in the
city and thq ladies of the Civil;
Improvement club are sponsor­
ing a reception and party tonight
(Friday) at the Civic club house
on Winburn Way for the entire
school faculty, their husbands
and wives and all friends inter­
ested in school work.
The club house will be open at
7 :30 with ladies present to wel­
come all guests who desire to go
at that time, but the program of
the evening will not take place
until after 9 o’clock, because of
the pioneer meeting held at the
local armory in honor o f Fred
Lockley, noted newspaper man
from the Portland 'Journal, so
that those who wish to attend
both affuiis ..'.ay be enabled to
do so. It is planned also to have
only a brief program, followed by
cards and dancing.
ments will also be served during
the evening.
The officers of the different
P. T. A. circles and the officers
o f the Civic club will act as
hostesses for the affair, with
Mrs. Clinton Baughman, city
president o f the P. T. A.’s. Mrs.
George Briscoe, president o f the
Civic club, Mrs. Fred Hitchcock,
president of the H. S. P. T. A.,
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe o f the Junior
High P. T. A., Mrs. M. M. Brow­
er of the Washington P. T. A.
and Mrs. V. D. Miller, president
o f the Lincoln P. T. A. in the re­
ceiving line.
B r i e f V is it .
Expressing himself as being
exceptionally well pleased with
the showing made by the Lithia
Springs hotel during the nine
months That it has been under
their operation, Eric V. Hauser
Jr., president o f the Multnomah
Hotel company, lessors of the
local hotel, predicts a bright fu­
ture for the local concern.
Mr. Hauser came here primari­
ly for a meeting with the board
o f directors o f the hotel and dur­
ing the cours* of the meeting,
stated at various times that the
local hotel presented somr excot-
Sp le n d id Y e a r It H a d by Loca
C h u rch . A n n u a l R e p o r t
R evea l» .
The first Presbyterian church
‘ held a most successful annual
1 meeting at the local church par-
I lors on
Wednesday evening,
j March 28. About one hundred
and twenty-five members brought
well filled baskets and enjoyed
a sumptuous dinner at 6:30.
Following the dinner the busin­
Representatives of South­ ess ofA0te meeting was Taken up.
ern Washington Hotel
Twelv*, organizations o f the
Association Enjoy
churchrwere represented, giving
compiei* reports. It was found
that a total of over $3500 had
I S HELD been raised during the past year
for local support and $1800 for
Speakers From This City benevolent and missionary work.
j Explain Advantages
Thirty members were received
That Arc to Be
into the church during the past
Found Here.
Through removals and
death, the roll was depleted by
Fourteen representatives of
the same number so the total en­
the Southwest Washington Hotel
rollment averages the same as
Men’s association, and various
j representatives of chambers of that of last year. All bills were
j commerce of southern Washing- paid in full and a goodly balance
left in the treasury. Rev. Hugh
ton arrived in Ashland this
T. Michel more has been pastor
afternoon as the final stopping
o f the local church for a year
place of a good-will and get-ac­
and a half. E. G. Harlan and A.
quainted caravan that has taken
S. Taylor were placed on the
them to the principal cities on the
board of trustees to fill vacan­
Pacific highway.
cies by removal.
J. P. Norby
The caravan was greeted at was name^ to fill the place of J.
the outskirts of town by various L. Hairier, who resigned because
representatives of Ashland, who o f ' ill health. Charles Robertson
conducted the visitors on, an in­ was eleeted benevolent treasurer
spection trip through the park, to take the place made vacant by
out past the normal school and the resignation of Miss Nellie
back by the high school to the J Russell.
Wirt M. Wright was
Lithia Springs hotel where a elected Sunday school superin­
short meeting was held.
tendent for the sixth consecutive
V. V. Mills, chairman of the year, and A. R. Rathbun was
entertainment committee presid­ 1 elected to the board of elders to
ed at the meeting and introduced replace A. H. Hays who moved
Mayor Jerry Thornton, who wel­ I to Portland.
comed the visitors on behalf of
the city.
President of the Chamber of
Commerce George Dunn, was then
introduced and on behalf of the
business interests and the cham­
ber of commerce extended a cor­
dial invitation.
S w e d r n b u r f B u ild in g to be N e w
I. E. Vining in five minute
H o m e o f Ch ain G r o c e r y
talk, explained to the visitors
S to re .
some of the many things that
southern Oregon has to attract
“ The ardent desire of the
toujpists and dwelt especially heads of the hundred 20th Cen­
upon the advantages that are to tury stores located in various
be found near Ashland. The ho­ cities throughou* the state of
tel men, were especially invited Oregon is to feature the pro­
to have no hestitancy in sending ducts o f that particular locality,
tourists to this section of Ashl, using all fresh vegetables, canned
land, and every speaker pledged goods, in fact all the products
his cooperation and the coopera­ grown or manufactured in that
tion of the organization he repre­ district, 'as near as possible,“ as­
sented in seeing that any visitors serted Tom Holloway, supervisor
sent here were well taken care of and display expert o f the Port­
The purpose o f the trip as ex­ land division of the 20th Century
plained by speakers for the visit­ chain of stores, who is here for
ing association, was primarily to the purpose of assisting in the
get acquainted, in order that moving o f the local store from
Oregon and Washington might the Shook building to the Swe-
work in complete harmony to denburg building located at 297
the end that both communities Fast Main, which nas been re-
secure the maximum nic.ieled and thoroughly equip­
ped with everything necessary
amount of benefit.
A most royal welcome has for the modem up-to-date gro­
cery store.
been accorded the visitors all
The store had its official open­
along their route, and they were
today (Friday i with special
loud in their praise of the hos­
merchandise featured at special
pitality that is t>eing dispensed.
They returned to Medford to­
Theodore Wickson o f Eugene,
night where they were guests at
who is supervisor o f the south­
a community dinner.
ern Oregon district and “ Duke”
Wellington, local supervisor, are
V is it in C a l i f o r n i a . — Mr. and also in tewn to
assist Jimmie
Mrs. Wilmer Poley, Mrs. Clara Daugherty, local manager and
Hartley and Mr. Poley’s aunt, George Shaffer, assistant in the
rs. Thomas, left Thursday by removal.
auto for Oakland and other Cali­
Mr. Holloway further stated
fornia cities. Mr. and Mr*. Poley that he was a firm believer in a
will visit his mother and sisters great future for Ashland and in
while in Oakland.
placing one of the pioneer cash
and carry stores in this city, the
lent possibilities for future de­
company also attest their faith
velopment, and that the nroh-
\ lems confronting the boards of in the future o f this particular
locality. The motto of the com­
■ directors differed but little from
pany has always been to feature
; problems that other community
■ "»thing but the best in quality
l owned hotels had to face.
J and to serve the public in the
The Portland hotel man also
brought good Wews to local I b*st manner possible, catering to
desires o f each particular
stockholders when he told the di­ j
locality, with the removal o f the
rectors that if the hotel continued
; store to its present quarters in
to show the progress that it had
been making, there was a possi­ the Swedenburg building, the
j different supervisors and Mr.
bility that
might expect some definite re­ Daughtery, local manager are
turns from their investment confident o f their ability to
withont too long a wait.
H e a d o f C o m p a n y L e a s in g Lithia
S p r i n g . H o ta l H e r e f o r
Men are interested in animal
Ants, wasps and
other insects have developed mar­
which we foolishly call “ instinct”
because they were millions of j
years before men came.
Science shows that men will |
continue on earth, barring cat­
astrophe, at least 100,000,000
years more.
Some day babies will be born
inheriting accumulated knowledge
and ready to attack new prob­
lems. That will be a race worth
Western Boot Company, Local
Concern. Has Rapid Growth
A machine that turns out l r
| 000 patches in eight or ten hours
| time, is the marvel conceived by
| J. A. Youngs o f this city who op­
erates the machine in his shop
on Mountain avenue known as
“ The Western Boot Shop.”
Mr. Youngs, with Tits wife,
covered the territory of the west­
ern states and even the middle
east in connection with his work
with the manufacturing houses
for tires and cord patches for a
number of years. With the years
a change came about, tires
changed, baloon tires came into
vogue, and the machine was made
to fit the necessity of progress.
M a ke* H o m e H e re .
About five years ago, Mr.
Youngs, his wife and two young
daughters, came to Ashland to
make their home£ According to
Mr. Youngs, thq^ had traveled
all over the United States and
had thought Akhland the one
ideal alround s*9t in ’ which to
settle permarenHy, the oldest
girl had arrived at the, school
age and it became necessary to
j |ocate f or school facilities, im
mediately their thoughts turned
to Ashland, “ and here we have
been for five years,” said Mr.
Youngs, and I trust maybe for
many more. “ We like Ashland,
and the shop is increasing in
business rapidly.”
Busines s.
Mr. Youngs stated that he has
built up a finei mail order busi­
ness, which covers the territory
of the western sta tes as f a r as
the Rortiy m o u n ta in s .
every week to buy from him.
His business is growing so fast
and work is becoming so heavy
that he may be forced to expand
his manufacturing plant in the
j near future. Different tire men
marvel at the out-put and grade
I o f work done by the machine
used in connection with his work,
which rapidly turns out round
j and oval patches in varied sixes
from discarded tires, there are
i put through a dumb process, re-
| manufactured and appear as
good as new, in fact they are
really better than new in many
ways, 99 per cent of the dealers
I use the cord part of material
that Mr. Youngs employs in his
re-manufacturing plant.
About six months ago Mr.
Youngs made a business trip to
San Francisco where a nationally
known tire and rubber company
noticed his articles and recently
wrote for information regarding
prices, etc. This shows that Mr.
Youngs work is graining recogni­
tion for quality.
“ It is the business of the
United States citizens to fore­
see, i vision ahead, establish an
with in-
ternation a 1 laws,
promote the federation of nations
as the only alternative o? war,”
was declared by Dr. L. L. Wirt
in hi{ lecture at the local Con­
gregational church
evening, given in this city in
connection with the “ world wide
peace movement,” sponsored by
different organizations through­
out the country.
Dr. Wirt is secretary and or­
ganizer o f the council for pre­
vention o f war with headquarters
at San Francisco, and during his
btirtil g address at the local
church last nig’it outlined the
obiect m d nature of the state
organization which has its head
quarters in the Stock Exchange
building in Portland.
Dr. W'irt
stated that with the present con
ditions prevailing in Europe, a
was was imminent in all prob­
abilities within the next ten
years unless the American people
were prepared to prevent it.
However, once started, America
will almost be forced into the
Dr. Wirt recently returned
from Los Anegels where he spoke
before 50 different high schools
and various organizations, in re­
gard to the promoting of the
peace movement.
A local council was organized
with H. B. Carter named as presi­
Dr. W’ irt spoke before the
southern Oregon normal student
body this morning and appeared
on the program at the local Ki-
wanis meeting held in the Lithia
Springs hotel at noon today.
B n ild
H o m e . — Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Kluth, who have been
residing on B street for the past
year, are having a lovely new
home erected on Liberty street.
Putnam brothers having the
building o f the new residence un­
der their direction. The residence
will be ready for occupancy the
first of May.
Improving.— J. V. Wright of
Mountain avenue, who has been
ill for some day* past, is report­
ed improving.
F if t e e n
A i h I i a «I M e r c h e
Sponsor Program Over
The following program, spon- i
sored by fifteen Ashland merch­
ants will be broadcast tonight |
over station KMED, Medford.
The orchestra is under the di- j
rection of Ward V. Croft, assist­
ed by James Stevens, baritone:
March, “ City of Ballarat,” by
Percy Code; overture, “ Stradel-
by j,qotow fox trot, “ Sun­
rise,1” by Cliff Friend; ballet, D**an of Men at O . A . C.
Talks on Vocational
“ Coppelia,” in two parts, by De­
Guidance for
libes; part 2. “ Cozardos; “ Cocoa-
nut' dance,” piece characteristic,
by Herman; waltz, "Wedding of
the Winds,” by Hall; part 2, FIND
“ Wedding of the Winds,” by
Hall; melodia, “ d’Amour," by Necessity of Getting V o­
cation that Fitted
Clements; selection from “ Mig-
With Talent Is
non,” opera by Ambroi»* Thomas
Brought Out.
foxtrot “ My Ohio Home,” by
Cliff Friend.
Find the thing you would
ther do than plax*. then you
ill have found that which you
are best suited for,” U. G. Du-
m en
A d v e r tis e s A s h lan d .
Mr. Youngs is especially loyal
told members of the Kiwanis
to Ashland and expresses with
much pleasure and prid£ The R u le . o f E lig ibility in C o u n t y club at their regular noonday
luncheon meeting at the Lithia
H e alth C o n te s t A r e
thought that his products which
Springs hotel today, where he
are being shipped throughout the
delivered an address upon voca­
western and central stateq are
“ to be or not to be.” on the tional guidance.
doing much to advertise Olbgon
and especially Ashland, bringing health honor rolls in the differ­
“ There are two things a col­
the name to the attention of the ent schools of Rogue river valley, lege education should give a
seems to be the issue among the boy,” the speaker stated. “ First,
school children this year. It is the the ability to earn a living and
style, so human nature and pub­ by this he explained was meant
lic sentiment are guiding tiie the ability to do some one thing
minds of children and their par- and
it well. The second thing
I ents in the popular direction a college education should give
| that will lead them eventually to a student is the ability to live.
the spring style show of good Elaborating somewhat upon this
S e v e r a l C h a n g e s in G a m e A s s o ­ health and good scholarship which statement the
dean explained
will take place on May 1.
c ia t io n B y - L a w s a re to b «
thut by this statement was meaat
Children are anxious for the the broadening of life, to Ruch an
physical examinations conducted extent that it was possible to en­
The application of several by t h e
school management. joy other things than ‘just what
clubs will be presented, subject Though a few are indifferent at the individual might be inter­
to favorable vote o f accredited first and obpect to removing the ested in.
delegntes and revision of by-laws clothing for the thorough exam­
“ There are two things that
will be some o f the business of ination given by the doctor, they govern the boy or girl of today
importance which will be taken up are promptly excused to make in what they shall accomplish,”
at the annual meeting of the room for the enthusiastic can­ the speaker declared, “ first is
Jackson County Fish and Game didates, but usually the victim to what he is born with, and sec­
association which wiii be held in misunderstanding or timidity re­ ond what will he do with the nat­
Ashland on April 11 at the local turns within a few days, pleading ural ability with which he is best
Elk’s temple.
for a second opportunity.
equipped. ”
letters are being sent out to
Considerable business has ac­
Elaborating upon this some­
cumulated since the last meeting parents, communicating to them what, the speaker pointed out
of the association
which was the defects of their children, that it was essential to make a
held in Portland last December. which if properly corrected or self analysis, to determine that
The proposed change in the pres­ treated do not deter the child which came most easily, and
ent by-laws affects that part of from having his named placed on while he did not advise taking
the obligation which now reads; the coveted honor roll. Children the easy way, he did record him­
“ I shall not go upon such prem­ who are in splendid condition and self as an advocate of children
ises, lands of owners or lessees, ary so effervescing with high following that which tiielr talents
without first securing permission spirits that their conduct and les­ best suited them.
from some one authorized to give sons are poor, |must reform if
“ Study your ability and the
it:” The amendment proposes to they wish to make the honor roll.
occupation and see how they
except uncultivated or un-en-
Rules o f eligibility are as fol-
fit together.jlf they match up,
closed lands.
Some sportsmen (»hiws: Should the child after a
all right, thej) you will know that
have voiced objections at taking | thorough physical
you are in the right place,” was
the obligation in its present by the physician in charge and in
his closing statement.
form, citing that all lands are the opinion of his teacher be
owned by some one and even in rated as. mentally normal, physi­
the wildest and most remote deer cally free from defects, reason­ Fine New Home Is
county when the ownership is un­ ably cooperative in health habits
Nearly Completed
known or obsecure, they would and satisfactory in his behavior
be violating the obligation if and attitude in the school envi­
A modern new homo is under
they failed to secure permission. ronment, then he is eligible to construction on Mountain avenue
There seems to be no desire to have his name placea on the and will be ready for its owners,
soften terms of obligation with honor roll.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Wolfe to oc­
reference to enclosed or culti­
cupy sometime during the early
vated lands.
spring months.
Health Association
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe came to
At the meeting o f the local
to Stage Drive
Ashland from Denver, Colorado,
sportsmen held in the local
chamber of commerce on Wed-
The Jackson County
Health a little over six months ago and
nesday, arrangements were work- association will start their mem- are so pleased with this city and
ed out in detail for the annual I *><rship drive the first of April its natural scenic beauties, health
meeting. Elaborate preparations and will continue it until April waters and wonderful climate,
are under way for the reception 16, with a 50 cent charge for that it is their intention to remain
and entertainment o f over 350 dues. This will be the only drive permanently.
Mr. Wolfe followed the profes­
guests, a splendid program is be­ for membership carried on by the
ing arranged on which prominent organization throughout the en­ sion of contractor in the middle
west for a number of years and
speakers from various parts of tire year.
Membership in the Jackson is much experienced in that line
the state will appear. Delegates
from different localities will he County Health association does o f work. They have been resid­
enabled to get a “ close up” view not entail any further obligations ing with Miss MeCey of this city
of the problems peculiar to the or service, and the 50 cent charge who is an aunt ef Mrs. Wolfe,
for membership is placed in the 'and will continue as her guests
different parts o f Oregon.
A. C. Nininger, local chairman fund for financing the sick room until their new home is ready
is anxious that this meeting of needs, dental clinic, layettes and for occupancy.
the sportsmen be made a notable other social work carried on in
B ro k e F in g e r .— W. 8. Stennett
event and urges the citizens to the county by the organization.
Mrs. C. F. Tilton, local chair­ had the misfortune to break the
back it by procuring ticketa for
man o f the association will be in little finrer on his left hand
the affair.
which prevents him from work­
charge o f the drive in this city.
ing at hia trade.
He had work
Remodeling store at Forest
Benton county has 5,000 dairy contracted for a month or more,
Grove for J. C. Penny A company cows, averaging 3862 pounds of so was compelled to turn the
work over to other workmen.
milk a year.
will oost $16,900.
S p e a k e r D e c la r e s U n it e d States
E a s in e s s Is to S ee