PAGE THE TWO SOCIETY Surprise Party.— Member» of the Jolly Bunch Card club met at the L. A. Robert’» home Thurs­ day evening and went in a body to the George Crapsey home, the occasion being in the form o f a surprise in honor o f the birthday anniversary of Mr. Crapsey. Each member took a covered dish containing some choice food, and an elaborate supper was spread at the long dining room table. Each member brought a birthday card and the sentiment expressed was read at the table, causing much merriment. Following supper, several hour* were spent in playing 500. Those present at the happy affair were: Mr. and Mrs. George Crap­ sey, Mr. and Mrs. James Hersey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. George Eib, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff |*ayne, Mr. and Mx.s. L. A. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. J. K<>, h, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dick­ ey, Will Crapsey and Mrs. Jennie Gilbert. Elk's Card Party.— The largest attendance o f the «easr>f featur­ ed the semi-monthly Lady Elk’s card party held in the local Elk’s temple Thursday. March ¿2, with Mn. B B. Balia and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel presiding as host­ esses for the afternoon. Two prises for bridge were granted during the afternoon, there being no tables o f 500 play­ ed. Mrs. R. E. Detrick won the first prize and Mrs. E. L. Wilkes .he consolation. * After the games, the hostesses served delicious refreshments. Delphian Chapter Meeting.--- The local Delphians held their regular monthly chapter meeting this afternoon in the ball room of the Lithia Springs hotel. After a short business session which was presided over by the presi­ dent, Mrs. John Fuller, the dis­ trict supervisor, Mrs. F. G. Swe­ den burg took the afternoon’s pro­ gram in charge which consisted of two especially fine numbers. Mrs. John Fuller reviewed the book, ‘ ‘ Black Majesty,” by John Van Cook, the author of the popular work, “ Tom Toms,” a tale of the African jungles. "Black Majesty” by Van Cook has been approved by the Liter­ ary Guild and was recently as­ sembled in book form by Harper and Sons, and will soon appear A SH LA N D on the market. Critics claim thrft this book is better than the former. Professor Irving E. Vining spoke before the ladies on “ Mac­ beth" He presented the differ­ ent characteristics o f the char- actres in this drama Comparing them to the characters o f the modern play and o f every day lifei Members o f the club who were disappointed at not being allowed the privilege of taking up “ Macbeth” in the regular study work o f the year were de­ lighted to be granted the privil­ ege o f hearing the play outlined in the masterly manner o f which Mr. Vining is noted. A splendid attendance marked the occasion with a number of guests from other local clubs be­ ing invited for the afternoon’s program. Mrs. E. A. Woods and Mrs. Walter Everton acted as hostesses for the afternoon. Bluebird Party.— A delightful “ bluebird spring party” was en­ joyed last Friday at the Winsome kindergarten with Mrs. Nellie Sieloff acting as hostess to her pupils and their parents. The kindergarten was charmingly dec­ orated with bluebirds made by the little tots and a profusion o f daf­ fodils. The following program was presented by the little ones for the benefit of the mothers. “ Little bluebird in a tree” and “ Mother Natures Carpet” by five boys. “ Spring,” a resitation by Joe Burdic, “ Lady Spring," Lillie Sieloff. “ A Seed,” Charles Har­ rison, “ Sing a Song o f pussy I cats," Shirley Enden, “ I Love little Pussy,” by pupils. “ Little Lark” Everett Hoffman, “ Some­ body’s Knocking.” song by pupils “ A Secret,” Lily Sieloff. “ Little Bo Peep.” Nancy Briggs. “ I heard a happy bird sing,” song “ Violets,” Buddy Silver. “ Blue­ bird comes,” Freddie Ijayer. “ Little Boy Blue,” Billy Briggs, “ Lady Bug, Lady Bug,” song, “ Dear Robin” poem by all. “ Tu­ lips” Lily Sieloff. Bluebird play by pupils. A story by Lily Sieloff. Following the afternoon’s en­ tertainment, the hostess served refreshments of iced bird cookies and ice cream to the following pu­ pils and their mothers: Lily Sie­ loff, Charles Harrison, Joe Bur­ dic, Everett Hoffman, Buddy Silver, Billy Briggs, Billy Elhart, Nancy Briggs, Jean Read, Shir­ ley Enders, Martha Sieloff, Fred­ die Bayer, Otie Helman, Billy Green, Captain Brooks, Billy Burdic, Donald Brooks, Lottie I NI N J where 9QVÙÌE9 are greatest*9 Elk* Bldg. Phone 3 “Honor” Muslin Bleached or Unbleached A splendid quality that you will find only in our stores. “ Hon- or" will m e e t many needs. Yd. Ashland, Ore. Now Playing 81 x 90 splendid sheets at an economical price. Each CLARA BOW — IN — 89c “ RED H A IR ” For Every Day “Wizard” Cases Clara again- ■in another one of her red hot pictures that will give you a thrill. Inexpenaive 42 x 16 inch cases (or your genera! seeds. Each 15c 19c 72x90 Sheets “ Nation-Wide” Splendid, practical sheet* for general uac. Each » 1.10 “ The Theatre Beautiful“ Watch This Space For Coming; Attractions Each Issue “Wizard'Sheefj Thursday and Friday KARL DANE, GEO. K. ARTHUR TUESDAY, MARCH 27. 1928 REGISTER Barber and Bobby Simpkins. Mes­ dames C. J. Read, Helman, Nate Simpkins, William Briggs, G. M. Green, H. H. Elhart, O. F. Sil­ ver. Brooks, Powell, Barber and Hoffman. tional release and the greatest ad­ vertisement ever granted Ashland Mr. Theobald worked for six months without pay to prove that he was a producer and not a pro­ moter, also proving to Hollywood that Ashland was the best place Honored Motion Picture De­ in America to make pictures, be­ v e lo p e r . — Over forty members of cause o f the violet rays in the the West Coast Historical and sunlight. Mr. Wise of New York, head Screen society met at the local screen headquarters in the nati- of the Art Class corporation, torium last Saturday evening, the chanced to be in Hollywood at occasion being in honor of the the time o f the showing of ‘ Gold’ birthday anniversary o f Carl A. and was very enthusiastic, declar­ Theobald and his recent success ing that Mr. Theobald had given in getting the local picture, the world a new art, with the presentation of new ideas and the “ Gold,” released. With the release of the local lighting being far superior to picture by the Art Class corpora­ that of Hollywood. Mr. Wise de­ tion o f Hollywood, the company sires Mr. Theobald to make 12 which handles the Charles Chap­ one reel and a number of feature lin pictures, this means interna- pictures. The evening passed happily with toast* jokes, puns and » short program in which Dr. Mat- tie Shaw delivered several splend­ id readings and Mrs. Mary Wil. shire and Mrs. Clara Bomar also favored with readings. Musical ! numbers and dancing were also pleasant features of the affair. Delicious refreshments being | served late in the evening, short- i ly before the members departed ] after wishing Mr. Theobald fu- i ture success and happiness. Returns to Alaska.— Mrs. L. V. Adsit, who has been visiting here for several weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. L. Burton on Fourth street, left last Thursday for her home at Juneau, Alaska. Mrs. * Adsit went to Seattle by train and from there she took the steamer “ Yukon” to Juneau. Voters N O T IC E ! April 17th is the last date to regis­ ter. A law passed by the people in 1927 positively prohibits swearing in of voters at polls. You may regis­ ter at the office of Billings Agency. Circular Tubing “ Natioo-Wida” • i? 1’*’** wide—*-a recog­ nized fine quality. Yard 29c Toweling New Patterns! Bleached ___ d and and unbleached Yard 10c 16 inch— oiasa aad fancy part lisca crash. ly, yard 15c mm. THE SEASON IS ON FOR CLEANING AND PAINTING UP People are realizing more than ever the wisdom of Timely Painting to preserve their property from the ravages o f the weather. W e carry a complete line o f REPUBLIC PAINT A VARNISH W ORKS “Electric Toast” Is Best! Floor Enamels, Porch Paint En­ amels, Varnish Stains. because ‘ Electric toast“ is best the bread can be toasted to just the right state o f golden brown perfection to suit each person’s preference . . . . because it can be made at the table in exactly the amounts required . . . . because it is served fresh and hot, the supply being re­ plenished only as needed. Your Dealer Has Electric Toasters for every need — for even» purse SEE TH E M ! T he C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P o w e r C o m O J . Off ICt* i M B H B I W W W B I 1 .Ì 1 3 T R S REP-GLO SEMI-GLOSS FINISHES PUBLIC SERVICE HOUSE PAINT is a thoroughly dependable paint o f proven durability made by a pain manufacturing con­ cern established in 1854. It is 100 PER CENT LEAD AND OIL Fully guaranteed to meet every requirement. W e offer the public a dependable fyouse paint guaranteed to give full satisfaction both as to durability and appearance for— $2.75 PER GALLON See us for all these p a ducts y Ask for the dependable ducts we feature in the— UNI-SPAR LINE “ All Purpose” Enamel, Motor Car Enamel, Varnish Stains. -*■ r • > f UNI-SPAR VARNISH Will stand all hot water tests, etc., to which it may be tested. A very high grade varnish priced below other similar com ­ petitive high-grade varnishes. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE rany Lt f pro 37 N. MAIN