The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 23, 1928, Image 1

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R. J. Wensley, inventor of a
mechanical man that unveiled a
statue of George Washington, be­
lieves that men made o f metal
will liberate us from industrial
slavery, as Washington liberated
us from European tyranny.
Workers need not fear that me­
tallic “ robots” will ruin the la­
bor market. Long ago mechanical
men and women made their ap­
pearance in machfcery o f all
kinds, driven by steam and elec­
One machine does th >
knitting for ten thousand women
one locomotive pulls the load of
a thousand stage coaches, replac­
ing 1,000 drivers.
The perfected machine will not
be an imitation man standing up­
right on two legs. That position
man achieved to look out over
high grass for enemies and prey,
in the beginning, and to look up
the stars later. Mechanical men
can be only an interesting cur­
iosity, not an industrial success.
Science improves on nature and
f does not imitate it, the ultimate
' flying machine without bird wings
or methods will prove that.
From a big orange tree in
southern California
the River­
side Chamber o f Commerce sends
126 Oranges to as many newspa­
per editors. The tree is one of
two imported from Brazil by the
United States department o f ag­
riculture. Those two trees are the
father and mother o f all the
"Washington navel trees” that
make up great groves in southern
Similarly, a few cherry trees,
brought by Lucullus from his
wars in Asia, are the ancestors of
millions o f cherry trees that
small American boys climb every
Such are the wealth and
generosity o f Nature.
Definite assurance that Fred
Uockley, w e l l - k n o w n special
writer on the Oregon Journal
will be in Ashland on the night
of March 30, and will be the main
speaker at a town meeting to be
held on that date, was received
this morning in a telegram from
K- G. Harlan, secretary o f the
Chamber o f Commerce, who is in
Eugene attending a meeting of
the State Secretaries association.
The message further contain­
ed the statement that Professor
Vining addressed the meeting
this morning on the subject of
“ Foreign Trade.”
Mr. Harlan expects to return to
Ashland tomorrow. (Saturday.)
Menmoutk Teachers Visit—
Misses Mildred Crane and Milne,
-dster o f Miss Anne Milne, in­
structor in biology in the local
high school, are making a short
visit to friends in Ashland dur­
ing the spring vacation. Misses
Crane and Milne are physical
training instructors in the Mon­
mouth normal school. Miss Crane
taught in the local high school
last year, and has many friends
in' this city.
Garibaldi Newa is told to F. C.
Baker o f Tillamook aad A. M.
Byrd o f Salem.
Shopper». — Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Jones o f Talent wert
•hopping in Aablaod Wednesday.
— -----------------------------
Visit» Jitter — Miss Clara Wills
o f this city left Thursday for
McCloud where she will spend
several days visiting with her sis­
ter, Mrs. R. G. Goodman.
L eft For Portland.— Miss Ber­
nice Hall left for Portland on
Wednesday to visit her parents
during the spring vacation. Miss
Mary Galey accompanied her to
the rose city where she expects
to attend grand opera.
To Visit Daughter.— Mrs. Pol-i
lard left Wednesday fo r Cali­
fornia for a visit with her daugh­
ter, Jane, who is attending the
Bible school in Pasadena. Other
'•cal girls attending the Bible
^Rudents’ school in the California
city are Lolita Pierson and Mar­
jory Payne.
MARCH S3, 192*
Lands Fifty
HE Sylvan Provost
Two Pounds of Fine Salmon FOUR
ing o f Executive Committee
I» Held at Hotel
To take up the matter o f Rogue
river fishing, is the main purpose
of the meeting o f the Jackson
County Fish and Game Protec­
tive association which is scheduled
to hold an annual meeting m this
city on April 11, preceded by a
banquet in the Elk’s banquet
Members o f the executive com­
Ashland Merchant* Pro­ mittee o f the association held a
meeting with a luncheon at the
vide Entertainment by
Lithia hotel Thursday at noon
Modeling Latest
fo r the purpose o f completing ar­
rangements for the affair, with
C H A N G E ___ P R O G R A M Amos Nininger acting as chair­
man. It was made known at the
Tonight’s Program W ill meeting that invitations have
been sent out to 85 different
be Entirely Different
sportsmen’s organisations in the
W ith Many New
state, also to the state game and
fish commissioners. Governor Pat­
The American Legion's snnua) terson, other state officials and
Spring Style show and merchan­ prominent politicians. A ll indi­
dise exhibit opened at the arm­ cations are that it will be the
ory last night with a colorful ar­ largest, sportsmen's meeting ever
ray of beautiful models, depict­ held in southern Oregon, many
ing the newest fashions from favorable replies from
show that much interest is mani­
five local stores.
While rain played its part in fest. It is estimated that from
keeping the crowd down, officials fifty to seventy-five out-of-town
of the Legion were well satisfied sportsmen will be in attendance.
The object o f the annual meet­
with the opening nights returns
and are predicting a large crowd ing is to promote cooperation
for tonight, the closing night of among the various sportsmen or-’
ganizations in the state with the
the affair.
The evenings program opened idea o f getting better results in
with a style showing from En- vital local matters by placing
ders ready-to-wear department, them in the right light before the
! with Ann Fedor, Dorothy Bollatn, legislature, making authorities
Betty Slawser and Margaret realize that the wild life o f Ore­
gon is one o f its chief assetd. Dis-
Dawes as models.
cu slon o f the power dams will
The J. C. Penny company fea­
be one o f the issues stressed at
turing Lillian Olson, Helen Cole,
the big meeting.
June Sherard and Mrs. Hilda Val-
Local sportsmen in attendance
aneor as models was the second
at the juncheon Thursday were:
attraction o f the evening.
Amos Nininger, Roy Parr, Louis
Miller’s Toggery with an exclu­
Dodge. Harry Hosier, H. L. Clay-
sive showing of mens clothes was
comb o f this city, Chris Gottlieb,
represented by Hod Dunn, Marion
Paul Shear, Bill , Coleman, Earl
Frost, Barney Miller, John Ru-
Gaddis and Bert Anderson of
ger, Fred Katzer, Roy Metcalf,
Ronald Gandee and Lee Boyd an
additional feature o f this part of
the program was the demonstrat
tion of Iron Duke trousers. Mr.
Miller had six o f his models at­
tempt to pull rtie trousers in two,
which they were unable to do.
Isaac’s store with hats from
the Hargrove millinery, was the
next feature, with Gertrude Ahl-
strom, Bessie McMillan, Claudia
Gass and Elsie Churchman as
J. H. McGee o f McGee’s store
worked out some original ideas
fo r his part in the show, when he
presented McGee’s fashion book,
with hats from the Suggs millin­
ery. Little Janet Pauline Rush,
first appeared on the stage, when
Jane Sugg, as page opened the
front o f the book.
This little
miss went from one side o f the
stage to the other throwing blos­
soms to the many wljo attended
the showing last night.
Then in rapid succession came
the models from out o f the book
with Cleo Wiltse, Mrs. Harry
McNair, Mrs. W. D. Jackson and
showing the
As an added attraction, 19 pu­
pils o f Eva Benson, dancing
school o f Medford delighted with
a varied program o f dances.
The country store under the
director o f Eph Dunn, V. W.
Knott and Tom Johnson provided
a fitting finale to a delightful
evenings entertainment.
The armory was lined with
boAths from the various merch­
ants, all o f which were well ar­
ranged and attracted considerable
attention. One o f the outrtardin”
ones was that o f the Ashland
Creamery. By the clever use of
whipping cream the American
flag was faithfully reproduced
in all o f its colors.
commander o f the
Legion, Ralph Bowen, announced
there will be an entire change of
program, with a comedy drama,
as a feature following the style
Two salmon, one weighing 28
pounds and being 38 inches in
length, another tipping the scales
at 24 pounds and measured 34 in­
ches in length, were the result o f
a fishing trip recently indulged
in by Sylvan Provost, C. E. Dud­
ley and Dan Payne o f thid city.
The figh being persuaded out of
Savage Rapids by the skillful
manipulations of a slender trout
rod in the hands o f Mr. Provost.
Though Mr. Provost receives
the honor o f catching the two big
beauties, Dan Payne insists that
it was due to his calmness of mind
that the first fish was landed.
According to Mr. Dudley, who
has made somewhat o f a study on
fish, the salmon caught by Mr.
Provost are known as the royal
Chinook, an Indian name meaning
royal spring wind, the Tyee, also
an Indian name meaning King,
and the Quinnat which is a Rus­
sian name meaning monarch or
ruler. Mr. Dudley asserts that the
fish, are in a splendid condition,
free from bruises and well fed.
Local Dentist Says America Best
Fad Bat I» the Least
The local Kiwanians held their
usual weekly meeting today wick
a luncheon at the Lithia Springs
hotel. Fred Engle, as head of the
organization, was invited to rep­
resent the Kiwanis club at the
Rotary “ charter night,” on Sat­
Jhe speaker o f the day was
Dr. R. L. Burdic, who gave a
splendid talk on “ diet and its e f­
fect upon the teeth.” Dr. Burdic
stated that while America was the
best fed nation in the world, it
was the least nourished, the Am ­
erican diet d'cidedly lacking in
vitamins, leafy and rooty vege­
tables and too much meat, pota­
toes and white bread, with a
preference for predigrtded foods,
such as breakfast foods and can­
ned stuffs. Experiments conduct­
ed show that a rat can live thirty
day* on bread and water and
thirty-five days on water alone,
according to Dr. Burdic, who end­
ed his discourse by reading an
article on the action o f foods in
a girl’s stomach.
Guests o f ttie club were Dr.
Donald Walker o f Astoria, Lor­
Wayne Wiells in the biology de­
partment at the normal school,
and H. G. Mulholland o f Port­
G. M. Green’s name was drawn
to contribute to the child's wel­
fare fund.
ders, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCoy,
Attorney and
Briggs, Mr, and Mr*. J. A.
Churchill, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon
MacCracken, Mr. and Mr*. J. H.
Mtgee and Mr. and Mr*. Fred
From Klametk Falls.— Roy Hos
ley and w ife o f Klamath Fall*
visited Mr. Hosley's mother at
171 B street the first o f the week
returning home Tuesday morn­
To Attend
Grand Opera.—
Mrs. C. W. Hansen is among the
Ashland people who left this week
fo r Portland to attend the grand ;
opera on Saturday, when Mhry I
Garden will appear in “ Resur­
Klamath Falls Woman Is Winner
of One of the State
More Plays Accepted.— Miss
m hhoh letters sent
Leaves for Idaho.— N. W. Mc­ Helen Norris, Jackson county
Gee, uncle o f J. H. McGee, local girl, who received so much com­
The University day dance is merchant, left this morning by
mendation a short time ago for
well under way with the students stage for North Bend where he
a play she wrote which was
o f U. o f O., Miss Edith Dodge, will spend a few
days before broadcast over the Genera) Elec­
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis continuing on to Portland and
tric station KGO, has had three
Dodge of this city and Miss Gene­ Idaho where he expects to spend
more radio playlets accepted by
vieve Swedenburg, daughter ot the summer months.
Wilda Wilson Church, who has
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg
Visited in South.— Misses Mil­ made a specialty o f radio dramas
in charge o f the arrangements. dred and Josephine Barber were
for several years fo r the General
Miss Dodge is acting in the cap­ among the local people who took
Electric station. The titles o f the
acity o f state chairman fo r the advantage o f the Rogue river ex­
new plays written by Miss Nor-
different affairs, and Miss Swe- cursion rates last week to San
ris are as follows: “ That Awful
j denburg as local chairman. The Francisco and return. The young
\ Difference,”
dance which fT1 scheduled to be ladies visited with
relatives in | and “ A Cup o f C offee.” “ That
given in the Lithia Springs hotel San Francisco, Alameda and Sac­
Awful Difference,” is scheduled
| tonight, is a benefit dance, spon­ ramento, and report a splendid
to be broadcast over HGO on
sored by the Woman’s League trip with plenty o f sunshine dur­
April 2* and the others will be
and the proceeds are to go toward ing each day.
presented later by the
the Fine Arts building on the
players. Miss Norris, who resides
University o f Oregon campus, in
Visit in Klamath.— Mrs. Lee near Eagle Point,, has ahost* of
which the Warner collection of Bromley, an employee o f the lo­
friends not only in southern Ore­
oriental art will be housed.
cal Plaza Confectionery and cafe gon, but all over the country
Ashland is one o f the twenty- left Thursday for Klamath Falls
who are eagerly awaiting the
eight towns in Oregon which is where she will spend a few days
broadcasting o f her plays.
assisting the fine arts fund.
visiting her husband who is em­
The <mn«e will be a semi- ployed in that city.
Postal Officials Visit.— A. R.
formal affair, the music will be
Richard o f San Francisco, gener­
furnished by Dom Provost's five
Table Rock Escnraioniats.—
piece orchestra, and punch and Among the Ashland people who al superintendent o f the Pacific
wafers will be served through­ made the journey to Table Rock Coast Postal Telegraph company*
out the evening.
Decorations last Sunday were Dr. and Mr*. W. H. E. Patton, division superin­
used in the rooms will be in the Earl Blake, two sons, Earl and tendent o f Seattle district, and
early spring colors o f yellow and Edward and Misa Caroline Radde. R. A. Obley, divisional engineer of
green, with an abundance o f d af­ They report a pleasant trip. The the northwest, paid th* Ashland
fodils and ferns.
A prominent roads are in splendid condition, office an officials visit Wednes­
feature o f the evening's enter­ the hill sides are glowing with day. The official* left fo r Seat­
tainment will be a radio program wild flower* and the country in tle on Wednesday evening and
which will probably be broadcast general has the joyfu l aspect! of Mr. Obley took the stage for
over the Portland station, KEX spring that only Rogue river val­ Dunsmuir where he is conducting
in connection with the University ley knows at this time o f the some repair work. He expects to
return to Ashland within a few
dsy activities.
days to install a new telegraph
Local patrons and patronesses
for-the a ffa ir are: Dr. and Mr*. Enders, Mr. and Mrs. John En- table in the local office.
E. A. Woods, Dr. and Mrs. F. G.
Swedenburg. Mr and Mrs. Louis
Dodge. Mr. and Mr*. Will Dodge,
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Burdic, Mr.
and Mr*. Georg* Briscoe. Mr. and
Mr*. Emil Fail, Mr.
and Mrs.
G w i« Butler, Mr. aad Mrs. Henry
At the meeting held in Yreka
Wednesday evening by southern
Oregon and northern California
baseball fans, it was determined
to have a baseball league with
Dunsmuir, Weed, Medford and
Klamath Falls
indicating their
intentions o f entering the league
for the season.
Grants Pass and Shasta City
were on the fence, but will give
a decision at the next meeting
held sometime before April 18.
in Yreka, fo r the purpose of
forming a permanent organiza­
tion, with the election o f officers,
adopting a schedule and by-laws
for the season.
That Ashland will have a place
Paul Schissler Gives Inspiring in the league is rather doubtful,
Address before High School
due to lack o f financial support,
, Assembly.
and local indifference, but sev­
eral o f well known former local
“ Sportsmanship in Atnletics” stellar players will be located in
was the gist o f the splendid talk the neighboring teams in the
given before the high school stu­ Rogue river valley
which will
dent body Thursday morning by excite a great deal o f interest
Paul Schissltr, coach o f the Ore­ among local fans, thd games and
gon Agricultural c oil. ge, wl.o players being the greater part in
stopped o ff o ff in this city on the same class as last season.
his way to Los Angeles in interest
The different towns represent­
o f the coaching course connected ed at the meeting Were: Duns­
with the college.
muir, Weed, Shasta City, Klam­
Mr. Schissler stresesd the point ath Falls, Grants Pass, Medford
in living up to training rules, and Ashland. Much interest was
stating that it was absolutely es­ shown by the different towns rep
sential fo r the making o f the resented in the opening o f the
first rate athlete. “ Size doesn’t baseball season, with the first
make a good player,” he assert­ game starting o ff on May 18, the
ed. “ It is quick thinking that gets place o f the opening game not
a man out o f a tight place.” yet being decided.
Coaeh Schissler pointed out that
Convalescent. --- Mrs.
every boy should have his parti­
cular game, claiming that ath­ who has been sick for some time,
letics is both a physical and is able to be about in a wheel
moral help to the student.
Coach Schissler, in company
with Ed AHworth, alumni secre­
tary o f the Oregon State Col­
lege are on their way to Los
Angeles for the purpose o f mak­
ing arrangements for a coaching
course with Knute Rockney.
Improving. — John Fuller,
who hat been suffering with
sinus trouble for several weeks
at his home on North Main street
is reported to be slightly im-
Duntiniair, W «w l, Klamath Falls
and Medford to Play Thi»
Dance Sponsored
Students to be Held at
Hotel Tonight.
Though seven fish were landed
by other fishermen, the two
brought ini by Mr. Provost were
the largest and finest caught
that day.
Letters from every
country on the globe totalling
1,044,272 were received and con­
sidered in the recent 300 word
letter contest on “ Why the Laun­
dry Should Do My Washing,”
sponsored by the laundry owners
national association,
to W irt M. Wright o f the Ash­
land laundry.
Winners o f the ten national
prizes are: 1st, »10,000, Mr*. A.
W. Thomas, o f Milwaukee, Wis.;
2nd, *5,000, Mrs. Clyde Watt.
Midwest. W y.; 3rd, *2,000, Mrs.
Mervyn Dur.nagan, Portland, Or.;
4th, *1,250, Mr*.
Mary Hole,
Bartleville, Okla,; 6th,
William T. Gray, Brooklyn, N.
Y.; 6th, *700, Mrs. C. M. Davis,
Deaver.Wy.; 7th, *500,
Mary Allen, Newark, N. J .; 8th,
*400, Mrs.
Miami, Fla.; 9th, *260, J. P. Mul-
rooney, Ontario, Can.; 10th, »100,
Harriet L. Troan, Rochester, N
Cash prize* were awarded to
ten persons in each state, with
Mrs. E ffie Drummond o f Klam­
ath Falla winning one o f the
state prizes.
Twelve thousand letters re­
honorable mention and
notification o f their awards with
certificates were mailed to the lo­
cal laundrymen on the 20th o f
According to Mr. Wright, no
names o f local people have been
sent to him, but he is in readi­
ness to grant *2 worth o f laundry
service should any names he sent
to him. Mr. Wright states that
he ia anxious to grant the extra
Mm ice to local people in connec­
tion with the nation wide contest
and hope* that he will receive a
number of such requests.
Say* That Most of
Spring Planting i»
W ell Along.
Moisture and W arm Day*
of Last Few W eek*
Allow * Farmers to
With the majority o f small
grain in, th*i only exception be­
ing on the higher places where
the frost is n >* completely out o f
¡.lie ground,
fiuuiers have every right to ex­
pect a bumper crop this year, ac­
cording to County Agent R. G.
Fowler, who is in Ashland today
on his regular weekly visit.
The work is much farther ad­
vanced this year than last, the
county agent stated, due to the
excellent weather that has pre­
vailed throughout the late win­
ter months. “ Last season, work
was considerably retarded,” said
Mr. Fowler. “ By a late spring,
but with plenty o f moisture and
warm days, the farmers have
been able to get in much o f their
spring planting,”
There has been ai considerable
increase in spring wheat this
year over last, due to weather
conditions, while the fall wheat
has shown a corresponding de-
creasa, the specialist explained.
VH^nther conditions again were
responsible for this.
While Mr. Fowler refused to
state just how much the beef
cattlemen were benefiting as the
result o f recent advances in the
cattle market, he did say that
after many years o f low prices
and adverse condition« they were
beginning to realise on their in­
vestments agHin.
County Agent
week gave out an optimistic
statement regarding the fruit
and vegetable prospects for the
season and with both this type of
farmer and the man who depends
upon grain and live stock, for his
livlihood, southern Oregon has
every right to expect a most
prosperous year ahead.
Local Man Victim of Accident.
— Ernest Gibson, well known man
in Ashland, where he resided with
his father, J. R. Gibson, on 14
Scenic Drive at different inter­
vals during the past five years,
met his death Wednesday when
a tree fell across the automobile
in whjch he was riding on a road
leading from the Ewauna lumber
camp near Chiloquln.
P. W.
Snow and John Nelson, both log­
gers, were occupants o f the car
also, suffering severe Injuries.
The deceased was bom in Van-
ville, province o f Quebec, Cana­
da. 44 year* ago.
He came to
Ashland five years ago and re­
sided on Scenic Drive with his
father when he was not engaged
in the lumber business, where he
occupation of
He is survived by his father,
one brother, W. A. Gibson and
two sisters, Mr*. Nell MacDer-
mott and Mr*. Elmer Smith, both
o f this city.
The remains were brought to
Ashland and are at Stock's Un­
dertaking parlors,
funeral services will be held Sat­
urday afternoon at two o’clock
with Rev. Dunham o f the local
Baptist churrh in charge. Burial
will be made in the AUhland