The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 13, 1928, Image 1

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By Arthur Brisbane
i m mi gr n a t s
b u il i T n a t io n
p r in c e
Promoters o f South American
investments inform you that the
population, o f Rio de Janiero has
increased nearly a million in
eight years. Buenor Aires more
than a million in fourteen years.
Agricultural population has in­
creased enormously in South
Other Debates Planned for Local
Normal School This
All that is due to our immi-
gr.ition laws which keep out of
the United States the white Eu­
ropean population that we need,
the men and women that made
this country what it is.
Shutting out such immigra-
gration, we build up other na­
The former Kaiser, who must
have done some hard thinking in
the last few years, tells Sylvest­
er Viereck, “ today the center of
gravity which determines world
power has shifted to the United
States. America is master of the
America probably COULD be
master of the world. But to de­
sire that mastery would be fool­
ish. To be masters of ourselves,
mind our business, develop this
country and increase the well-be­
ing of the average man, is a big
enough task.
The Prince o f Wales shakes
hands, by mistake, with a waiter,
best dressed man, probably, at a
business men’s dinner.
“ But, ?ir, I’m only a waiter.”
“ I don’t see that that makes
any difference,” says the Prince
shaking hands over again.
The tryant was annoyed when
Solon told him there could be
good government “ only when
kings become philosophers, or
philosophers become kings.” The
young Prince! leaves philosophy
to professors. But he knows that
royalties achieve permanency by
becoming democratic.
The conference at Havana, is
over. And, as Mr. Rogers says,
Uncle Sam is to be congratulated
on going into a con/erence with­
out losing anything; no battle­
ships scrapped to oblige nations
that couldn’t afford to compete;
no silly promise not to fortify
Guam, or do anything without
the consent of Britain, France or
Local Hikers Reach
Summit o f Mt. Wagner
A party o f hikers from the
normal school and the high
school succeeded in reaching the
summit of Mt. Wagner Sunday
morning after an all night hike
under the leadership of Wayne
Hells, head o f the science de­
partment of the normal school,
and Harold Allison from the R>-
cal high school.
Forty-eight students assembled
at the Plaza Saturday night at
7 :30 and took the trail to the
Skyline mine where they rested
for a few hours and ate before
continuing tl>5 climb. Several re­
turned to Ashland at this point
leaving 29 to complete the trip.
The summit was reached about
10 o'clock Sunday morning. Ow­
ing to the clouds the climbers
were unable to see much o f the
unrounding territory altho Mt.
Ashland was seen for a short in­
terval. The party did not remain
long on the summit on account of
the cold wind and the snow
which was over knee deep in
Gunny sacks brought
along for the purpose o f coasting
aided in the descent The weary
hikers returned to Ashland about
3 o'clock Sunday afternon.
M e d fo rd
M e e tin g —
About fifty young people o f the
■cal Fall Gospel Bible Standard
sttended the meetings Sunday
afternoon and evening in Medford
which were in charge o f Rev. Cro-
tier, who ended his successful
ampaign in that city Sunday
‘ v-niag with a most interesting
and spiritual meeting. He ia now
conducting a series of meetings
m Seattle.
Most Elaborate W edding
Ever Staged in Ashland
Held Last Night.
Notables From all Over
United States Arrive
to Honor Bride.
1 «
Monmouth normal school de
j haters won the decisions at both
! Ashland and Monmouth last
; night when they met the teams
| from the southern Oregon normal
l school. The decision at Ashland
I was one to two in the Visitors
The question under considera-
| tion was: “ Resolved, that for-
I eign investors and investments
should be protected only by the
government o f the country in
which the investment is made.”
and was upheld by Harold Lud-
wick and W’ illiam Tucker against
Mrs. Antonia Crater and Winn-
field Atkinson from Monmouth.
The visiting debaters were ac­
companied by their coach, Miss
Johnson and a time keeper. The
negative team from Ashland com­
posed of Riley Pittanger ana
Lester Beck met Mildred Leight­
on and James Adamson at Mon­
mouth but were unfortunate in
losing the decision.
In the presence of nearly 500
relatives and intimate friends,
Miss Arabella Snodgrass, last
night became the bride of “ O. U.
PoorUsh” at the armory, in by
far the most elaborate wedding
ever occuring in Ashland.
other words, the “ Womanless
The southern Oregon team will
Wedding," sponsored by Kiwanis also meet O. A. C. and the U. of
made its first of two appearances O. freshmen with the same ques­
last night, and delighted a packed tion for discussion.
Linfield college will meet the
This play, travesty or what­ local team sometime the first of
ever you want to term it, differs April, the normal affirmative
decidedly from most offerings team going to McMinnville. The
presented by local talent and is question for this debate is: “ Re­
not to be judged by the same solved, that the effort in Ameri­
standards. The cast of eighty, all ca to give a college education to
men, acquitted themselves nobly the masses should be abolished.”
and consistently pleased all seers
and hearers.
Heres the story: The butler ad­
mirably portrayed
b y Fred
Homes, says, “ There’s going to
be a wedding here tonight.” and
that is all there is to the plot.
The guests arrived in a blaze Registration
Will be
of*glory, at the fr<JBT~6f fife ar-'
Closed on the Seventeenth
mory, and made their perilous
o f March.
way to the runway leading to the
stage, in character, ffom the first
There are only 4 more days in
On the stage each did his stuff which to register.
for the few minutes allotted to close* on March 17. Those who
him and then took his position have not signed up for the pri­
in the circle, as befits courteous maries will lose out in the spring
wedding guests.
According to the new
To attempt to single out any ruling voters ■will not be allowed
one or two, for personal comment to be sworn m as in preceding
would be unfair to the others so . years. At the last minute usually
admirably did they each perform about one-third of the popula­
their alloted task. For that rea­ tion would appear at the polls on
son the entire cast is again re­ election day and have to be
peated in order that those who sworrf in, making all the extra
were unable to attend may know fuss and trouble when it would
who so creditably portrayed their require but a little extra time
assigned parts.
when on the way to work or while
Butler, rred Homes; punch shopping down town to sign up.
girls, Earl Crow, Lawrence Port­ According to reports from those
er; present takers, Cleo Howell, in charge o f the different voting
Harsld Teale; weeping mother, precincts, a great many have not
Arthur Taylor; comforting fath­ only not registered this year, but
er, Fred Carson; bad boys, Guy have neglected this duty for a
Good, Dom Provost; Ikey Rosen- number of years. The fact is de­
stein, C. C. Robertson; old maid plorable, but can be mended with­
au;>i, W. M. Wright; bride’s in the next few days, if not, the
grandfather. Lew Hanson; bride’s right to vote will be forfeited.
grandmother, J. W. McCoy; Char­
les Chaplin, Lloyd Crowson; un­
cle from Talent, Geo. B. Crap- Tw o Ashland Bovs
in School Orchestra
sey; aunt from Talent, Geo. Ross;
twin sisters, Dan Kay, Millard
The University o f Oregon or
Grubb; Fritz Kreisler, “ Ebe”
Dunn; Montgomery Ward, F. D. chestra will appear in a special
Wagner; Mrs. Ward, J. W. Beck; program at the local Vining
Mary Pickford, John Ruger; theater on the evening of Wed­
Haughty father, G. M. Frost; nesday, March 21. This will be
haughty mother, R. E. Detrick; the fourth performance given by
fashion plate, Dr. Burdic Jr; the college orchestra in a tour
henpecked father, Supt. Briscoe; o f the cities of Rn*eburg, Grants
devoted- wife, P. R. Hardy; Sis Pass, Medford and Ashland.
The musical body is popularly
Hopkins. S. A. Peters Jr; Harry
Lauder, Harry Yeo; Thomas Edi­ known as the "W ebfoot orches­
son, S. B. McNair; Mrs. Edison, tra” and under the management
Chas. W. Robertson; eountry | of Edward Best, will present a
cousin, Andy McGee; Pst O'Grsdy carefully prepared and varied
V. D. Miller; Rosie O’Grady, Wm program which has been especial­
Briggs; Annie Laurie, J. H. Mc­ ly arranged for the concert en­
Gee; Pres. Coolidge, Homer Bil­ gagements.
Marcus Woods, son of Dr. and
lings; Mrs. Coolidge, John P.
Daugherty; negro mammy, Ron­ Mr*. E. A. Woods o f this city, is
ald Lowe; baby sister, Tom Simp­ a member o f the orchestra, play­
Another local
son; Rastus, H. L. Claycomb; ing the clarinet.
Kentucky Colonel. Geo. Dunn; boy who has the distinction of
his lady. Dr. Crandall; flapper* being a member o f this noted mu-
o f 1928, Dick Joy, Barney Mil­ *ieal body is Lawrence Wagner,
ler; John D. Rockefeller. J. B. j son of Postmaster and Mrs. Fred
| Saunders; Mr*. John O., Homer Wagner, the trumpet being the
Elhart; Gen. Pershing, D. H. ■ instrument used in the orchestra
Col. Lindberg. Robert | work by Mr. Wagner.
Morris; Theda Bara. Ralph Bo­
Aiez Lavon o f Applegate val­
wen; Henry Ford, W n. Rice;
Mrs. Ford, L. A Roberts; grooms- ley fiad» 942 gold nugget on
placer claim.
(Contmued on p if t 2)
T Y . O R E G O N . T U E S D A Y M ARC H 13, 1926
‘‘YVomanless Wedding” Director
Possesses Uncanny Memory
If you were to be introduced
to 76 people in three days time,
people that you had never seen
or heard of i.eioie, how i.iany do
you think you would i «member
well enough to pick them out in
i a crowd and call them by name?
Miss Dorothea Jacob, director of
the Kiwanis play the “ Womanless
| Wedding,” staged last night at
the armory, can meet innumer­
able people, call for a rehearsal,
and as the men come in call them
j by name, not their first name
necessarily, because she never
lets her association with; folks
get on a personal plane.
How does she do It? That was
the question that was asked her
this morning, as she was combin­
ing a late breakfast with an early
lunch, after a strenuous evening
of supervising the makeup, and
costuming of 73 Ashland men,
and then seeing that they carried
out their part in', a manner that
would do justice to a veteran of
the stage, and this after only
three rehearasls.
“ It is really very pimple,” was
her reply. “ When I meet a man,
I associate his name with his
business, and with the role that
he is to be cast ia, Every man
has some definite e lharacteristic
his height, his shoulders, hi*
nose, his eyes or r hpir, there is
always something about him that
is easy to remenibe^. Then asso­
ciate this feature with the name,
makes it eomparatfselv easy.”
"E asy?” We were dRiit skep­
tical. It did not sound so^easy.
“ Well,” she went on to explain
“ I always have been interested
in people, and it seems since I
1 was a little girl I could remem-
, bcr names quite well, then since
i 1 have been out on the road con­
ducting shows o$ this kind, that
association o f names and faces
| has become rather a stock in
: trade. I have to do it. When I
leave a community 1 attempt to
forget all of the names and have
I my mind fresh and clear for the
next town.”
Miss Jacob first became inter­
ested in dramatics when just a
very small girl. She was assigned
the part of a pickaniny in a min­
strel show that was put on at her
home town, Acklin, Iowa. After
finishing high school, she attend­
ed the state university at Iowa
City where she specialized in
dramatics. Completing her work
there, she had charge of the
dramatic department of several
schools and three years ago, she
accepted her present position
with the Simpson Levie company,
owners and originators of the
“ Womanless Wedding.”
So there you are men, there is
really nothing to get egostical
about, just because a charming
young lady whom you have met
but once remembers you so well.
There are seventy or eighty
others that made just the same
kind of an impression as you did,
and she did not remember you
because of your fatal beauty, oh
no, not at all, she remembered
you because you fit in with her
general scheme of things and if
you didn’t happen to match up, would
just too had,you
probably wouldi.’t be remember­
ed five minutes.
W ill H a w Open House at Store
and Models at the Vining
A fashion show wiih a num­
ber of Ashland’s most charming
women and girls will ttke place
at the Vining theatre on the
evenings of Thursday and Friday
of this week depicting the very
latest and best in spring styles
from Enders’ department store.
The trend of fashio i will be
plainly manifest in the new
spring frocks of personality, the
classic English tweed ensemble,
the smart sport tailored suit,
coats that arc Paris favorites,
chic headliners from the ultra
chapeau to the tailored straw and
felt hat for sports wear, the flat­
tering new footwear in the popu­
lar color groups, and all the ac­
cessories that make the easter
outfit most complete, such as the
newest purses.the latest novelties
in jewelry and lengths of silken
hosiery will be disclosed to the
patrons of the Vining on these
two evenings and all for the regu­
lar price of admission.
Enders’ Spring opening will
take place on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week, when
the public will be privileged to
see the many charming novelties
and everything conceivable in
the spring apparel for men, wo­
men and children. Living models
will appear disporting the new
spring apparel for men, wo-
days of the spring opening.
According to Mr. Enders, this
will be the largest assortment of
spring garments and accessories
that has ever been shown in the
Rogue river valley, and a record
crowd is anticipated.
Countv Specialist Here on
Firat Regular Visit to
Orchardists and Vege­
table Growers Urged
to Bring Problems
“ Jackson county
have every reason to expect a
bumper crop this year,” was the
cheering message of L. P. Wilcox,
county agent in charge of the
horticultural division, who is
making his first of what will be
regular trip* to Ashland..
Wilcox will devote every Tues­
day to this community and will
have his headquarters at the
chamber of commerce.
The county official explained
his original statement further by
declaring that the rain fall of last
year was so abundant that it gave
the trees every opportunity to
sequre a healthly thrifty growth,
which has resulted in excellent
The only thing now that could
bring disappointment would be
the frost hazard, and the official
explained that this hazard did not
bother the Ashland orchardists
as much as it did those residing in
the upper Rogue river valley.
Mr. Wilcox will devote the ma­
jority of Tuesday forenoon to
meeting those who have prob­
lems in his line at the chamber
Washington Chambvr o f C o m ­ of commerce office, and will at­
merce and Hotels to Send
tempt to keep the afternoons
free in order that he may spend
as much time out in the field as
Sometime during the month of necessary.
April the Southwest Washington
Orchardists, a n d
Hotels Men’s association
growers are urged to avail them­
representatives from the cham
selves o f the opportunity to con­
ber of commerce will visit Ash­
sult with this specialist.
land, according to an announce­
ment made in the lust issue r f
the Pacific Northwest Hotel High SchocA Student*
Make Plan* for Prom
This trip will be in the form
The seniors and juniors of the
of a get acquainted caravan and local high school are eagerly an­
while the exact number to be on ticipating the annual senior-jun­
this trip is not known, it is known ior prom which will be held in
that representatives from Aber­ the ball room o f the Lithia
deen, Hoquiam, Longview, Che- Springs hotel on the evening of
halia, Olympia and Tacoma cham­ Friday, March 16.
ber of commerce will be on the
The prom this year is expected
trip as well a* representatives of to be more brilliant than those
the various hotels in this same held in former years.
Hager has the affair in charge
A ".tend
Meeting at Grants Pr ss
O. A. C. Band Will Giva Special
Music at A rm ory Sunday
A f t e rn o o n .
Mesdames W. H. and S. i'. Me
The Oregon Agricultural col­
Nair, Henry Enders« Cliff Jenk­
ins and Will Loomis motored to lege band comprised of 42 men
Grants Pass last Saturday morn­ under the leadership o f Raymond
ing to attend the regular month­ Coopey, will arrive in Ashland
ly meeting of the Daughters of Sunday morning, March 25 at
the Nile, which was held in the 10:55 a. m. and are scheduled to
Masonic hall in that city.
A give a sacred concert Sunday
practice was held in the hall in afternoon at the local armory
the morning and was followed under the auspices of the Battery
by a delightful luncheon at the B company boys. •
Del Rogue hotel, at which over
This noted musical body is
sixty ladies were in attendance.
composed entirely o f the stu­
The order met at 2 o’clock at dents o f the Oregon State college
the Masonic hall in regular ses­ and has won quite a name for it­
sion with Queen Rena McNair self under the capable direction
The boys are
presiding. Plans were discussed of Mi-. Coopey.
and formed at this time for the making a tour of the cities of
entertainment o f the supreme northern California where they
queen, Mrs. Helen Cramtr of are scheduled to appear in con­
Buffalo, New York, who will be, cert arui before different educa­
present at the ceremonial which tional and business organizations.
is scheduled to be staged in Ash­
Ashland people are fortunate
land this coming Saturday. Mrs. in being granted the privilege of
Cramer will arrive on the evening hearing this superior musical or­
train Saturday Trom the south ganization.
and will be in attendance at the
They will remain in Ashland
evening session where she will over Sunday leaving on the fol­
pay her official visit of inspec­ lowing Monday morning at 11:25
tion. A number o f the officers for California.
and members of Zuleima temple
have arranged a dinner in her
Hadfield Services to
honor at the Lithia Springs ho­
be Held Wednesday
tel at 6:30 p. m. before the
evening meeting.
In the evening a small class | passed away
his home
will be initiated into the myster­ on
ies of the order, at which Mrs. Monday morning.
He was 79
Rena McNair, queen o f the local years o f age at the time of his
temple will have charge.
A death and had been a resident
short program will be given in of Ashland for a great many years
connection with the ceremonial Death was due to diseases attend­
and light refreshments will be ant with old age. Mr. Hadfield
served lata ift the evening.
was born in England in 184H and
On Sunday, the supreme que< n, came to America when a young
Mrs. Cramer, will leave fpr Med­ man, coming to Ashland from
ford where a luncheon will be the eastern states and settling in
given in her honor at 12:30 Ashland a great many years ago.
o’clock at the Medford hotel. A The deceased is survived by his
number o f local ladies belonging wife and three children, Ralph
to the Zuleima fFmple o f the Hadfield and Edward H ts . t '• of
Daughters o f the Nile will ac­ Ashland and one aughter, Mrs.
company Mr*. Cramer to Medford Rush of Talent and four grand­
to attend the luncheon.
Mrs. children. Service« will be held
Cramer will leave Medford in the Wednesday afternoon at the
evening for Portland where she family residence at 2:30 o’clock,
is scheduled to visit the Lydia with J. P. Dodge in charge Rev.
templa o f that city.
Dunham, minister of the local
Baptist church will deliver the
Coquille gets city mail carrier last rites and burial will be made
ie the Hargsdine cemetery.
Excursionists Urged
to Notify O ffice
A large representation o f lo­
cal people will take advantage of
the special 910 round trip rate
offered by the Southern Pacific
company to San Francisco and
return on Friday, March 16 to
March 21.
It is necessary that local rail­
road officials he notified at the
earliest possible moment, by those
contemplating the excursion, in
order that provisions may be
made for reservations both on
the sleepers and chair cars.
Special attractions will be o f­
fered this week in San Francisco
with John McCormack featured
in a concert at the Civic auditor­
ium, “ The Shannons o f Broad­
way” at the President’s theater
and many other attractions equal­
ly brilliant in their particular
line may be enjoyed by those
making the trip.
and is being ably assisted by the
following students who are work­
ing on sub committees: Mildred
Moss, Grace Coombs, Norma
Brower. Nettie Dunn, John Bil­
lings and Walter McDonough.
These different committees are
working out the line o f entertnin-
ment for the annual event, and
while plans are somewhat tenta­
tive at present, it is known that
there will be art hour’s program
consisting o f musical numbers,
readings and other interesting
features. Dancing will be enjoy­
ed following the program with
Dom Provost’s three piece orches­
tra providing the music.
tables will be prepared in an ad­
joining room for the benefit of
those who do not core to dance.
Patrons and patronesses for
the occasion will be: Mr. and
Mrs. George Briscoe, Mr. and
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mr. and
Mrs. V. O. N. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. McNair. Mt. and
Mrs. B. B. Kalis, Dr. and Mrs.
F. G. Swedenburg, Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Joy, Mrs. Louise Perozzi,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Galey, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McGee and Mr*.
I. R. Bateman. The entire high
school faculty will be honored
guests of the affair.
From Dwnsmtair.— Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Ruger arrived in Ash­
land Monday morning and are
staying at the home o f Mr. Ru-
ger*s parents on Alida street for
a few days, following the burial
of their little son who passed
early Sunday morning at their
Seaside had ten fire* with 91,-
home in Dunsmuir.
165 loss during 1927.