FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928 T ELL THE FARMERS OF SOUTHERN ORECON WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL, BUY OR RENT THROUCH THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OF THE ASHLAND REGISTER. THE RESULTS ARE SURPRISING! c LASSIFIED AD Dr. C. E. Shinn D entistry Rate*: One cent a w ord fir*» in*ertic h alf cent a w ord thereafter WANTED WANTED— Team work, plowing or any kind. Phone 251-R, 311 Mountain avenue. C. W. Fra­ ley. 84-10 W A N T E D — Fox terrier puppy, write box A B , care the R egi­ ster. 84 tf FOR SALE— Large turkey gob­ bler. Phone 30F11. S5-3t Residence 151-L O ffice Phone 151-J Phone 48 460 B olevard A*hland Ore. Citisene Bank Bldg. Residence Phone 184 READ OVER THE REGISTER’S CLASSIFIED AD­ VERTISEMENTS, THEN WRITE US A LETTER Beaver Really Co. PHYSICIAN I K. TELLING IN NOT MORE 4 THAN FIFTY WORDS I FOR SALE— Klamath county po­ tatoes, $1.50 a sack. Inquire THE ADVERTISEMENT YOU LIKE BEST Nobles, 20 Lincoln Street. 85-6t FOR RENT— Five room furnish­ AND WHY? ed house on Fifth street. Call Hardy Bros. 87tf FOR SALE— Hatching eggs from pedigreed hens and pullets, $2 FOR RENT— S room furnished per 15. A. Beat Freeman, 112 FOR EVERY LETTER PUBLISHED WE WILL PAY house. Inquire Hardy Bras. Nutlsy st. 7>tf 81-tf THE WRITER $2.00 FOR BBNT: Apartments for rent FOR SALE: Maxwell Tour. 1*21. Gosd esndtioa. Cash $43.09 or Esquire 107 East Main street. Terms $39.00 See at 117 8th FOR RENT: Five room furnished 9 9 -T house, 239 Second street. In­ TH E A S H L A N D R E G ISTE R quire at 713 Oak street. FOR SALE— Bronze Turkey gob­ blers. Mrs. W. F. Ditterbrandt, FOR RENT: Furmanea uouss. Phone 30F11. ...85-3t* Holmes Grocery. FOR SALE— $1000, cash balance APARTMENTS 6 per cent will secure this double house, modern conven­ FOR RENT: Two furnished 3 iences, completely fur. Live room apartments. Close in with to be fed is provided with an Charter No. 5747 Reserve D istrict No. 12 in one side, rent of other will garage. $18 per month. Phone R E P O R T O F CO N D ITIO N O F TH E opening just large enough to al­ carry all. Below cost. Good lo­ 9F11 or 105 74-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK cation. Phone 284-R. 86-3t low the lamb to crawl through. TO T R A D E A t Ashland in the State o f O regon at the Close o f Business on A self feeder or an open trough FOR TRADE— Modern house, two February 28, 1928 WANTED to trade a Victor lots, all kinds o f fruit, to trade is arranged so the lambs cannot RESOURCES Dollars Ct». phonograph in good shape for 1, a Loans and discounts ................................ $ 547,612.82 fV>r small acreage. 163 Auburn get into it. A supply of grain can 2. Overdrafts, unsecured ........................ .............. 119^95 a cheap organ in good condi­ street. Ashland. 82-1 It be kept in this. A convenient 3. U. S. G overnm ent securities ow ned: tion. Inquire house, 90 Seventh creep can be made by placing a a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds) FOR RE N T O R FOR SA L E St. 86-2t par value) . $100,000.00 panel across an usused corner of b All other United States Government se KESLER’S Reds. $20.00— We are 18 acre tract, part irrigated, the premises. An opening for the eurities (including premiums, if fenced rabbit tight, crop, wheat lambs to crawl through can be hatching Rhode Island Red any .......................................... $201,133.93 Total ............................................................... ................... alfalfa, fruit; berries; ‘ took, made by placing two upright rol­ baby chicks every week. Or­ 301,133.93 4. O ther bonds, stocks, securities, etc., ow ned chickens, sow, goats. good lers somewhere in the panel just «18.I8S.94 der early to get good dates, 6. Banking H >use, $11,732.91; Furniture and fix­ buildings, 5 room new bunga­ far enough apart. $20 per 100. Kesler’s Trapnest tures. $1,599.30 ................................................... 16,332.21 low. Good well soft water One good grain mixture is Red farm, Route 2, Box 22. 7. Real estate owned other than banking house 11,481.97 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank pumped to house and gardens. nine parts ground oats and one 66,673.72 1 mile north of Medford limits 76,526.28 House part furnished 1-4 mile part linseed oil meal. Another 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national banks on Pacific Highway 86-9t 11. Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust from city, rent with first privil­ ration is two parts coarsely companies in the United States (other than includ­ FOR S A L E M ISC E LA N E O U S ege to buy. See or write. P. J. ground barley, one part oats, one ed in Items 8, 9, and 10) ......................... ........... 88,801.73 Amer. • 83tf part wheat bran and one-half part 13. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as kOR SALE— Bred to lay Leg­ reporting bank (other than Item 12) 1,278,55 FOR SA L E O R E X C H A N G E oil meal. The equipment must be horn and Reds; state certified, Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 $166,606.5« WELL IMPROVED 12 acre kept clean and free from soured, b Miscellaneous cash items diarrhea tested; any age, 1 day 222.04 ranch, non-irrigated, on high­ spoiled or dirty feeds. Even 15. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due to 1 year; fair prices. Lyons from U. S. Treasurer ............................................. 5,000.00 way. Terms or part exchange where lambs are feeding on dry brooders nearest to perfect. C. Priced right, inquire of own­ food in an open trough there is F. Carpenter, Star Rt., Med­ Total *1,533,367.14 er at 120 Gresham St. Ashland likely to be slobbering which ford, Oregon. 86-9t LIABILITIES Ct». Oregon. 86-3t* causes the food to sour in the 19. Capital stock paid in ........................... ................... Dollar» 100,000.00 FOR SALE — Fertilizer, well trough. Cleaning at regular inter­ 20. Surplus fund ........................................... ................... 30,000.00 FOR SA L E R E A L E S T A T E $ 39,279.95 rotted. Phone 251-R. C. W. vals will avoid digestive disord­ 21. a Undivided profits c Less current expenses paid 4,276.01 35,003.94 Fraley, 311 Mountain Avenue FOR SALE: See Ashland Realty ers among the lambs. 22. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc., a ccru ed ................ 4,841.28 87-lt for Reliable Realty. 74-tf 23. Circulating notes outstanding ........ 97,645.00 As the moisture requirement 28. Cashiers checks outstanding 8 808 26 Total of Items 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, FOR SA LE age, wood house, and chicken for incubation in Oregon is quite 5. 100x200 lot on paved st. Ce­ and 29 ................... $ 8,808.20 house. \ mile to R. R. station confusing the experiment station D em snd deposits (o th e r than hank dep osits) su bject ment sidewalk and water piped and H mile to high school. to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) : on lot. very cheap for a quick 7. Duplex house all new and fur­ suggests that probably the eas­ ............. 393,852.16 sale. nished. Lot 60x172. a bargain. iest method is to compare the 30. Individual deposits subject to checks 26,465.32 6. 26 acre dairy farm, well 8. 8 room house, furnace heated size o f the air cell of the eggs 31. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days stocked and all necessary farm large sleeping porch, fireplace with that of eggs at the same in­ 32. State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge o f assets o f this hank and surety bond 254,851.95 machinery to run the fartn. and many built in features. cubation period under hens. Total o f demand deposits (other than bank de­ Nearly all in alfalfa, good Lot 84x200. posits) subject to Reserve, Items 30. 31, 32. house o f 6 rooms, barn that Call at 96 Laurel St., or 33, and 34 $674.169.43 will hold 50 tone of hay, gar­ nhone 289-J.J MAN H A N G S BY LEG FOR Tim e deposits su bject to Reserve (payable after 30 FOUR HOURS BONES C R A C K days of subject to 30 days or more notice, and FO R SH E R IF F LA M B C R E E P C O N V E N IE N T postal savings); I hereby announce my candi­ FOR G IV IN G E X T R A FEED Forest Steeves, a resident of 35. Savings deposits (including time certificates of deposits) ...... .......................................... 580,903.78 dacy for the nomination of Sher­ the Port Orfcrd vicinity, while 38. Postal savings deposits ........................................... . 1,996.45 iff on the republican ticket, sub­ Where a sheep owner plans to cutting limbs from a tree, was Total of time deposits subject to Reserve. Items 35, ject to the primary of May, 1928 market his lambs at a certain caught by one in a crotch o f the 36, 37, and 38 *582,899.2» for Jackson county. I have been time and his ewes are not produc­ tree and suspended head down­ Total $1.533,367.14 a resident o f Jackson county the ing milk enough to make them ward, unable to extricate him­ past 40 years and a taxpayer and fat it pays to provide a lamb self. Mr. Steeves found him two State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss: I, J. W. McCoy, Cashier o f the above-named bank, do solemnly if nominated and elected will en­ creep to which the lambs may hours afterwards, and being un­ swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge force all the laws without par­ run and get supplemental feed able to release him, went three and belief. tiality. Charles D. Stacy, route in the form of grain, advises H. miles for help and the man hung J. W. McCOY, Cashier four, box 11, Medford, Oregon. A. Lindgren, extension fieldman two hours longer. He was taken Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day o f March, 1928. 83-16t pd in animal husbandry at the to the Bandon hospital where (SEAL) BELLE F. GILLING8. Notary Public CORRECT— Attest: two bone» above the ankle were state college. Bids will soon be asked on big E. D. BRIGGS, A small compartment to ac­ found to have been broken,__ new Fenton building at McMin- W H. McNAIR, Coos Bay Harbor. comodate the number o f lambs ville. THOS. H. SIMPSON, Directors I Dr. Charle* A. Haine« Physician and J REAL ESTATE ASHLAND. OREGON FO R R E N T HOUSES >1 « CHIROPRACTIC All Drugless Methods Attractive Good Cara Reasonable General Office Practice DR. ANGELL C ■son evenings by appointment HERE IS A CHANCE TO WIN $2.00 FOR SALE— We are exclusive distributors for Winan’s Baby Chicks and Elmer Morrison’s trap-nested White Leghorns. — Mutual Mill & Seed Co., Phone 269 Medford. Or. 86-8t SOUTHERN OREGON SANITARIUM M. Beaver Tel 68 176 E. Mam 8L Ashland, Oregon Surguea Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L O ffic e Hon ret 10 to 18 A. M— 2 te • P. M. Hershey Building JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Established in 1888 The Only Compie*« Title Sys­ tem in Jackson County A bstracts o f Till* and Titlo Inaurarne* AaMhnd, Oregon Dr. W . J. Crandall O steopathic Ara you | ois| to B ay or B uild £ Ham* in Ashland f T T W r it« JO H N B .SH E L E Y Central Point, O ragaa fo r L O A N 9 -1 9 your County A gen t fnr thn BsuafH Saving* A Loan AsanciatWn We make loans on town prop­ erty anywhere in the cotuzly. Physician and Surgeon Eyo, Ear, Nosa and Throat Office Phone 120 First National Baak Building REAL ESTATE G ood City fo r C ountry — Buys and T rad«* — F. L. NUTTF.P 7-Hl 8. Mais Ashland, O regon MISCÊEÂNEOUS G. W . Gregg. M. D. Citizens Bank Bldg. Office Hour* 10-11 A. M. 2-6 P. M. The WINSOME Phones 99 (offiae) 222-R(res) Kindergarten and Nursery D. M. BROWER. M. D. 133 Hargadine Ave. Uses Radio Heat Theraphy in connection with other measures in treating dis­ ease. Office at Residence. Mrs. Nellie Sielaff Teacher 1 216 Central Ava Phone 498-R Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. W e Do All Kind« of Interior Decorating You will find all kinds o f wall paper and paint to make your home look like new’ this spring. Best Paints, Best Workmen J. O. RIGGS Phone 172 NO FIR S T FLO ORS Pari».— A new traffic solution i» the suggestion that busy streets be enlarged by doing away with the first floors o f all buildings, replacing them with pillars be­ tween which vehicles might freely pass. PLEASED A T H IS A R R E S T Princeton, N. J .— The police pension fund has received a gift af $25 from a motorist who was ■o pleased with hi» treatmeat C O A L . W O O D and S T O R A G E Packing, Crating and Sliipplag Long Distanca H auling AUTO FREIGHT TERMINAL Phone 117 Office 89 Oak S t ----------------------------------------- C L IF F B U R LIN G A M E fa in t e r and ( caratar Papering, Ti ing Phone 4Sd M ONU M ENTS BLU E G R A N IT E Swan Blue Q uarry Co. S. A. Swan, Manager 1s now ready to render best prices on all kinds o f granite and c rm tls ry work. Apply P. O. Box 34, phone 68. Ashland Oregon.