The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 09, 1928, Page PAGETHREE, Image 3

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Don’t fail to attend the play
•Tony, the convict” prsented at
he schol auditorium Friday even
njr at 7:30. Admission is 35c, 40c
and 50c. The cast of characters
are: Tony, the convict, Clarence
Holdridge; the warden, Eugene
Howe; Judge Manord, L. P. Mil­
ler; Alice Manord, Juanita Mil­
ler; Mrs. Manord, Ollie Hart;
weary wayside, Frank Denham;
Philip Wargerton, Ira Hart; Miss
Sedley (an old maid( Alta Hart;
Jackson ( darky) Earle Bogard;
Salley (the maid) Lovella Long;
The dancing party given by
the ladies o f the Talent Commun-
ty^club last Saturday evening was
a great success financially as
well as socially. A large crowd
enjoyed the evening.
The prize
cake baked by Mrs. L., O. Peul-
and was won by Mr. Gettling of
the Suncrest.
Mrs. Kenneth Pettel and baby
and Jackulin Pettlet, who live
south o f Ashland, near the
junction, was visiting in Talent
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. W. C. Jones.
The following young people
spent an enjoyable evening at
the Louis C. Hill home Saturday
evening. Mrs. Hill gave a party
for her neice, Nell Hill and her
son, Wiley. The guests were: The
Misses Katherine Estes, Parthena
Burnette, Lilly Ferg, Esther Hold-
ridge Bertha Robison, Pauline
and Neva Byrd, Laura Tryer,
Ethel Maharry, Nell, Ila and
Opal Hill and Messrs. Lloyd Sim-
monson, Orville Burnette, Floyd
Long, Luther Crosby, Elmer
Byrd, Ira Hart, Robert and Max
Carter, Earle Bogard, George
Connor, Wayne Mason, Clarence
Holdridge, Wiley and Warren
Connor and Wiley HilL
There will be Sunday school at
the Baptist church next Sunday
morning at 9:45.
E. E. Cooke was a business
caller in Ashland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long were
business callers in Medford Tues­
Dance at
Move in Popular
Mrs. Roy Brown railed on Mrs.
J. L. Neil Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Metcalf
made a business trip to Medford
last Friday.
Mrs. W. B. Beebe was a caller
at the R. Sheidereiter
home last
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, who
purchased the Crews place in
Bellview have moved out from
Ashland where they were former
Pat Spence and family are
here visiting relatives. They sold
their ranch last fall to Mr. Ipham
Pugh and have been spending the
winter in California and Arizona
They made the trip by auto
Mr. Spence’s children contracted
the chicken pox while on the trip
Mr. Wilton of Shale City was
in this vicinity the first of the
week on business.
Wade Wallis is busy hauling
hay for his livestock this week.
The fine rain Sunday was much
appreciated by the farmers and
fruit raisers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryandt
and Catherine o f Medford called
at the Marion Tryer h«me Mon­
day evening.
Word was received from Don­
ald Tryer from San Francisco,
that his hearing is much better
than it has been for three years.
Under the advice of the doctor
he planning to soon go to Arizona
for a year with a surveying crew.
Mrs. Luella Bowman o f Ash­
land spent Tuesday in Talent.
The Upper Valley Community
The regular church services at
the M. E. church next Sunday. club will meet at the club house
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. next
Prea:hing service at 11:00 a. m. March 14. A good program is ex­
All members
and 7 :30 p. m. Epworth League pected as usual.
at 6:30 p. m. Baptismal service should be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and fami­
at 11:00 a. m. and at 2:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday even­ ly have move<F onto the Williams
fruit ranch and Mr. Wiliams will
Mrs. Ed Robison and Mrs. live near the Bellview school
George Gilbrath were Medford house on the Brigg'3 place.
visitors Monday.
the Ashland Study club at her
Mrs. C. W. Long spent the day
home last Monday afternoon.
last Thursday with Mrs. Lawrence
The Bellview P. T. A. will hold
Wilson o f Ashland.
a cooked food sale Saturday,
The Talent Rebexah club will March 10th at Hardy brothers
meet with Mrs. Ed Foss next store.
Saturday afternoon, March 10.
Mrs. R. C. Metcalf, Mrs. Jones
The foundation for the play and Mrs. Sherfly of Ashland were
shed was completed last week visitors at the C. N. Gilmore home
and the carpenter work ia pro­ last Wednesday afternoon.
The high school boys
The Lithian’s of Ashland held
arc putting in all their spare time a dancing party at the Communi­
helping with the work.
ty club house last Wednesday
The ladies of the Community night. Refreshments o f cider and
club and the Camp Fire girls will daughnuts were served.
give a dancing party at the club
The little daughter o f Mr. and
rooms Saturday evening, March Mrs. Homer Moore, who has been
quite ill with grippe, is slowly re­
The Camp Fire girls will give covering.
a mother and daughter banquet
J. L .Neil has returned home
March 14.
Their service week from his ranch on Dead Indian.
begins March 12.
Guy Randles and family are
C. S. Roberts and family re­ living on the Avery ranch now.
cently moved from Hugo,. Ore.,
into the E. P. Hughes house on
Jackson county recently paid
Railroad street.
o ff $611,239 warrant and bond
Gus Beck and family moved debts.
from the J. A. Bickerdike place
into the Wakeman farm last
During 1926 and 1927, Klam­
ath Falls spent $716,923 on street
At the regular meeting of the improvements.
city council Tuesday evening a
committee from the Ladies club
New $250,000 Hotel Senator is
met with them to present the re­ opened at Salem.
modeling of the city hall.
Salem will buy fire fighting
council was in favor o f the move­
ment and will assist the ladies equipmnet for outlying stations,
to cut insurance costs.
in this much-needed work.
Mr. and Mrs. James Souel and
John Souel o f Medford attended
the dance given by the Communi­
ty ciub Saturday evening.
Mrs. Jean Estes arrived Friday
evening on train No. 14 from
Oakland, California, and spent
this week visiting relatives in
Talent and Ashland.
Mrs. Fred Cooke and Freddie
Jr., arrived from Tenant, Calif­
ornia, Saturday evening and are
visiting for a week at the E. E.
C&oke home and with her mother
Mrs. Long in Medford.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
church met with Mrs. E. T. New-
bry at Maple nook farm Thurs­
day afternoon.
| Wiley Jones arrived from
Crescent City Saturday evening
spending the week-end with his
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamb mo­
tored over from the
Agency Saturday spending the
week-end at the Tom Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Lamb at­
tended the dance at the clubroom
Saturday evening.
Mrs. C. W. Long called at the
F. F. Burke home in Medford
Tuesday afternon.
A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Beck Saturday
miming, March 3.
The Southern Oregon Mutual
Rabbit Breeders association met
at the Community club room last
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Selby S. Leep ar­
rived by motor Sunday evening
from Underwood, Washington.
They were house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Tyron until Thurs­
day when they left for Halfway
Oregon, near Baker, where they
adll locate.
Mrs. Leep ia Mrs.
Tyron's neice.
Mr. and Mr«. Fred Foster and
•on. Billy, who left the Suncrest
orchards a year ago and have
been living near La Grande. Or.,
Coo» Bay ports will ship II,-
Umatilla and Morrow county
returned Monday. Miss Smith of 000,000 worth o f Port Orford dairymen form cow testing asso­
La Grande accompanied them timber to Japan within six weeks. ciation.
spend the summer here,
• e y are now living at the San­
Harney county stockmen ship
Prison flax plant at Salem buys
e s t orchard.
more machinery to increase mill 55 cars beef cattle at 9 cents a
L. Bullen spent a few days
| pound from Burns.
:"r first of the week in Talent,
returning Wednesday to his work
"oar Coquille.
Lesley Vogeli left for Grants
***t Saturday to do some
JT>O w t K' n o v j NAttjAT T o -
»r.dscape gardening. He return­
t P o A 'O O U T -T v | i 3
ed home Tuesday.
' T ^ o T i k t M Î I ’ m s u 1? e t o
■trs. Wesley Vogeli spent the
=01*4 EY
Saturday with her daughter,
Mrs. George Briscoe in Ashland.
M ss-Grace Chapin o f the Sun-
cr»« orchard, came home from
Community hospital in Med-
[ord lMt Saturday. Miss Chapin
w improving very slowly.
^ r- and Mrs. Elton Beeson
*nd daughter returned last week
r° m Los Angeles, where they
***** the winter. Mr. Beeson is
° » the play shed at the
^boo’: house.
**T Pyrl Woodman o f Ray-
n o«d. South Dakota, is making
■n extended viait with his sister,
Mrs. R. B. Purves and daugh-
I ter were in town Tuesday.
M. E. Bradley was in Medford
last Monday visiting with Waiter
Mrs. R. B. Purves called on
Mrs. J. E. Sells last Saturday
Miss Margarette called on Mrs.
Eleanor Perkins Friday o f last
Mrs. Charles Loos was a Tal­
ent visitor last Monday. •
Among those in Ashland Tues­
day were Henry, “ Bill” and
Frank Kerby, E. G. Taylor, M. E.
Biadley, C. E. Green, Mrs. R. B.
Purves and daughter, Margaret­
| (Little Vivian Bostwick, who
te and Jerry Kengary.
S. Lynch, C. D. Purves and was quite ill last week, has al­
Curtis McGrew were engaged in most recovered.
Mr. and Mrs. William Glenn
branding cattle
last Sunday
were dinner guests last Surday
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Slagle of at the home of Mrs. Ida Neil and
Central Point were visitors at the Miss Anna Hargrove of Ashland.
Quite a number o f the Valley
home of their son and wife, Mr.
View children are out of school
and Mrs. H. T. Slagle Sunday.
Wayne Bradley and Howard this week on account of chicken
Combs called at the Purves' pox.
Mr. and Mrs. j. h. McCracken
Friday evening. The evening was
were business visitors in Medford
spent playing cards.
laat Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Purves and daugh­
Lavell Ferns o f Ferns Valley
ter, Mrs. Andrew Spich were in
was a caller at the different or­
Medford visiting last Friday.
chards in Valley View last Mon­
Arthur Eastland o f Dorris, day, as a representative of hte
California, spent last Saturday Kimball Fruit company of Med­
night at the home of Mr. and ford.
Mrs. G. A. Briner.
Mrs. J. F. Arnold spent last
Henry Kerby recently sold one Tuesday in Ashland visiting with
car load o f cattle and one car Mrs. Blanche Arnold and family.
load of sheep to the Roseburg
The all-day meeting of the
Stock company. He also sold five Valley View Community club
head o f very fine horses.
scheduled for Thursday, March
James Purves, who has been 8 has been postponed until Tues­
very ill at his home for the past day, March 13.
six weeks, was removed to the
community hospital in Ashland RHUBARB FINDS FAVOR
laat Saturday to have his tonsils
removed. It has been reported by
members of the family that he is
Rhubarb is particularly desir­
improving nicely at this writing. able in season because il comes
Ted Flury o f Anderson creek before any spring fruit, says Mrs.
called on C. D. Purves last Tues­ Jeasamime C. Williams, profes­
sor of food and nutrition. It is ex­
Those attending the dance at cellent as an appetiser, having a
Talent last Saturday evening tart, stimulating flavor. It ia es­
were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Green, pecially welcomed in parts of the
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Suich, Mrs. country where there is little
E. A, Purves, Mr. and Mrs. O. fresh fruit in winter.
M. Gaddard, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Rhubarb is rich in all minerals
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kieth, especially calcium, phosporous
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Robertson, and iron, being twice Ah rich as
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knighten, strawberries in calcium and iron.
Mrs. H. L. Sommers and daugh­ It contains a small amount of
ter, MariA Jesse Williams, Roy vitamin C.
Snooks, Howard Combs, Cleona
Rhubarb may be used attract­
Fowler, M. E. and W. L. Brad­ ively in place o f apples fo* Brown
ley, “ Bill” Gleims, Mrs. Eleanor Betty. Arrange in a pudding dish
Perkins and Curtis and Elroy Mc­ alternate layers of bread crumbs
and rhubarb cut into small pieces.
Glenn Abbott was In Talent Sprinkle sugar and nutmeg over
Tuesday on business.
each layer and dot top with but­
H. L. Lynch and daughter,
ter. Bake in an oven until brown.
Eleanor and Jean Ellen, were in
Rhubarb Betty is good served
Ashland Saturday shopping. Miss
Margarette Purves was in Med­
Apple Aphids will soon make
ford Wednesday on business.
their appearance in Oregon. The
M. W. McGrew of Talent haul­ standard spray for aphida is
ed a load from the home of Mr. nicotine sulphate, three-fourths
and Mrs. G. A. Kerby.
of a pound to 100 gallons o f so­
Ted Flury spent last Saturday lution, applied in the pre-pink of
evening with D. W. Bradley.
late dormant stage, says the ex­
C. D. Purves called at the periment station. Better results
Bradley home last Monday even­ are obtained some years by de­
laying this application until the
Mrs. Fred Cook o f Tenant, early pink stage or until the blos­
California, was in Talent and som bods are separate from each
Wagner creek visiting relatives other
and friends. She formerly lived
on this creek before she was mar­
The pear and apple blister
1 mite in Oregon can be controlled
Mr. and Mr». Clarence Miller , by applying lime-sulfur 12 to
of Fresno, California, are visiting | 100 any time in the spring be-
at the home of Mr». I.
Brad­ j fore the buds open, according to
I station authorities.
ley this week.
with a hard sauce.
If one lives on a farm and has
plenty o f cream, Rhubarb Fool is
Prepare sauce with one
quart o f cut up stalks and one
pint o f sugar. When cooked rub
through a sieve, return to the
fire and stir 10 minutes. Cool
and then mix with one pint of
thick cream and serve immed­
Rhubarb is delicious as a pud­
ding baked for a long time. The
bright red rhubarb is also attrac­
tive when it is served as a vjb
stitute for strawberries in a
ing 418,825 words, has bene con
pleted at a cost of $1,500,000.
New Tillamook national bank
will open about March 15.
New Coos County American
and Guerin building are under
way at Myrtle Point.
The oily tastes of mayonnaise
may be removed by mixing with 1
each cup o f mayonnaise one-half
cup of cream, stiffly beaten, ad­
ding one-fourth teaspoon each of
salt and paprika.
Strong flavored vegetables as
turnips, cabbage, onions and
cauliflower are best cooked in
much water with the lid o ff to
allow escape o f gases.
Cortland, N. Y.— Sixty sorority
members of the State Normal
school were quarantined
one member developed scarlet
At an initiation cere­
mony, she is said to have kissed
every other member.
Kansas City, Mo.— Firs men
robbed a bank here o f $4,000, us­
ing a sub-machine gun and pis­
London.— After 70 years o f la­
bor, the new Oxford dictionary,
consisting o f 12 volumes contain-
88 6
Ashland Armory
March 12-13
8 :3 0 P. M.
Reserved seat sale begins at Elhar’ts 10 A . M.
Reserved Seats, 75c
General Admission 50c for adults
and High School Students
Children 35c