The Ashland register. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-19??, March 06, 1928, Image 1

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    Eugene, Ore
V *f O, lu**«« Or«**«
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n ¡ i '*
M ijm l, of
F ora
Ik ,
H sa sss
lo Soatkera O rsgoa
Crew Tells of
C f l D KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Member of Trip
of the Bear
17,000 Y E A R S F R O M S T O N E
Thotaas A. Edison says he is
really 162 years old, because he
has done two day’s work every
day of his eighty-one years.
He did ten thousand years’
work when he changed man’s
lighting system from kerosene to
electricity. His habit o f working
two days in one accounts for the
fact that mentally he is forty,
not eighty-one.
An active mind stays young in
man or woman.
Women grow old prematurely
because badly organized civiliza­
tion gives them nothing to do ex­
cept talk and dress when their
children are grown.
D is trict
C h a n c e llo r
M e d f o r d W a s Installing
O fficer.
£ m ¡ | p e ;| \ y j l l
p|a y
th c
Part of the Bride at
Womanless W e d ­
Ashland lodge No. 117, Knights
of Pythias, installed officers last
Friday night at their regular
meeting in. the I. O. O. F. hall.
Harry Hainey, district grand
chancellor of this district instal­
ling. Officers installed for the
new term were:
H. E. Briggs,
chancellor commander; L. E.
Dunkerson, vice chancellor; M.
P. Dunn, master of work; S. W.
Baugh, prelate; M. D. Richardson
keeper of records and seal; L. A.
Roberts, master of finance; E.
W. House, master o f exchequer;
Julius Koch, master at arms, E.
W. Howell, inner guard and
Orra Angle, outer guard. M. P.
Dunn, being the retiring chan­
cellor commander.
Following in installation, Grand
Vice Chancellor Stanton Rowell,
Grants Pass, o f the domain o f
Oregon, who was present deliver-
1 ed a very fitting address for the
occasion and was followed by
several talks on the order by
different members who were pres­
ent as well as visiting Knights
from adjacent towns.
At the close of the meeting re­
freshments were served in the
dining room by the Pythian Sis­
ters. At the next meeting to be
held Friday night, March 16 the
Sisters will initiate three mem­
bers into their order and all Sis­
ters, memebers of the local or­
der, as well as visiting sisters
and brother Knights are request­
ed to be present as the meeting
will be an interesting and in­
structive one.
Last Tuesday the first instal- i
B r e e s e Springs Up.
ment o f the interesting story o f I While anchored at Point Bar-
the ship “ The Bear” and its | row, a westerly breeze sprang up
cruise in the Arctic, was told by I and five of the whalers that were
. without auxiliary power and un-
John Nordstrom, local resident
able to get east to the point in
and an officer of the ship. To­ time to save themselves, were
day is presented another chapter crushed in the ice. The flow ice
of the story.
in the Arctic has a depth of 20
feet for every foot above water,
In the year of 1888 we had thus it can easly be seen what a
a short but exciting cruise in Un- tremenduous pressure a twenty
alaska, where we always re­ mile floe will have when once set
fueled on our way north.
We in motion. After strenuous work
fell in with the U. S. S. Shitia, we managed to rescue the crews
Commander 150 men some of them with
Emery ia command and Lieuten­ their belongings, and take them
ant Schwerin as executive offi­ aboard for a passage to San
cer. Lieut.
Schwerin shortly Francisco, the most difficult
afterwards resigned and married problem being to find sleeping ac­
Miss Huntington, daughter of commodations for so many. It
Collis P. Huntington, more fam- became necessary to enlist all of
iliary known as “ the octo­ them and make them sign the
pus,” and president of the South­ ship's article for 10 cents a month
ern Pacifci railroad. Both Emery and have them stand watches,
and Schwerin were wealthy, in four on and four o ff.
This was
fact Lieut. Emory was rated a only one of the problems con­
millionaire. These two men want­ fronting us, another was how to
ed some excitement for the get them on deck when watch
Fourth o f July, so a boxing con­ was called.
At first we had a
test was arranged between a number of fist fight# on our
man by the name of Healy on the hands every four hours but as
Shitis and Dan Kagan, the there were only two small slush
"mountain kid" o f the Bear. We lamps below deck, we found it
knew our man had a cinch and neither pleasant nor profitable.
backed him accordingly. Boxing The “ mountain kid” was a coal-
contests at that time were gen­ passer and had nothing to do with
erally fought under the London the troublesome task, so the
prize ring rules with bare fists. captain rated him ship's corporal
John 1« Sullivan fought his first with full authority to run the
battl" under QueenB^ury rules in lower deck. The kid needed only
1892, using the padded gloves, a little backing and a baseball
this was the first time he lost bat, and after a few watches had
the championship to James Cor­ the situation well in hand. Be­
bett. Healy must have been in a fore we arrived in San Francisco
wonderful condition to stand the he had become very popular with
punishment he received. His body the bunch, and when he left the
was covered with bruises from ship he had several bags of furs
the waist up and we were all glad and curios which had been pre­
when he yvas dropped for the sented to him by his newly found
sixth time and unable to rise shipmates. .
again. He remained in bed and
Start for Arctic.
was stflT-*under the doctor’s care
On the 15th day o f June, 1889
1 when his ship had left the harb- we started for the Arctic loaded
( or. he then committed suicide by down to the scuppers with build-
I jumping overboard.
C o n t i n u r d on P . f . 3
Eskimos, within reach of civili­ G R O O M IS M Y ST E R Y
zation, sell their valuable furs to
white traders and wear coats of Director to Not Announce
leather and cheap, ready-made
Name of Groom Until
suits. They can sympathize with
Time of Play.
some farmers that sell cream and
butter to cities and eat oleomar­
The cast for the “ Woman-
less Wedding,” home talent play
to be sponsored by the Ashland
“ Flaming y o u t h,” dancing, Kiwanis club and to be presented
drinking or shootiag worries at the Ashland armory on the
other countries also.
Lawyers nights of March 12 and 13 will
from Japan, France and Britain be as follows:
Butler, John Fuller; punch
are watching a Berlin murder
trial. Hans Krantz, aged nineteen girls, Earl Crow, Lawrence Port­
helped his young friend, Scheller, er; present takers, Cleo Howell
and Scheller’s sister, Hildegard, and Harold Teale; weeping, mo­
to pass an evening pleasantly with ther, Arthur Taylor; comforting
dancing, tobacco and much drink father, Fred Carson; bad boys,
Hildegard, told the girl’s brother Guy Good and Dom Provost; Ikey
he ought to kill Stephan. He did Rosenstein, C. C. Robertson; old
maid aunt, W. M. Wright; bride’s
it, then killed himself.
The question is, did Krantz grandfather, Lou Hansen; bride’s
commit murder when he told his grandmother, J. W.
friend, “ Avenge your sister’s Charles (^haplin, Lloyd Crowson;
uncle from Talent, Geo. B. Crap-
honor by killing the man?”
sey; aunt from Talent, George
Americans talk today of many Ross; twin sisters, Dan Kay and
things— prosperity, politics, as­ Millard Grubb; Fritz Kreisler,
Fred Homes; Montgomery Ward,
sorted crime«, sports.
News that will interest future f , D. Wagner; Mrs. Ward, J. W.
generations is the fact that actual Beck;'haughty father, G. M.
moving picturs^of human beings Frost; haughty mother, R. E. Det­
were sent through the ether, rick; fashion plate, Dr. Burdic
without wires, across the Atlantic Jr.; henpecked husband, Supt. Only T h r e e Sta tes S t a n d H ig h e r
Briscoe; devoted wife, P. R.
in W e a lt h P e r
Human beings actually saw each Hardy; Sis Hopkins, S. A. Peters
other, separated by three thous- ! ^r- : Harry Lauder, Harry Yeo;
Thomas Edison, S. B. McNair;
and miles o f water.
Oregon is one of the six states
If that is done by a race only Mrs. Edison, Charles W. Robert­ with per capita wealth in excess
17,000 years from the Stone Age, son; country cousin, Andy Mc­ o f $4,000, and rank under only
who can doubt that a million Gee; Pat O’Grady, V. D. Miller; the states of Wyoming, South
years hence our race will see pic­ Rosie O’Grady, J. H. McGee; Dakota and Iowa. The state of H o s p ita l O f f i c i a l s B e lie v e A u t o
A c c i d e n t V i c t i m W ill G et
tures, coming through the ether, Pres. Coolidge, F. H. Walker; Nevada leads the whole country
W e ll.
Mrs. Coolidge, John P. Daugher­
of life on other planets.
with per capita yealth o f $7,299.
ty; negro mammy, C. R. Bowman;
while the figvre of Oregon is
Hospital officials predicted at
Mr. Bonfils, through his Den­ baby visitor, Tom H. Simpson; placed at $4,374. which is in ex­
ver Post, tell the world he wants Rastus, H. L. Claycomb; Ken­ cess of Nebraska and California, noon today the recovery of nine
“ every family in the United tucky Colonel, Geo. Dunn; his the other two states i nthe $4,000 year old Louis Dowler, who sus­
tained a fractured skull Sunday
States to own a H»me, automo­ lady, Dr. Crandall; John D. class.
afternoon, following the auto
bile and radio” because, “ this Rockefeller, J. B. Saunders; Mrs.
The total wealth of Oregon is collision on the Pacific highway
would tremendously increase the John D., Homer Elhart; General
^computed at $3,775,000,000 and near the Homer Barron ranch.
happiness and prosperity of our Pershing, D. H. Jackson; Colonel
Lindberg, Robert Morris; Theda represents only its tangible, phy­ At the same time, Mrs. Grace
Ralph Bowen; Henry Ford sical forms such as land and im­ Dowler, 35, mother of the lad
It would have seemed prepos­
provements, the equipment of in­ had several ribs broken, his
terous in Rome to suggest that Wm. Rice; Mrs. Ford, L. A.
Clyde dustrial enterprises and farms, grandmother, Mrs. Jeff Widner.
anybody but the Emperor and a Roberta;
livestock, railroads and public 65, was "severely cut about the
few o f the great should own a Young, Otis Johnson, Homer Bil-
utility land and equipment, per­ face with many painful body
bathtub. There was serious pro- i Hngs, Russel £ rip e ; best man, C.
sonal property, motor and other bruises, alj three people were
test against installing the first ; E* Hedberg; bishop, B. C. For-
vehicles, but excludes gold and taken to the local community hos­
bathtub in the White House, on [ >*ythe; Paderewski, A. C. Joy;
silver coins and bullion, credits pital where they are receiving
the ground that it was not demo­ bridesmaids, Louis Stewart, Evan
and currency.
medical attention and are thought
The Bonfils trinity of Campbell, Ted Fleming, A. M.
Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, to be on the road to recovery,
comfort— home, automobile and Peters, Chas. Brooks, Duke O’­
radio— for every family will be Neal and Bill Holland; maid of South Carolina and Arkansas are though Mrs. Dowler is suffering
realized, plus
freedom from honor, Harold Allison; matron of at the bottom o f the list. The per a nervous breakdown as an after
worry in old age, more important honor, Wayne Weils; flower capita wealth of the state of shock.
girls, Wilbur Redford and Geo. Washington is $3,727, while that
than the other three.
The accident occured when a
Schroeder; page, F. F. Whittle; of Idaho is $3,506. There are no Lincoln sedan, driven by Claude
ringbearer, E. T. Staples, BRIDE, eastern states in the higher Morris, colored, and the Willys
Hold Tryouts For
Knight sedan driven by Jeff
High School Play EMIL PEIL; groom, Guess Who;
trainbearers, C. B. Austin and
Widner, 35, o f Medford, collided.
Hoover Manager Is
Lloyd, the ten year old son of
Tryouts for the 'anrual high Lewis Dodge.
school play took place at the se­
Ashland Visitor M t . Widner was on the front
B irt h d a y Caka T h u r s d a y .
seat with his father and escaped
nior high school Monday evening
On Thursday, Mrs. E. R. Isaac
State Senator Fred E. Kiddle with only a severe shaking up.
with Miss Dwyer in charge. The
decisions for the leading character will wield a special knife over the o f Unioa and Wallowa counties, Mr. Widner’s chest was badly
parts will not be made known for giant birthday cake, that Isaac and state campaign manager for bruised when he was violently
a few days, and the other mem­ store has displayed in their win­ Herbert Hoover was an Ashland thrown against the steering wheel
The cake is an attractive visitor Saturday.
Mr. Kiddle is
bers of the cast will be chosen dow.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris, young
j one and this feature of the sale, on a state wide tour organizing colored people from San Francis­
The name o f the play this ! which has become an annual event Hoover supporters, and while co, bound for Portland, were hurt
Mrs. Morris sus­
.pring is to be
Clarence,” will be the high mark {a SB ia- j here left petitions with T. H. very slightly.
Mr. | Simpson, for the purpose of tained a cut finger. Mr. Morrisi
a Booth Tarkington play, and tensive week o f selling.
those who Tiave read the Booth Isaac has announced that extra i circulating them in order to place said to be responsible for the
Tarkington stories may be sure special bargains will be placed on i electors for Mr. Hoover on the j accident by reckless driving,
was placed under arrest by C. P.
to enjoy a rare treat. The Tark­ sale Thursday.
Talent and his case heard Mon­
ington plays sparkle with wit,
O n Bu sin e s s . — Julius Koch left
Vis it s F r ie n d s . — Mrs.
Dobbin day morning in Judge Robert's
situation, human interest and the
Monday morning for Gilliam Irwir of Klamath Fails spent the court, where he plead guilty and
touch of pathos.
It is understood that the usual | county in eastern Oregon where week-end in this city visiting was placed under a $1000 bond,
sized cast will participate, with he will spend several days on a friends. Mrs. Irwin formerly re­ and ordered held pending later
rehearsals to commence as soon combined business and pleasure sided in this city for a number developments o f injuries to the
trip and from there will go to of years, moving to the Klamath small boy. Should death occur to
as the cast has been selected.
Centralis, Wash., to attend to city a year ago, where her hus­ the lad, manslaughter charges
Rock quarry opened on North I business. Mr. Koch will be gone band is employed by the South­ would probably be preferred
ern Pacific company.
oa Pa** 9
about two or three
'<o<fs river tv? jetty extensions.
in Arctic
S p e cia l
C o m m i t t a e Is N a m e d
W o r k W i t h C it y
O fficials
Major C. A. Malone, chairman,
Dr. W. J.* Crandall and William
Briggs, was the committee nam­
ed to assist the local chomber of
commerce in the securing and
constructing of an airport in the
near future, at the regular busi­
ness meeting of the Lithians
which occured at the Lithia
Springs hotel Friday, March 2,
with a 6:30 dinner preceding.
Among other important matters
taken up at this time was the
new set o f by-laws that was adop­
ted by the body. Other plans more
or less tentative were discussed
and will be revealed when more
fully formulated.
H o ld
S p e cia l
During this week a elosing-out
sals of men's working clothes will
be held at Miller’s Toggery dur­
ing which time, many bargains
will be on hand while making
way for a complete new line of
clothes of this nature.
Left for Califoraia.— John and
Bert Mattern left iaat week for
Oakland and San Franciaco, Cali­
fornia, where they expect to lo­
F r o m Y r o k a . — Misa Mildred
Kaegi visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kaegi on the Buolevard
over Sunday, returning to her
home in Yreka late Sunday even­
Klamath Falls Visitor.— Odejl
O'sen of Klamath Falls spent the
week-end in Ashland visiting old
school mates and friends, return­
ing to his home early Monday
H o r a b r o o h M o a Visit*.--- Chas.
Quigley of Horabrook was an Ash­
land rial tor Saturday.
E le c t io n
O fficer.
H e ld at R e g u la r S a t u r ­
day M ea lin g.
Election at the local Elk lodge
last Saturday night resulted in
the following: Exalted ruler, J.
Andrew McGee; esteemed lead­
ing Knight, C. E. Hedberg; loyal
knight, 1. R. Fridegar; lecturing
knight, James Schiffer; secretary
J. Edward Thornton; treasurer,
P. Provost. Representative to the
grand lodge which will be held in
Miami, Florida, in July, is Past
Exalted Ruler William M. Briggs,
alternate, Dan Applegate. Trus­
tee for a term of three years,
Butler Walker.
The election was carried on
with a spirit o f good natured
rivalry. One feature of the even­
ing was the re-election of “ Dad­
dy” Provost to the office of
treasurer which he has held con­
tinuously for more than twenty
years, and that o f the secretary
held by Mr. Thornton for fifteen
The anniversary committee re­
ported at this time that plans for
the coming celebration were well
under way, and it is expected
that the largest and best affair
that has ever been staged in the
local temple will take place this
Next Score of Sixty-five
Is Turned! in in First
T ournamen t
Second Golf Meet W ill be
Started Tomorrow and
W ill Last a W eek.
The result# of the first golf
tournament to be held by the
Ashland Gold club were announ­
ced today, with H. B. Bentley,
winner o f first prize, with a net
score of 65 for eighteen holes.
Bentley’s handicap was originally
eighteen, and with the new score
his handicap has now been placed
at thirteen.
Frank Jordan and E. B. Poyer
tied for second place with a net
score of 68.
Poyer’s original
handicap was placed at sixty and
with the new score his handicap
was reduced to 56. Frank Jordan
had a handicap of 32, and with
the new score had it reduced to
H. K. Tomlinson made a net
score of 69, for third place and
S t a g e C o m p a n y ’ s F ir st P a s s e n g e r
now has a handicap of 25 as com­
A ir p la n e L a n d s at Med­
pared to a former 28. J. W. Mc­
fo rd Sunday.
Coy won fourth place with a
Among the seven hundred peo­ score of 70 and had his handicap
A. C.
ple Sunday, who waited with sur­ reduced from 40 to 38.
prising patience on the Medford Ninineger placed fifth with a
aviation field, in a steady down­ net score o f 71 and Fred Engle
pour of rain for the arrival of playing below his usual standurd
the B. A. C. H. large passenger placed sixth with a net score o f
monoplane owned by the West 7:i.
Coast Airport company were Mr.
Bently was
awarded four
and Mrs. John Dougherty, Mr. Spaulding kroflite golf halls for
and Mrs. W. P. Ridley, Mr. and placing first Hnd the two men
Mrs. F. F. Whittle, Mr. and Mrs. tied for second were given two
W. H. Sams, H. J. Targar of golf balls each, while the balance
of those who placed were given
The big air liner arrived much one.
later than schedule time.
The next tournament will start
pilot stating that due to the tomorrow, and will end one week
dense blanket o f clouds covering from today. All golfers are urged
the valley, they missed the field to enter these tournaments #o
altogether, proceeding a number that through a process of elimina­
of miles beyond Medford before tion definite handicaps can be
realizing their mistake.
One of given each individual golfer and
the smaller plans in company teams selected for competition
went straight on north and did with neighboring cities.
not attempt lighting
The complete score of those
Local people were much de­ entered will be found on page 4
lighted with the furnishings and of this paper.
all the luxuries of the modern
up-to-date ocean liner or parlor W ife of Local
car, deluxe were manifest.
Bov Is Dead
This air liner is equipped and
intended for the service o f ten
Word was received early thi'a
passengers. Under the manage­ morning by Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
ment of the Pickwick com ^ ny, Long o f the death of their
a regular schedule for air travel daughter-in-law, Mrs. Raymond
will be established from Seattle Long, who passed away at her
to Portland, from San Francisco home in Stockton, California,
to Los Angeles anil from San Monday. Nothing definite re­
Francisco or Sacramento to Port­ garding the cause of her death
land. While the air travel through was learned.
the valley will not have a regular
Mr. and Mrs. Long are leav­
schedule for a few months and ing this evening for Stockton
the first trips are mostly experi­ where they will remain with their
mental, there is a certainty of son for a number o f days.
Mrs. Long was Miss Marie
this kind of regular travel in the
near future.
Reese o f Modesto, before her
marriage to Raymond Long, less
Visit ia Califoraia.
Mrs. than a year ago. They have been
Frank Fehige of B atreet left residing in Stockton where Mr.
Sunday for California where she Long i# employed.
Mr. Lang is well known
will spend several weeks with
friends and relatives.
in Ashland where he has many
friends among the younger set,
Former Local Girl.— Er min a who are extending their sympathy
He ia a
Selby spent the week-end in this for his bereavement.
city visiting with friends. Miss graduate of the local schools,
Selby formerly resided in Ashland later attending California col­
with her parents on Third street, leges.
but is now residing in Dunsmuir
C a lif o r n i a . —
where her father is employed by
the Southern Pacific company. ; Misses Delphine Sackett and
Pearl Wardle returned the lat­
From Dsssmsir.— Mrs. C. O. ter part of last week from Stock-
Cottor o f Dunsmuir is spending | ton and Sacramento where they
a few days in Ashland with her spent several days visiting rela­
■inter, Mrs. Bomar, who ia em­ tive*.
ployed at the Lithia Springs hot»!
Taloat Maa.— Molile Oleen of
and with local friends. Mrs. Cot­
ter formerly resided in thie city Talent was tra near tin* business
affair* ia Ashland ea Monday.
far a number *f