THE FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1*28 C O M M E N T ON SP O R TS (B y Sheridan ►---------------- o For the eighth consecutive William T. Tilden, 2d, is -'ven first place among Ameri- an tennis players by the U. S. jiwri Tennis association. Among he Women, Helen Wills gets the remier position from which she as deposed last year by illness, rs. Molla Mallory goes back to econd place. Among the men, ittle Bill Johnson, the fiery Californian is “ not ranked due to .insufficient playing data.” ere are the first ten players singles for J>oth sexes: 4 -ear, M an'« 1927 Singles. William T. Tilden, Philadelphia. Francis T. Hunter, New Ro­ chelle, N. Y. George M. Lott Jr., Chicago. Manuel Alonso, Philadelphia. John Hennessey, Indianapolis. John Van Ryn, Orange N. J. Arnold W. Jones, Providence, R. I. John Doeg, Santa Monica, Cal. Lewis N. White, Austin, Texas. Cranston W, Holman, San Francisco, Cal. W om en ’ s 1927 Singlet. Miss Helen Wills, Berkeley, Mrs. Molla Mallory, New York. Mrs. A. H. Chapin Jr., Spring- field. Mass. Miss Helen Jacobs, San Fran­ cisco. Miss Eleanor Goss, New York. ^Mrs. J. D. Corbiere, New York Miss Penelope Anderson, Rich­ mond. Miss Margaret Blake, Boston. Mrs. E. H. Roesser, New York. Miss Alice Francis, Montclair, N. J. Tilden’s winning o f the top position sets a new mark for consecutive rankings, although the late William A. Lamed won first place eight time from 1901 to 1911 excepting 1904 and 1906 inclusive: The placing of Hunter in second place is justi­ fied by his record here. His play a road, while not considered, was also excellent. In D untm uir. — Mrs. Frank Dean left Wednesday for Duns- muir where she will visit her husband who is employed by the Southern Pacific in that city. L ongview O fficia l* H ere. — Guy Mrderson, passenger traffic man­ ager o f the Longview railroad spent several days in Ashland this week on business. F orm er R esident. — Mrs. Nettie Greene, who formerly resided in Ashland for many years was visiting friends in Ashland last week. Mrs. Green now resides in Oakland. From M edford. — Leonard Swenson of the Swenson furniture dealers in Medford was tranact- ing business in Ashland Friday. southwestern Canada, Washing­ ton and Oregon in behalf of Lighthouse organization work he officially took into the Foursquare lighthuose movement six churches including in that n umber the Klamath Falls temple and the Ashland Foursquare lighthouse, a result o f a two months revival campaign held by Evangelists Jimmy and Viola Lynd. Rev and Mrs. Lynd are to continue the work here for a few more weeks possibly. It is also planned to have them stay a week after the new permanent pastor arrives, during which a city-wide revival campaign will be launched. An official board was elected and a charter membership opened up with about a hundred signing up as active members. A charter will be granted the new church as soon as Mr. Goben gets back to An­ geles temple. Mr. Goben also an­ nounced that on his way back to Los Angels he has been dated up to take in nine churches who have been waiting to come into the Foursquare. The people are pleased over the results of the campaign and the church is starting with a young peoples choir o f 30 voices, a commissary where food and clothing are dis­ tributed to the poor, a Sunday school of over a hundred mem­ bers and. a packed house at each of the four services a week. The new church is known as “ the church of smiles.” prayer service Sunday evening 6:30 to 7.30. Evening worship at 7.30. Rev. Howard Gear will bring the message. Wednesday evening 7:30 evangelistic services Thursday afternoon 2, ladies prayer meeting. Friday evening, 7 :30, tarry meeting. We extend to all strangers and friends a hearty welcome to all serv ces in the church and we feel sure that you will find a friendship that is real in this homelike church. B HEAD Our Q U A L IT Y , our SERVICE, PRICES will satisfy you. and " A Rood place to trade” At Ry Crossing Phone 20 0 T3I F THE MONTHLY STATEMENT W hile bank-bookkeeping is so systematized that it is possible to give a statement of an account at any time, the general practice is for customers to get their statements on the first day of each mjnth. However, many people let these statements accumulate month after month. Still others get the statements but do not compare the balance shown with that on their check-book stubs. at the first sniffle, take one dose of RINEX and get relief guaranteed to relieve head colds in 5 hours or money refunded. For Hay Fever, Asthma, Head Colds, Catarrh 30 capsules, price This is a matter which should be attended to regularly and promptly, so that corrections may be made in your records and the possibility of overdrawing your account at any time be avoided. $1.00 F irst N ational B ank MNAIR BROS. Thé 3*% alL Sion V , ASHLAND ” COMMERCIAL ~ SAV L ILL Fair Prices and Full Value OREGON REAL • ÏNCS - SAFE DEPOSIT ARE A LW A Y S TO BE FOUND AT HARDY BROS. You W ill Always Be Glad You Gave Us a Trial Seed Potatoes]! Those Long Sweet are now in EARLY ROSE and EARLIEST OF ALL Stocks are short— Buy now! W ill soon be gone for another year Onions 6 lbs. for 25c Swifts Fancy Sugar Cured Backs................ 33c Clean New Parsnips, 6 pounds f o r .............. 25c Those Big Date Prunes, per pound .............. 10c Another shot at Standard Peas Mazóla Oil Quart cans 49c Only a few at this price only 13c a can SATISFACTION OF O UR F A M IL Y L A U N D R Y SERVICE IS T H A T IT COM PLETELY REM OVES TH E BURDEN OF W A S H D A Y W H E N ­ EVER W A S H D A Y M A Y COME. THE D A Y OF Y O U R NEED IS THE D A Y W E C A N HELP Y O U O U T OF Y O U R D REARIEST T A S K . Y O U R SA V IN G IN TIM E ALO NE IS G R EA TER T H A N THE COST OF Y O U R L A U N D R Y W H E N Y O U SEND IT TO US. PHONE US T O D A Y . our A s h la n d L u m b e r C o . COLDS Church o f the N a i.r e n e PAGE FIVE the Christian church and find a sterling thimble and four addi- the cake containa birthday hearty welcome at each service. tional gifts, making seven in venirs which will be given to Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Com­ number. In addition to the gifts ladies in attendance. munion service 11 a. m. followed by the morning sermon. Christian Endeavor secieties meet at 6:30 | p. m. Evening church service at | 7:30. The subject will be “ Is was right? What can I do to prevent war?” William B. Varney, pastor. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. Phone 165 ETTER HOMES are built with better lum­ ber— and that doesn’t mean high priced lumber either. BANISH in India and Africa. All junior boys and girls invited. Bible school 9:45 a. m. and Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. The seniors ex­ pect to double attendance this week. You be there. Mid-week serivce Wednesday at 7 :30 p, m. Spiritual gifts, 1 Cor. 11: 17-34. THE First Presbyterian Church. Take in Church. — Rev. John Goben, o f the Four Square Light­ houses, assistant pastor of An­ geles temple and also district or­ ganizer for Washington, Oregon and California delivered a ser­ rinoli on “ The Reign of Terror” to a packed house at the Four­ square Lighthouse on the Boule­ vard last Friday night. Rev Gob­ en chose his text front the 13th chapter of Revelation. He also read several clippings from the press to show how wonderfully, prophecy is being fulfilled. Dur­ ing Rev. Goben's six day tour of REGISTER Sunday school at 9 :45 a. m. T. S. Wiley, superintendent. At ISAACS CELEBRATE 11 o’clock morning worship with (Continued from Page 1) sermon. At 6:30" p. m. young people meeting. At 7 :30 p. m. the sale o f the store where they M ethodist Episcopal Church. praise service followed with the were employed by Mr. Vaupel. Morning worship at 11 o’clock, communion of the Lord s supper. sermon from the text “ Tomor­ Other" employees of the Isaac Evening worship at 7 :30. subject row, the Lord will show who are store are Mrs. Susie Thompson “ The Two Debtors.” Junior His and who is holy.” The regu­ and Mrs. Claudia Gass. Mr. Isaac makes a great event church for children from 7 to 13 lar mid-week prayer meeting will at 11 o’clock. Miss Pease in be held on Wednesday evening of the birthday anniversary each charge. Sunday school for all at 7 :30 p. m. A hearty welcome year. The huge birthday cake is now on display in the window and ages at 9:45. Epworth league at to all. P. C. Thatcher, pastor. will be cut aO the party on 6:15. Wesley forum at 6:15. Nor­ Christian Church Thursday March 8. The cake con­ mal students especially invited. If you are in Ashland and tains its usual five dollar gold Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ ing at 7:30. You are cordially in­ have no church home come to piece, the gold ring and the vited to attend all the meetings i of this church. You will be en­ couraged and helped by the Christian fellowship, the home­ like atmosphere, the Gospel ser­ mons and the excellent music. Strangers and visitors especially welcome. Come as you are. The temptations o f modern youth and the temptations of business men! Are these tempta­ tions included in those of Je­ sus? What can we do about them Full G o.p el Tem ple. These will be considered Sunday Sunday school 9:45. A splend­ morning when the pastor, Rev. id Sunday school for young and Hugh T. Mitchelmore speaks upon old, where the word o f God is the subjects, “ The Temptations taught in its simplicity. Morning o f Jesus.” worship 11 a. m. The monthly The Women’s Missionary so­ sacramental service all should ciety will hold their annaul praise make special effort to attend. service at 7:30 p. m. There will Young peoples meeting 6:30 p. be a missionary playlet. The pub­ m. The young people extend lic is invited. At 5 p. m. the Junior a welcome to all young folks to C. E. will have a streopticon meet­ attend these meetings. Special ing. Pictures of childrens work 384 Oak St. ASHLAND Fine New Dried Figs, white, per pound .... 15c All Brands Canned Coffee, per p o u n d ........55c Those 3 pound Boxes Crackers ................. 39c Potatoes are ing but we raise OUR for a few advanc­ will not PRICE days 11 lbs. for 25c 100 lbs.—$1.75 Hardy Bros. Special Coffee Saturday Only 2 pounds 89cj Trinity Guild Food Sale Saturday Save March 12 and 13 for the Kiwanis Clubs ‘‘W OMANLESS WEDDING” Armory / Hardy Brothers Double Stamps Saturday On Coat Sales COATS, $16.75 COATS, $19.75 COATS, $24.50 A new lot of extra good value Coats for Saturday selling. both Dress and Sport Coats are shown at this popular price. 15 new Spring Coats, dressy models and Sport Coats. COATS, *29.75 COATS, $39.75 COATS, $48.00 15 Dress and Sport Coats that look very much more than this price. Fur trimmed Sport Coat3 at this price look like much more. to $69.00 include hand­ some Dress Coats and better Sport Coats.